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Helen's Surrender
Helen's Surrender
Helen's Surrender
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Helen's Surrender

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Three sexy gods. One ancient prophecy. And the face that launched a thousand ships. 


Washing up on the shore of an ancient Greek Isle after her cruise ship sank into the Mediterranean, Helen awakes before the crumbling remains of a forgotten temple. Life saved by three mysterious men, she struggles with their belief that she is the direct descendent of the famous beauty, and her namesake, Helen of Troy.

Convinced she is the one who can restore these ancient immortals to their ancestral powers, she quickly becomes swept into a sizzling tale of ancient temptations and irresistible seductions, even as she struggles to protect her heart from the gods seeking to claim it. 

As Helen slowly surrenders to a world she once believed existed only in legends, another power lurks in the shadows. One determined to ensure Helen fails in her quest, bringing those intent on claiming her heart to the same ruin as the mythic heroes who fell long ago before the ashen gates of Troy.

PublisherK.L. Bone
Release dateJun 10, 2021
Helen's Surrender

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    Book preview

    Helen's Surrender - Ciara Skye


    Helen’s Surrender:

    A Claimed by Three Novel


    Ciara Skye

    Works by Ciara Skye:

    Claimed by Three Series:

    Helen’s Surrender

    Misty Lyric Series:

    Dark Seductions

    Dark Immortal (coming soon)

    Fallen Starlights Series:

    Andromeda: Desires of Eventide

    Other novels:

    Unleashing His Dragon (coming soon)

    Helen’s Surrender © 2021 by Ciara Skye


    Cover Art © 2021 by Skyla Dawn Cameron

    First Edition: June 2021

    All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the authors.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the authors’ imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


    This book is dedicated to Kate,

    who loves Greek mythology.

    Chapter I

    Aegean Sea

    The tempest raged across the sea, transforming once cerulean waves to unforgiving grey. The ship, caught within the ocean’s swell, rocked back and forth as the ancient gods poured their wrath upon the mortal realm.

    In the lower decks, a few souls still slumbered undisturbed by the raging wind that howled outside. The dull crash of water against the side of the ship woke Helen, her sapphire-blue eyes opening. A violent rock of the boat against the waves sent her falling from her bed, landing with a thud in a tangled heap of blankets.

    Alarmed, she wiped at her eyes and struggled to her feet, the rocking making her attempts to stand unsteady. She grasped a green sweater from where it lay crumpled on the cabin floor, tossing it over her thin gown before stumbling barefoot to the door. She pressed down on the handle, and the wooden panel flew open with a bang from the ship’s unnatural angle.

    What’s going on? she called through the hallway, but the few people scattered about did not answer. Forced to press her hands against the corridor wall to keep from falling, she pulled herself along the hallway, struggling to avoid colliding with other panicked passengers.

    Reaching the stairwell, Helen climbed the wooden planks until she reached the ship’s deck where the majority of the ship’s passengers were clustered.

    Storm came out of nowhere! someone shouted.

    Not good! answered another.

    Struggling toward the starboard, Helen managed to wrap her arms around the thick white rail and gaze out at the abyss. Ominous clouds blanketed a starless sky, casting darkness upon the water. High waves surrounded them on all sides, the water refusing to ebb.

    The thud of her heart competed with the whistling wind as she looked out over the water, fear transforming to a dreadful certainty.

    Here! someone shouted before a hand shoved a yellow life-vest toward her.

    She grasped it, slipping her arms through the material; her hands shaking as she attempted to clasp it.

    The man who had handed her the vest reached down and cinched it before vanishing to assist the next passenger.

    The ship rocked harder, the starboard side rising multiple feet before crashing back down. Helen clung to the banister, both arms wrapped tight around the sturdy plank. Surrounding her, screams and yells blended with the wind, waves, and pouring rain to create a sickening cacophony.

    Helen! a voice shouted her name.

    Alarmed, she turned, eyes sweeping the frightened crowd.

    The waves rose, this time pushing the port side down toward the sea’s unforgiving depths.

    Helen! The voice came again as the ship crashed back in the opposite direction. Helen’s grip was slipping.

