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Releasing the Dragon: Flames of Kalleen, #2
Releasing the Dragon: Flames of Kalleen, #2
Releasing the Dragon: Flames of Kalleen, #2
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Releasing the Dragon: Flames of Kalleen, #2

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7,000 years ago, an Amethystine dragon fell in love with a Kalleen princess, and nearly uncovered an unholy truth. As a consequence, to protect the status quo, the Amethystine were banished from the kingdom, their very existence wiped from the epics of history.

Plagued by inescapable nightmares, Amelia wonders if the unknown dragon in her dreams, whose boundless fury destroys all she loves, is a glimpse of an ancient past…or uncertain future?


Despite her fears, the newly crowned Dragon Queen must find the courage to face the kingdom's darkest secrets. Evil truths that those who prefer the old ways, especially the temple's powerful leaders, will go to any length to keep in eternal shadow.

Standing steadfast by her side, Amelia's Captain Gwain, and newfound love Conner, strive to assist her. In their quest to forge a new kingdom, one free from oppression of those not blessed with a dragon form, Amelia delves deeper into the temple's corruption and uncovers the horrors wrought upon her kingdom's children in the name of control and power. A necessary task, for a better future, but her revelations could spark a civil war between the temples' devoted followers and those sworn to the royal dragon bloodline.

PublisherK.L. Bone
Release dateOct 25, 2018
Releasing the Dragon: Flames of Kalleen, #2

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    Book preview

    Releasing the Dragon - K.L. Bone


    Releasing the Dragon:

    The Flames of Kalleen

    K.L. Bone

    With Dragon Illustrations by Raven Quinn

    Releasing the Dragon Copyright © 2018 by Kristin L. Bone


    Cover Art © 2018 by Skyla Dawn Cameron

    Illustrations © 2018 by Raven Quinn

    First Edition: October 2018

    All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


    The book is dedicated to

    my loving husband, Cameron,

    for standing by my side

    through all of life’s trials.

    To my brother, Sam,

    for being his awesome self.

    And to my parents and grandmother

    for their never-ending love and support.

    Amethystine come.

    The Cerulean will burn.

    Chapter I

    Present Age

    Across the ice-tipped mountains, a lone dragon flew. The rhythmic beat of her wings, the only disturbance to the silent night, shadows rippling over the barren land until she reached the sought valley.

    Upon landing, talons sinking into soft dirt, the creature twisted her slender neck, gazing at the recently full moon through emerald eyes. Nostrils flaring, enjoying the frigid air against heated flesh, the dragon walked through the valley undisturbed, basking in a rare moment of solitude, far from the troubles her other half would be forced to face once the creature surrendered control.

    When she reached the forest’s edge, the dragon paused, moving to a large pond for a drink of cold water, further soothing her internal flames.

    As she rested between the water and tree line, the creature again looked to the sky. Having flown most of the night, daybreak was soon to come, and she selfishly wanted to enjoy the first splash of the sun’s rays before embarking upon the return journey.

    Dawn’s hour flew by, chittering birds and scampering small wildlife providing nature’s accompaniment to the growing rays of light. Lying quietly so as not to startle this valley’s furry inhabitants, the dragon moved only her eyes as the sky flickered with various colors, from deep blues with hints of purple, to lighter pinks, splashes of orange, and streaks in various shades of red and yellow. When the sun eventually crept over the mountain, the dragon suppressed the urge to release a bellowing roar, still mindful of not wanting to frighten nearby animals.

    As the sun fully ascended, the dragon closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth with the same pleasure as she had welcomed the previous cold. With a satisfied sigh, she moved to the water, again partaking of the refreshing liquid. The resulting ripple disrupted the reflection of blue scales framing jeweled eyes.

    As the dragon quenched her thirst, a shadow fell over her form, dimming the sunlight. Presuming it merely a stray cloud, the dragon was unprepared when an ear-splitting screech filled the air.

    Turning with a spray of unswallowed water, she found an immense beast above her. Its ebony body was held aloft by deep purple wings, the feathers of which glowed with golden flames that did not burn. It had hooved back feet, but its front arms were clawed, similar to a bird, with talons protruding from the outer tips.

