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Dark Alpha's Second Chance: Entwined by Curse
Dark Alpha's Second Chance: Entwined by Curse
Dark Alpha's Second Chance: Entwined by Curse
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Dark Alpha's Second Chance: Entwined by Curse

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"I, Mason Stormfang, Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack, reject you, Aliyah Raye, as my mate and Luna!" He growled, leaving me on the ground, whimpering in pain.
When my mate rejected me and cast me out of the pack, selling me to the annual auction of the Werewolf Council, I, Aliyah Raye, a rejected omega betrayed by all, found myself auctioned off to the highest bidder. Every hope was stripped away as I became a mere slave to the high-rank werewolves. I could do nothing but stand and listen to the lustful voices of my bidders. One voice silenced them all—the gauntlet hit the gravel, sealing my fate. And I became more than a commodity, more than an omega sold to the highest bidder. I became a possession of the most powerful and feared alpha in our world, the dark Alpha Zion Emberthorn.

He is known to be mate-less. So why do I, a rejected omega, feel a mate bond with the mate-less Alpha? Am I his second chance, or is he mine? Why does he hurt me yet keep me close? Why does he tend to my wounds only to break me all over again? (Book 1 of the series)

Release dateJun 14, 2024
Dark Alpha's Second Chance: Entwined by Curse

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    Dark Alpha's Second Chance - TITAN

    Chapter 1 Rejection

    As the party began downstairs, Lydia and I hurried down just in time. I gave her a quick nod, signaling her to go ahead while I checked on things.

    Lydia, with her long, chestnut hair tied back in a braid, darted through the crowd. Her hazel eyes flickered with concern as she glanced back at me, her friend amidst the throng of unfamiliar faces.

    She's the daughter of Beta Magnus, a towering figure with a stern gaze, but Lydia's warmth and loyalty made her stand out in the pack. She's the only one I trust since my own family turned their backs on me. They betrayed me, trading my freedom for their own gain when I failed to shift on my sixteenth birthday.

    My hands moved mechanically as I worked on the cake, the layers towering above me. It had to be grand; it was Alpha Mason's birthday, after all. But beneath the surface of calm concentration, anger simmered in my chest. I was an abomination in the eyes of my kind, condemned for a trait I couldn't control.

    So, what if I turned eighteen and didn't shift?!

    The waiters bustled around, setting up drinks and opening the bar. I was about to settle into a chair when Lydia burst in, excitement written all over her face.

    Hurry up! What are you still doing here? The party's in full swing. Let's have some fun! she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling.

    I wish I could, but I have to make sure everything's running smoothly, I explained, fidgeting nervously and shifting my weight from one foot to the other.

    Aliyah, everything's under control, and there are plenty of people around. If anything comes up, I'll handle it, Lydia reassured me, taking my hand and pulling me towards the party.

    Has Alpha Sir shown up yet? I inquired, mindful of my place as an omega, obligated to address everyone with respect.

    He'll be back before midnight. We've got an hour, Lydia assured me, her hazel eyes scanning the room anxiously. I nodded in agreement, trying to hide my nerves.

    As Lydia led me deeper into the lively party, Beta Magnus intercepted her, claiming he needed to speak with her urgently. She hesitated, glancing back at me with concern, but I urged her to go, assuring her I'd manage just fine alone.

    Truth be told, I was anything but fine. Parties were unfamiliar territory for me; I was usually confined to the kitchen, invisible to the revelers. Lydia had brought me along this time, and now I found myself wishing she'd hurry back.

    I spotted an empty table and made my way towards it, weaving through the crowd. People of all ranks were gathered here: Betas, Gammas, and even a few lone wolves who hadn't yet found their partners. Not every Alpha and Beta had shown up; only those who were free or seeking to mingle were present, while others attended to important duties or territorial matters.

    The party zipped along. I pitched in, ferrying trays of food and drinks, and lending a hand to guests in need. With fifteen minutes to go until midnight, suddenly, cheers erupted, signaling the arrival of Alpha Mason. His birthday wasn't today; it was tomorrow. That explained why he wanted to wait until after midnight to cut his cake.

