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Daily Prayer Guide: Daily Prayer Guide, #1
Daily Prayer Guide: Daily Prayer Guide, #1
Daily Prayer Guide: Daily Prayer Guide, #1
Ebook70 pages35 minutes

Daily Prayer Guide: Daily Prayer Guide, #1

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About this ebook

These daily prayer guides are based on scripture, so you can pray boldly, confident you are praying for God's will.Each daily prayer guide contains 8 different prayers. The protection prayer should be prayed daily along with theothers.The other prayers are set by the day of the week, so you know which prayer touse.You have a new daily prayer guide for each week, giving you 4 weeks without repeating the prayers.

Release dateJun 12, 2024
Daily Prayer Guide: Daily Prayer Guide, #1

Anna K Payne

Anna K Payne loves a mystery. Her favorite movies include one-liners and things that explode. Her relationship with her Savior is her number one priority and her family come second.  But her passion and vision is to inspire hope, encourage others, love richly, and listen well through the strength of Jesus Christ. She seeks to inspire and encourage through her devotionals and cozy mysteries as well as aiding her family of writers publish their own books. Anna is the mother of three adults and she has been happily married for over thirty-five years. She invested over six years schooling her children at home. Then she volunteered at the local high school for ten years. She has one married daughter, one lovely son-in-law, and a cute grandson. Three cats and a kitten strive for premium napping space near her as she works on her computer. For more on Anna, see For a free Daily Prayer Guide, see To download free books, check out

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    Book preview

    Daily Prayer Guide - Anna K Payne

    Daily Prayers for 4 Weeks

    Daily Prayer Guide

    4 Daily Prayer Guides and a Prayer

    Anna K Payne


    by AP Creations


    © 2020 by Anna K Payne

    All rights reserved.

    For my family who prays, in the past, today, and tomorrow.


    JEREMIAH 42:3 Pray that the Eternal your God will tell us where to go and what to do.

    1 John 5:14 We live in the bold confidence that God hears our voices when we ask for things that fit His plan.

    How do we know when we are praying, according to God’s will? How do we have that bold confidence that God hears us and tells us what to do?

    These questions filled my heart when Ied the students’ high school prayer team. What did I know that I could help them pray with boldness?

    I started with simple things: 

    We shared prayer requests within the group.

    I gave them my email address for more privacy if needed.

    And soon, I sent an email to the group outlining the prayer requests, praises, and a short devotional.

    Before long, the prayers developed categories of specific requests for our church service, our church staff, our city and state, our leaders, and our students and their parents.

    From there, I added verses from 2 Corinthians and the Psalms as a guide to prayer. The Pauline epistles all share the prayers of Paul for the church.

    These daily prayer guides culminate months of research, writing scriptures into prayers, finding prayers in scriptures, and responding to promises in scripture.

    I hope this collection of prayers help you to become a bold prayer warrior. And you find yourself writing your prayers based on the scriptures and promises you need.

    Week One



    I PRAY the blood of Jesus, the protection, healing and love, grace and mercy that is part of the blood promises be poured out around my family (Names of family) to protect and provide healing and protection for them.

    I pray my animals will be protected and will be restored to me. I pray my house and property will be protected from pestilence (termites, spiders and other things of danger) and not run amuck with plants. I pray our house, fences, sidewalks, driveway and garage will be perfected – because the Lord perfects those things that concern me.

    I thank you, Father, that You keep our going out and coming in from this time forth and forevermore. As we acknowledge You in all our ways. You will direct and make plain and straight our paths. No evil will befall us, nor will any plague or calamity come near our dwelling.

    As we walk in the way of wisdom, we thank You that we walk on our way securely and in confident trust and we shall not dash our feet or stumble.

    Blessings for Those who Bless Me

    Lord, I pray You will be with my co-workers and bosses

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