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Immortal Skye: Vampire Mates: Midnight Coven, #2
Immortal Skye: Vampire Mates: Midnight Coven, #2
Immortal Skye: Vampire Mates: Midnight Coven, #2
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Immortal Skye: Vampire Mates: Midnight Coven, #2

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Amid the Isle of Skye's silvery waves, a vampire fell in love with a selkie.


Every vampire dreams of finding their destined mate—the one who brings the beat of life to their undead heart. Nearly two millennia ago, a pure-blood daughter of the Skye vampire bloodline found her soulmate in Rónán, the selkie knight charged with protecting her from all harm.


Rónán had saved Julia's life when she was a child. Instead of being rewarded, he was enslaved by her father. Forced to serve the Skye family against his will, Rónán's only comfort comes in watching over the lord's daughter, whose innocence and sweet nature steals his heart.


Lord Skye has other plans for his only heir, including a politically advantageous pairing, and protecting her pure-blood lineage. Forced into an arranged marriage, Julia struggles to resist her father's plans, but an ancient spell is cast upon her, rendering her helpless to the manipulations of others. As a result, Julia shatters the heart of the man she swore to love above all others.


After centuries apart, Julia is summoned home to the Isle of Skye, where she must face her past, and attempt to set right the wrongs committed against the man to whom her heart is eternally entwined.


*Immortal Skye is a self-contained story in a shared universe. Each novel in the Midnight Coven series follows a different couple. Books can be read in any order.*

PublisherK.L. Bone
Release dateAug 28, 2019
Immortal Skye: Vampire Mates: Midnight Coven, #2

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    Book preview

    Immortal Skye - K.L. Bone


    Immortal Skye:

    Vampire Mates

    K.L. Bone

    A Midnight Coven Novella

    Immortal Skye: Vampire Mates Copyright © 2019 by Kristin L. Bone


    Cover Art © 2019 by Skyla Dawn Cameron

    First Edition: August 2019

    All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    The Midnight Coven Presents…

    Vampire Mates

    Thirteen stories set in a shared world where vampires are real, and love is forever.

    The Vampire Mates novellas can be enjoyed in any order. There are no cliffhangers, and each ends with a happily ever after. Our stories range from sweet to steamy, so there’s something for everyone.

    We hope you enjoy escaping into the world of Vampire Mates.

    -The Midnight Coven Authors


    Although this Immortal Skye is a romance with a HEA, it contains some violence and scenes of a sexual nature involving questionable consent.

    Reader discretion is advised.

    Works by K.L. Bone

    Rise of the Temple Gods Series

    Rise of the Temple Gods: Heir to Kale

    Rise of the Temple Gods: Heir to Koloso

    Rise of the Temple Gods: Heir to the Defendants

    Rise of the Temple Gods: Heir to the Prophecy (coming soon)

    The Black Rose Series

    Black Rose

    Heart of the Rose

    Blood Rose

    Shadow of the Rose

    Silver Rose

    Princess of the Rose

    Daughters of the Rose (coming soon)

    The Flames of Kalleen

    Embracing the Dragon

    Releasing the Dragon

    Forsaking the Dragon (coming soon)

    Other Works

    The Indoctrination

    Undying Embrace: A Dracula Novella (coming soon)

    Midnight Coven Novellas

    Forever Chosen: Vampire Brides

    Immortal Skye: Vampire Mates

    Wicked Desires: Cursed Coven (coming soon)

    See for more.


    This novel is dedicated

    to my East Coast brother, Greg.

    Thank you for your

    never-ending friendship.

    Chapter I

    AD 20

    Isle of Skye, Scotland

    She cavorted over the rocky shore with the abandon only a child possesses. The wind lashed her maroon skirt to and fro in its frigid breath. Delicate fingers twisted into her gown as she nimbly ran along the surf’s leading edge, white foam gently lapping her bare feet as she stepped in and out of the frothy tide. Pungent salt saturated the air, along with the faint hint of spring grass from a nearby field. The child’s golden tresses bounced as she chased the receding waves.

    Merrily, she continued her dance, pausing only to splat shallow puddles with both feet.

