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Queen of Hearts: A Dark Mafia Romance
Queen of Hearts: A Dark Mafia Romance
Queen of Hearts: A Dark Mafia Romance
Ebook387 pages5 hours

Queen of Hearts: A Dark Mafia Romance

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The wedding ring forced onto her slim finger and a new life thrown into her arms.


Scarlett was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Lucien Santoro's lust for revenge and power burns just a hot as Scarlett's lust for freedom. His heart is as dark as the evil in his eyes, as he swore he was incapable of love. But his curiosity for the little minx he married seemed to grow, until he couldn't stop it.


You know what they say... curiosity killed the cat.


She might not have been born into the mafia

But she sure as hell belonged there.

PublisherAlice Fox
Release dateJun 13, 2024
Queen of Hearts: A Dark Mafia Romance

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    Queen of Hearts - Alice Fox


    didn't know where to find love, so I looked for it in a bottle of Vodka






    Scarlett! Hurry up and get your sexy ass out of the bathroom, you're coming either way. There's no escaping it. Lindsay screamed at me as she viscously assaulted the door which I gracefully and thankfully locked.

    If I didn't then that Insane thing I call my friend ,would be all over me.

    Coming. my words regretful, hands abroad and nervous as I click the lock to the side and turned the grey nob door handle sideways

    It quickly opened, as I stepped out of my little safe place and into the light of there never changing opinionative gazes.

    Per..fucking..fectionJarred anointed making me do a spin to get a full view of my little black dress, a flimsy piece of fabric that clung close to my body.

    By flimsy I mean I looked like a stripper.

    The dress, although looked presumptuous on me was not a hideous dress. But it wasn't even mine, good thing. If it was It would have been in the garbage shoot a long time ago.

    The tight dress restricting my movement and giving me a fear that if I move too much I will rip the seams. It was so tight that if I did the splits not only would I rip my asshole but the dress would completely split in half.

    I can barely even breathe. My words choke and my two friends just laugh and continue to try on dresses in Lindsay's case and pants and shirts in Jarred's case.

    It's all about the cause, you look like a slut and guys want that Lindsay smiled looking at me as she slipped on a LOWCUT dress, her boobs almost going flying. The only reason I Even know Lindsay is she was my collage roommate; before I dropped out and she got kicked out for sleeping with teachers. She was how do I say this nicely; a whore.

    I mean she was...okay sometimes, but her confidence was sky high and she found way to much pleasure in contouring her boobs that I didn't even wanna try to tell her they looked like a makeup truck crashed into a flat wall.

    woman are not just...sexdolls. I dared to say, which only caused her to laugh.

    "Well you definitely should be. Her laugh echoing around the room. With All your self proclaimed virginity, it is really staring to piss me off, plus it scares away men. Like we get it Scarlett Jesus. Lindsay smiled as she said those words, yet they were so full of toxicity, not even the brightest of smiles could have covered it. No one will want to fuck you, let alone be with you if you are so..." she cut off her words to look me up and down., She smirked, like the most venomous of snakes.

    But I guess that was the difference between me and Lindsay. I won't silence myself, or change myself, for a man.


    Jerred was a whole different story, he was that way to 'nice' gay guy who would give you his car if you needed it. But his bag list as you would call it was probably longer then the scroll of destiny, but he didn't flaunt that fact. He just was, way wayyyyy to attached to Lindsay that he couldn't even see how she drags him by a collar and leash.

    That sounds kinky but trust me if you saw them you would quite literally gag.

    But me... I was the, how would you say...extra? Yah extra friend in this 3 part friendships. Jarred being Lindsay's very own gay best friend while I was just their extra piece.

    The Walmart to their Gucci.

    Which I was fine with, because I didn't really love there company, but hanging around with them was better then dying of boredom and drinking myself away in my house. And once I start drinking I find it hand to stop myself.

    I find it hard to be alone, and I knew that these two wouldn't put up with me if I was myself, so I said all the words I wanted to curse at them in my head.

