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Crimson Desires: Eternally Hers: Midnight Coven, #4
Crimson Desires: Eternally Hers: Midnight Coven, #4
Crimson Desires: Eternally Hers: Midnight Coven, #4
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Crimson Desires: Eternally Hers: Midnight Coven, #4

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Dark desires. Immortal Passions.
An unquenchable thirst for human blood. 


Doctor turned immortal, Yelena has resisted the darker side of her vampiric thirst for nearly sixty years. Reclusive, she diligently focuses on her research from her French countryside lab, until an unexpected invitation from the French court thrusts her into the seductive path of Lady Suzette Dieudonnée.


A 2,000-year-old pureblood vampire, the alluring beauty shares none of Yelena's moral qualms. Falling into a forbidden and tumultuous romance, passions burn through steamy nights as Suzette teaches Yelena she can remain true to her Hippocratic oath while fully embracing her vampiric nature.


Along the path of their newfound passion, Suzette realizes she's found her destined mate, but has to convince skeptical Yelena their bond is unique. Together, they must reconcile their love and fears, or be doomed to walk eternity alone.


*Crimson Desires is a self-contained story in a shared universe. Each novel in the Midnight Coven series follows a different couple. Books can be read in any order.*

PublisherK.L. Bone
Release dateDec 9, 2022
Crimson Desires: Eternally Hers: Midnight Coven, #4

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    Crimson Desires - K.L. Bone


    Crimson Desires

    K.L. Bone

    Crimson Desires Copyright © 2022 by Kristin L. Bone


    Cover Art © 2022 Skyla Dawn Cameron

    First Edition: August 2022

    All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This novel contains violence and scenes of a sexual nature.

    Reader discretion is advised.

    Chapter I

    Paris, France

    Present Day

    Yelena held her breath as Léa pulled on the corset strings of her black ball gown. Scattered with silver sequins, the dress caused the light to sparkle in mini-rainbows that danced around the room. Laces fully cinched, Léa tied them off and tucked them away.

    There, Léa stated. Told you the dress would fit.

    People used to wear these contraptions every day? Yelena asked, her voice strained as she clutched her sides.

    Léa chuckled. Could be worse. Formal attire used to require extra layers of petticoats too. With modern fabrics, this dress only needs one.

    Yelena rolled her eyes and turned. In contrast to her opulent, layered attire, Léa’s red satin dress hugged her curves, thin sheath draping from the plunging neckline over her hips, shimmering as she moved. A thin golden chain dotted with diamonds hung between her breasts.

    Your gown doesn’t have a corset, Yelena grumbled.

    I’m not a guest of honor.

    Yelena sighed. Why did I agree to this again?

    Léa laughed. Was your turn, remember? Rank amongst the clan comes with responsibility. She shook her head. But come now, this is the event coven leaders look forward to all year! And you look stunning. Well… Extending a hand, Léa reached out and tenderly pushed back an errant strand of Yelena’s blonde hair. Now you’re perfect.

    Checking the mirror, Yelena saw her normally straight blonde tresses now hung in a loose arrangement of curls, another contrast compared with Léa’s elegant upsweep.

    All that’s left is this. Léa turned and retrieved a choker of massive red rubies.

    Isn’t this a bit much?

    "For the appointed representative of Clan de la Flamme? Silance! Besides, rubies identify you as a member of the elite. Wouldn’t want any…misunderstandings tonight."

    And what about you?

    With a smile, Léa picked up a satin black cloth embroidered with gold and tied it around her neck. "This marks my status as a donneuse for the night. Anyone in attendance you see wearing a similar collar shares my duties at the gathering."

    Yelena shook her head. I won’t partake.

    "I’m aware you’re reluctant to, but there’s no reason for such restraint. Avoid the tables, if it will help ease your consciousness, but as for the les donneuers walking through the party? Yelena, sil vous plais, tonight is about indulgence, and a bit of fun."

    "I don’t find feeding fun."

