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A Bimbo in the Office: A Bimbo Transformation Novella
A Bimbo in the Office: A Bimbo Transformation Novella
A Bimbo in the Office: A Bimbo Transformation Novella
Ebook80 pages45 minutes

A Bimbo in the Office: A Bimbo Transformation Novella

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About this ebook

Rather than change the company culture at JJ-Metrics, Brenna has allowed herself to change, better fitting the ideals of what a woman is in the male dominated office. But she finds that her transformation has only begun.

Bit by bit, her boss and coworkers drop hints and even make decisions for her, leading her down a bimbo path. But each new step, each new change, brings greater happiness in the workplace. That is until Brenna’s boss asks for Brenna to pay the ultimate price.

Will Brenna manage to maintain her values and sense of dignity or will she embrace becoming an office bimbo to be used and enjoyed by coworkers and clients alike? Find out in A Bimbo in the Office.

This novella is a bimbo transformation story. It is the third book in the Tokenized Series. This book is the final in a series that will see Brenna slowly transform into a bimbo.

Release dateJun 5, 2024
A Bimbo in the Office: A Bimbo Transformation Novella

Sadie Thatcher

Sadie Thatcher grew up in a small conservative town (think Footloose). Spending all that time in a sexually repressed place has led Sadie to need to explore her sexuality through prose. Sadie has been a long time writer, but has now become confident enough to share the explorations of her deepest and darkest sexual fantasies. Enjoy.

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    Book preview

    A Bimbo in the Office - Sadie Thatcher

    A Bimbo in the Office






    Copyright © 2024 by Sadie Thatcher

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    All characters are 18 years of age or older.

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    About the Author

    Also by Sadie Thatcher


    Iloved my job. I loved it from the start. And I loved working with my coworkers. They were all so great. So sexy, too.

    But something really clicked for me when Mr. Johnson had Zach come in and fuck me while I was giving him a blowjob. That was when I realized how much I loved being used by my coworkers. It was so wrong and taboo, but it felt so good.

    It felt like a veil had been pulled back, revealing a new world for me. One where I was free to express my sexual side without shame or guilt. It was liberating. And I wanted more.

    When I walked into the office the next morning, there was a smile on my face and a spring in my step. I was ready to take on the day, and whatever challenges it might bring.

    Good morning, everyone, I said as I walked into the office.

    My coworkers looked up from their work, smiling at me. Morning, Brenna, they said.

    I paused by each of their desks, leaning over and giving them a kiss on the cheek. It was something I had never done before, but now it felt right.

    You look great this morning, Charles said as I approached his desk.

    I blushed at his words. Thanks, I said. I feel great.

    That's good to hear, Charles said, a smile on his face.

    It looks like you got laid, Andrew said. You're practically glowing. Who was the lucky guy?

    My cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I realized Charles and Andrew might not know about what happened in Mr. Johnson's office yet. Or maybe they did. I wasn't sure.

    Um, well... I stammered, trying to find the right words.

    Unless she's getting some on the side, it was me, Zach said, smiling at my obvious discomfort.

    So you finally realized what women are good for? Andrew asked.

    Hey, I said, feigning indignation. I'm more than just a set of holes.

    Yeah, you're a damn fine piece of ass, Zach said. Better in real life than in my fantasies.

    I blushed all the harder, more so from the compliment than from Zach's brashness. Thanks, I said, reaching down and squeezing his arm.

    Andrew laughed. Damn, Zach, he said. Did she milk you dry?

    Zach shrugged. It was worth it.

    I bet it was, Charles said, elbowing Andrew in the ribs.

    I looked around the room. Everyone was smiling at me. And it made me feel good. I felt like I was a part of the team now. Like I really belonged, more than ever.

    Okay, enough flirting, Mr. Johnson said, stepping out of his office. Back to work. All of you.

    Yes, sir, the guys said.

    I gave Zach and Charles one last kiss on the cheek before making my way to my desk. My hips swayed as I walked, and I knew they were all watching me. I loved the feeling of their eyes on me. It made me feel sexy and desired.

    Sitting down at my desk, I opened my computer and waited for it to boot up so that I could log in. I was humming to myself, feeling good about the day ahead.

    But when I got to my desktop, I noticed something was wrong. Instead of my usual assortment of spreadsheets and work folders, the screen was blank. I frowned, wondering if I had accidentally clicked on the wrong screen. But when I went back to my home screen, the same thing happened.

    I bit my lip as I tried to figure out what was going on. Had I somehow managed to delete all of my files? Or worse, had someone else deleted them? I had heard horror stories about people losing their work due to computer viruses, but I always thought it would never happen to me.

    I felt my heart racing as I frantically tried to open different folders and files,

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