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Fractured Moonlight: A Twisted Fairytale: Fairy Tales by Moonlight, #2
Fractured Moonlight: A Twisted Fairytale: Fairy Tales by Moonlight, #2
Fractured Moonlight: A Twisted Fairytale: Fairy Tales by Moonlight, #2
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Fractured Moonlight: A Twisted Fairytale: Fairy Tales by Moonlight, #2

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A handsome Huntsman.

A lost Princess. 

A delicious fairy tale romance awaits! 




Once upon a time, a brutal stranger with eerie glowing eyes abducted a princess. The king and queen pursued every clue, but were left to mourn the loss of their eldest daughter and seek solace in their remaining child, Cat. Heartbroken, and terrified of losing her as well, they kept the younger princess safely locked within the palace walls. 


Twenty years later, Cat struggles to become a perfect princess, even as her heart secretly longs for freedom. When her upcoming betrothal is announced, Cat rebels, fleeing in hopes of at least one adventure before accepting her royal fate.


Sir Arawn, famed-huntsman-turned-reluctant-knight, would rather spend his days hunting monsters than in royal service. But at the personal request of his king, the handsome rogue agrees to search for the runaway princess. On his journey, Arawn encounters a ginger-haired lass whose red-hot temper is matched only by her fiery passion. A woman who challenges his patience, honor, and royal responsibilities. The huntsman is torn between his promise to find the errant princess, and his increasing desire to remain at the captivating beauty's side. 


PublisherK.L. Bone
Release dateSep 13, 2023
Fractured Moonlight: A Twisted Fairytale: Fairy Tales by Moonlight, #2

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    Fractured Moonlight - K.L. Bone


    Fractured Moonlight:

    A Twisted Fairytale


    K.L. Bone &

    Erin McFadden

    Fractured Moonlight: A Twisted Fairytale © 2023 K.L. Bone & Erin McFadden


    Cover Art © 2023 by Skyla Dawn Cameron

    First Edition: August 2023

    All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the authors.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the authors’ imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Fairy Tales by Moonlight

    by K.L. Bone & Erin McFadden

    Shattered Moonlight

    Fractured Moonlight

    Splintered Moonlight (coming soon)


    Solace Castle

    18 Years Prior

    Cat, her sister’s voice woke her from a deep slumber, did you hear that?

    What? Cat mumbled, rubbing her eyes sleepily. She blinked, struggling to understand why her big sister stood beside her bed in the darkness. Cat sat up, tugging at Daphne’s nightgown ruffle. Did you have a bad—

    A clatter brought her question to an abrupt halt.

    Daphne raised a finger to her lips.

    Cat’s heart pounded, and she snuggled closer to her sister as they listened intently.

    Pounding footsteps echoed through the halls, accompanied by a muffled grunt.

    The princesses! a deep voice cried. Protect the—

    Wussell? Cat whispered the name of the knight who guarded her door, unable to pronounce the R in his name correctly.

    Shh, her sister cautioned. Taking Cat’s arm, Daphne dragged her younger sibling from the bed, moving as quickly as she dared. Angry voices crying out made them both flinch before the clang of colliding steel eclipsed the yelling.

    We have to hide. Be a brave, big girl. Do not cry, Daphne whispered urgently, squeezing Cat.

    Looking around, Daphne quickly guided Cat across the room to their play area. Blocks and dolls littered the floor, but the girls tiptoed around them. Opening the toy chest’s lid, Daphne held it up so Cat could climb inside.

    Roses and florets carved into an open filigree on the sides allowed Cat to peek out, making the chest her favorite spot when they played hide and seek, but tonight she experienced deep fear as the cedar lid closed. She stuck out her hand, grabbing Daphne as the noises outside got louder. Daffy, you hide too? Cat begged with tears in her eyes.

    I won’t fit inside with you, but I will hide. Remember to stay quiet, her sister said in a hushed whisper. No matter what.

    Cat nodded, and the lid closed softly. Peeking through the tiny holes, Cat watched her sister dash toward her hiding spot.

    Reaching the closet, Daphne pulled open the wooden door and pushed aside a cluster of hanging dresses. Sliding between the layers of cloth, she pressed herself against the back of the closet wall before rearranging the dresses in front of her as best she could and pulling the armoire door mostly closed, her fingertips not allowing her to shut it completely.