    As Alpha Mason took the stage to speak, I carefully put the finishing touches on the cake, ensuring every detail was perfect before it was sent out. Suddenly, a delightful scent filled the air, reminiscent of a forest after rain. It was so captivating that I found myself completely drawn to it.

    Even though I hadn't shifted or connected with my wolf, my senses were sharp and keen.

    I hesitated, not wanting to get involved in something that could lead to a brutal beating. Despite my initial reluctance, my feet seemed to have a mind of their own as they propelled me towards the source of the intoxicating aroma. As I arrived at the party, Alpha Mason had already finished his speech, and the cake had been sliced. Laughter and chatter filled the room as everyone danced and enjoyed themselves.

    People were tangled up in each other at the bar, the stench of booze thick in the air, making my stomach churn. I turned away from them, determined to follow the scent that led into the woods. The darkness seemed daunting, but my eyes could pierce through it.

    Deeper into the woods I ventured, the scent growing stronger with each step. Suddenly, I was pressed against a tree, my heart pounding in my chest. At first, fear gripped me, but then I felt the electric connection, the sparks, and I realized he was my mate. His warm chest pressed against mine, his breath tickling my neck, and his strong hands held me firmly in place.

    Mine, he breathed, his voice sending shivers down my spine. His nose trailed along my neck, and my legs threatened to give way. If not for his steady hold, I would have collapsed right then and there.

    All of a sudden, a wet sensation grazed my neck, sending shivers down my spine. His lips planted wet kisses along my neck, trailing up to my jawline. I couldn't help but let out a soft moan of pleasure, my body reacting instinctively to his touch.

    As he lifted his head to meet my gaze, I finally saw him for who he was. His eyes, once filled with love and adoration, now held a look of disgust and disdain as they settled on my face. With a swift movement, he withdrew his hands from my waist and took a few steps back, putting distance between us. A pang of longing shot through me at the loss of his touch, and I couldn't help but whimper softly.

    You! His voice dripped with venom, his captivating light blue eyes now filled with contempt as they bore into mine. It was none other than ...

    Alpha Mason Stormfang!

    You... I can't believe it. How could you be my mate? His voice rose, his brows furrowing as his expression darkened. His eyes, sharp and piercing, bore into mine. I felt a jolt of shock course through me, though deep down, I knew I shouldn't have been surprised.

    I had always feared this moment, the rejection I anticipated, yet a small ember of hope still flickered in my heart, yearning for acceptance, for a way out of this place where safety seemed an elusive dream.

    But we belong together, don't we? We're meant to be each other's halves. Please, just give me a chance. I'll prove to you that I'm worthy, I pleaded softly, my words barely above a whisper. I willed him to understand, to see the truth in my words.

    But instead of compassion, his reaction was a burst of mocking laughter, echoing loudly in the silence around us. His laughter struck fear into my heart, driving me to take a step back, away from his looming figure.

    No matter how many chances I give you, you won't ever prove yourself worthy of being my mate, he sneered, his lips curling in disgust. His tall frame loomed over me, casting a menacing shadow as he spoke. Look at you, ugly, and brainless. And that dress, he scoffed, gesturing at my attire. It's clinging to you like a second skin, showing off every flaw. You can't even dress yourself properly.

    I shrank back, feeling the weight of his words like a physical blow. 

    Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to defend myself. But I... I thought my mate would protect and care for me, I stammered, my voice trembling with desperation. Please, I can change, I can be better.

    For a brief moment, his eyes softened, hinting at a flicker of compassion. But just as quickly, his expression hardened again, his anger resurfacing like a storm cloud.

    Alpha Mason Stormfang's laughter cut through the air like a knife, cold and merciless. Protect and care for you? he echoed, his tone dripping with derision. Why would I waste my time on someone as pitiful as you? You're nothing but a burden, a weakling dragging me down with your pathetic existence.

    His words struck me like a physical blow, the pain of rejection twisting inside me like a dagger. But... but I'm your mate, I choked out, clinging to the fragile hope that maybe, just maybe, he could see past his disdain for me.

    Mason's eyes narrowed, the contempt in them deepening into something almost feral. Mate? he spat, as if the very notion repulsed him. Don't make me laugh. You're incapable of being someone's Mate, incapable of anything worthwhile. You're just an abomination, something I regret ever being shackled to.

