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Immortal Claim: Midnight Coven, #5
Immortal Claim: Midnight Coven, #5
Immortal Claim: Midnight Coven, #5
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Immortal Claim: Midnight Coven, #5

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Ravenous Passions. Eternal Desires.
A ceaseless hunger for endless nights. 



For generations, the Lavigne family has served as willing blood donors, or Dators, for the vampire elite of France. Families who accept these secret and coveted positions are richly rewarded. With wealth. With power. And to one member of each generation, a chance at immortality.

As the second-born daughter of the Lavigne family, Léa has always understood that the immortal gift would be bestowed upon her elder sister, Sylvie. Until a trip to London places her in the path of the tantalizing Lady Vivian Howard, a five-hundred year old vampire, whose bewitching touch entices her with a single caress.

After half a millennium, Vivian long ago resigned herself to enduring eternity alone. A single night of unexpected passion with the alluring Léa reignites a hope Vivian thought long extinguished. As the two women explore the pleasures and passions of the night, a new future dawns.

Yet not all are happy with their newfound passion. Intent upon claiming immortality for herself, Sylvie will stop at nothing to tear the lovers apart.

Will Léa find immortality in the vampire's embrace?

Books in the Midnight Coven paranormal romance collection each contain a complete character arc. Books can be read in any order.

PublisherK.L. Bone
Release dateNov 30, 2023
Immortal Claim: Midnight Coven, #5

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    Immortal Claim - K.L. Bone


    Immortal Claim:

    Vampire’s Embrace


    K.L. Bone

    Immortal Claim Copyright © 2023 by Kristin L. Bone


    Cover Art © 2023 by Skyla Dawn Cameron

    First Edition: November 2023

    All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Chapter I

    Tower of London

    Present Day

    Gentle visitor pause awhile: where you stand death cut away the light of many days: here jewelled names were broken from the vivid thread of life: May they rest in peace while we walk the generations around their strife and courage: under these restless skies. - Brian Catling, creator of the execution site memorial

    Léa silently mouthed the words inscribed on the Tower of London execution site where famous figures from Queen Anne Boleyn to Queen Catherine Howard to Lady Jane Grey had drawn their last breath. The gray sky seemed appropriate, given the location’s solemnity. The air was chilled and a gusty wind played with the strands of Léa’s blonde hair, causing her to fully button her blue peacoat. Léa had spent much of the day on the Tower grounds, admiring the crown jewels kept secure within the ancient walls and learning the revered location’s history.

    This concludes our tour, the guide stated. I hope you have all enjoyed your time here. Please take any last photographs or selfies, we will be closing in thirty minutes.

    Light applause followed before the crowd dispersed, visitors rushing to capture their final photographs.

    After snapping a few herself, Léa turned and walked in the direction of the birdcages, which housed the Tower ravens.

    When she reached the cage, she paused, tilting her head to study the large black birds.

    They say, a man calmly said from behind her. If the ravens were ever to leave—

    —The British empire would fall, Léa finished the old superstition.

    Indeed, the man answered.

    Turning, Léa found the voice belonged to a tall guardsman, dressed in the traditional red Tower guard uniform. She flashed a smile, allowing her sparkling blue eyes to meet his brown ones. Are you the raven-master?

    Guilty as charged. May I answer any questions about the birds for you, Miss?

    Léa’s smile widened when she asked. I was actually hoping to meet the raven named Nicholas.

    Nicholas? The man’s eyebrows raised slightly, though his grin did not change.

    Yes, Léa answered, hoping she remembered the instructions correctly. Nicholas and Rochester.

    The guard nodded, ‘Course. I’m ‘fraid those two birds are not in this particular cage. Though if you would care to walk with me, I’m certain we can locate them.

    I’d very much like to see them, Léa replied.

    The man nodded before motioning for Léa to follow. Stepping beside him, the pair walked at a leisurely pace between various rows of buildings until they neared Traitor’s Gate. Reaching into his pocket, the raven master withdrew a large brass key and slid it into an old stone door. Turning the key, the locks creaked and groaned, and he motioned for Léa to step inside.

    She complied quickly, observing as the man placed the key in the lock and sealed the door behind them.

    This way, he instructed.

    Turning, the man led Léa down a narrow hallway, the scent of mildew clinging in the air. The man glanced over his shoulder, ensuring they were the only people within the corridor. Moving a hand along the stone wall, he stopped and withdrew a loose stone. Behind it there was a keyhole similar to the one on the outer door. The raven master lifted the brass key into the exposed lock and turned. As he did so, the stone lifted with a slight groan, to reveal a spiral stairwell.

