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Princess of the Rose: Tales of the Black Rose Guard, #6
Princess of the Rose: Tales of the Black Rose Guard, #6
Princess of the Rose: Tales of the Black Rose Guard, #6
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Princess of the Rose: Tales of the Black Rose Guard, #6

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Of all the codes they teach us… those of duty, honor, trust, loyalty… none ever speak of love.


The story is well-known. A Lorcan princess, who died at the hands of a wicked prince. And the captain, whose quest for vengeance knew no bounds.

But what if her death had been an elaborate plot? 


Instead of murder, Princess Liza is taken captive by the cruel-hearted Prince Nicholi, with the reluctant assistance of Captain Erik, of the Muir Court Guard. Focused entirely on his own aspirations, the prince demands Liza consent to become his rose bride, which would place both her eternal soul, and her kingdom, in his pitiless grasp.


As the prince awaits his answer with failing patience, Liza's only comfort comes in a  guarded friendship with the Muir captain; a man torn between obeying the sacred vows of knighthood and his desire to protect the princess he has come to love.


Enraged beyond reason when discovering Erik's devotion to the woman he considers his property, Nicholi forces Liza to make an impossible choice. 

PublisherK.L. Bone
Release dateApr 26, 2018
Princess of the Rose: Tales of the Black Rose Guard, #6

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    Princess of the Rose - K.L. Bone


    Princess of the Rose

    A Tale of the Black Rose Guard

    K.L. Bone

    Map Illustrations by Raven Quinn

    Text Copyright © 2018 by Kristin L. Bone

    All Rights Reserved

    Cover Art © 2018 by Skyla Dawn Cameron

    Map Illustration © 2017 – 2018 by Raven Quinn

    First Edition: April 2018

    All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Works by K.L. Bone

    Rise of the Temple Gods Series:

    Rise of the Temple Gods: Heir to Kale

    Rise of the Temple Gods: Heir to Koloso

    Rise of the Temple Gods: Heir to the Defendants

    Rise of the Temple Gods: Heir to the Prophecy (coming soon)

    The Black Rose Series:

    Black Rose

    Heart of the Rose

    Blood Rose

    Shadow of the Rose

    Silver Rose

    Princess of the Rose

    Daughters of the Rose (coming soon)

    The Flames of Kalleen

    Embracing the Dragon

    Other Novels:

    The Indoctrination


    This book is dedicated to my

    loving husband, Cameron.

    To my parents,

    for unconditional love

    and support.

    And to my illustrator and editors:

    Raven, Melissa, Tara, and Skyla.

    Thank you for helping bring

    this story to life.

    Before the Battle of the Muir Court


    After the Battle of the Muir Court


    Ex omnibus praeceptis quae nobis praescribunt... scilicet officio, honore, unum quidem ullam de amore mentionem facit.


    Of all the codes they teach us… those of duty, honor, trust, loyalty…

    none ever speak of love.

    Antiqua Equestria Instituta

    Venerare deos

    Conserva templa

    Servi domino in virtute et fide

    Protege rosas immortales

    Cole atria immortalia

    Defende debiles siquis eis nocere vult

    Succurre viduis et orbis

    Noli ultra modum offendere

    Vive per honorem et ad gloriam

    Sperne praemia pecuniaria

    Pugna omnium hominum causa

    Pare praefectis

    Custodi honorem equitum sociorum

    Repudia iniquitatem et fallacias

    Ne quid nisi veritatem locutus fueris

    Persevera in omnibus coeptis

    Cole honorem feminarum

    Custodi virtutem pulchrae virginis

    Siquis e paribus te provocaverit, i adversum

    Noli tergum hostibus vertere

    Ancient Code of Knighthood

    Fear the gods

    Maintain the temples

    Serve the liege lord in valor and faith

    Protect the immortal roses

    Honor the immortal courts

    Defend the weak from those who seek to harm

    Grant succor to widows and orphans

    Refrain from the wanton giving of offense

    Live by honor and for glory

    Despise pecuniary reward

    Fight for the welfare of all

    Obey those placed in authority

    Guard the honor of fellow knights

    Eschew unfairness and deceit

    Speak only truth

    Persevere to the end in any enterprise begun

    Respect the honor of women

    Safeguard the virtue of the maiden fair

    Accept all challenges from equals

    Never turn your back upon a foe

    Chapter I

    The Muir Court

    1047 AD

    Silver roses, a child’s voice sang again, carried by salty winds. Silver roses of the sea. The song fell to gleeful giggles as the child skipped along the garden’s center, fingertips running across petals of prominent roses, avoiding protruding thorns with ease. When the girl reached the wall’s end, she laughed, waving an arm in a wide, sweeping gesture. "Touch the petals! precor!"

