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Forsaking the Dragon: Flames of Kalleen, #3
Forsaking the Dragon: Flames of Kalleen, #3
Forsaking the Dragon: Flames of Kalleen, #3
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Forsaking the Dragon: Flames of Kalleen, #3

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7,000 years ago a lie was born to hide a destructive truth—a Kalleen Princess defended her Amethystine love to her dying breath.


For millennia, Amethystine dragons have been banished from the Kalleen Kingdom, their very existence erased from the annals of history. But some claim, in the icy wastelands to which they were exiled, the Amethystines survived and wait for an opportunity to reclaim their land and birthright.


To protect her kingdom from the wicked and powerful temples that challenge her rule, Dragon Queen Amelia ventures into the ice-swept mountains in search of legends. The path proves treacherous, and the dragons she seeks may be the greatest threat she has yet faced.


Accompanying Amelia on this journey, Conner will stop at nothing to protect her, hoping his devotion and loyalty will be enough to overcome the secrets and family legacy he has kept hidden from the woman he loves.


As Amelia delves deeper into Amethystine lands, she must contend with the ancestral hatred from those her kingdom wronged centuries before, while finding a way to convince the Amethystines that if they fail to stand together both kingdoms will fall. To forge such an alliance, the Amethystine council demands a shocking price, one Amelia may not be willing to pay.

PublisherK.L. Bone
Release dateMay 11, 2022
Forsaking the Dragon: Flames of Kalleen, #3

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    Forsaking the Dragon - K.L. Bone


    Forsaking the Dragon:

    The Flames of Kalleen

    K.L. Bone

    Illustrations by:

    Raven Quinn, Vii Morte, & Barn-Swallow Art

    Works by K.L. Bone

    Tales of the Black Rose Guard Series:

    Black Rose

    Heart of the Rose

    Blood Rose

    Shadow of the Rose

    Silver Rose

    Princess of the Rose

    Daughters of the Rose (coming soon)

    The Flames of Kalleen Series:

    Embracing the Dragon

    Releasing the Dragon

    Forsaking the Dragon

    Reclaiming the Dragon (coming soon)

    Twisted Fairytales:

    Shattered Moonlight: A Twisted Fairytale

    Fractured Moonlight: A Twisted Fairytale (coming soon)

    Midnight Coven Vampire Novellas:

    Forever Chosen: Vampire Brides

    Immortal Skye: Vampire Mates

    Wicked Desires: Cursed Coven

    Eternal Night: A Vampire Romance Collection (Boxset)

    Rise of the Temple Gods Series:

    Rise of the Temple Gods: Heir to Kale

    Rise of the Temple Gods: Heir to Koloso

    Rise of the Temple Gods: Heir to the Defendants

    Rise of the Temple Gods: Heir to Prophecy (coming soon)




    Forever (coming soon)

    Other Works:

    The Indoctrination

    Undying Embrace: A Dracula Novella

    See for more

    Forsaking the Dragon Copyright © 2022 by Kristin L. Bone


    Cover Art © 2021 by Skyla Dawn Cameron

    Map Illustration © 2017 by Raven Quinn

    Dragon Artwork © 2018 by Raven Quinn

    Character Illustrations © 2021 & 2022 by Vii Morte

    Character Illustrations © 2022 by Barn-Swallow Art

    First Edition: May 2022

    All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


    This novel is dedicated to my family,

    who helped me with patience and

    understanding through this writing journey.

    I would also like to dedicate this to the memory

    of Anne Rice,

    who both inspired and encouraged

    my writing dreams.

    Also, to my mews:

    Momo the cat

    who sat on my stack of papers through

    the entire editing process!

    Map of Kalleen


    Chapter I

    6,875 Years Ago

    An Unsigned Scroll:

    My Lord and Brother Knight,

    I write to you on a matter of grave urgency. It concerns the accusations levied years ago against the temple we have been trained to revere and serve by the captain we both followed, and subsequently betrayed.

    I pray you will keep the contents of this letter in absolute secrecy.

