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Mr. Star Spangled Bastard With An Idle Dream!
Mr. Star Spangled Bastard With An Idle Dream!
Mr. Star Spangled Bastard With An Idle Dream!
Ebook36 pages10 minutes

Mr. Star Spangled Bastard With An Idle Dream!

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Mr. Star Spangled Bastard With An Idle Dream!: A Journey Through the Human Experience(THE EBOOK)

Step into a world where poetry mirrors the deepest layers of the human condition. Mr. Star Spangled Bastard With An Idle Dream is more than a collection of poems; it's a powerful narrative journey through identity, mental health, societal critique, and the uniquely American experience.

The collection opens with "Socks," offering an intimate glimpse into small, comforting rituals amidst anxiety. This poem sets the stage for a deeply personal exploration of self-discovery and emotional resilience.

"I Walk, I Eat, I Think" follows, reflecting on daily routines and the reflections they inspire. It meditates on the ordinary moments that define our lives, capturing the quintessential American pursuit of purpose.

"I Can't Breathe Inside My Body" delves into the suffocating feeling of internal struggle, resonating with anyone who has ever felt trapped within themselves. "I Get Stuck Inside My Head" continues this theme, highlighting the desire to break free from mental constraints.

"Always On Attack" explores the state of vigilance and defense we often find ourselves in, showcasing human resilience and vulnerability. This segues into "A Vivid Dream About A Deadbeat!," challenging us to confront illusions and the harsh reality of our heroes.

"I Have Never Been Like You" tackles personal and relational conflicts, emphasizing the struggle to maintain individuality amidst societal pressures. "EMIT" reflects the desire to shine in a world that tries to dull our light.

"Black Mirror" examines the darker sides of our personality and society, while "Do You Feel It Coming?!?" critically addresses societal structures shaping our lives, maintaining a gripping narrative.

"All My Heroes" and "ASSTRONAUT" continue this examination, focusing on hero worship's cyclical nature and the quest for significance in an indifferent world.

As the collection moves towards its conclusion, "Searching For Peace" offers introspection and tranquility, finding solace in simple living and inner peace. "We Live In A World Of Poetry!" highlights the poetic nature of life itself, blending beauty and struggle.

Finally, the collection culminates with "hey!," a powerful call for unity and understanding in a chaotic world. This poem brings the journey full circle, ending on a note of hopeful resilience.

Throughout these poems, the overarching theme is navigating life's complexities and finding beauty in the struggle. Each poem is a thread in a tapestry resonating with the universal human experience, touching on identity, mental health, societal critique, resilience, and the quest for peace.

The uniquely American experience is woven throughout, shining a light on the contradictions and challenges of life in the United States. From the pursuit of the American Dream to the stark realities of societal pressures, these poems offer a poignant reflection on what it means to live, struggle, and hope in modern America.

Embark on this poetic journey and discover how these verses can touch your soul, provoke thought, and inspire change. Mr. Star Spangled Bastard With An Idle Dream offers a poignant and transformative read, connecting deeply with both the American experience, the black an experience, the queer experience, and the broader human condition.

Release dateJun 14, 2024
Mr. Star Spangled Bastard With An Idle Dream!

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    Book preview

    Mr. Star Spangled Bastard With An Idle Dream! - Delmar Daystar

    Thank you to the bastards & stars who listened to me complain,

    caught me when I fell, & helped me through the journey of this character.

    I can’t tell if this is a dream or reality but I am here & I present to you...

    Mr. Star Spangled Bastard With An Idle Dream!

    The Poems


    I Walk, I Eat, I Think

    I Can’t Breathe Inside My Body.

    I Get Stuck Inside My Head.

    Always On Attack

    A Vivid Dream About A Deadbeat!

    I Have Never Been Like You.


    Black Mirror

    Do You Feel It Coming?!?

    All My Heroes


    Searching For Peace

    We Live In A World Of Poetry!



    "Do I contradict myself?

    Very well the, I contradict myself.

    I am large, I contain multitudes."

    – Walt Whitman "Song of

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