    In their dash to hide, the princesses had failed to realize the external scuffle had fallen quiet, leaving an eerie silence before the door burst open.

    From her hiding place inside the toy chest, Cat watched multiple men enter the bedchamber. Hooded gray cloaks covering their faces, the men filed inside. One man carried a glowing lantern illuminating the pink walls. He strode in, lighting the way for others as they formed a crooked line, clearing the way for someone else.

    The last man to enter was a giant. His hooded head towered above the others. Three men flinched out of his way as he prowled into the nursery, a naked blade clutched in his right hand, the metal glinting in the dim light. Crimson drops fell from the sword to stain the plush rug.

    Heart pounding, Cat pressed her hand to her lips, suppressing her tears as she focused on her sister’s warnings to remain silent.

    The tall man waved his hand toward the other men, and the invaders fanned throughout the room. A pair walked toward the bed, exchanging a nod before reaching down and each taking a side of the feather mattress, lifting the heavy item easily before tossing it against a wall with a soft thud. Glancing underneath, one shook his head.

    Gaze sweeping the room, the tall man approached the closet. Tilting his head slightly, he eyed the ajar door. Pretty dresses, the man’s deep tones filled the chamber. The man caressed the hanging fabric, running his fingers down the silk of a blue dress. What must it be like to live such a pampered existence? he asked, turning away from the closet door as if he had finished his inspection. He stalked two steps toward the toy chest before he whirled and threw the closet door open wide.

    Fisting the cloth of a ruffled gown, he yanked the material left, bunching the gowns to the end of the metal rack to reveal the terrified girl hidden within.

    With an involuntary shriek, Daphne tried to run past the man, but he gripped her shoulder, shoving her back. Daphne attempted to speak, but her body shook, fear silencing her pleas.

    Taking his sword, the man pressed its tip against the wall beside her. He leaned toward her, a calloused hand brushing back a strand of Daphne’s golden hair before sliding a finger down to her chin and forcing the young girl’s face up to meet his eyes.

    The man’s eyes glowed an unnatural green, simmering embers casting an eerie light. Hello, Princess, he hissed, a twisted smile lifting the corners of his lips. Stepping back, he waved a hand lazily before issuing a single command, Take her.

    The soldiers trooped forward, one unraveling a length of rope as he approached Daphne. A second hovered near Cat’s hiding place, his boot crushing a beloved porcelain doll beneath his heel.

    Cat peered through the carvings of her hiding place, a whimper escaping her lips as the men trooped closer to Daphne. One of the soldiers turned when Daphne released an ear-splitting scream, deliberately covering Cat’s cry. She struggled, managing to duck under the hands seeking to restrain her, drawing all attention away from the chest.

    Closing in, one of the men grabbed her arm, twisting her skin cruelly beneath his fingers. Daphne yelped from pain yet continued fighting. The men forced her to turn, one producing a thick piece of coarse rope from a cloak pocket. Tying her slender wrists securely, her captor slung the young princess over his shoulder. Head hanging over his back, Daphne screamed, this time from uncontrollable fear, before a bag was forced over her head. As men filed out, their leader’s gaze scoured the chamber.

    Through her peek hole, Cat caught a glimpse of the man’s face, the cloak’s hood having slid back during the scuffle. His glowing, neon eyes lifted the surrounding shadows to reveal hollowed, sharp cheekbones and thin lips forming a tight line.

    My lord, a new voice interrupted the tall man’s examination of the room, we had best be off before reinforcements arrive.

    With his nod of agreement, both men turned and left the room, taking with them the beloved sister Cat would never see again.

    Petrified, Cat was uncertain how long she had remained hidden within the chest, the pungent cedar eventually fading into the background. Silence stretched for ages before being shattered by shuffling footsteps. As they drew closer, Cat struggled to maintain her silence. Peeping through the holes, the new intruder was so close she could only make out the top of his thick leather boots.

    When the lid lifted, Cat let out a high-pitched shriek. Lowering her head to the chest floor, she buried her face into her palms until Russell’s voice broke through her terror.

    Cat, the knight called gently. Princess, please look at me.