    But they still were very loud, annoying , and boy crazed little shits. I hated men, they were a waste. All they have wanted from me is sex, and sex is one thing I have never wanted from any of them.

    Penis enters vagina, feels like shooting stars and blah blah blah.

    Can we go now? I mustered with what you could say a little bit of attitude as I stick to being my spicy self.

    Lindsay rolled her eyes as she stood up. Glancing at her self she reaches into her bra and picks up her boobs more then needed, her tits looking like they were about to bursts.

    Walking to her *fake* Gucci purse tussling around In it and giving me a innocent smile as she pulled out lipstick and lined her arch bowed lips.

    You're the DD! she screamed shortly after, while grabbing Jarred's hand swiftly and running screaming towards her car that's parked in the long driveway. Did I mentioned Lindsey was rich, like crazy rich. But it was all her daddies money.

    I honestly don't know why she has counterfeit brands, probably because she BUYS AND RESELLS THEM FROM A LOT MORE MONEY, but that's just my guess. Maybe I'm wrong.

    Signing I gripped the keys in my hand. I have to be the designated driver again, Fucking whores.

    The drive is short, loud and very annoying. Filled with screams about how we were going to get drunk, fucked and party until our asses fall off. No, just you guys I wanted to say but I didn't.

    The club we were headed to—club minxs—was the biggest club in New York. Anyone who was anyone has been there at some point.

    The loud pumping music from the club filled my ears as the three of us walked through the doors, the security at the doors not checking our ID's but instead checking our body's

    Sexual pigs a whisper plays in my lips as I'm dragged to the bar, Instantly being left alone by my two friends leaving me regretfully alone in a social setting that I hate.

    Aye sweety what will it be? a bartender ask, leaning over the counter. Green Hair shaved on both sides as tattoos covered everywhere I could see.

    Um, just a coke, please. I'm a recovering alcoholic

    He laughed at my answer making me feel even worse and uncomfortable. You the D driver? if you are, aye baby that sucksthe man cracks sliding the drink down to me, my hand catching it. But what he doesn't know is that I actually am an alcoholic

    Surprise bitch

    Yeah My friends they ditched me and so now I'm just...I say glad that I got someone to talk to

    Yah yah ok I got to go but if you want to fuck tonight, my shift is out at 3 he interrupts, giving me a nod of his head before sliding down to a group of attractive woman waiting to be served.

    Just great,I say tapping my nails on the flat surface, stray pieces of my black hair falling into my eyes as my head is down. You'd have a lot more fun here if you weren't alone a voice came from beside me and I looked over, a man early thirties, thick blond hair and tattoos of plenty. Does everyone have tattoos here like Jesus.

    Excuse me?I say and he smiles a pretty girl like you...shouldn't be alone.

    Taking a sip from my drink I smile Sarcastically . I'm quite alright thanks.

    No way I'm letting your beauty go to waste tonight he smiled as I stared at him, his hand sliding down to my ass grabbing it.

    What the fuck do you....I yelled but my head started to spin, and he covered my mouth quickly. My nerves on fire I bite his hand, and taking my knee and hitting him where the sun doesn't shine. Scared and panicked, my breath racing. My head flashing with exhaustion.

    using my eyes scanning the crowd to find the two people I had entered the establishment with.

    We need to l-leave. I say in a stutter grabbing their shoulders and turning them to face me. Their faces held distaste and anger. A man he...he was touching me and I—

    "Oh come on, you are practically begging for attention in that dress." She scoffed, and Jerred laughed.

    The dress you told me to wear?

    Can we just leave? I repeated. Something doesn't feel right, I think that man was...

    You are probably just imaging it, have you been drinking? God knows you love to do that. Her words pierced that armour shield I had.

    She knew how hard it was for me to quit drinking.

