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The Moon of Lust, Betrayal & Revenge
The Moon of Lust, Betrayal & Revenge
The Moon of Lust, Betrayal & Revenge
Ebook41 pages32 minutes

The Moon of Lust, Betrayal & Revenge

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Stella Storm is a professor of mathematics, now assigned to a space mission to the edge of the solar system. While she is there she falls in love with an indigenous female, Ellie. Ellie takes a job with the same space team as Stella but on different projects.


Ironically, Stella and Ellie met because of Stella's break up with another indigenous female Michelle. Ellie had stolen Michelle away from Stella, and rather than becoming enemies, they became friends. When the short-lived romance of Ellie and Michelle ended in ugly fashion, Ellie and Stella became lovers. The two lovers work on opposite sides of the moon and Stella's absence along with the nasty breakup with Michelle has caused Ellie extreme bouts of depression and anxiety.


Stella recognizes the symptoms and arranges for Ellie to meet Aki a friend of Stella's from Earth. Aki runs a therapeutic massage business on Charon and using very unconventional methods can treat the root causes of Ellie's depression. The situation still becomes quite convoluted when Ellie unintentionally falls for Aki, the gorgeous Asian masseuse, and agrees to marry her. But forgets to tell Stella.

PublisherTenth Muse
Release dateJun 14, 2024
The Moon of Lust, Betrayal & Revenge

Sherry Stone

Sherry Stone is the pen name of a thirty-seven-year-old single mother of two teenaged boys. A former college instructor and medical consultant. She has now begun to devote her time to writing. Science fiction and Romance are her passions, and she loves to spice her stories with some steamy erotica, just to give her work a punch other writers lack. Born in Birmingham AL she is an avid Crimson Tide Football fan. She currently lives just outside Cincinnati, OH

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    Book preview

    The Moon of Lust, Betrayal & Revenge - Sherry Stone


    Dr. June Harris-Smith

    Chapter One

    Stella's story

    A lone Asteroidea washed up on a desolate beach along the eastern coast of Charon, Pluto's largest habitable moon. Early morning light caused it to sparkle and catch my eye. I'm Stella Storm, I've been referred to as, an august math professor on a special assignment with Earth's Space Command, taking my habitual morning stroll.

    What a delicate, curious little creature you are, I said aloud to myself. On Earth, we would call you a starfish." I interrupted my constitutional, taking time to examine the creature more closely. I bent and bunched my Omnired diving suit at the waist, trying to get a better viewing angle. My eyes squinted behind silver-rimmed aviator sunglasses, and my dark brown eyes focused rigidly.

    I calculated unique equations, delineating the five-armed creature's beautiful symmetry. In the back of my mathematical mind, I wrestled with other thoughts. Now well in my tenure, I was losing interest in my curriculum and university life in general. During my lectures, I harbored feelings of annoyance toward my class and detachment toward particular students. That is why I volunteered for this mission.

    As I stood alone on the alien beach, my daily routine altered, morning light moved my shadow sundial fashion around me. My algorithms didn't stimulate any feeling toward the creature, just cold analytics about its points and spines—nothing more than numbers and theoretical values.

    Lapping surf sounded like brushes on a snare drum against the shoreline. Random sea fowl cried down at me... The thoughts of a mathematician and Asteroidea, both simultaneously lost in a vacuum of time came to my mind...

    My morning walks along the shore were my only solace from my entanglements. Today I was walking along a shore I had not walked before. I was on this side of Charon to surprise my lover. I thought it might be enlightening to view the environment on this side of Charon.

    I couldn't seem to refrain from involvement with certain promising Indigenous females like my current lover. I caught myself drifting more and more in private calculus and less and less in social interaction. My colleagues in the program started to notice my abstract detachment and gossiped about me around base camp...

    A little distance behind me, two women, garbed in expensive couture, walked beside the lapping surf enroute to their favorite hydration stand for lunch. I tried not to stare and didn't get

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