    Unable to refuse the insistent plea, the woman to whom she called extended a hand toward the green thicket of unnatural vines clinging to ivory walls, thriving above white sand where no vegetation should exist. At her touch, the petals darkened, as if ink now drizzled over the flowers, cascading toward the center of partially opened blossoms, turning the silver roses to violet.

    The child squealed in delight, observing the deep purple leap from flower to flower, transforming the blooms across the garden wall.

    When the violet cascade reached her, the girl held out a hand and raced back down the wall, reversing the transformation, changing the roses back to an iridescent silvery-white.

    Walking the garden’s path, the woman’s careful steps contrasted with the carefree movements of her young companion. Her feet sank into the uneven terrain while she struggled over coarse sand.

    Once, the ocean had been a thing of beauty. Now, it held only pain.

    Nevertheless, she walked steadily toward the crashing waves, moving beyond the garden across the expansive beach.

    When she reached the water’s edge, she paused, standing close enough for the tide’s froth to lick the fringes of her azure gown that billowed in the cold wind.

    She drew a breath of salty air, but it came to her lungs unsteady, broken.

    Her mind wandered to the night it had all begun. The agony endured not only by herself, but by those she loved.

    As the waves rolled in and out, silver crests upon the blue water, she welcomed the sting of swirling sand as it whistled around her.

    My lady, a deep, gentle voice disrupted her solitude.

    She closed her eyes at the sound. You came.

    Yes, my lady. His voice conveyed a deep-seated pain.

    You’re here.

    His hand touched her shoulder. "mi amor."

    You shouldn’t have come.

    The knight moved closer, allowing her to settle against his chest, in spite of the act’s forbidden nature.

    She took a breath and reached for his hand, keeping her eyes on the cerulean waves.

    "precor. Please, my lady, hold on for me."


    Jarred by the question’s hopeless tone, he leaned down, inhaling the lavender rinse used on her ebony hair. My lady—

    Don’t ask it of me. She shook her head, exhausted. Please don’t. Turning in her knight’s arms, she pressed her cheek to the soft cloth covering his chest, allowing him to completely enfold her.

    He ran a hand through the soft locks of her hair, down her back. My lady, I— The words he sought refused to come easily. Please, my lady.

    You don’t know—

    I do.

    No. She pressed firmly against him. Every night. Do you know what that’s like? To lie there every night? Her words gave way to sobs, strength vanishing.

    Her lack of strength destroyed his remaining resolve. I’m sorry, my lady. Her pain sliced through him sharper than even the Arius blade strapped to his side.

    You must go, she whispered. If they find you—

    I don’t give a damn, he answered. I’m not going anywhere.

    His angry declaration caused her tears to spill faster.

    Forgive me, he said tersely. "Please, mi amor, forgive me."

    ignosce mihi. The haunting words arose from inescapable memory.

     I did this, my lord, not you. I didn’t know what love was, nor the depth of pain it so often carries. Too naive to see the truth, I destroyed the lives of those sworn to protect me.

    "Not true, mi amor."

    I dreamed of what happened. What she did. How she laughed while ripping flesh from bone. Screams echoing down the stone halls.

    What happened was not your fault, my lady.

    I didn’t understand how she could love him with such cold indifference. I didn’t comprehend the pain. The agony she endured. Until now.

    She gazed up, the knight’s Muir Court eyes a perfect reflection of the foaming sea.

    He spoke the only words he could. Please, my love, hold on.

    She drew a trembling breath, and exhaled before again pressing her cheek to his chest, allowing his strong arms to envelop her. You’re here, she whispered.

    "Yes, Liza. adsum, mi amor."

    Chapter II

    Lorcan Court

    930s AD

    Princess Liza stood in violet among a colorful sea of gowns. Exhausted, Edward had granted her a brief respite from the dancing, taking her to a side room for some water and a light snack. Now she was back inside the grand stone chambers, the normally cold underground air warmed by the flurry of people who graced the ballroom floor.

    Liza secretly hoped Edward might ask her to dance again, but those hopes were dashed at Davith’s hurried approach.

    Captain, he addressed Edward, the queen awaits you in her chambers.

    She left the ball? Why?

    That information was not disclosed, Captain. I only know the queen left with Prince Nicholi and Captain Mara, among others.

    Edward turned to Liza, bowing quickly before leaving her to the mercy of suitors who desired a dance. A particularly pudgy man approached, intent on making such a claim. He had danced with her previously, bragging about his extensive wealth while treading painfully on her toes. She gazed about, hoping to find an escape through the crowd when a deep voice reached her.