    I couldn't think, and I went to open my mouth—but her words cut me off. "We aren't leaving bitch. You are such a fucking pussy Scarlett. Such a god damn thorn in my side. Deal with whatever issues you have yourself. Im done playing as your mommy" Lindsay growls as I look over at Jarred who has the same emotion as hers plastered on his dumb face.

    Fuck you twoI growl turning on my heels, and exiting the club. Stumbling around on my feet.

    I should have seen this coming, how could I have been so stupid.

    Oh...I was drugged, with what I don't know.The neon lights of the sign fading into the distance, but they were still so bright as everything around me was on fire. Every light I past was blurry and ten times brighter then normal.

    I practically stumbled my way to the car, terrified.

    My arms wrapped around my body as the chilled wind rushes over me the cool January temperatures chilled and dry. My feet tripping all over themselves.

    Shitmy words loud as I grip at my hair. I could feel my body wanting sleep, throwing open the door I put the keys in the engine.

    My body shaking as I reverse, and pull out onto the roadway. I was in no way, in driving condition, but fear had taken over ever part of me.

    But it was when I felt the cold barrel of a gun on the back of my head that really scared me. I felt breathing on the back of my neck, unfamiliar.

    Pull off under the overpass. He said, his voice laced with evil.

    wha-what?, I stutter as I gripped the steering wheel harder. Looking into the drivers mirror I tried my best to get a description of the man; just in case I fucking die.

    Black haired man, shades covering his eyes and tattoos sprouting from the collar of his shirt. It looked like the butt of a sword.

    A-are you going to kill me? I asked. I have heard of these stories before, I was so stupid to leave the car unlocked.

    Pull. Off. He growled, as he pushed the gun into the back of my skull.

    So I pulled off, turning and stopping and for a brief moment he took away the gun. So I used this, and quickly threw open the door and turned on my heels and I ran, I ran as fast as I think I have ever before. This isn't how I was going out. But my body couldn't resist the drug in my system.

    What I failed to see was the second man, waiting for me in the darkness. My cars headlights blinding me just as I run into the second man's chest.

    Both of their eyes on me as they laughed as the drugs started to collapse me.

    The world a blurry mess, as I fought to keep my eyes open.

    She's a pretty one, but she won't last a second- and that was the last thing I heard before my world faded to black and I felt myself getting dragged back to my car and my body being lifted and tossed into the back.





    The seconds fall past me, as I sit there. The darkness closing me closer into the cage.

    So you are new to this? a raspy voice as well as the clang of bar's catches my attention.

    Uh y-yah, y-youI stutter nervously as I talk to the voice.

    Come on Scarlett you're braver than this.

    No, I've been sold a few times. Always given back the woman gapped making my heart drop. A couple of times.

    I'm fucking DED, D-E-D, DED,

    She then asked What's your name?

    Scarlett, yours?

    Madeline she answered and a brief silence landed between us.

    I wonder if anyone's looking for me.

    She broke the silence to say  How did they catch a pretty one like you? Madeline chuckled, not a real laugh but the fake one that's from the voice of someone who's seen a lot of bad things

    I think I was drugged, they got me in the carI muster and she reached through the bars to grab my hand, my instinct to pull away 

    that's likely. They got me the same way she whispered but then looked around look I have been here a long time and have seen a lot of pretty woman come and go. But I can tell you now that this is going to be really bad for you. She said in a hushed voice

    What are you... I try but she continues.

    Her grip tightened around my wrist as she continued, her words scaring me whatever they do to you, do not fight it. It worse if you fight it.

    Ok I nod ripping at my hand. Don't run, because they will find you. And the punishments for running are worse then a nightmare... her words come to a stop as a man walks by our cages her eyes darting away from me until he's out of sight.

    Lastly Don't let him win...Don't let him break you cause will lose yourself. her words running through my head.

    Her blond hair cut short, to the length that's just past her shoulders, the age on her skin proving her age to be older then me. why are you telling me this? I asked and she shot me a look.

    Because you seem like the kind of girl I would have wanted to get to know. I have seen some pretty girls have terrible things done to them

    What kind of things?

    she looked me in my eyes, and her eyes looked so dead I shivered. let's just say disobey you die, run you die, let him win you die.