    The man to whom this kingdom is immeasurably indebted, and forbidden to speak of, left behind a beloved treasure.

    The daughters of this land are being harmed. One above all others. She is a treasure who must be saved, and a chance to right at least one of our many sins.

    I entrust to you a map detailing the secret tunnels located under the Blodeuwedd Temple. These ancient passages, long abandoned by the priestesses, will provide a way inside the grounds.

    I give you this information in the name of those whose love echoes through the darkened path of eternity.

    Chapter II

    Present Day

    North-Eastern Kalleen Mountains

    Framed by gray clouds, the amethystine dragon raged. Diamond-pupils glared as six expansive wings, three on each side of its immense form, filled the sky. Feathers cascaded over the wings in tones from deep amethyst to ebony. As the wings flapped in unison, inner golden flames illuminated the dark feathers with each stroke. Its jaws opened, displaying curved fangs behind thick lips. Swirls of steam rose as the dragon’s hot breath melted the snow flurries around the creature’s hovering form.

    The dragon flapped its wings, and tucked its fur-covered goat-like legs, lifting higher to cast shadows over the frozen ground where Amelia stood, naked and exposed, the manifestation of her nightmares materialized before her. Heart hammering, the urge to flee consumed her, yet the rage-filled eyes of the dragon froze her in place. This time, she knew, there would be no escape.

    The mighty beast parted its jaws and a high-pitched shriek filled the air. The rolling gust from another flap of its wings cascaded down, knocking Amelia from her feet. A cold sting bit at her bare skin as it collided with a patch of ice on the ground. The dragon’s chest puffed, and she heard a deep wheeze as the dragon filled its lungs, gathering oxygen to rain fire down on her delicate human flesh.

    Yellow flames filled the dragon’s mouth, a rolling inferno promising excruciating pain.

    Then, a deep bellow came from the east.

    Human and dragon turned as one.

    A set of feathered wings swept away clouds revealing an icy, jagged mountaintop.

    A second roar came, unseen and louder than the first. Materializing through gray wisps, more dragons appeared, their gaze transfixed upon Gwen’s raging form.

    Kneeling on the frozen ground, Amelia gaped in disbelief as six Amethystine dragons soared toward her.

    Roaring a defiant challenge, Gwen flew higher, each flap of her wings driving additional snow around her as though the white powder had become an extension of her presence. Gwen’s dragon blasted the sky with a thick stream of yellow flame, the confluence that had been meant to incinerate Amelia. Black smoke rolled off the deadly stream.

    Dodging the twisting flames, the dragons separated, but continued their advance.

    Amelia broke from her stupor, climbing to her feet before running toward the cave, screaming for Conner and Gwain.

    Whatever enchantment had caused them to sleep through Gwen’s transformation had broken. The two men appeared at the cave’s entrance, along with additional members of her honor guard.

    Gwain was the first to reach her, his blade unsheathed. Amelia! He grasped her shoulders as Conner appeared beside him.

    What’s happening? Gwain demanded, his gaze moving to the eastern sky, now ignited in dragon flame. Are you hurt?

    Amelia shook her head, mute.

    His anxious gaze swept the area. Gwen? Where is she?

    Meeting Gwain’s green eyes, words failed her.

    Where’s my sister?

    Amelia trembled as she turned and pointed to the same east sky Gwain had noted.

    Did the dragons harm her? Gwain demanded.

    Amelia shook her head and raised her right arm. Pointing a finger at the lone dragon, she managed to form the words required to answer. She’s there.


    The dragon. The… Amelia drew a breath, drawing air into her lungs. My flames released her dragon, Gwain. Forcing herself to meet his eyes she finished, Gwen transformed. She’s Amethystine.

    She’s… Words trailed as Gwain stepped past Amelia, his mind struggling to come to terms with the scene.

    She’s Amethystine, Amelia stated again.

    I don’t—

    Can you make her transform back? Conner asked.

    I have no idea, Amelia answered, nodding toward the dragons flying steadily forth from the eastern mountains, but we have company.