    The menacing creature glared down upon the grounded dragon, silver eyes glinting as its nostrils framed the fire within. Each methodical beat of its wings caused the prey’s heart to leap, as the normally stoic creature tasted a very human fear.

    Rushing backward into the shallow pool, the grounded dragon attempted to avoid the inevitable, all the while knowing there would be no escape.

    The purple dragon’s jaws opened, flames spilling to engulf the creature below before it could utter a single scream.

    Amelia awoke with the shriek her dragon had been unable to complete. Body trembling upon the expansive bed, she clutched the sheet against her chest, pressing the edge to her lips to suppress her fear.

    It had been the same dream, yet…not. She had never experienced the dream from her dragon’s point of view.

    What does it mean?

    Before she had always watched the dragon from afar, frozen and unable to move. Unable to help. This time she had attempted to run, but suffered the same fate despite her efforts.

    Knowing she’d not return to slumber after the recurring nightmare, Amelia rose and pulled a warm cloak over her nightgown before stepping into a pair of slippers. Not wanting to disturb the servants at such a late hour, she’d fetch herself a goblet of wine.

    Walking down a series of hallways she had wandered since birth, her blood ran cold at the sound of a high-pitched scream. Freezing, she waited until a second shriek shattered the cold air. Heart pounding, she rushed down various corridors, fearing the worst, a foreboding which only increased as the sounds led her to a familiar door.

    Gwain! she called, announcing her presence as she opened the door without waiting for an invitation.

    My queen, the knight answered. I’m sorry, she’s having a bad night. I’ve called for a healer to give her a calming tonic, but she has not yet arrived. I’m trying to calm her, but… The normally capable knight appeared utterly helpless.

    Amelia’s eyes took in the sight of his sister writhing on the bed, screaming gibberish between incoherent shrieks. She stepped forward, speaking softly, Gwen, you’re safe.

    At the sound of Amelia’s voice, Gwen’s eyes opened, her eyes meeting her queen’s with abrupt clarity. Cerulean, the girl whispered, burns.

    Gwain stepped back, allowing the queen to reach his sister.

    What do you mean? Amelia asked gently.

    Burns, she repeated. Gwen’s head tilted, enabling her to view both captain and queen. They come.


    Amethystine, she answered, and Amelia’s blood ran cold. Amethystine comes. The Cerulean will burn.

    The girl’s eyes widened, seeing horrors beyond other’s sight. No, she whimpered, the pathetic sound pulling at Amelia’s heart.

    Gwen, Gwain’s voice echoed Amelia’s helplessness as he pushed past the queen and reached for his sister’s hand.

    She shrank from his touch.

    Watching the scene, Amelia’s dragon stirred unexpectedly, but unlike her normally rough emergence, she arose gently, more of a request than a demand. At its unspoken prompting, Amelia took a knee beside the bed, and moved to clasp the same hand Gwain had attempted to grasp. The distraught girl flinched, but did not push Amelia away.

    The royal dragon pushed her way to the surface of Amelia’s mind, the permanent etching in her skin transforming to pale blue as her emerald pupils took on an increasingly florescent light, becoming green flames in the darkness.

    My queen, Gwain said in alarm.

    She means no harm, Amelia spoke of her dragon half with unexpected certainty, motioning him to silence. I promise.

    Meeting the young girl’s eyes, Amelia reached out her other hand and pressed her blue fingers gently against Gwen’s cheek. A dream, she soothed in tones deeper than her normal voice. It can’t harm you, Guinevere.

    The royal dragon’s strong, confident tones reached the tormented young woman on a level where human attempts had failed. Amelia studied her, appeasing her dragon by allowing the creature freedom to guide her actions.

    Safe, the dragon spoke through her twisted voice. Safe.

    Gwen’s eyes narrowed, her pupils constricting and elongating, forming a familiar diamond shape with a silver gleam that masked all hints of color. In shock, Amelia leaned forward to better view the transformation. But no sooner had it begun than the mutation vanished, the child’s eyes retreating to the same rounded lavender they had always been.