    I nodded, die, but why would-

    But she interrupted me again The last man who bought me bought another girl too, she was like you full of spirt and questions. She resisted, ran and talked back. And two days later her body was found in the river, raped and dismembered so bad you couldn't even tell it was her. But I knew it was.


    and that shut me up, and I hugged my knees to my chest.

    As far as I could see there was about 18 cells each filled with someone, cries echoing and scream emulate through the walls like sirens.

    Remember those and maybe, just maybe you'll make it she whispered before the lights turned on screams becoming 10 times louder and my heart thudding In my ear hit that much harder.

    Water, quickly sprayed onto us, cold freezing water showered down at me as I scream putting my hands in front of my face.

    Everyone strip and clean yourselves now! an older man's voice hollered around the block, the people quickly removing their clothes.

    don't fight it, be smart.

    With shaky hands I drew off the strap of the short dress, making it fall to the wet floor, my lacy underwear falling shortly after.

    The stream washing over my black hair, the water then continuing down my back and legs.

    Times up princess'. You will now be assessed based on looks and health. If you don't make the cut, sad to say you don't make life a nicely dress man laughs , hair back into a tight bun while his pervert creep eyes looked over each and every one of us , gaping at our bodies.

    He was young, brown hair, and brown eyes. But he looked monstrous.

    Eyes Stopping at me.

    You he smile , pointing his finger right at me gesturing me to come towards him. A man in a Beige suit, the type your friendly janitor wears but he didn't seem very friendly, unlocks the door all eyes on me as I step out. Whistles from the guards emanate through to room directed at me.

    What's your name princess he bleeds placing his calloused hand under my chin and his other on my waist. All the snarky things I could say, but I try to bite back my tongue.

    I try.

    I could see the girl I had spoken to out of the corner of my eye and she was staring straight at me.

    Scarlett, and I'm not your fucking princess I say plainly, standing tall. And I saw the girl close her eyes and look away. No matter what happens, I would rather die then be someones whore.

    Not now, not ever.

    Gentlemen looks like Scarlett is going to be our priciest piece. Get her to Tian he laughs throwing his hands up into the air as he talks to all the men who stare at me with hungry eyes.

    don't fucking touch me I growl,which of course only made it worse.

    Quickly I'm shoved away from him, 2 tall men on either sides of me as they drag me to a hallway. Who is Tian? I ask and they just look at me—my naked body—before smiling and turning away their heads.

    Their lack of answers shut me right up , the dim lighted hallway tunnel walls were weathered and cracked. But what can you expect in a fucking place like this.

    I bet Jarred and Lindsay don't give a shit, maybe they are drunk and passed out in someone's bed.

    Oh those two can just go rot in.... you got a nice fucking ass, I would love to tap you

    I spun around quickly, my nakedness in full display for these two morons. I just glare and he chuckles, like a perverted little bitch. Well I would love to shove a whole ass bread stick up your asshole

    A metal door, addressed with a coded lock was opened and I was escorted through, a chair located in the middle of the room.

    so what am I supposed to do know? Sit and then go fuck myself? I ask jumping onto the chair and crossing my legs, as they two men started to drool and bite their lips.

    Boys I gotta fix her up. Step out a males voice growls from behind me causing the two gaurds to roll their eyes and step out slamming the door with a loud clank.

    A pair of hands place on my shoulders making me jump, as the person grips strands of my hair seeming to add curls to it.

    How old are you, he asks tilting my head up and opening my mouth seeming to check my teeth , then recording all data to a clip board.

    Somewhere between none of your business and go suck your ass I smiled, wanting this grumpy fuck to at least give me a response.

    But I got nothing, just a glare and a eye warning that said 'fucking tell me'.

    21 my answer short as he plucked and pulls and dabs makeup onto my face. The pounding of the beauty blender making my cheeks sore.