    Raising a hand, Conner unclasped his outer cloak, allowing it to fall into the snow before reaching for his shirt.

    No. Amelia shook her head. We should try to calm her.

    But we have to protect her from them. He nodded toward the advancing dragons.

    Running toward Gwen, Amelia raised a hand against blinding light as Gwen sent another warning stream of flame through the clouds.

    Gwen! Amelia screamed the name of the girl trapped within the beast. Gwen, stop!

    At the sound of her voice, the dragon turned its head enough to see the queen from her peripheral vision.

    Enough, Gwen! It’s time to turn back.

    The dragon growled in protest, the sound sending a shiver down Amelia’s spine.

    Gwen. Her brother’s deeper tones followed Amelia’s, the captain appearing on Amelia’s right. Gwen, please, calm down.

    The enraged dragon ignored her brother, elongated pupils fixed on the threat that had nearly reached them.

    A roar reverberated behind them. Amelia and Gwain turned to see Conner and Jonathan had transformed, their purple and yellow forms taking to the sky. They approached Gwen, but she snapped her teeth in warning, causing both to move to the left, giving the newborn dragon space.

    At the appearance of the two Kalleen dragons, those advancing paused, hovering a few feet beyond the range of Gwen’s erratic blasts.

    Sister, please! Gwain called. Please, come down to me. We can help.

    This time, Gwen turned at her brother’s voice, circling to better face him. Turning her head to look left and right, Gwen flapped her wings, circling slowly as the snow whirled around the human pair.

    Gwen, her brother pleaded in softer tones, come down, please. Let me help.

    Gwen’s mouth opened, a burst of flame surging forth. Amelia leapt toward Gwain, their bodies colliding as she knocked him from the fire’s lethal path.

    The dragons who had paused at the flame’s edges surged forth at this attack.

    Gwen gave a gruff roar as the Amethystine dragon’s flames singed her left rump.

    At the new dragon’s cry, Jonathan and Conner moved to flank Gwen, each releasing a stream of flame on either side of her.

    No! Amelia screamed, rushing forward in the direction of the approaching dragons. We don’t want a fight. Please, listen!

    One of the Amethystine dragons tilted its head toward her at the cry.

    Please! We don’t…

    Gwen shrieked, flapping her powerful wings, rising higher into the sky. Folding back her wings, she dove, soaring toward the unknown dragon closest to her, a stream of fire preceding her.

    The targeted beast banked left, missing a majority of the intended attack, but was unable to keep a few flaming tongues from lapping at its right wingtips. The dragon roared at the contact, surging toward Gwen in response as the dragon beside him joined his attack.

    From Gwen’s left, Jonathan released a stream of his own yellow flames toward the group of Amethystine dragons.

    Conner, on Gwen’s right, pushed himself in front of Gwen, forcing her to turn away. A wave of yellow surged toward Conner, but he managed to turn, meeting the flames with his own, the yellow streaks colliding in mid-air causing the flames to stream in multiple directions.

    No! Amelia shrieked, her own dragon roaring inside her head at the fight above. Please stop! she called again, skin burning as her dragon pushed its way to the surface, hard blue scales breaking through delicate human flesh.

    Throwing back her head, the dragon clawed its way through her with painful force as she lost her battle, wings splitting from her back. She screamed, but the sound arose a shriek from her lengthening throat.

    Fully transformed, Amelia turned her gaze to the battle above, Jonathan’s golden hide contrasting with the sea of surrounding purple. Impervious to the icy winds pelting against her, Amelia’s dragon stretched its wings and took to the sky.

    Rising, Amelia entered the fray with Gwain’s green reptilian form on her left side. Yellow flame pierced the clouds, dragons exchanging blows, streams of clashing flame creating lines of black smoke that obliterated the previously pristine white and gray canvas.

    Stop! Amelia’s dragon issued the command through a wordless screech, wings carrying her toward the billowy clouds. A streak of yellow flame shot toward her right side, but her dragon tucked its wing, swiftly avoiding the attack. Another bellow rose from her throat, the sound filling the air. The Kalleen dragons enveloped her, flapping their wings to encircle their queen.

