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Rejected But Wanted: Book 3 The Final Battle
Rejected But Wanted: Book 3 The Final Battle
Rejected But Wanted: Book 3 The Final Battle
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Rejected But Wanted: Book 3 The Final Battle

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About this ebook

Aurora is an omega who wanted nothing but a peaceful life. She lived all her life suffering in the hands of the people she is supposed to call family.
But she had hope of being free and that's when she will clock 18 years,the day she would find her mate.
The day she has been waiting for finally approached.
Who is her mate?
Will she finally be free?
Will she finally be happy?
Read this book and find out about the life of this omega.

Release dateJun 13, 2024
Rejected But Wanted: Book 3 The Final Battle

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    Book preview

    Rejected But Wanted - Stephanie Benjamin

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 102

    Chapter 103

    Chapter 104

    Chapter 105

    Chapter 106

    Chapter 107

    Chapter 108

    Chapter 109

    Chapter 110

    Chapter 111

    Chapter 112

    Chapter 113

    Chapter 114

    Chapter 115

    Chapter 116

    Chapter 117

    Chapter 118

    Chapter 119

    Chapter 120

    Chapter 121

    Chapter 122

    Chapter 123

    Chapter 124

    Chapter 125

    Chapter 126

    Chapter 127

    Chapter 128

    Chapter 129

    Chapter 130

    Chapter 131

    Chapter 132

    Chapter 133

    Chapter 134

    Chapter 135

    Chapter 136

    Chapter 137

    Chapter 138

    Chapter 139 Epilogue ( the end)

    Chapter 102


    I don't why they are all trying to convince me to turn my back on my kind.I really appreciate what they did for me but can I really turn my back on the werewolves and what do she means that war is approaching.I am very confused right now as I don't know what to do anymore.I don't want to betray my kind nor do I want to betray the vampires too.

    Not knowing what to do again,I decided to walk back to my room.

    I had a room of my room now, thanks to Andrew.talking about Andrew, where could he be?is he angry with me because of how I talked to him earlier?.

    As soon as I reached my room,I sat on my bed.I was so lonely,I wondered how Janet and Dave was doing.they would think that I am dead.I really need to meet them,I miss them so much.

    During my recovery,I also learnt that I am the girl in the prophecy and I possess too much powers which I haven't learnt to control and to be able to control it for now,I have to get rid of the anger in my was hard for me but with the help of Andrew who was always there for me,I did it.

    There was a knock on my door interrupting my thoughts.come inI said and Andrew came in.I wasn't expecting to see him so soon,was he not angry with me?.seeing him,I didn't even know what to say to him.

    I just stared at him as he approached me,there was an awkward silence between us and I hated it.I mustered up my courage to apologize to him.

    I am so sorry for how I talked to you earlier,I didn't mean toI said to him.

    You don't have to apologize to me,I understand you and I won't force you into doing anything you don't want to,I understand that you have been through a lot and it's hard for you to love or give your heart to another manhe said to me.

    I was surprised that he was not angry with him,he was really a good matter what I do,he never stays angry with can I not fall in love with him when he keeps on acting like this.

    Thank you so much for understanding meI said to him and he smiled at me.

    But that doesn't mean that I am giving up on you,I will make you mine one day,I promise you thathe said to me.i was speechless as I didn't know what to say to him.


    Even though I was hurt at first when she acted like that towards me,I am fine now because I understand why she acted like that but I am happy now that she knows that I love her and I am waiting for her whenever she is ready.I can feel that she loves me but she doesn't want to accept that feeling.

    But do you love me?I asked her so I could confirm my thoughts.I could see the surprised Expression on her face.there was silence between us.she hesitated before she spoke.

    I love youshe said to me and my face lit up.but as a friendshe added.

    Are you scared to love again because of your past?I asked her and she nodded.I just want to let you know that all men are not the same,that guy who hurt you us really a fool for letting a girl like slip out of his hands,you are special and you will bring happiness and peace to any man you end up with and I want that man to be meI said to her.

    Thank you so much Andrew for everything you have done for meshe said to me.No,I should be thanking you for coming into my lifeI said to her and she didn't say anything.I could see the faint blush on her cheeks.I was right all along,she loves me.the only thing I should do is proving to her that I won't hurt her like her mate did.


    Aurora was uncomfortable with the discussion.she loved him but she didn't want him to keep talking about relationship stuffs.all she wanted was them being the friends they were.

    Seeing that she was now uncomfortable.Andrew decided to change the topic.

    So what are you doing here all alone, don't you want to go outside and take in fresh air?Andrew asked.