    Stand, he says plainly walking swiftly over to a stack of clothes, lingerie. You want me to wear this? I choke as he holds it out for me. I mean I guess it's better then nothing, literally.

    He looks at me, over his glasses a single blue eye while the other is foggy and grey. They will kill you little girl, put this on or maybe I'll just fucking shoot you right here right now he instructs and I quickly nod slipping the piece on. His eyes looking at me the whole time, I bet he just fucking loves his job here.

    I wonder what the hours are

    A thing like you won't last long he laughs placing a finger under my chin lifting it upwards. And an old fucker like you doesn't have long to live so maybe we both have the short strawI smile, tilting my head

    He steps back nodding while setting all his makeup supplies onto a metal tray. Are you a virgin? he asks like its a normal conversation.

    yepI say truthfully popping the 'p' at the end and he frowns and writes it down on his little sheet like it's some scavenger hunt except instead of finding items he's finding all the personal information about me.

    Do you masterbate? Tian asked. His eyes glaring at me, answer the fucking questions you dumb slut. Or would you prefer I get someone to beat it out of you.

    Yes. I whispered, and he wrote it down on his clipboard. Dildo, vibrator or hands only? he said like it was an everyday fucking conversation question.

    Angry I yelled Jesus Fucking Christ. Why does it matter?

    Because your pussy is what the men want. They want tight unused pussy. He answered straight back, grabbing my chin harshly.

    all of them. I growl and he stared into my eyes, almost like he was seeing if I was lying.

    He let go of me and pushed me back in the seat.

    Whatever you do, no speaking and no removing you clothes. Got it bitch? Good he calls to me before pounding on the door 3 times. excuse you but... I start up but get interrupted

    With the door instantly swinging open , revealing the man from the cage room.



    I hope you choke on your own dick my smile makes Mr. 'I enjoy selling girls for money' stop us dead in the hallway.

    Yet he didn't answer, just liked back at me and growled

    My breath shallow, but I suck it down. The screams coming from down the hallway made me fearful. Staying close to him seems safer then away from him right now.

    Did your stylist tell you the rules? he chokes before stopping me in front of another metal door, seemingly that's all this fucking place has

    Yes I whisper lowly and he just nods before opening it up widely and pushing me through.

    What's your name?I ask and he looks at me with a smile Edward were his last words before he closed me in the dark room with the rest of the girls

    The room, not well lit was disgusting, damaged and inhumane. They're going to eat you alive little girl Madeline chuckles as I notice her sitting across the room

    shes my only friend here. Not that I'm good at making them

    My steps walk cautiously towards her, the others girls looking at me the whole time. They all looked the same, powdered up and dressed in sexy wear. Why I whisper sitting down beside Madeline, curiosity biting my veins like fire.

    Who doesn't want a hot slut as their first choice

    I- I say as I looked around at the other girls, who either nodded with Madeline or kept their gaze away from me.

    slamming my eyes shut, trying to pretend I was anywhere but here, my head resting on the wall behind me. And my eyes didn't open till I realized I was the only one left in the room.

    Get up, a man said harshly gripping my forearm and pulling me to a stand. The door in the corner now held open as I'm pushed towards it and eventually through it.

    The white stage lit harshly, and all the walls were made of one-sided glass as if the mirrors were staring back at me.

    Scarlett, age 21. Feisty player and many words to say. Virgin. Starting the number at 150,000 an intercom blared loudly as if I was a piece of furniture at an auction.

    But guess what, I ain't no furniture.

    The bid going up faster then I thought,

    300 000 , 450 000 , 700 000. The room spun my eyes flashing with lights and numbers.

    Sucking in a breath it all stops.

    Looking around all I could see was mirrors,two way ones of I am correct.

    Focusing on the one dead in front of me I take a breath. My hand slowly sliding across the skin on my chest as I carefully grab the strap of the bodysuit—I slide it down and off my shoulders, watching as the lingerie falls to the ground.