    Tears streamed down my cheeks, each word from him driving a wedge deeper into my shattered heart. Please, I begged, my voice barely a whisper now, give me a chance to prove myself to you. I'll do anything, I'll change...

    His laughter echoed in the empty space between us, Change? he scoffed, his gaze filled with pure disdain. You think you can change who you are? You're delusional. Face it, you'll always be beneath me, unworthy of even standing in my presence. I'm putting an end to this. I've got a wonderful girlfriend, someone who can actually be by my side and support my pack.

    As he mentioned his girlfriend, it felt like a hammer struck my heart, shattering it into a million pieces. Tears welled up, blurring my vision. I sucked in a shaky breath, steeling myself for the rejection that I knew was coming.

    I, Mason Stormfang, Alpha of Silver Moon Pack, he announced, his voice dripping with authority, reject you, Aliyah Raye, Omega of Silver Moon Pack, as my mate and Luna.

    As soon as his words left his lips, a sharp pain stabbed my chest. I collapsed to the ground, clutching at my heart with both hands. The agony surged through me, making it hard to catch my breath. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I fought them back. He had already torn me apart, and I refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing me break down.

    Idiot, he sneered before storming off, leaving me shattered.

    Once he was out of sight, I let out a gut-wrenching scream. Every insult, every rejection, every hurtful word I'd kept bottled up inside burst out of me in a torrent of anguish. I screamed until my throat was raw and my voice was hoarse, the pain echoing in every cry.

    Chapter 2 Betrayal

    Lying down on the floor, I was sweating profusely when suddenly I felt a very strong burning sensation in my heart, it was like someone was squeezing it, clawing it, and ripping it apart.

    Please, Moon Goddess, help me, I pleaded weakly, my voice trembling with desperation.

    The realization hit me like a ton of bricks – when your mate marked someone else, you'd suffer through the pain with them. The mere thought of my mate marking another person sent shivers down my spine. And in that moment, it was happening. He was bonding with his chosen mate, sealing their fate together. The thought of losing him forever filled me with a profound sense of dread.

    I hoped his wolf would sway him, but it seemed I was dead wrong. I figured he was just mad at me for not being flawless, but never in a million dreams did I imagine he'd find another mate. A searing ache tore through me once more.

    Pushing aside my agony, I bolted from my room to his, flinging the door open without a second thought. My eyes widened in shock at the sight before me.

    What lay before me was beyond mere rejection. There, my mate lay bare, laughing with another woman, their joy evident. My heart shattered as I witnessed him sprawled naked atop her.

    Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision. One teardrop escaped, then another, until they streamed down my cheeks like a waterfall.

    N-no! I sobbed, my voice cracking with emotion.

    My cry echoed in the room, startling them both. Mason's expression quickly turned unreadable, but she looked bewildered.

    They scrambled to cover themselves as I collapsed to the ground, my sobs intensifying with each passing moment. Mason's deep growl sent shivers down my spine, and I shrank back in fear.

    Why are you here? I told you to stay away from me, Mason's voice was cold, cutting through the air. But I couldn't respond, consumed by my own anguish.

    Why should I? Why did you mark her? I asked, my voice shaky as my breath hitched in my chest.

    Who do you think you are to question me? He snarled, his eyes narrowing.

    Your MATE, I replied, each word deliberate.

    Lydia, who had been watching silently, suddenly tensed at the word mate. Her face drained of color, her eyes wide with shock.

    Mate? she murmured, her voice barely audible.

    Aliyah, you're his Mate? She spoke a little louder this time, her confusion evident.

    I nodded slowly. But why are you crying? And why didn't you tell me any of this? she asked, her brows furrowing in bewilderment.

    I let out a bitter laugh. Why am I crying? Seriously? My Mate just marked another she-wolf, and you're asking me why? My words dripped with sarcasm, my emotions raw and betrayed.

    Mason growled, and she snarled, Stop talking to me like that. You're the one who turned him down, not the other way around. Now that he's chosen me, you're upset. She spoke in a voice I didn't recognize as hers.

    Lydia, do you REALLY think I'd say no to my mate? I always wanted my mate to rescue me from this awful place. But I was scared of being rejected myself. I worried that my mate wouldn't want me, and unfortunately, that fear came true. My mate rejected me and chose you instead. He was even going to finish the mating process with you. 