    Amelia turned to Gwain, her dragon receding as swiftly as the apparition. Did you see that?

    You reassured her, he said. Thank you.

    Amelia turned back, intending to study the girl’s eyes, but they were closed. Her breathing had calmed to the gentle rhythm of a dreamless sleep.

    Thank you, Gwain said again.

    No need. Your sister is not the only one who awoke from troubled dreams this night.


    Amelia shook her head, and stood, returning her gaze to the knight, noting the deep circles under his eyes, visible even in the dim light. Nothing to worry about right now. Why don’t you get some rest? I’ll sit with her.

    Her words, I don’t understand them. I don’t know how to help her.

    The mumbling of nightmares. And even if it were more, you are in no condition to solve this mystery tonight. You’re no good to anyone this exhausted.

    Gwain hesitated, as though he considered arguing, then thought better of it, instead asking, Are you certain you wish to stay with her yourself, Your Majesty? I would be happy to have one of my fellow knights—

    You have done the same for me, many times over. She offered a bittersweet smile. If not for you, I would share your sister’s fate. ‘Tis the least I can do.

    After a brief bow, he walked toward the door, pausing at the threshold. It goes without saying—

    I’ll call you, if needed.

    Amelia watched him leave, standing until the heavy thud of his boots faded before sinking into a plush chair.

    Pressing a palm to her forehead, Amelia closed her eyes, allowing the girl’s prophetic words to replay against the backdrop of her own nightmare.

    Amethystine comes. The Cerulean will burn.

    Chapter II

    Present Age

    Between lack of sleep due to shared nightmares, and the daily demands of her newfound position, Amelia was exhausted. Despite her fatigue, after climbing the stone steps to her chambers, she ignored the offered comfort of her spacious bed, stepping through the room to reach the balcony beyond.

    Unable to bring herself to occupy the chambers previously inhabited by her sister, nor those of her own childhood where she had languished in the arms of the love who had betrayed her, Amelia had relocated to a room in the castle’s eastern wing.

    The view was no less spectacular.

    Each evening she watched the sunset. Streaks of light pierced gray winter clouds casting bands of color across the sky, glistening on eternally ice-tipped peaks.

    What began as a daily reflection was now tinged with anger at the necessity of such tasks. Kaliyah, the forbidden whisper fell on frigid air, I never wanted your throne.

    She struggled to contain the pain deep inside while her dragon rumbled, whispering wordless promises of escape. Amelia resisted the temptation, knowing if she were to surrender to the beast within, she might never again rise from its encompassing embrace.

    Her sunset ritual was interrupted by a deep voice. Forgive me for the interruption, Your Majesty.

    She turned to find Arthur, Gwain’s second-in-command. Yes?

    Your Majesty, I’m aware you dislike being disturbed at sunset, however we have an unexpected visitor, the high priestess of Kamar. I thought her presence should be brought to your immediate attention.

    Priestess Melusine? Amelia stiffened at the announcement.

    Yes, Your Majesty.

    Amelia resisted the urge to cringe at his persistent use of the newly acquired title. She’s here?

    I thought you would wish to know.

    Amelia nodded. I shall meet with her in the guest— She shook her head, reconsidering her half-spoken statement. Whatever the reason for this unannounced visit, Amelia had a sense of foreboding. The throne room, she corrected her original thought. Yes, a room designed to display the crown’s power. I will go there now. Please instruct Captain Gwain and Lord Tyron to meet me there. Then escort the priestess inside.

    Arthur bowed briefly before turning to carry out the queen’s orders.

    Amelia rushed to her closet, selecting a flowing emerald robe lined with gold thread, matching her prominently dragon pupils of the same color. She had come to accept they would never return to the blue of her human form.

    Running a brush through her hair, she glanced in a silver-rimmed mirror. Far from perfect, but with her unannounced arrival, it will have to do.

    Not wishing to keep anyone waiting, she reached the throne room to find her requested confidants already gathered within, along with a half-dozen additional knights.