    I don't know where this confidence came from, but I fucking like it. Go, bitch go.

    Blinking I stared at myself, naked again. This was probably a very stupid idea. Most likely not one of my smarted I must admit, but I'm already fucked as it is might as well add a little bit of spice to the story.

    Brushing my hair off my shoulder, I stick my middle finger up.

    Im not for sale you arrogant little pricks my words screaming loud as I stuck both my middle fingers up. The clang of the door loud as Edward rushed in, fury playing in his eyes and he raised his hand to strike me across the face

    Sold to Mr.Santoro for $1.8 million! the intercom blared again, Edward's hand stopping inches from my face, my hands up for protection.

    You're so Fucking dead he whispers pulling me out of the room sharply, throwing me around like a doll.

    My feet stumbling everywhere as he backs me towards a normal door, pushing me inside and locking the door shut.Let me out! I scream loudly pounding on the door

    I'm gonna fucking kill you Edward, you son of a crack whore... my words cut off, as I turn swiftly a man standing at the other end of the room.

    He looked slicked back, not a piece of him looked untouched. His suit ironed flawlessly. Boss is gonna love your fiery attitude

    Excuse you? What the fuck, who's the...I cross my timid arms and he just laughs he's going to make you wish you were dead

    Whoever this man worked for was, I was fucked.  Not like huge sausage in my kitty Kat fucked but like getting my hair turned into a rainbow Afro and throwing myself down the stairs sort of fucked.



    My eyes covered by a black piece of cloth as I rode in what I assume is a black SUV or a white van cause those are what people that are getting kidnaped usually get thrown into, in the movies.

    The man from the small room, sitting across from me texting loudly on his phone.

    But jokes on him because he is probably just typing on notes like the loser he is.

    Can you either turn your ringer off or stop typing, please? I ask and he scoffs, the typing not stopping. The typing made me feel like I was gonna have a fucking coronary.

    You're not in the place to make demands he Utters and I laugh. What a common thing creeps say

    That was like the most cliché kidnaper rapist saying in the book

    But he doesn't seem like he wants to play, because he didn't laugh. The bumping of the road everlasting. So where are we going? I ask and the typing stops.

    You don't get to ask any... the man starts and I just sigh loudly, resting my head against the window. I knew we weren't in new York anymore, I wasn't even sure if we were in the same state. I've never left New York before.

    Why the fuck are my hands untied but I have to wear a thing over my eyes?I ask trying to piss him off. My hands reaching to untie it

    Take it off and I will blow your brains out he barks angrily and I pull my hands away. Crossing my legs I lean forward. Well, your boss would have wasted a couple pretty penny's if you were to do that.

    I don't really know, maybe it was due to the adrenaline that I wasn't scared of dying. I ripped my blindfold off ,running my hands through my hair.

    You are going to get yourself killed little girl, he says leaning back into his chair as we come to a stop. But it was Not like I could even see out of the black tinted windows anyways.

    Lucky they gave me clothes to wear before I left that god awful place, and by clothes I mean another pair of skimpy lingerie.

    You look like a year older than me so suck my peepee. I smile at him and he looks at me dead-eyed, but I saw the slight smile on his lips as he looked away

    You won't last a second here princess he smirked.

    Why does everyone keep saying that? I ask but he doesn't answer as he jumps out of the car and comes to my side. The door beside me opening, the dark-skinned man grabbing me and pulling me out of the car and pushing me towards a house

    But not just any fucking house, a mansion bigger than Kim Kardashian's butt.

    Let me go!I scream pushing him away, making a weak attempt to escape but he just rolls his eyes and throws me over his shoulder hauling me ass first inside


    A blessing that my booty was decent.

    Hey tall bald guy put me down please, I say, and he just laughs dragging me through the magnificent living space of the Downstairs towards what I assume is a home bar. Dim lighted, filled with ripples of puffed out smoke and spilled booze.

    Boss, the man says sternly throwing me back causing me to land on my butt. My breath choking in my throat, the wind

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