    I just had a talk with Saphira,Aurora said to him.

    What did she say to you?Andrew asked her.

    The usual talk I have been hearing since I came here,how to join hands and destroy my Kind,a war is coming and I should choose the people to side with,I am tired of hearing this ,I don't want to betray my kind neither do I want to betray the vampires who saved my life too, can't the two beings just patch things up between themAurora said to him.

    What you are wishing for is very impossible,the werewolves and vampires have been enemies for a long time and one of us must be wiped out during this warAndrew said to Aurora who was still confused.

    I have been hearing about war,what war?I don't understandshe said to Andrew.

    It seems it's time for you to know everything because there is no timeAndrew said to her and Aurora adjusted her sitting position while staring intently at him to know what he wanted to say.when Andrew saw that she was paying attention to him,he began.centuries ago,a war broke out,many beings were wiped out during that period,the werewolves were in need for help so Lilac a half witch and half werewolf decided to help them,she was the only way they could win the fight,they accepted but she would help them on one condition,they would accept her as one of them,they agreed,she sacrificed herself and her blood was used to win the war,that's how the prophecy came about

    Is this your first time hearing this story?Andrew asked her, seeing how surprised she was and she nodded.that's odd,are you trying to tell me that you don't know this story, everyone knows it and you should know it too because you are a werewolfAndrew said to her.

    I Know about the girl in the prophecy but I don't know her story,I didn't know it was this deep,Aurora said to Andrew.

    It's really funny that you don't know anything about the girl in the prophecy despite you being the one,he said to her.

    So how did you know this story?she asked.That's a really foolish questionAndrew said to her, laughing but Aurora was being serious.

    I am just surprised that a vampire like you knows the stories about the werewolvesshe said to him.of course I will know everything about my enemies so we will know how to strike themAndrew said to her.

    Why are the vampires enemies with the werewolves?she asked.The werewolves has always being our enemies according to my father,they betrayed our kind during the first war ,I myself didn't consider them as enemies because I considered it as things of the past,they became my enemy when they took my mother's life away from me,I will make sure they pay for itAndrew said to her.

    Can't they reconcile with each other?Aurora voiced out.Like I said,it's impossibleAndrew replied.

    What if they apologize for what they did,will you forgive them?Aurora asked him.

    Will you forgive those who hurt you if they show up one day and apologize to you?Will you forgive those that framed your parents if they decide to confess to their crimes?he asked her and Aurora was quiet.

    Aurora,their apology won't fix anything,it's too late to apologizehe said to her.

    I think you are right,I understand you now,I don't know how I would feel if I was right that my parents were innocent all along,I don't even know what to doAurora said to Andrew.

    So allow me to continue with my storyhe said to her.

    Chapter 103

    As I was saying,Lilac was a half witch and half werewolf but none of this kind accepted her as their own,she wanted to feel Among,she wanted to be loved so the werewolves made a promise that they will accept her after she sacrificed herself,the prophecy states that she would come again when the last war will occur,they waited for many years but she didn't come but she is here now, that means the war is approaching,you are the girl in the prophet,you should choose the people to side with,the vampires or they werewolvesAndrew said to Aurora.

    So this means that I am needed for the warAurora said to Andrew who nodded.

    This is your destiny, without you, every being and creature will be taken out of existence and evil will take over the realmAndrew said to her.

    If that is the case, what am I going to do to help?I really want to help the vampires in this warAurora said to Andrew who smiled at her.

    Does that mean you are turning your back on the werewolves?Andrew asked her.

    I have to choose between them and the vampires and I chose the vampires, afterall I never felt like I belonged when I was there,I feel whole here,you accepted me and treated me like family,I wouldn't want anything to happen to you peopleAurora said to Andrew who smiled.

    He was happy that Aurora was finally convinced to side with them.

    So how do I help?I can't even control my powers yetAurora said to Andrew.

    First of all,I will inform my father and Saphira about your decision and after that,you will start your trainingAndrew said to her.

    I want to ask you something,Aurora said to Andrew.Go on,Andrew replied.

    I want to see my friends,she said to Andrew.You mean your werewolves friends?he said to her.

    YesAurora replied.I am sorry to say this but you can't go back there if that's what you wantAndrew said to Aurora.

    But why can't I do that?she asked him.

    It's not safe for you,it's not good for your enemies to know that you are still alive,let them think you are dead, that's the only way you can strike them wellAndrew said to Aurora who kept a sullen face.