    Down we go. He said, activating a flashlight and guiding them both with the illuminating beam.

    Nodding, Léa followed the man forward, carefully descending the stairs as the door slid closed behind them. She walked down another forty steps or so before reaching the bottom where another door waited. Unlike the relics above, this door was forged of thick metal, a keypad along its side. Stepping forward, the man punched a code into the pad before the door gave a soft beep, then opened with a rush of air.

    A pair of men stood on the door’s opposite side, traditional uniforms replaced with sleek black suits, automatic weapons slung across their shoulders. The ancient hallway illuminated by modern fluorescent lights overhead.

    This woman asked for Nicholas, the raven master said. Can I leave her with you? I’ve got to get back up for the key ceremony before anyone wonders where I am.

    Stepping forward, a dark haired man eyed Léa up and down, taking note of her slender form. Think we can ‘andle her, he answered.

    The raven master nodded, rushing back toward the stairwell.

    The man who had spoken asked, Who are ya and what business have ya with Lord Rochester?

    Unnerved by his intense stare, Léa found she required a deep breath before answering. "My name is Léa Lavigne. I’m a dator from Clan de la Flamme. My clan master arranged for a meeting with his Lordship, Nicholas Rochester. In a practiced flourish, she opened her jacket to reveal an emblazoned family crest and spoke the ancient rite of entry The blood of the ancients runs still.The man stepped forward and leaned in whispering Was thinking something like a passport? Lord Rochester keeps his schedule online,  an most o’ his passwords are digital these days."

    Léa blushed, pulling the document from her coat pocket.  He accepted it and moved  to the security terminal.

    "A dator? The second man spoke, drawing Léa’s gaze to meet his green eyes. The man’s lips split into a grin, fangs flashing between his teeth. Can’t recall ever seeing a dator as beautiful as you. Perhaps we could-"

    She’s a guest for ta boss, the dark haired man reprimanded. Nay touching guests without his say so.

    I know the rules, Richard, the second man answered sharply. Tis no harm in asking if she is willing.

    Richard rolled his eyes and motioned toward Léa. Get ‘er inside. Dis way, if you please, Miss.

    Léa stepped past the steel door’s threshold and into the room beyond, worried she had already gotten herself into more than she had bargained for.

    The  entrance corridor was barren, a narrow hallway lit by electric lamps which lined the walls. Léa’s heels echoed against the metal floor as they stepped through multiple series of doors, each opened with a keypad, before the pair emerged into a foyer where the metal corridor transformed to mahogany walls.

    At the room’s entrance, stood a man dressed in a tailored navy suit, his lanky form partially hidden behind a desk. Standing to greet the newcomers, the man addressed Léa’s escort. Richard?

    ‘ave a girl ta see the boss, Richard stated. "Claims she’s a dator from ‘cross the Channel."

    Ah! The man flashed a polite smile. Miss Lavigne. We have indeed been expecting you. He turned to Richard. Thank you for seeing her safely down. I shall escort her from here.

    Richard gave a curt nod before exiting in the same direction from which they had entered.

    Allow me to introduce myself. I am Jonathan, an assistant to Lord Rochester. We have a gathering here tonight, in which you are most welcome to partake. However, first, may I take your coat and would you be amenable to some refreshments?

    "Oui, to both," Léa answered cheerfully.

    Stepping from behind the desk, the man walked toward her as Léa shrugged out of her peacoat, folding it carefully before handing it to him.

    Now, if you would venture into the corridor on your right, we have prepared some refreshments…suitable for mortals, of course. Please feel free to indulge as much as you wish. Lord Rochester shall be with you shortly.

    Léa walked toward the indicated direction, emerging into a room much cozier than those leading into the underground cavern. An expansive fireplace lined the far wall, golden light filling the room with warmth. Victorian era cushioned chairs stood before the twisting flames. Casting her gaze around the chamber, she spied the promised refreshments and rushed toward them. Before her lay an assortment of cheeses, fruits, crackers, and cured meats with various bottles of wine. Retrieving a plate and wine glass from the table’s end, Léa selected a deep red bordeaux before filling her plate with an array of snacks. She walked across the room toward the fire, and took a seat on the cushioned chair, which she found surprisingly comfortable.

    She remained alone in the chamber for several minutes, before the door behind her opened.


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