    My queen, Gwain addressed her first as both he and the elder lord dropped into low bows.

    Motioning for them to rise, Amelia’s gaze went first to the elder of the two. Lord Tyron, do you know why the high priestess would arrive unannounced?

    I do not, my queen.

    Amelia glanced around the room, unease growing as she met the sterling eyes of the elder lord once more before turning to Gwain.

    Conner has not returned from his journey. Would you act in his place today? Forgive me, I’ve never been competent in all of the court formalities. I…

    I will, he answered, though I am also weak on royal protocol.

    Both turned to Tyron, seeking guidance.

    He smoothly transitioned into the role of teacher. I would suggest, my queen, that you add the royal jewels to your attire, prior to an audience with the priestess. He turned to Arthur. Have one of the ladies-in-waiting fetch the necklace and crown. Returning his attention to Amelia, he praised, You did well to choose the throne room for this audience—it will place you in a position of power, especially with your chosen consort absent.

    When the requested items arrived, Tyron assisted the queen in donning the royal jewels, reaching first for the necklace, thick silver carved into the shape of two dragons, each with blue-diamond eyes. As the clasp was fastened around Amelia’s pale neck, she shivered at the metal’s cold touch, unable to separate the jewels from the memory of watching the same necklace be given to her sister at Kaliyah’s coronation.

    Tyron next reached for the silver crown, holding it high before resting it upon Amelia’s brow. After tucking a stray chunk of her golden hair behind her ear, the thin circlet settled into place. He stepped back, motioning toward the throne.

    Gwain and I shall stand at either side of the steps in front of you, Tyron explained. Amelia’s unease grew.

    At her hesitation, Gwain stepped forward and offered her his arm in a formal gesture. She rewarded him with a brief smile, allowing her captain to move her to the top of the podium and seating herself upon the chair that, in her heart, still belonged to her exiled sister.

    Once seated, Amelia reached for his hand, prompting the knight to take a knee. It’s all right, he assured. I’m sorry Conner isn’t here to support you with his presence.


    Hoped he would have returned before you had to meet with the temples?

    Amelia nodded. I’m sorry, I don’t even know why I’m nervous.

    It is one thing to speak with the lords. With your royal rank, you are accustomed to such interactions. It is another to meet with a priestess, whom you were raised to revere. I understand your hesitation.

    She wanted to say it shouldn’t be like this. She was never meant to be equal to a temple representative, let alone the high priestess.

    Drawing a deep breath to steady her nerves, she smiled at the kind-hearted man who had taken on the role of her protector and nodded bravely.

    With this show of readiness, Gwain stood and walked down the stairs, taking his place opposite Lord Tyron. He adjusted the silver cape’s drape over his broad shoulders and placed his hand upon the polished hilt of his blade.

    At an unseen signal, the double doors opened, and a party of guardsmen entered the room, six men acting as escort to three women, who were draped in the red robes denoting their position within the temples. Resisting the urge to stand and show reverence, Amelia remained seated, allowing the priestesses to bow to her instead.

    Princess Amelia, the high priestess surprised everyone by beginning the meeting with an insult.

    After an uncomfortable silence, Tyron addressed the visitor. I beg your pardon, Priestess Melusine, but you stand before her Her Royal Majesty, Queen Amelia Elizabeth Castel of Kalleen.

    Calling yourself queen already, the priestess assessed, without having actually had such crowning sanctioned?

    The ceremony was attended by a priestess of Sereti, as a representative of Kamar, Tyron countered.

    You did not ask for me personally?

    Given the circumstances by which the throne was acquired, there was not time.

    Acquired, Melusine repeated. A cautious word. Tell me, Lord Tyron, does your queen speak, or does she simply remain mute behind your words?

    All eyes moved to Amelia at the challenge the priestess had not bothered to mask. Greetings, High Priestess Melusine. May I ask what brings you to this castle in such urgency?

    She eyed the queen in contemplation before using a more proper tone. Forgive me, Your Majesty. The journey has left me weary, and waiting even more so.