    I know they will be very sad,I just want to let my friends Know that I am doing fine, can't you help me?she said to Andrew.

    Aurora I am sorry if I can't help you out with this,you know I will do anything for you because I care about you but I wouldn't do anything that would put your life in dangerhe said to Aurora who kept a sullen face.

    I miss my friends and I know that they will be sad thinking that I am dead,I don't want them to live in sorrowAurora explained.

    Even if they are your friends and they love you so much,I am sure that they have accepted the fact that you are dead and has probably moved on

    Don't be too sure,you don't know my friends,they will never recover from thisAurora said to him.

    So you think it's safe for you to show yourself so that those who hurt you would know that you are still alive,you want to make them to be alert and plan more things for youhe said to her.

    I don't mind facing them now,I am not scared of them after allAurora replied and Andrew sighed.

    You can't meet your friends,I am sure they will understand later while you didn't show yourself to them even though you were alive,for now,let them believe that you are deadAndrew said to Aurora who was not having it.

    She has been thinking of a way to tell Andrew about her plans to meet her friends thinking he would agree with her but here he was refusing her request.she has made up her mind to Meet her friends already and no one was going to stop her.

    So are you trying to tell me that I will continue to hide like a Coward,I am not a coward and I won't hide anymore,I don't care if they know that I alive,I am not scared of them,all I know is that I want to see my friendsAurora said to him.

    This is not about being a coward,this is for your own good,this is for everyone's good,you would meet your friends but now is not the right time to do that,you have to be strong first and you need to learn how to control your powers and to be able to do that,you have some teachings and trainings to pass through,only after all this,then you can see your friendsAndrew said to her.

    There was a moment of silence as she thought of what to do.after much deliberation,she decided to listen to what Andrew said.

    Okay if you say soAurora said to him.thank you for your understandingAndrew said to her hugging her immediately which surprised Aurora,she wasn't expecting the hug.after some minutes he broke the hug between them.

    I want to ask you of somethinghe said to her.go onAurora replied.

    I told my father that we are together the first time I brought you herehe said to Aurora who was surprised.

    How can you tell such a lie?she said to him.

    My father hates werewolves Like I do and I was afraid he wouldn't accept you in his kingdom,I also didn't want people to hurt you,I did it to protect youhe said to Aurora.

    So?came Aurora's voice.

    I want you to act like we are together whenever he is aroundAndrew said to Aurora.

    Will he hurt me if he finds out that we are not actually together?was he only kind to me all because of you?she asked with a sad expression on her face.

    No,my dad likes you,if he didn't,he wouldn't accept you in the first place,I Know my dad well enough,if he finds out that we are not actually together,he will not hurt you but he will be sad and I don't want that to happen,I hope you understand where I am coming from.Andrew said to Aurora.

    I do,you don't have to worryAurora said to him and he smiled at her.

    Thank you for understanding,I will get going now,I have things to take care ofhe said to her before leaving the room.


    I have decided to make my own plans.there is no way I would turn my back on my kind,there are many innocent people there.I am only going to get back at those that hurt me and my parents and leave innocent people out of this mess.

    But that doesn't mean that I would turn my back on the vampires,they saved my life when I was at the point of death.they accepted me like family and treated me well.there is no way I would betray Andrew and his father who is like my family now.

    I know that there must be a way to unite the werewolves and vampires together.there must be a way and I will work on that,for now,I have to make them believe that I am with them on destroying the werewolves.



    The next day,Aurora was taking a walk around the palace when she bumped into Amelia who glared at her.

    Watch where you are going,Amelia yelled at her.

    I am so sorryAurora apologized to the unfamiliar person.she has never seen her in the palace since she recovered,she couldn't help but wonder who she was.

    She could tell that the woman was a noble judging from how she was dressing.she was a pretty woman and Aurora was sure that the woman was older than her.

    Meanwhile Amelia was not in the palace for a while now.she has gone home to take care of her father who was sick,he has recovered and that's why she came back immediately.

    She looked at Aurora who she recognized immediately,how can she forget that face.the girl who Andrew brought in,so the news was true that she has recovered fully well.she has not only recovered but she is healthy, beautiful and glowing unlike the pale thin girl she saw on Andrew's bed before she left for her father's house.

    Jealousy and Anger took over her as she stared at Aurora with hatred.

    Aurora also noticed the way she was staring at her,she was uncomfortable with the situation and she decided to leave instead of landing herself into trouble.

    Seeing that Aurora had an innocent look on her face,Amelia knew she was weak,she decided to pick on her.

    I am sorry once againAurora said to her trying to leave but

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