    The Amethystine dragons pulled back, both groups forming a semi-circle with Gwen’s raging bestial form in the center. Snarling, Gwen twisted in a tight spiral, emitting a spray of yellow fire that encircled the air around her, yet failed to touch any of the dragons, who remained out of reach.

    Twisting toward Gwain, Amelia shook her serpentine head, motioning him back. At the command, the green dragon snarled, but did as she had ordered, pulling back behind her. On her opposite side, Conner’s violet form did the same. The rest of her guard followed suit and fell back behind their queen.

    Gwen’s slitted eyes focused on Amelia’s cerulean form. Her jaws parted, forked tongue tasting the frigid air.

    Moving swiftly, Amelia banked left and rushed forward. A streak of yellow followed her as she did so, but Amelia was faster than Gwen’s inexperienced flames.

    Placing herself between Gwen and the Amethystine dragons, Amelia prayed she would not be attacked from behind. Conner attempted to join her, but Amelia roared, the sound physically forcing him back.

    Catching Gwen’s enraged gaze, Amelia issued a deep growl, and wobbled her head before flying higher.

    Gwen followed, shifting the fight to a higher position in the clouds.

    That’s right, Amelia thought. Follow me.

    They flew higher.

    Gwen drew a breath, thrusting yellow flames in Amelia’s direction.

    Amelia banked left. We must calm her, Amelia pleaded with her dragon half. She knows not what she does.

    The dragon did not respond with words, but instead rose even higher into the sky, flying far above the peaks of the Kalleen Mountains surrounding them. Her dragon half gave a high-pitched shriek. With a flap of its wings, the dragon flew into an inverted circle, releasing a streak of blue flames. The hot stream surrounded her, disrupting the seamless gray sky.

    At the sight of the cerulean ring of fire, Gwen’s dragon paused, eyes glued to the royal dragon.

    Amelia lowered herself to align her elevation to Gwen’s. Flapping her scaled wings, she circled the newly turned Amethystine, releasing blue flames as she orbited, careful to ensure none actually touched the young dragon.

    Gwen remained immobile, moving only her eyes as the blue inferno surrounded her.

    Queen. The dragon’s hiss slid through Amelia’s mind. Others must obey.

    At this, another roar came from deep in Amelia’s chest, rising in her throat to thunder through the surrounding clouds. Down! The dragon yelled in her head as the commanding roar escaped. Down!

    Gwen’s feathered wings folded. Her neck turned toward the mountains and she dove, plummeting toward the ice-covered ground.

    No! Amelia called to the dragon. She must not be harmed!

    Amelia’s wings folded, and she dove after Gwen, noticing as she glanced around that the dragons below her were also hurtling toward the ground.

    Stop! Amelia screamed, the command again escaping from her serpentine throat.

    The wings of the other dragons opened, slowing their descent as they reached the ground, Amethystine and Kalleen side by side as they touched the frozen earth.

    Gwen was the last to land, her dragon giving an enraged shriek. Beside her, her brother’s green dragon form bellowed, drawing her slitted gaze to him. As she met his eyes, her dragon form shivered, then receded. Her six feathered wings collapsed to a single wing on each side as her neck shortened, and her body thinned. Her claws receded, snout shrinking to lips as the mixture of feathers and scales vanished to reveal pale skin.

    For a heartbeat, Gwen stood in mostly human form with only her arms in their feathered state, taking on an angelic appearance, until even these final traits vanished, leaving a fragile human girl where a dragon had once stood.

    Gwen! Gwain called his sister’s name as his own dragon receded into his human shell.

    Raising a hand to the side of her head, Gwen stumbled, but was caught in her brother’s arms.

    Gwen, he stated in a tone more sob than words. Sister.

    Lowering both to their knees, Gwain steadied his sister, who trembled against his bare chest.

    Gwain, his sister whispered his name.