    Your Highness.

    Liza turned, resigned to entertain whichever lord had spoken, and was surprised to find the voice belonged to Captain Erik, of the Muir Court Royal Guard.

    Offering a bronzed hand, the captain asked, May I have this dance, Princess?

    Startled by the request from the normally stoic man, Liza nodded, allowing the blond knight to escort her onto the dance floor. A chorus of male voices set a gentle tempo.

    As the pair moved across the floor, Erik tipped his head toward the man who had paused in his approach when the captain took her hand. I have saved my sisters and nieces from many a dance with Lord Valit. I thought you might appreciate the same.

    Her smile showcased relief. Thank you, Captain.

    No need, Your Highness.

    Erik and Liza twirled to the tempo’s steady rhythm, bowing and circling as the music beckoned.

    During one of the intricate circles, Liza misstepped, turning right instead of left.

    The captain followed her movement, masking the error with ease, and pulling another grateful smile from his younger partner.

    Sorry, she mouthed, to which Erik merely returned her smile.

    By the time the third song ended, eyes weighed upon Liza from others expectant of a dance, yet none dared to impede upon the famous captain.

    Would you like refreshments, Your Highness? Or would you prefer to be given to the next in line?

    A cup of wine, perhaps?

    Erik nodded, offering an arm, which she accepted, placing her hand upon the blue velvet covering his arm. Maneuvering through the crowd with a grace Liza had yet to master, Erik escorted the princess to the far table before retrieving the requested wine.

    Thank you, Liza said as she grasped the silver goblet. After taking a sip of the crimson liquid, she glanced up into the dazzling blue of the knight’s Muir Court eyes.

    They moved away from the table, allowing the next guest to reach the wine, toward a nearby pillar where Liza again turned to Erik. May I ask you a question, Captain?

    Of course, Princess.

    Are you the knight who accompanied my uncle, Prince Michael, to Aeon?

    Aeon? Guilty as charged.

    Liza’s smile widened as her eyes sparkled with excitement. Did the three of you actually subdue the Aeon Court all by yourselves?

    Yes, he answered. Though as I’m sure you’re aware, the event was more an honor fight than a real battle.

    Will you tell me about the quest?

    You seem to know plenty.

    Not about this one, she answered. Mara tells stories all the time, but she has… Liza searched for the word, reluctance about ones involving her father. I think they’re difficult to tell. Liza paused, her eyes dimming at her own words. Forgive me, my lord. I should not have—

    Michael was a good man, Erik eased her concern, and an even better knight. I can understand her hesitancy. I would be happy to tell you about—

    Erik, a voice interrupted. He turned to find a woman in a deep blue gown approaching. A dance is one thing, Uncle. But you mustn’t monopolize all the princess’ time.

    Of course, Erik said, turning back to Liza. Forgive me, Your Highness.

    Not at all, she answered, reluctant to face expectant suitors behind her. Thank you for the dance, Captain.

    Of course, Princess. He gave a formal bow before taking her half-full cup and surrendering Liza to her next dance partner.

    He watched the princess take the floor while speaking to his niece. Are you enjoying the ball, Cordelia?

    You know I abhor such gatherings. However, it is expected.

    So I am continually reminded.

    Sometimes I envy your choice to join the guard. Such formalities are required far less by one in your position.

    Yes, Erik considered, but there are other expectations, some with identical levels of tediousness.

    True. And I lack the thirst for blood such duties seem to require. She drew a breath, reaching to push back a stray strand of golden brown hair. You escorted Princess Liza through quite a few dances, Uncle. Considering offering your own hand?

    Of course not.


    Cordelia, please. Don’t be absurd. He shifted to better face his niece, expecting to see the teasing expression he knew so well. Instead, he found serious consideration upon her elegant features.

    She’s the heir to the Lorcan throne. Nicholi will never be allowed to marry her, as combining the courts has never been Queen Clarissa’s desire. You, on the other hand, would be an excellent match, Uncle. Royal blood, yet not the Muir Court heir. Any children would be cousins to Nicholi’s progeny. Enough of a relation to bring the courts closer in friendship, without granting power to a single ruler.

    Cordelia, he warned.

    What? She’s a lovely princess, and you’re a royal captain. Isn’t that the type of match fairy tales claim to be made of?

    Since when do you believe in fairy tales?

    I don’t, she answered, her eyes sliding from her uncle’s to find Liza on the floor. But the princess might.

    Hours passed and the crowds thinned, guests retiring to their appointed rooms for the night. As twilight moved to sunrise, Erik was surprised when Liza approach him.