    Wussell? she asked with trembling lips.

    My Princess.

    Forcing herself to draw a deep breath, Cat raised her gaze.

    I’m here now. It’s all right.

    Raising her arms, Cat allowed Russell to pull her from the chest and carry her to the nearest wall before slumping to his knees.

    Jarred by the fall, Cat pulled back from his embrace enough to see dark red staining her protector’s left side, his crisp shirt more scarlet than white. Wussell, you’re hurt, she whispered.

    I’ll be fine, he reassured her, pressing his hand against the wound. Other guards will be here soon. They had to call for help. His last assertion came between deep-throated groans. I’m sorry, Princess.

    More blood seeped from the knight’s wound. He leaned his head on the wall and attempted to move his other hand over the injury, wincing.

    You’re hurt! Cat repeated, tears stinging as they fell from her emerald eyes. Wussell, bad men took Daffy. They hurt you. Will they hurt Daffy?

    My lady, you cannot—

    Daffy said to stay quiet. I tried. I…

    Attempting to adjust, Russell grimaced and asked through shallow breaths, Would you help me, Cat?


    Reaching for her hand, he guided it to his gushing wound. Can you press right here? Push as hard as you can.

    Allowing him to guide her, Cat’s voice shook as she asked, Here?

    Yes. Russell nodded, the young girl’s slender fingers pressing on his larger ones. Keep pushing, okay? Whatever happens, keep press…

    Russell trailed off as his eyes fluttered closed. His hand slipped from beneath Cat’s, but she pushed hard, adding her second hand to better cover the injury. Time stood still, minutes stretching to a horrific sense of eternity before the fall of heavy boots reached her and her father’s knights burst into the room.

    Princess, thank Danu! one of the men called, his gaze searching the room before settling on her blood-splattered form. By the gods! Call a healer immediately!

    Rushing to her side, the man knelt, eyes assessing the blood splattering her arms and hands before landing on Russell’s injury. Removing his cloak, he slowly pried Cat’s hands away from Russell’s wound, pressing the cloth to his side, his strength superior to the young girl’s.

    He said not to stop pressing, she repeated his instructions. Wussell said—

    You did well, the guard assured her. Exactly as he asked.

    Sir! a voice called behind him. No sign of Princess Daphne.

    Never lifting his hand from Russell’s injury, the knight turned toward the younger princess. Where is your sister, my lady?

    When she did not answer, he pressed, Where’s Princess Daphne?

    They took her, she whimpered.

    Who? the captain asked. Who took your sister?

    Voice trembling, she managed to answer, The tall man with glowing eyes.

    Chapter I

    Princess Cat

    Solace Castle

    Cat stared at the target, focusing on the innermost circle. A protective bracer wrapped tight on her arm, she stood rigid, arrow snug along her bowstring. Drawing a calming breath, she held it and let the arrow fly. It surged forth, twisting through the air as it rushed toward its target. The tip hit only a fraction above her intended mark. Damn! she cursed.

    Strong shot, Russell praised, despite her disappointment.

    But I missed the center.

    It would bring down an opponent. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You shoot as well as I.

    Don’t suppose you wish to tell my father so?

    Russell sighed. Your father is aware of your progress. You know he’s proud—

    Proud? Cat scoffed as she pulled another arrow from her quiver. With a noticeably more relaxed stance, she pulled back the bowstring and let the next one fly without the benefit of careful aim. This time she landed inside the target’s circle.

    My Princess— Russell began.

    You claim I’m as good as any you’ve trained, yet I remain a prisoner on these grounds.

    You’re hardly a prisoner, my lady. You live in a castle where—

    I’m treated like a prize, to be traded off to a prince of my parents’ choice before taking on the role of a royal broodmare.

    Cat raised a third arrow. It zinged through the air—direct bullseye. Instead of smiling, she turned sadly to the older knight.

    Russell’s voice softened upon seeing her pained expression. Princess, I...wish I knew what to say. We’re all born to specific positions with various life responsibilities. Ruling the kingdom is—

    Not a responsibility that should have ever been mine, she snapped.

    Russell drew a sharp breath, cringing at her implication. He turned from her.

    Russell, she stammered, I wasn’t placing blame.

