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The Good Life Guide
The Good Life Guide
The Good Life Guide
Ebook75 pages56 minutes

The Good Life Guide

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About this ebook

Why is pursuing the good-life in Anerica so complicated? You get motivated and inspired by other books, but fall short of taking action. You just don't know where to start, what actions to take, what is most important, and on and on. It's time to follow some easy 10 steps that will set up your action plan for you. The plan removes the complexity of your actions. This is also a workbook, and shows you some tricks along the way to not only getting a better life, but to also change you into a person that everyone wants to know. So let's get started!

Release dateJun 14, 2024
The Good Life Guide

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    Book preview

    The Good Life Guide - John Woolright


    Why is pursuing the good-life so complicated? You get motivated and inspired by other books, but fall short of taking action. You don't know where to start, what actions to take, what is most important, and on and on. It's time to follow these 10 easy steps that will set up your action plan for you. The plan removes the complexity of your actions. This is also a workbook, and shows you some tricks along the way to not only getting a better life, but to also change you into a person that everyone wants to know. So, let's get started!

    You could be anybody, anywhere at any time. Maybe you are young and just starting your life after school—that person somewhere between the ages of 21-35 years old.  You have parents that gave you everything, and now you have no clue how to get a good job; you drink and eat out a lot, smoke Vapes and generally think politics suck. Or maybe, you want to be the next Elon Musk, or you were born after the baby boomers who grabbed all your money and left you with a low-paying job and no future. Oh, wait, you are brilliant, you are smart, you are educated and damn it, you could run this country better than the president.

    My point, you are just where everyone else was when they looked at the world and said, "What the hell am I going to do with my life? And Covid made it all so worse!

    Wake up!

    Now is the time to crawl out from underneath your rock. The world is chaotic. Always has been and always will be. Your parents, or maybe you, grew up with Korean, Vietnam and Iraqi Wars. People lost their lives, limbs and went mad...and are still going mad. Pray for them. Pray for yourself. If there is another world war, you could experience the draft...there just aren’t enough soldiers left to fight. Prepare for it...male and female.

    I hope you are completely depressed now. If you are not, then this book is probably not going to help you. Go read those other books that gently nurture you about how to survive within the previous generation—-those bad people that are ruining the world and making it hard for you to get ahead.

    This is not a contest. It’s not an overnight cure. It’s not so damn easy, anyone can do it. It’s only easy if you are willing to do one thing in life that most people are not willing to flexible. To be—put it into words:

    Be willing to adapt to any situation, easy or demanding.

    Give of yourself.

    Help others along the way.

    Never ever say, It’s not my job.


    Those other books tend to be exciting reads in the first few chapters, then tedious to the end. Sure, you dream big but are so overwhelmed by motivation, you don’t know where to start, what to do, what you can do, what to change, etc.

    You need more than motivation. You need a plan, and this book is going to tell you how to create that plan by following 10 simple steps.

    The plan will provide you with solid evidence of:

    who you are,

    what you can change,

    what you can do short term and long term,

    and how to start and finish what you do.

    And above all, what you want is not always what you need.

    Yeah, this has been sung about many times, but it’s true for you as it was true for your parents. What does that mean anyway? Well, think of it this way: You need food, transportation, a way to communicate, be able to read and write, and you need money to survive. For example, most twenty-something people I’ve talked to say the most important thing right now for them is to have a car, and boy wouldn’t it be nice to have a new Lexus or Jeep Wrangler. Well, that fulfills a need right, the need for transportation—not!  A cheap, trustworthy used car will fulfill the same need—or even a bike or public transportation. Your wants have to exceed your basic needs to be happy. If you make a need a want, I can almost guarantee you are going to fail at getting what you REALLY want out of life.

    So, let’s make a basic rule: Never make a basic need a want unless it is a springboard to getting what you really want.

    So, let’s face it, the one big difference between where you are and where you want to be is to get off your butt and do something about it. However, motivation is secondary: You

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