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Unwilling Desires: The Royal Court Series, #0
Unwilling Desires: The Royal Court Series, #0
Unwilling Desires: The Royal Court Series, #0
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Unwilling Desires: The Royal Court Series, #0

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When my best friend found me a college student babysitter, I didn't know what to expect. But it definitely wasn't the 21-year-old, 6'1" guy who's now taking care of my kids.


He's undeniably attractive, and these feeling are wrong.


These desires are unwilling, but they're there nonetheless.

PublisherHoney Armani
Release dateJun 20, 2024
Unwilling Desires: The Royal Court Series, #0

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    Unwilling Desires - Honey Armani


    The Royal Court Series



    Copyright ©2024 Honey Armani

    All rights reserved.

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, and recording or otherwise – without prior written permission from the author.  The exception would be brief passages by a reviewer in a newspaper or magazine or online. To perform any of the above is an infringement of copyright law.

    ISBN: 9798325031502

    Cover design by: Honey Armani

    Formatting by: Honey Armani

    Editing by: Honey Armani






























    Unwilling desires a Novella in the Royal Court Series and my debut book. It took me two weeks to plot and write this. UNWILLING DESIRES is a plotless Novella about a single mother and a college student. Please be aware that this book includes the mention of losing a spouse, mention of attempted rape (briefly and not by any main character), slight obsession and manipulation.

    This book is not made to follow any plot line but it is also not pure smut, if you feel like that’s not appealing then I urge you to just stop right here.

    If not then Xander is waiting...

    To my father who has been my support system through everything. Thank you for believing in me and forcing me to believe I can do anything.

    I love you.


    Wes Carson (Captain/King) - Setter

    Jackson Romero(Crow) - Middle Blocker

    Xander Larson (Knight) - Middle Blocker

    Simon Adams (Mercenary) - Libero

    Tenzi Sinclair - Outside Hitter/Ace

    Kiro Niver - Wing Spiker

    Kai Fior - Middle blocker

    Greg Davidson - Wing Spiker

    Lester Harrison - Wing Spiker

    Henry Foster - Defensive Specialist

    Zane Russell - Pinch server

    Celeb Santos - Outside Hitter

    Malik Sullivan - Middle blocker

    Alex Beckett- Opposite

    Nate Griffin - Setter



    Istand in front of the mirror, applying a final coat of lip gloss before returning it to its pouch under the sink. Maybe I should just stay home, I say to myself, feeling a sense of unease about the upcoming date.

    Ava's voice comes through the phone, playfully demanding and encouraging. No, we've been over this, Dee. Stop finding excuses not to do this. You need to get out. I roll my eyes good-naturedly, knowing she's right.

    Ava has been pushing me to get back into the dating scene for weeks and this is my third date since I started.

    Dating after being married was not fun, so far the men I’ve gone out with have been douchebags but Ava figured it was likely because we met them online.

    Why do I have to though? I'm fine with it just being me and the kids.

    Because you’ve had a stick up your ass for a while, and you need someone to fuck it deeper, so you benefit from being such a bitch to me. I chuckle, knowing she's only trying to help.

    It's been two years since my husband, Liam passed away, and it still feels like a fresh wound. He was– is the love of my life and going on with that very life seemed unfair because I couldn't even dream of leaving him behind.

    But it was something I had to do. I had the kids I had to be strong for, so I had to put my grief aside and make sure my children were all right. They were barely one when the accident happened so it was not something they could understand and I'm thankful for that. Telling them about their father would be for a time in their life where they can, but for now the twins were three and they’d be alright.

    Ava has been an amazing friend to me. That time of my life must have been one of the hardest and yet she stayed. Before the accident I never had many friends, maybe three, four but after I got so wrapped up in grief they started to distance themselves. The contact grew less and less between us until there was nothing at all and honestly I don’t blame them.

    Ava and her brother have helped me out in any way they could, from taking the kids to school to getting us groceries and even helping clean up and take care of us. So I am eternally grateful for them. Without their help lord knows what my life would have ended up like.

    I'm never a bitch to you, I respond, laughing.

    Agree to disagree. Now, do a spin for me so I can see how good your ass looks in that dress, she says, giggling.

    I spin around, showing off my dress, and Ava lets out a loud whistle. Fuck, woman, do I need to get kids for my ass to look like that? I laugh, feeling a boost of confidence.

    You’re good for my ego. I say cleaning the mess on the counter. As we chat, I hear Ella scream from downstairs, and then I hear giggles and more shouts. Kiss her, kiss her. She does that a lot, and it took me a while to figure out how to react.

    Is that Ellie? Ava asks, and I nod.

    She's trying to force them to kiss again, I explain.

    I swear that girl might as well be an officiant in the future, Ava says, laughing.

    Or a couples therapist, I add, snorting.

    The doorbell rings, and I check the time on my phone. It's after six, Oh, that must be Charlotte. I'll get her settled, then leave. Love you, I say to Ava, blowing her a kiss over the phone.

    Pfft, of course you do. Don't forget, suck his dick, Dee, Ava says, and I just hang up, not dignifying her comment with a response.

    I head downstairs to the front door,where Charlotte is waiting with a smile. Hi, Mrs. Ashleigh, you look nice, She greets. Charlotte or Charlie as she prefers to be called has been babysitting the twins for a couple of weeks this summer. She is amazing with them and they both like her. Ella, like me as a child, clings to people easily so it was easy for her and Charlie to get along. Eli on the other hand is more like his father, it takes time before he can comfortably be in your space. He only just recently came around to the teenage girl but it was only because she became a constant in his life.

    Thank you, sweetie, I smile in return, gesturing for her to come in. Ella is in the living room playing with her stuffies, and Eli went down a couple of hours ago. He has a cold, so he might wake up soon.

    I explain, I left extra masks and gloves in the bathroom if you feel like you need them when you deal with him.

    I lead her through the house, even though she's been here enough times to know where everything is. Don't let Ella fool you into giving her more ice cream, she already had a bowl this afternoon. It's okay to give Eli some, but not too much, seeing as he's sick. I explain, She listens and nods while I rattle off  the things I've told her a million times over the last few weeks.

    As we enter the living room I watch Charlotte kneel down next to Ella, who's trying to make her stuffed bunny and sloth kiss. 

    Ella jumps up and squeals with joy when she sees Charlotte. Charlie! she exclaims, and Charlotte chuckles.

    Hi, Ella Bella, did you miss me? Charlotte asks, and Ella nods excessively.

    and I smile at the sight. I watched them for a while before I realized it was almost seven and I needed to leave.

    When I head back to the kitchen to grab my bag, Ella is telling her about how annoying she found Eli was today. As I return to the living room, I see Charlotte helping Ella pick

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