    Gwen? He pulled back enough to meet her violet eyes. Gwen, do you know me? Do you know who I am?

    Gwen drew a short, rough breath and studied her brother, the intensity of her gaze causing Gwain’s heart to thunder against his ribs.


    Brother, her words came in a low whisper carried on the icy wind, you came.

    Tears stung Gwain’s eyes. I tried. I…

    Gone. Her gaze left her brother’s, surveying the surrounding creatures before she raised her head toward the sky, where only Amelia flew. The nightmare, she whispered. It’s gone.

    Gwen collapsed in her brother’s arms.

    Chapter III

    Present Day

    North-Eastern Kalleen Mountains

    Landing on the frozen tundra, Amelia coaxed her dragon to surrender control, allowing her human form to emerge from its scaled outline. Standing nude amongst the swirling snow, she resisted the urge to rush to where Gwain knelt cradling his sister. Instead, she forced her attention to those gathered, her select group surrounded by a larger force of Amethystine dragons.

    A sense of awe washed over the queen, her permanently reptilian eyes taking in the dragons she had only witnessed in dreams. They stood upon two hooved feet, their goat-like legs covered in fur that grew sparse and eventually gave way to scaled chests. Like Gwen’s dragon form, from their sides emerged six feathered wings, narrow at the base, the yellow light of their inner flames peeking between wide sprays of purple feathers, the colors in slightly varying shades, yet all within the amethyst family.

    As her eyes swept the field, one of the dragons stepped forward, moving ahead of the others. Amelia counted fourteen attackers. If the Amethystine recognized her as the Kalleen queen, they might attempt to take her captive, if not outright kill her, and her men would die protecting her. Too high a cost.

    Raising her hands in a sign of submission, and with a warning glance to her knights, she stepped forward to meet the front dragon. Amelia cleared her throat. May we speak?

    At the question, the dragon studied her, then nodded and transformed.

    Beside him, another stretched his neck and gave a deep-throated growl.

    Their leader raised a wing from which fleshy fingers emerged. To the motion, the dragon lowered its head, but its gaze remained on the group in front of them.

    My lady, Conner’s voice came from behind her, but she raised a hand, motioning him back.

    Amelia swallowed hard as the tall man finished his approach, pausing a few paces from her. Close enough she had to crane her neck to meet his eyes. My lord, she addressed him.

    The man shook his head. I hold no such title.

    By what name may I address you?

    I am Cedric, a lieutenant in service of the Amethystine Kingdom, he stated curtly.

    I am Lady Elizabeth, she gave her middle name, carefully not reacting to the ripple of understanding mixed with relief from her men. We did not come here to harm anyone, she spoke to assure the man in front of her, and as a reminder to her knights.

    My lady, a voice spoke from behind her.

    She turned, finding Jonathan standing beside her with a blue cloak. Accepting the heavy material, she moved her arms back, sliding them into the sleeves, and then pulled the cloak around her, cinching it with a belt.

    Beside her, Jonathan hesitantly held out a second cloak to the nude Amethystine dragon.

    His eyebrows rose, but after a brief hesitation, the man extended an arm, accepting the offered material, which clung tight across his broad shoulders.

    Guessing you’re a great distance from home.

    Amelia nodded.

    What is your business in these mountains?

    We did not intend to cause harm, Amelia reiterated.

    The man nodded in Gwen’s direction. Yet, you have one of our kind with you.

    Eyes moving to Gwen, Amelia paused, then went for truth. She is the sister of one of our own.

    The man raised an eyebrow. I doubt this.

    Amelia eyed the group, again noting how outnumbered they were. Could they escape? Possibly. But without suffering loss?

    You are Amethystine, she stated plainly.

    The man’s eyes narrowed. A student of lost history, are you?

    Mythology, she answered with a wry smile, or at least such is what I believed, until now.

    You travel with one of us, yet claim you thought us to be a myth? He shook his head.

    The full answer is quite a long story.

    Save it for my commander, Cedric stated. "He’s always had more of an

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