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The Healing Alphabet: 26 Empowering Ways to Enrich Your Life
The Healing Alphabet: 26 Empowering Ways to Enrich Your Life
The Healing Alphabet: 26 Empowering Ways to Enrich Your Life
Ebook138 pages1 hour

The Healing Alphabet: 26 Empowering Ways to Enrich Your Life

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About this ebook

What if you could make choices that improved your life and the lives of others? YOU CAN! Life is about choices. Where you are at this very moment is based on all the choices you've made throughout your life. They all add up to Now. The key is knowing what choices

Release dateJun 13, 2024
The Healing Alphabet: 26 Empowering Ways to Enrich Your Life

Rossana Snee MFT

Rossana Snee, MFT is a licensed marriage and family therapist. She dedicates part of her time assisting clients in their healing journey. She lives in California with her husband and sassy cat, Lilli.

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    The Healing Alphabet - Rossana Snee MFT

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    The Healing Alphabet: 26 Empowering Ways to Enrich Your Life

    Copyright © 2024 by Rossana Snee, MFT

    Published in the United States of America

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024908868

    ISBN Paperback: 979-8-89091-572-6

    ISBN eBook: 979-8-89091-573-3

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

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    Cover design by Ericka Obando

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    Dedicated to my mother, Silvia Perez, who never lost faith that this book would one day step out into the world and make a difference.


    A very special thanks to Erin Reel, without whose help this book would probably not be published. She always believed in its magic and was instrumental in the editing process.

    A heartfelt thank you to my husband, Joe Snee, who tirelessly read my manuscript until the last typo was caught and deleted.

    A huge thank you to John Lynch, my first born, for helping me with everything—from getting my manuscript ready for publishing to being available for brainstorming ideas and believing in my book’s eventual success.

    A special thank you to Christopher J. Lynch, who was always willing and happy to answer all my questions when I didn’t know what the heck I was doing in readying my book for publication.

    And to the rest of my amazing family . . . my father, Rolando Perez, whose love and positivity feeds my soul; my son Joshua Snee, who volunteered his time to run errands for me just so that I could keep on working; and to all my friends who’ve been an unending source of support.

    A great big THANK YOU to you all!

    To the right choices that lie within us




























    Zero In124



    You have the power to CHOOSE a good life. Do you know how? Allow me to show you the way. A good life lies open before you if you are willing to look, learn, and do. Available to you, then, are numerous choices that can enrich your life and the lives of others. Look around you. Your past choices got you where you are today. Are you happy where you are? Would you like to be happier and more satisfied with your life?

    Some of you believe that you don’t have a choice in whatever situation you find yourself—that under your special circumstances, it is impossible to do anything different. However, you ALWAYS have a choice, no matter what the circumstances or the situation. Do not let appearances deceive you. Within every challenging situation, the opportunity to choose becomes even more significant and meaningful—the springboard to growth and enlightenment. Paths previously unexplored can become the gateway to a new and better life. Therefore, the option to choose is always there for you. In The Healing Alphabet: 26 Empowering Ways to Enrich Your Life, I present alternative choices that, if made, can help you become the best you can be.

    Allow this book to guide you on your way. CHOOSE to make your life better, to exercise your freedom, to fulfill your potential, and to reach your goals. When you realize you have choices, you empower yourself. When you empower yourself, you take responsibility for your life; you become the driver, not the passenger. Even though some choices are difficult, they are the key to changing your life. Life offers endless possibilities to flourish. I hope you find the joy and happiness due to you all.

    —Rossana Snee, MFT


    Life without acceptance is a life with limitations.

    Acceptance is freedom, as long as you remember that people come in different models. Some people do hurtful things. Some people act or look differently.

    The people who do hurtful things require acceptance but do not need to be accepted into your life. Perhaps it is your hope to change someone into being a kinder, more loving and honest person. It’s difficult enough to change yourself, let alone someone else. Can you imagine someone saying, Well, if John Doe were alive, he’d be perfect! Most people can change others about as easily as they can change John Doe’s state of repose. It is impossible. In dealing with hurtful people, accept that you can’t change them, but don’t allow yourself to be victimized by them. Love yourself enough to accept that the person cannot be changed and move on. You never have to accept any type of abuse.

    With people who look or act differently than you do, realize that DIFFERENT doesn’t equal BAD; it just equals DIFFERENT. You may be unwilling to accept others because of their:





    5.Economic Status


    STOP! Learn to accept those differences and to value people’s uniqueness. No one really knows anyone else’s life path and challenges. In choosing to accept people’s differences, you open up your world. You stop being judge and jury. Remember also to accept your own differences.

    I used to work with a client who had lost his thumb in a job-related accident. He couldn’t accept the fact that he was no longer normal. This caused him a great deal of anguish. Not wanting to be rejected by his peers, he worked hard at covering up his hand, pretending that his thumb was still there whenever he went out in public. Peace for him would only be possible if he learned to accept his situation.

    Accept that life isn’t perfect,

    but the best you can make it.

    If it’s not others or yourself that you have a difficult time accepting, how about:


    Maybe you have difficulty accepting an admiring remark. Someone says, Hey, that’s a great outfit on you. Your response, This old thing? Or let’s say you’ve just painted a portrait and a friend says, That’s amazing! You’re really good! You might say, Oh, it’s not that good. Notice the eyes aren’t even. I’m just a beginner! Next time someone pays you a compliment, try saying, Thank you for noticing. Pay attention to how that makes you feel. The inability to accept a compliment may very well be related to feeling unworthy, or unlovable; maybe you were fed false messages growing up. If that’s the case, someone paying you a compliment won’t feel like a truth when you hear it, even though it may very well be.


    What do you do when someone does or says something that hurts you? If they apologize, accept the apology gracefully. Forgive them. LET THE HURT GO. Holding on will only hurt YOU.

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