    I stopped, waiting to see her reaction, then continued, I saw him yesterday when he came to cut the cake. But by the time I got there, he had left. So I followed his smell, and it led me to the woods, where I found him, I said, glancing at Mason, who was glaring at me. At first, he seemed happy. But when he realized who his mate was, he rejected me. He said he had a girlfriend who could take better care of him and his pack, I finished, crying.

    Lydia rushed over to me, her hazel eyes wide with concern as she gently grasped my hands. But why didn't you tell me any of this? she asked softly, her voice laced with worry.

    I meant to, but when I arrived at the party, everyone had already left. And today, I looked for you in your room, but you weren't there, I replied, my tone gentle.

    She pulled me into a tight hug, her chestnut hair falling softly around her face. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me, she murmured, her voice filled with guilt.

    I comforted her, patting her back reassuringly. It's alright, Lydia. You couldn't have known, I said soothingly.

    No, it's not alright, Mason. You told me your mate rejected you and that she's in love with someone else, she exclaimed, her anger evident in her furrowed brow and clenched fists. 

    My jaw dropped in shock as I realized what had happened—Mason had twisted the truth, making it seem like I had rejected him instead. 

    I swear I'm not lying, Mason's fists clenched as he spoke, his eyes flashing black with anger. I have proof, he continued, his voice low and dangerous. She's just trying to protect herself, spinning lies to tear us apart. But I won't stand for it. 

    He was adamant about proving his innocence and exposing the truth. He gestured firmly, indicating his determination not to let anyone come between him and his chosen mate.

    In response, Beta Magnus arrived promptly, his brows furrowed in confusion at the unexpected gathering. He coughed nervously before addressing Mason with respect, Alpha, how may I assist you?

    Mason implored Beta Magnus, his voice tight with frustration, Please, tell your daughter the truth. I'm not lying about being rejected by my mate. You have evidence too, don't you? Proof that she's seeing someone else. He gestured towards me, his expression pleading for validation.

    Beta Magnus nodded solemnly, signaling for someone to enter, acknowledging Mason's request without a word.

    A stranger walked into the room, his unfamiliar face framed by tousled blonde hair and piercing brown eyes.

    Tell us what you know, or face the consequences, Beta Magnus demanded, his voice stern.

    The guy looked visibly afraid, his eyes darting around the room. Y-Yes, he stammered. She's my girlfriend. We love each other. But she insisted on keeping it a secret. She said it could cause trouble because she's an omega.

    I gasped in shock, turning to Lydia with pleading eyes. No, Lydia, he's lying! You know I don't have a boyfriend. I've never even seen him before! I pleaded desperately.

    Lydia turned to her father, confusion clouding her features. Dad, is it true? she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

    He glared at me, his anger evident. No, Lydia. Don't believe her. I don't know what she's talking about, he snapped, his fists clenched in frustration. Let me tell you what I heard. You won't believe the lies this... girl told Alpha Mason. After the party, when Alpha disappeared, I went looking for him. We followed his scent into the woods and found another scent too. I was worried something had happened to him. But when we reached them, we overheard Aliyah rejecting Alpha, claiming she had a boyfriend. She broke his heart. And now, because of you, he's finally starting to heal, and she can't stand it.

    As Beta Magnus finished speaking, Lydia's expression turned hostile, her eyes narrowed, and her lips curled in anger. She shot me a look of utter disgust.

    No, Lydia, please listen. I swear I'm not lying. Let me explain, I pleaded, desperation creeping into my voice.

    Lydia's growl grew louder, her body tense with fury, while Mason, his arms folded, stood behind her, a smirk playing on his lips, enjoying the drama unfolding before him.

    You expect me to believe that you're telling the truth while my father and your boyfriend there are both lying? she snarled, her voice dripping with skepticism.

    I am telling the truth! I shouted, frustration bubbling up within me.

    Lydia's fury erupted like a volcano. Shut up! she spat, her words cutting through the air like knives. You rejected your mate, but now that he's moving on, suddenly you want him back. You always told me I deserved love, and now that I'm finally finding it, you're trying to snatch it away from me! With a guttural sound of anger, she lunged at me, catching me off guard. I stumbled backward from the force of her attack, only to be caught by Mason, who held her back, preventing her from reaching me.