    Captain, she addressed.

    Your Highness.

    I have a favor to ask, my lord?

    Of course.

    Captain Edward promised that if I made it through the entire night, I could watch the sunrise in the garden. He was called to attend my mother though, and has not returned. Davith would normally escort me himself, but with all the additional people on the grounds, well, I was wondering…

    I would be happy to act as an additional escort, Princess, provided Sub-Captain Davith accompanies and approves.

    Liza smiled sweetly and turned in Davith’s direction.

    When he reached them, Davith spoke to Erik. I do not wish for you to feel obligated, Captain. You are permitted to tell her—

    I would be honored to assist you in watching over the princess, he answered. No obligation at all.

    Thank you. Davith nodded to the captain, before motioning to several men. A group gathered around the princess, and moved to the exit, Davith walking beside Erik.

    With this size of event, we normally require a full-ranked captain for such an excursion. I told her no, but she suggested you might be willing to accompany her.

    I’m honored. In fact, would you mind if Princess Cordelia joined us? I’m certain she would appreciate the fresh air as well.

    Of course, Captain.

    Pausing, Erik called to his niece, who walked to Liza’s side.

    Thanks for asking, she said. Fresh air sounds nice.

    Together, knights of the Muir and Lorcan courts escorted the royal women into the gardens, blinking against the rising light as they emerged from the stone pathway onto dewy grass. Once safely within the walled enclosure, the men dispersed to respective corners, giving the two princesses the illusion of privacy.

    Erik also moved away, but Liza walked toward him. My lord, I would very much like to hear the story I asked of earlier.

    The story?

    Liza nodded.

    You mean, the story of Aeon?

    Only if you don’t mind.

    Not at all, Your Highness.

    You can call me Liza. Erik looked uncertain, when she added, Please.

    All right, Princess Liza.

    She sighed, unable to suppress a smile. It’s a knight thing, isn’t it? Garreth won’t call me Liza, and he’s my brother.

    Part of the training.

    She chuckled. What was it like, my lord? The fight? And what about my uncle? You went with him?

    I did, he answered. We were trained as knights at the same time, and such quests were once a required part of our training.

    When was—

    Princess, Edward interrupted.

    Pausing to acknowledge the Muir Captain, Edward said, Forgive the intrusion, Captain. The queen has some important guests leaving. She’s requested her daughter’s presence to wish them farewell.

    Of course, Erik answered, turning to the young woman. Can’t keep the queen waiting.

    Do you think you could tell me the story another time?

    It would be my pleasure to do so, Princess Liza. Though, as I plan to leave tomorrow with the prince, I am afraid it is a story which must wait until my next visit.

    Disappointment slid over the princess, but she hid it well, dropping to a curtsy in front of the visiting captain. I bid you safe travels, my lord. And look forward to your next visit, so the story might be told.

    I shall look forward to said visit as well. I bid you farewell, Princess Liza, and beg permission to take my leave.

    Granted, my lord. She smiled before turning, allowing Edward to lead her from the garden.

    Chapter III

    The Muir Court

    1047 AD

    The promised meeting would never be. Instead, Liza’s ill-placed affections toward Edward resulted in endless agony for everyone involved.

    On this anniversary, remembering them, she was unable to prevent the salt of her tears from blending with the ocean breeze.

    Leaning against her equally forbidden love, Liza pressed herself into the circle of his arms. You can’t be here.

    I can’t be anywhere else, her knight answered. "Precor, mi amor. You must continue to be strong."

    But I’m not. My only desire is for the pain to stop. She drew a deep breath. I can’t stop thinking about them. How foolish I had been, to have thought he loved me. How my mother made him pay for such notions.

    Liza, what happened to Edward—

    Stop saying what happened wasn’t my fault! What happened to him, and to Mara. All avoidable if only I had—

    Her eyes closed. She could see it again. Her stoic captain, flesh bared for the queen’s cruel pleasure. The woman he loved forced to step aside. To abandon Edward to the queen’s chosen torment. Clarissa’s raspy gasps as Edward was forced to pleasure her, his hands upon her breasts as Mara knelt beside him, offering comfort which did nothing to ease their pain.

    Then Edward spoke the words that sealed his fate. "ignosce mihi, mea rosa."

    Forgive me, my rose.

    Angered by Edward’s plea, the queen had snatched a silver dagger from the bed’s edge and plunged it into the captain’s chest. Clarissa withdrew the blood-soaked blade only to drive it down again, over and over, ripping open his body.

    Not a powerful weapon, nor overly sharp, it took a great deal of force for the queen to drive the knife through skin and muscle to chip at bones beneath. His screams still haunted her dreams, even a century later.