    Who’s there? she shouted, confused. Who would know her name on a journey she was making alone?

    Again, her gaze swept the crowd, the wind blowing her hair erratically, strands obscuring her vision as she stared through the cold gusts. Squinting, she caught a glimmer of light near the ship’s bow, but could not determine its source.

    Helen, the deep tone came a third time, closer as though the speaker stood right beside her.

    Whipping her head left to right, she searched, but saw no one. The ship rose again drawing a half scream from her lips. This time there was no lull, as it rocked the opposite way.

    She looked to the bow and spied the same glow as before. The bow, Helen, the voice spoke urgently.

    The ship fell back and her arms finally slipped from the railing, throwing her toward the deck’s center.

    The bow! the voice called again.

    Drawing a series of shuddering breaths, Helen managed to stand and unsteadily rush to follow directions. Her vision was blurred by the rain as she moved toward the fuzzy golden glow. Reaching the bow, she could go no further. A single figure stood behind her, apart from the screaming crowd.

    Gazing into the water, she drew a breath of salt-laden air and looked for the light’s source. Another wave rose, taller than those before. It gathered in the distance, rising to form an impenetrable wall which would sweep away all in its path. Frozen as she observed the lethal formation, Helen drew a last deep breath, and closed her eyes.

    She never felt the collision.

    Chapter II

    Unknown Island

    Aegean Sea

    Helen opened her eyes to blinding light, lungs exploding in a fit of coughing as she attempted to expel a thick mixture of salt and sand. Hacking, she managed to raise her head slightly, her back spasming from the force of the expulsion. The coughs continued until she was certain she would never again draw a steady breath. When the spasms finally eased, she rolled onto her back and lay still, coarse sand biting into her pale skin as she drew deep gasps of salty air.

    The sky above was a cloudless blue, the sun high in the sky. When her breaths came more naturally, Helen sat up slowly, moving her body in sections to check for injuries. A sharp pain made her glance down to find a jagged cut on the side of her right leg. The injury did not appear to be deep, but blood oozed, blending with clumps of wet sand.

    Helen climbed to her feet, slowly adding weight to test the injured leg’s strength. She hissed as her shifting weight caused the torn flesh to pull and tighten, but was able to take quick steps through the pain.

    Pieces of seaweed lay scattered over golden sand dotted with colorful shells. Shadows skittered over the sand as seagulls flapped overhead, occasionally swooping toward the tide. Turning in a full circle, Helen searched for signs of others, but saw no one.

    Hello! she shouted, then repeated in Greek, "Yεια!"

    She listened, straining to hear, but the only answer came in the form of a bird’s caw.

    Help! she tried again, shouting as loud as her scratched throat would allow. Help!

    Grimacing with each step, Helen walked across the sand, pausing every few paces to renew her call. No answer came.

    Reaching down, she unclasped the latch on her life-vest, and again noticed her leg. She walked toward the water, raging waves replaced by the gentle tide. Lifting her skirt, she stretched out her leg and drew a short breath before maneuvering enough to allow the salty water to reach the blood and dirt-caked flesh.

    Helen groaned from the pain of the salt entering her wound. She reached down and scrubbed as much of the mud and sand from the injury as possible, though she would never be able to remove it all.

    Tearing a piece of her nightgown, she washed the material then walked back to the shore. When she reached dry sand, she wrapped the poor excuse for a bandage around her leg, knowing other measures would soon be necessary to prevent infection.

    Gazing left-to-right, she raised a finger. Eenie meenie miney mo, she recited the old rhyme, before allowing her hand to stop. Left it is, she spoke aloud, limping her way down the beach.

    The sun shone in the cloudless sky, heat radiating down. At first, the warmth was soothing, drying her wet clothing, but soon it became hot, its rays intense on her pale flesh.

    "Yεια!" she shouted as she walked away from the shore, occasionally side-stepping a questing bird.

    Sand transformed to more compacted dirt as Helen ventured farther from the water, but no trees or structures appeared. Heart sinking, she struggled to stave off fear. Is anyone there? she shouted, head hanging as her call was met

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