    Mason grabbed me by my hair, wrenching me up and delivering a stinging slap across my face. Pain shot through me as he dragged me along, my attempts to break free only earning me a tighter grip on my hair. We trudged until we reached the borders of our pack, near the towering pack house. With a forceful shove, he sent me crashing to the ground, my knees meeting the earth with a painful thud, and a scream escaping my lips as they began to bleed. His foot connected with my stomach and chest, the impact shattering something inside me.

    My palms grew clammy, my head swimming, eyes stinging, as a thousand questions raced through my mind.

    Everyone! Gather at the pack borders! His command echoed through the pack's mental link.

    In a matter of minutes, the pack assembled, some still rubbing sleep from their eyes, others hastily pulling on clothes. Lydia and Alpha Magnus flanked Mason, a formidable trio.

    Every member snapped to attention at the alpha's commanding growl, louder than any they had heard before. Fear gripped me so tightly that I trembled uncontrollably from head to toe.

    Today you are here gathered to see what happens to an abomination who dared to disrespect your Alpha and future Luna, his voice boomed, commanding attention from all. His towering figure cast a shadow over the crowd, his eyes ablaze with authority.

    I glanced around, feeling the weight of the silence suffocating me. The tension hung thick in the air, leaving me unsure and anxious. What could I even think, let alone do or say?

    You dared to scheme on my territory, to invoke MY name in your feeble plots. You, not even a true werewolf, a mere human, dare to defy us. Does she deserve mercy, I ask you?! His accusation cut through the stillness, directed at the pack.

    But he was lying, twisting the truth to suit his agenda. I hadn’t done anything!

    In unison, the pack roared, NO!

    I sought out Lydia's familiar face, once a friend, now turned traitor, her betrayal etched in the lines of her expression. She whispered something to Mason, a sly grin spreading across his features as his eyes locked onto mine.

    Although you merit no leniency, our compassionate Luna has spared you. Your fate is sealed—you shall be sold as a slave in the council's annual auction, stripped of all ties to our pack! Will you accept this judgment?! His words echoed, leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable under the scrutiny of the crowd.

    Tears welled up in my eyes, my heart heavy with the weight of their condemnation. I searched his face, feeling the pressure of countless eyes boring into me, urging me to respond.

    I... I choked back a sob, trembling as I raised a hand to my mouth. I accept, the words escaped me, each syllable heavy with agony. A deep ache settled within me, tearing me apart from the inside out.

    Chapter 3 Auction

    Chains clinked as they bound my hands and ankles, a cruel reminder of the shackles that held me captive.

    Three months have passed since I was rejected, betrayed, and cast out of the pack, and became a slave.

    Unfortunately, that's all I would ever be. Just a slave, and they did whatever they wanted to me. It didn't bother me at this point. All unmated or rejected omegas who never shifted were eventually forced into slavery.

    The destiny of our masters has been determined by the auction hosted by the werewolf council with one aim in mind: to increase the population of the werewolves. As a community, we stand at the bottom compared to other creatures in the world.

    Previously, any rejected werewolf remained mate-less until they either chose one or got a second chance mate, which seldom occurred.

    It used to be a choice given to everyone, unlike now.

    If you're mate-less and, on top of that, never shifted, be prepared to be auctioned off, especially if you're a female over sixteen, and your purpose is solely to procreate. That's all.

    We were labeled as the discarded ones, ungraced by the transformation. We were as good as humans but with better hearing and healing traits.

    Every time they hurt me, beat me, punched me- I asked the moon goddess what the hell did I do wrong!

    Over time, I have grown numb to the pain, and I had a realization that death has to be better than living your life in constant suffering because when you die, you are finally free. You no longer have to feel the pain of being tortured.

    You're just dead - lost and gone forever.

    I may be the only omega alive in this universe who would rather die than learn how to become the perfect slave.

    While other omega girls that live here put their best foot forward to be the perfect pet, I made it my life's purpose to get under their skin, doing everything in my inner power to be marked as a rogue, so that I could leave this godforsaken place and live with humans.

    I would rather die than spend the rest of my life pleasing the likes of them. Spending eighteen years of my life, living under

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