    Julia! a voice called.

    Turning, she flashed a wide grin and waved both hands at the woman charged with her supervision.

    Get back here! the nanny commanded, gesturing.

    Julia shook her head, unwilling to break away from her game of ocean tag so soon.

    Julia, I mean it!

    Shifting her weight back and forth, Julia’s toes squished the wet sand between them.

    Julia! This time the call came sharp, the nanny waving her arms feverishly. At the unusual gesture, Julia turned to look back at the water just as a blue wall crashed over her.

    The rogue wave slammed into her young body, and though she was taller than most six-year-olds, forced her feet from beneath her. She fell to the ground, her knee slamming into a barnacle-covered rock with a stunning pain. Julia cried out. A second wave followed the first, towering even higher due to the child’s kneeling position.

    The wave covered her completely, water filling her mouth and lungs on an ill-timed breath, cutting off a second scream. Her face emerged as the water receded, and she coughed, but the tide’s force yanked her farther out as though dragged by a rough hand.

    Frantic, the nanny called her name again.

    Another wave rolled over Julia, the ocean’s brine burning her throat as the tide pulled her tiny body further into its cerulean depths. Eventually her feet no longer touched sand.

    Terrified, Julia struggled to swim against the waves, but her stubby arms were not long nor strong enough to defeat the current’s pull. Her attempts at screams for help emerged as sputtered gasps. As the child tired, the water went over her head, pulling her fully under, tossing her in circles until she lost all sense of direction.

    A reflexive action, Julia’s body convulsed in a vain attempt to expel the salty liquid, but because she remained in the riptide, her next breath only drew more in. Starved for air, Julia’s struggles lessened, fear fading along with her vision as the waves held her beneath their sway, pressure pushing against her flesh, like pulsing fingers prodding and rippling across her delicate skin.

    Relaxed and losing consciousness, she sank deeper into the water, eyes closing against the sting of the salt-laced ocean as darkness enfolded her.

    Her resistance ceased as water completely filled her lungs, arms going limp as she succumbed to the cold embrace.

    Then a firm, warm hand grasped her arm.

    Chapter II

    Present Day

    Tower of London, England

    Julia jerked awake, reeling from the dream she knew too well. Swinging her legs to the side of her bed, she sat up, seeking to calm herself. Were she mortal, her heart would have raced with the fear. However, her vampiric organ remained still as she moved a hand to her chest, pressing her palm over frigid skin covering a heart born dead.

    A knock prompted her to straighten. Tucking back an unruly lock of golden hair, she called, Come in.

    The door opened and a tall man entered. Forgive the intrusion, the leader of the Turrim Londoniarum Vampire Clan spoke apologetically.

    Not at all. Is something amiss, Nicholas?

    I’m uncertain, he answered. A rider came to the tower gates. He said I was to bring you this immediately.

    Extending an arm, Nicholas turned his hand palm-side-up and offered a rolled parchment, tied with a red ribbon. Grasping the offered message, Julia reached for a light switch beside her nightstand, illuminating a yellow bulb hidden in a white-shaded lamp. Raising the parchment, she glanced at the seal, the letters ES surrounded by ridged waves.

    Recognizing her family’s crest, she confirmed Nicholas’ assumption with a nod. "The message is from Eilean Skye."

    I suspected.

    Using a long nail to peel away the wax circlet, Julia untied the scroll’s ribbon, tossing the red strand aside before unrolling the coiled paper. Eyes scanning the document, she took note of the formal address before her eyes skipped to the bottom of the page, where her father’s elegant signature stood prominently.

    I’ve been summoned, she spoke aloud for Nicholas’ benefit.

    To Skye?

    Julie nodded, passing him the scroll.

    This doesn’t give a reason.

    Doesn’t have to, she answered. When Skye calls, all must answer.

    The two exchanged a glance.

    Nicholas guessed, Do you think this has to do with Caleb?


    "Would you like for me to accompany you, Julia? I can give a first-hand account of the evils Caleb committed. Facing him was no doubt difficult for you, and killing him…I can’t begin to imagine. But I can, perhaps, help

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