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Forever Chosen: Vampire Brides: Midnight Coven, #1
Forever Chosen: Vampire Brides: Midnight Coven, #1
Forever Chosen: Vampire Brides: Midnight Coven, #1
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Forever Chosen: Vampire Brides: Midnight Coven, #1

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Five hundred years ago, Hayden fell into Caleb's brutal hands, the ruthless vampire who first claimed his mortal life, then his mind. Tortured into absolute submission, Hayden spent centuries at the powerful lord's right hand, a broken shell of the man he had once been. Until the night he was sent to kill her. Katherine, a young woman whose innocence and sweet nature woke a part of him Hayden had thought long dead. 

After joining forces with the local vampire coven, Hayden turned on his master, betraying the man he had sworn to eternally obey. However, before the villain could be laid to permanent rest, Caleb vanished. 

Katherine fell hard for Hayden's protective nature, while his mysterious aura captivated her. Yet after only a single night in his arms, Hayden pushed her away, stating their love could never be. Confused by the rejection, Katherine struggled to move forward, left with no options but to deny her heart the battered soul it craved.

Now, Caleb has returned, set on delivering vengeance against both the man who betrayed him, and the catalyst for his defection. Katherine and Hayden must discover a way to avoid Caleb's evil intent, while determining if there is any future for their love. 

*Forever Chosen is a self-contained story in a shared universe. Each novel in the Midnight Coven series follows a different couple. Books can be read in any order.*

PublisherK.L. Bone
Release dateMay 22, 2019
Forever Chosen: Vampire Brides: Midnight Coven, #1

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    Book preview

    Forever Chosen - K.L. Bone


    Forever Chosen:

    Vampire Brides

    K.L. Bone

    A Midnight Coven Novella

    Forever Chosen: Vampire Brides © 2019 by Kristin L. Bone


    Cover Design © 2019 by Dmytry Karpov-Kinrade

    First Edition: May 2019

    All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    The Midnight Coven Presents…

    Vampire Brides

    Eleven stories set in a shared world where vampires are real, and love is forever.

    The Vampire Bride novellas can be enjoyed in any order. Each of the stories is a standalone. There are no cliffhangers, no shared characters, and each ends with a happy ever after. Our stories range from sweet to steamy, so there’s something for everyone.

    We hope you enjoy escaping into the world of Vampire Brides.


    -The Midnight Coven Authors


    To my beloved husband, Cameron,

    who stands by my side though all the twists and turns of life.

    Thank you for being my friend and partner on this incredible journey.

    Chapter I

    1544 A.D.

    Boulogne, France

    The permeating scent of blood. The ringing clash of metal carried by whistling winds. Screams of those who had already fallen, but had yet to relinquish life. Sweat pouring down under armor that was hot and heavy in the heat of the vanishing sun.

    Another man rushed toward him. Hayden raised his sword, the action made without conscious thought, training having replaced mental ability hours before. The blade sailed toward his chest. Hayden blocked the intended strike, bringing his sword to clash against the attacker’s.

    His latest opponent stepped back, then charged for another strike. Hayden again met the blow, weapon vibrating in his hand from the impact. Stepping back, he thrust his weapon low, aiming the sharp tip at his opponent’s stomach. The man moved to stop him, but too slowly, allowing Hayden’s blade to find an open patch of his armor, fractured by a previous attack. The tip sank deep, causing the man to issue a deep grunt before dropping his blade, and crumpling to the ground.

    Hayden turned, seeking the next opponent, when a sharp pain cut into his left side, driving the exhausted knight to his knees. A protruding object he couldn’t see twisted inside his ribcage, tearing through flesh and bone.

    Collapsing, Hayden lay still, realizing the fight, for him, was finished. Uncurling fingers from his sword, Hayden relaxed in the blood-stained dirt, praying for death to come swiftly.

    But death stubbornly refused his plea, forcing him to languish between agony and blessed unconsciousness.

    A voice pierced his muddled mind as a soothing hand touched the side of his face. The fingers were cool to the touch, pleasant against the heat of the injured knight’s raging fever. "Une rare beauté, the Frenchman said in a husky murmur. Fear not, sweet knight. You shall not die this day."

    Liquid splashed onto Hayden’s side, cascading over his injury. The wetness was followed by a burning sensation, a searing heat that drew a deep groan from Hayden’s lips before he slipped into peaceful darkness.