    Léa rolled her eyes. All the same, if you change your mind, Léa ran a hand along the chain, fingers trailing to where it nestled between her breasts, feel free.

    Yelena glared. I won’t.

    Léa shrugged. Suit yourself, but we should head out. Wouldn’t do to be late.

    Nodding, Yelena turned and exited the hotel room. With Léa beside her, the two women rode the elevator down. Despite Yelena’s insistence a cab would be fine, Antoine, in whose place she was attending the party, had insisted the two women arrive in style. As such, a limousine awaited the pair, an opened bottle of chilled champagne inside.

    Remind me, Léa asked as she reached for a pre-filled glass, can you partake?

    I can tolerate some alcohol, Yelena answered, though not other liquids such as milk, for example.

    Then it is a good thing this doesn’t appear to be milk. She reached for the second flute and handed it to Yelena. I suggest drinking a glass…or three. Should help loosen you up.

    With a smile that failed to hide her nerves, Yelena took a sip, savoring the taste of citrus with a hint of limestone. Her stomach churned, but she pressed a hand to her lips, keeping the liquid down. Once it settled, she was able to take a few more swallows.

    Would you like to mix it with—


    Are you certain?

    I said no. If you’re going to be like this all night—

    I won’t. Léa raised her hands. Not another word on the topic.

    Yelena nodded, then leaned back.

    Léa raised her glass. Cheers to a fun time tonight, despite your expectations. And to the Dieudonné family.

    Raising her own glass, Yelena clinked it against Léa’s. To the Dieudonné family.

    A mere twenty minutes later, the limousine pulled up to a large arm gate flanked by men in suits and dark glasses even though the sun had set hours ago. The gate swung open, the illustrious estate ahead. The limousine eased around the driveway’s curves cautiously, the night illuminated by towering lampposts above.

    When they reached the entrance of Dieudonné Manor, men dressed in Victorian era tunics flanked the doors, contrasting starkly with the modern-attired protective detail out front. The men opened the limo door and offered a hand.

    Yelena accepted, as gracefully exiting a vehicle in a ballgown was a skill she had yet to master. She thanked the footman and waited for Léa to step out as well.

    Once beside her, Léa picked up the slightly dragging hem of her gown with one hand and tucked a small purse under that elbow, then linked her other arm with Yelena’s. With a nod of encouragement, she led Yelena up a series of carpeted red velvet steps. Isn’t it lovely? Léa whispered as they ascended.

    Above them, stained glass windows covered the walls and ended with a railed roof. At the corners on either side, a pair of stone gargoyles overlooked the entrance below, their sightless stone eyes nonetheless seeming to follow their progress.

    Turning back to Léa, Yelena derided, Too Gothic for my taste.

    Léa sighed. Come on, Yelena, you can do better.

    Though its style didn’t appeal to her, Yelena could not deny the building’s grandeur. The glass doors were probably nine feet tall. Atop the door, there appeared to be a wreath topped with a crown. Directly below the crown were two shields, one filled with three fleur de lis, the other, an X formed of large circles, topped with a cross.

    Following Yelena’s gaze, Léa explained, Their family crest. The Dieudonnés shared blood with the sun king, so they claim.

    The sun king?

    Léa nodded. The family bears the same last name, and their crest is similar in design. Though as to the absolute truth of their relations, I am uncertain.

    Wow, the unspoken thought slid through Yelena’s mind and she paused her climb. What history the family must have seen.

    After a quizzical look, Léa gave her an encouraging tug.

    The two women resumed their climb up the carpeted steps. When they reached the top, Léa pulled a pair of invitations from her clutch and handed them to a man guarding the entrance.

    "Very good, Mademoiselle. Please, do continue. The party is straight down the red carpet."

    Thank you. Léa flashed a smile, then resumed her walk with Yelena.

    The two women entered a corridor lined with massive gold-framed paintings. Most were of various landscapes, from ocean views to snowy mountains. A few, as the pair ventured further inward, showed old castles, some of which still existed, and others erased from mortal memory.

    Yelena admired the artwork as she glided down the

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