    I apologize for the wait. Is it the coronation you wish to speak about? I assure you, no offense was intended. However, if your concern over not being present is what this visit is about, I would have expected you some time ago.

    Surely you do not require all of these guardsmen for us to speak?

    Unease increasing, Amelia asked, Is there a reason you wish for them to not be present?

    Only so we may speak, as equals.

    Then you should not have addressed me by a less than appropriate title.

    Melusine looked prepared to argue, but instead visibly relaxed her shoulders, choosing diplomacy. You’re correct, my queen. I should not have done so, and apologize, formally.

    Glancing at Tryon, Amelia asked for guidance, which he gave with a discrete nod.

    Following his lead, Amelia replied, I accept your apology, High Priestess. I shall grant you a more private audience, though I must insist at least one honor guard remain, for our mutual protection.

    Acceptable terms, she answered. I would also ask that my companion, Priestess Penelope, also be allowed to remain, as it is on her behalf I have traveled to speak with you.

    Turning her attention to the second woman, Amelia searched for a hint of recognition, but none came. Certainly, if you would permit Lord Tyron to remain as well. He is my advisor in all things, and his removal would delay any decision based on my desire to consult with him.

    At this Melusine appeared more hesitant, but eventually nodded her agreement. Issuing a few commands, Amelia cleared the room of everyone, except for Gwain and Tyron, as well as the priestesses’ escort. After their departure, Amelia stood and descended the stairs, heels clicking against the polished marble before pausing on the second to last step.

    What may I do for you, High Priestess?

    I received some distressing news, which had not been brought to my personal attention until now.


    I’m afraid so, Your Majesty.

    What has happened?

    The priestess stepped closer. Gwain took a step toward her, but Amelia waved a hand, motioning for him to pause.

    It’s okay, Captain, Amelia stated. She meant no harm.

    Gwain nodded, taking two measured steps back to distance himself from the women as the priestess turned a cynical eye from the captain to the queen.

    You should better train your men to show proper respect to temple representatives.

    My men have the right to view the temples as they see fit, and I will not reprimand my captain for doing his job.

    His job is to threaten a high priestess with physical harm?

    Amelia met her gaze. The hour grows late. Do you have issues to discuss? Or have you come to trade barbs on courtly protocol?

    Melusine studied the queen. Very well, Your Highness. We shall save the courtly protocol for another time.

    It’s Your Majesty. Tell me what disturbance was powerful enough to bring you to the palace.

    The high priestess straightened, her unseen heels striking the marble as she stepped forward. "Your Majesty, I am afraid a grave insult has been committed against the temples. Both scandalous and slanderous in nature, a sin against both our most ancient laws, and the goddess of Kamar."

    What insult? By whom?

    By yourself, Queen Amelia.


    Melusine nodded.


    The second woman, Priestess Penelope, moved forward. The crowning, we forgive. The event took place, as Lord Tyron has stated, under rather unusual circumstances. However, the sin you have committed against the temples and goddess must be answered and atoned.

    Amelia shook her head, confused. Of what crime do I stand accused?

    Gwain answered, She speaks of Gwen.


    They’ve come for Gwen.

    Is this true? Amelia asked Melusine.

    You have removed a voice of Kamar from the temples. An act in direct violation of temple law and the goddess’ edict. Melusine straightened. I demand she be returned, lest the wrath of the temples be thrust upon your infant reign.

    Chapter III

    Present Age

    Amelia’s dragon rumbled, the sound reverberating through her head, power pushing against her skin with an intense heat. Her flesh seared with the effort to resist unleashing the dragon’s wrath at the unveiled threat.

    Struggling to regain a sense of calm, Amelia drew on the dragon’s strength to find her voice; she’d have otherwise cowered before the woman she had been taught to respect unquestioningly.

    Only when she was certain her words would be smooth enough to mask the dragon’s immediate anger, Amelia acknowledged, I rescued a woman, this is true. A troubled woman, who had been forced into the temples against her will, and has been held there under protest for over twenty years.

    The second priestess shook her head. "Viewing a voice of Kamar must be a

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