    As ordered by her mother, Liza had watched, her own shrieks at first joining those of the captain before falling to a numb stupor, only broken when Garreth had appeared to gather her into his arms. How much time had passed between when the queen began unleashing her wrath upon Edward, and when her brother materialized, she would never know. But as he removed her from the room, fresh screams came with an uncontrollable force.

    Edward, too injured to offer coherent speech, had flicked his wrist, motioning the sub-captain to remove her from the blood-soaked chambers.

    Chapter IV

    Lorcan Court

    935 AD

    Carried from the room in her brother’s arms, Liza could recall nothing from when the heavy door of her mother’s chambers had closed, to when Garreth had laid her upon the expansive bed. He attempted to draw back, but Liza dug her fingers into the soft cloth of his shirt. Pressing her face against him, Liza’s shrill scream shattered to a thousand glistening tears. Her brother immediately drew her up to a half-seated position and wrapped his arms around her.

    Garreth, she sobbed the question to which there was no answer, why? Why did she do it?

    Shaken himself, Garreth required several breaths to gather his thoughts. How did he explain to this sheltered princess, his sister, that her mother was a monster? Or justify the queen’s determination to shatter the love between her niece and the captain sworn to serve her?

    He closed his eyes as he inhaled. A mistake, as the image of Edward’s mangled form flashed before his eyes. Mara’s terror, her skin splattered with Edward’s wet, sticky blood as she had pleaded with the queen for Liza’s release.

    The queen had consented. The pretense of reprimanding her daughter barely disguised by Clarissa’s unrelenting desire to torment her niece, and the man Mara loved. They had endured persecution before, yet never in front of the younger princess, whom they had all strived to shield from witnessing the queen’s darkest tendencies. Now her innocence was forever shattered as her protectors were forced to watch helplessly, prostrate before their sworn queen.

    Liza’s tears continued, ensnaring Garreth in a state between anguish and rage. Yet neither emotion was powerful enough to overcome the fear encompassing his heart for the two captains he had been forced to abandon to the queen’s mercy.

    The princess clung to Garreth, pouring her heartbreak into the fabric of his shirt.

    Liza, he whispered, breaking his stubborn rule of referring to her by her title, in spite of his blood relation to the girl in his arms. Little sister.

    I don’t understand, she whispered. Garreth, please. I don’t—why?


    She forced him to…she…

    I saw the blood.

    Liza shook her head vigorously, raising her violet-silver eyes to meet his directly. She made Edward… She forced him to her bed, Garreth.

    Garreth stared, attempting to process his sister’s words against what he’d seen. Her bed?

    Liza nodded, her trembling increasing. And Mara had to help. To—

    The queen. Garreth swallowed, and the words left a foul taste as they slid from his throat. Forced Edward to have intercourse with her? And Mara to participate? Liza avoided his gaze, but nodded, confirming his understanding.

    Liza’s semblance of control crumbled, and she again buried her face into the rumpled folds of her brother’s shirt. He held her, knowing there were no words that would offer true comfort. His heart ached, not only for the princess in his arms, but also for the one who remained within the queen’s chambers, abandoned to the additional horrors the queen would see fit to bestow.

    It took hours before Liza’s tears were spent and she fell, not to calm, but to mute exhaustion. When he eventually coaxed her back against the pillows, Garreth pulled a thick pelt over her slender form, before rising from the bed.

    She lay there, eyes closed, hoping for a release sleep refused to grant. The princess remained still when the door opened, lacking the strength to acknowledge her sub-commander as he addressed Garreth.

    How is she? Davith asked in a low voice, falsely assuming Liza’s slumber.

    Physically, the injuries are minor. In a few hours, the bruises will be completely healed. Emotionally, he exhaled harshly, it will take much longer.

    Davith nodded, addressing Garreth’s question before he could ask. The same for Mara.

    Liza said Edward was forced…

    Davith nodded curtly. When the queen could not bring him to, he searched for an adequate word, "passion, Mara stepped in. She was trying to save him, but as with all events concerning the queen’s wrath, her efforts turned to blood.

    What Liza endured, she’ll recover from, though the memory will leave a stain. However, what the queen did to Mara and Edward, after all they have been through… Anger slipped into his words. Mara won’t leave Edward’s door. But neither will she enter.

    Garreth drew a slow breath. Let her guard the door. At least for now.

    I’m worried about her, Garreth. They…Edward’s injuries are quite severe, but she was forced to watch everything. I don’t know what to do.

    Watch Liza. I’ll go to Mara.

    "I think

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