    He awoke to the same throaty French tones he had heard on the battlefield. I was right to choose you. Yes, I was right, indeed. Magnificent in every way.

    Coming to consciousness, Hayden opened groggy, dry eyes to find the intense, ice-blue stare of a man he had never before seen. Alarmed by the stranger’s close proximity, Hayden attempted to move back, but found himself unable to do so. Full consciousness returning in pieces, he discovered his arms had been tethered above him, wrists encircled in thick, silver chains, which held him secure in their unrelenting control. Jerking his arms, he tested their strength. To his dismay, they held firm.

    An unconcerned chuckle brought his attention back to the stranger, who extend his hand to brush icy fingertips down his captive’s cheek. With no escape but to look down, Hayden abruptly realized he was naked, and had been bathed while unconscious. He shivered at the thought.

    You shall be my vessel, the stranger whispered, leaning forward until his hot breath warmed Hayden’s skin, a startling contrast to the frigid fingers. My chosen slave.

    Hayden lurched against his bindings in alarm. What?

    You will serve me, the stranger declared, in any capacity I require. He leaned closer, running his cold fingers the length of Hayden’s lips, forcing them to part. Such a pretty slave.

    Hayden jerked his head left, pulling at the unforgiving chains. Never, he spat, words conveying a level of defiance he feared he would be unable to maintain. You may as well end my life. I am a knight of England. You have no right to keep me here.

    Oh, but I have every right, the stranger countered. Right of dominance, of victory, of conquest!

    Conquest? Hayden asked incredulously, feigned bravado giving way to creeping panic. Who are you? How did I get here?

    Who I am is not important, he dismissed. You will call me master.

    I will never serve anyone but my sworn lord, Hayden declared, illogically relieved at having at least one tangible fact to hold onto. Kill me, or release me, if slavery is your intent. Anything else will be a waste of time.

    Oh, I have every intention of claiming your life, my sweet knight. A frigid hand cupped the side of Hayden’s face, forcing the captive’s gaze to return to his. If you’re a good lad, I might even allow you to end your mortal existence before admitting your surrender. But mark my words, Knight. Once your life has been taken, I will have your absolute obedience.

    Hayden’s eyes widened, mind grappling with this strange pronouncement.

    The man’s lips parted, gaping mouth widening to reveal a monstrous truth. A pair of elongated fangs materialized, extending from pink gums to reach past pristine white teeth, as his ice blue eyes shone with an unnatural light.

    No! Hayden screamed in unaccustomed terror, a demon materializing where the figure of a man had stood seconds before. He yanked harder at the chains, a sharp pain ripping through his shoulder at his efforts.

    The fiend stepped closer, head tilting in consideration as his hand closed on the back of Hayden’s neck with bruising strength.

    No! Hayden cried. Please, no.

    The creature leaned down, a cruel laugh filling Hayden’s ears. Holding him still, controlling, icy fingers digging into the back of his neck, a hot, wet tongue slid along Hayden’s cheek before forcing its way between his tightly pursed lips.

    Hayden struggled in vain, his strength no match for his molester. Caught between fear and revulsion, Hayden was briefly confused as the probing of his mouth continued.

    Then, with all the might he could muster, Hayden bit down, piercing the invading tongue and filling his mouth with the unexpectedly tangy, sweet, warm gush of the vampire’s blood.

    Pulling back, the monster gave a gruff laugh, amused by the knight’s struggles. To his own disgust, Hayden swallowed, savoring the lingering taste.

    Chapter II

    Present Day


    Of all the spectacular views offered by her father’s monumental estate, this vista had always been her favorite. Especially on a day like this. The deep blue ocean shimmered in the sun’s ebbing light, decorated with what appeared to be tiny crystals riding atop foam-crusted whitecaps.

    The land’s isolated serenity offered a unique comfort. The tranquil silence, interrupted only by the rush of wind or an occasional bird, allowed her to briefly abandon her troubling thoughts. Closing her eyes, Katherine inhaled deeply, tasting the salt-laden air as she enjoyed the last traces of light.

    As the sun slowly faded to dusk, she still waited; her heart clutching to a desperate hope she knew, deep down, was folly. Yet, she waited just the same, watching as the last vestiges of blue transformed to streaks of dark purple, and finally, inky black. Each shift in the transforming landscape fed the lonely ache deep in her heart.

    You knew he wouldn’t come, she softly scolded herself, before at last turning to walk back

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