    The knight did not respond, instead dropping to one knee to gather their equipment. As he bent, his partially tied shirt revealed a glimpse of the jagged scar marking his chest and side.

    Walking toward the man, she placed a hand on Russell’s shoulder. Please, I didn’t mean it, she said with repentance. What happened to my sister wasn’t your fault. You nearly died trying to save us.

    Russell kept his gaze cast downward. But I lived while your sister…

    You don’t know she’s dead, Cat reassured him.

    If she were alive, we’d have found her.

    I disagree, Cat said. If she were dead, I’d feel it. I can’t explain why, but it’s what I believe.

    Drawing a breath, Russell raised his gaze to meet Cat’s eyes. I’m glad you have faith, Your Highness. Forgive me. Today is...

    Harder to face each year. She forced a smile but it failed to lift the sorrow from her gaze. I miss her, even after all this time.

    Raising an arm, Russell drew Cat into an awkward embrace from his kneeling position. Cat returned the gesture, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders.

    When she pulled back, the knight stood. The hour grows late.

    I suppose it does, Cat answered, glancing at the darkening sky. Can we practice again tomorrow?

    If you wish, Princess.

    Chapter II

    Princess Cat

    Solace Castle

    After brushing her unruly red locks, Cat used a square cloth to quickly cleanse herself of as much grime as she could manage. Once sufficiently clean, she slipped into a deep burgundy gown and headed down to dinner.

    When she reached the doors to the dining hall, a pair of knights, one stationed on either side, bowed their heads and allowed her to enter. The room was covered in red and gold carpets with matching draperies framing expansive windows. A rectangular wooden table occupied most of the space, easily capable of accommodating dozens of visitors.

    On this evening, only two figures sat at the wooden expanse, the king and queen of Solace. Cat’s mother, Queen Riona, sat stiffly, her sandy blonde tresses woven into a loose braid. You’re late, she scolded, motioning to a bowl of soup before Cat’s empty chair.

    Cat mentally shuffled through various conversation topics, but her mother broke the tense silence.

    You left your lessons early. Again.

    Mid-bite, Cat lowered her spoon, swallowing hard.

    I wouldn’t say I abandoned my lessons, per se.

    Per se? Her mother raised an eyebrow.

    I simply prefer a different kind of lesson.

    Archery, her mother scoffed. I should not have allowed you to indulge in such foolishness. Not proper for a princess.

    But I love it, she gave the tired argument. And if you would come to watch, you’d see how good I am.

    At what cost? her mother asked. Your needlework is atrocious. Your knowledge of court politics is spotty, at best. You will need to be an expert by the time you take the throne. And don’t even get me started with your understanding of philosophy and history. All of these important subjects suffer when you refuse to give attention to your tutors.

    But I can use a bow and spar with a blade as well as any knight.

    "You are not a knight. You’re a princess!"

    Not by choice.

    You ungrateful—

    Enough! her father snapped from the table’s head. Both women turned and found him running a hand through his red locks shot with streaks of white. Today is not the day for this.

    She must be told, Domnall.

    Told? Cat glanced from her mother back to her father. Told what?

    Not today, he spoke in a strained tone.

    What is going on?

    The king sighed, casting a glare at his wife. The expression was out of character for her father, who rarely fought with his queen.

    A chill raced up Cat’s arms.

    You’re twenty-two, her mother began. Fraternizing with knights is not only improper, such carelessness now reaches scandalous proportions. It is past time for you to embrace your royal duties, and set aside youthful endeavors. It is also high time you started accepting suitors. Kingdoms near and far have written for your hand. I had hoped to marry you to the Morrighan Kingdom. However, their king recently took a bride.

    One he married for love, Cat interjected.

    Simply because you must choose among royalty does not mean love cannot follow.

    King Stephen married a peasant girl, she argued. He met her, got to know her, loved her, and married her. If Stephen can do so, why can’t I do the same? I want the opportunity to meet someone who loves me for myself instead of for the throne you insist I take one day.

    Margareth Caitrin, her mother’s tone grew cross as she used the princess’ despised first name.

    You know I hate that name, Cat stated.

    "It is your name, her mother countered. As it was your grandmother’s and great-grandmother’s before you. It is also the name under which you shall one day rule. I suggest you become accustomed to answering to it."

    Cat glared, but her mother ignored her and continued speaking.

    Your father and I were not closely acquainted when we married. Yet, our partnership grew to profound love in time.

    I don’t want to come to love my husband, she protested, I want to love the man I marry.

    And how do you know you could not come to love one of your suitors if you do not give them a chance?

    I’ve met the princes you want me to consider. Yes, each of them is prim and proper. Each as witty as the knitting needles you insist I learn to use. I want more, Mother!

    I said enough! the king’s voice boomed, causing both to turn toward him. Your mother is right, Cat. You must marry someone befitting your station, for the kingdom’s stability. I’m sorry the burden falls upon you, but as my daughter, it must.

    Your sister understood her duties, even as a child, her mother’s admonition stung. She was better tempered and proper. If she were in your place—

    You have no idea how Daphne would be! Anger laced Cat’s words. She vanished as a child. For all you know, she could have grown up to be more rebellious than me!

    Her mother stood from the table, eyes narrowed. You will not go to the archery field with Russell tomorrow. You will not run off from your studies, and you are not to touch a bow until I give you leave to do so.


    You will present yourself, properly attired, to meet your first suitor mid-morning tomorrow. You will be open to courtship and proposals.

    No, I—

    You will, or your father and I shall choose a husband for you and give you no option in the matter.

    Cat’s eyes widened as she stared, disbelieving. She pushed back her chair and rushed toward the door.

    Margareth, her mother called, but Cat ignored her, walking furiously from the dining hall.

    By the time she reached her room, she shook with rage. She walked to her bedside, where she picked up a tiny portrait from a nightstand and gazed at her sister’s composed face. The image had been commissioned shortly before Daphne’s abduction. Running her thumb across the faded paint, she pulled it to her chest and sighed.

    I’m sorry, Daffy. You’re gone, and so I’m supposed to fill your shoes, but I don’t know how, and I have no desire to learn.

    Drawing a deep breath, she replaced the portrait. She walked to her closet, the same one her sister had hidden within sixteen years prior. Pushing aside the clothes, she withdrew a satchel and pulled out a discreet traveling outfit she’d kept hidden since she had begun considering this adventure. Tossing both onto the bed, she proceeded to stuff the bag with extra undergarments, a simple day dress, a purse filled with the few coins she’d come across over the last several years, and the bundle of food she had been hiding from her breakfast tray each morning for the last week. Pausing to consider her resources, she added a few pieces of gold jewelry in case her situation turned dire. They weren’t family heirlooms, so no one would miss them, but hopefully they would be worth enough to buy assistance if necessary.

    Tugging the satchel’s strings tight, she tied them in a knot. Walking to her desk, Cat jotted a few short lines. No argument she could have given would have won her approval, and so she made none. She left the note where her maid would discover it, changed into soft breeches and a long cotton blouse, laced a leather jerkin over it and draped herself with a heavy cloak. Once dressed, she sat on her bed, one hand on the satchel, to take a final look around her room.

    Having memorized the guard’s routines by heart, Cat waited until she knew the first two hallways would be clear, and with her bag slung over her shoulder she headed down the corridor, walking as quietly as she could.

    She stealthily reached a servant’s door near the stables. Cat knew the men would rotate for breaks around this time each hour. There was a period, not long after her sister’s abduction, when such would not have been the case. But after sixteen years, the guards had become more relaxed. Younger men had risen to replace those who remembered the knights’ failure in protecting Princess Daphne.

    True to form, when two men moved toward their break, it left a door abandoned. Taking her chance, she stepped forward, cringing at every faint footfall. Reaching the door, she pushed it open slowly and made it across the wide walkway with a relieved sigh.

    Inside the stables, she walked to her favorite horse, a spirited black mare she had named Midnight.

    The mare neighed a greeting.

    Shhh, she said, unlocking the metal bolt before stroking the horse’s mane. Hey, girl.

    Midnight pressed her snout to Cat’s robe.

    I’m glad to see you as well, she said. Up for a late-night ride?

    The horse snorted in response.

    Cat smiled. I knew you would be, she whispered. Grasping a bridle hanging from the stall’s far side, Cat slipped

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