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Dracones Revelations Clean Version: Cursed & Hunted, #2
Dracones Revelations Clean Version: Cursed & Hunted, #2
Dracones Revelations Clean Version: Cursed & Hunted, #2
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Dracones Revelations Clean Version: Cursed & Hunted, #2

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CLEAN Version


Secrets have power …

… and some can destroy.

For years Sami's kept certain horrifying events from the past buried, until the one person who should accept him doesn't. The rejection, combined with his approaching awakening and growing powers, has Sami quickly spiraling out of control.

But life waits for no one, and when a female dracones finds herself in trouble, Sami gladly heads to Calgary to rescue her. The reprieve will do him good, and the mission should be quick and easy, right?

Wrong. Nothing is ever easy.

Stranded in a blizzard with a stunning woman who warms his heart, Sami's awakening arrives. And if that isn't enough, he's suddenly confronted by vampires that can walk in the day, and someone he believed was dead, and who leaves him for dead. Rage, hurt, and despair consume Sami. He knows his family has his back, but can he let go of the secrets and free himself from their power before anyone else gets hurt?

Get it now and delve even deeper into this magical world and feel your heart soar.

If you like paranormal fantasy romance, filled with dragons, wolves, vampires, and crazy deranged villains, and worlds similar to those of Sherrilyn Kenyon, J.R. Ward, Larissa Ione, Gena Showalter, Lara Adrian, Nalini Singh, & Christine Feehan, then you'll love the Dracones.

Release dateJun 14, 2024
Dracones Revelations Clean Version: Cursed & Hunted, #2

Sheri-Lynn Marean

Sheri-Lynn Marean, Author of Dracones Awakening, book one in the Dracones series, did not grow up thinking she would one day be an author. Instead, she grew up riding and working with racehorses, drawing and selling her animal artwork, and of course reading. Sheri fell in love with reading at age twelve and has not stopped reading. One day Sheri decided she would write her own book, with her own characters, doing what she wanted them to do. She began to write and the characters came to life in her head. Now, several years later, she has never looked back. 

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    Dracones Revelations Clean Version - Sheri-Lynn Marean



    It was not possible. Fate was far too vindictive to allow it to be true. Besides, he witnessed the female from his dream-vision die a fiery death. She couldn’t possibly still be alive. Could she?

    Sami entered his room and closed the door, anxiety ticking away. The dark cloud of guilt, shame, and helplessness that he’d lived with for years was growing unbearable.

    The abuse his father dished out to him and Jax, well, mostly Jax, when they were ten destroyed something inside Sami. Tierney and Zander tried desperately to help, showering them both in love and understanding. It had been so wonderful to be back with people who cared, those he considered family. But their own anguish over what happened kept Sami from burdening them with anything else. He couldn’t bear to let them see how completely he’d broken, or learn of what he’d done.

    Instead, he buried everything deep inside.

    But lately, the lock he’d place on his emotions had fallen away, and just trying to get through each day seemed to be a battle he was losing.

    Sami wanted to believe Brimstone—believe what he’d seen downstairs in the great room, but nothing in his life ever worked to his advantage. Why should this be any different?

    Still, hope rose its deceptive head.

    Brimstone claimed to be the twin of the woman from Sami’s dream-vision. A phoenix, as the slender twenty-four-year-old with pale skin and dark brown hair proved amid a swirl of flames.

    A pair of large, shiny black wings sprouted from his back, each feather a thin, black, razor sharp obsidian knife. His hands turned into lethal looking claws and grey eyes glowed while the rest of him, from what Sami could see, remained the same.

    I can fly, but I avoid it during the day—causes problems with the humans, he said.

    So yes, Sami supposed it was possible. The female he saw get thrown into a pit of fire could still be walking around breathing. Somewhere.

    Sami had relived the horror each night until the day they infiltrated the Ilyium compound. That was a moment forever frozen in his memory.

    He shuddered. Their enemy—a clandestine group of druid witches who hunt supes—had upped their game. Now, instead of just killing anyone who had any supernatural ability, they were capturing them.

    How could they be so cold, so uncaring to heartlessly take a life like they did? He had never been able to understand. Life was precious and should be revered.

    Despite how his dream always played out, Sami still tried to get to the female. But in the end he’d been unable to stop the inevitable. On top of that, he almost got him, Tierney, and Jax killed when the Ilyium spotted them.

    Horror and guilt gnawed, biting, scratching, tearing part of him away bit by bit …

    Sami rubbed his eyes, weary of it all. What good were visions if they couldn’t be changed?

    He considered the phoenix shifter waiting for him to take him to the city—to find his sister. What did he really know about the guy other than what kind of supe he was and his age? Not a lot. Sure, he’d saved Brimstone’s life, and they’d brought him home, giving him a safe place to recuperate, but what if Brimstone was a consummate liar, or delusional in thinking his twin was still alive?

    Unsure how much more he could take, Sami paced around, stopping in front of his computers and running programs. Six large monitors were mounted on the wall, divided into four different views. They all showed live video of their property outside on the mountain.

    Movement on the far-left monitor caught his attention. A large pale wolf emerged from a stand of trees. Silver eyes locked on the camera set up in one tree, then the wolf melted away. Kyrian, the leader of the Okami wolves. Their new allies had been an unexpected surprise, but Sami couldn’t think of any better protection than the pack of stealthy shadows.

    He checked the rest of the feeds and noted that nothing out of the ordinary seemed to be happening outside. Though that could change in a split second, especially with their enemies hunting them.

    Did he take a chance and go, or stay here and try to forget?

    Sami caught his reflection in the mirror over his dresser. A pair of bloodshot green eyes stared back at him. His skin was pale, and his hair … no wonder Jax and Tierney were so concerned.

    Sami raked a hand through the blond mess atop his head, then went and sat down on the edge of his bed. Could he live with himself if he didn’t go?

    Though only ten months separated them, Jax had always tried to protect him and Tierney. Bile rose at how many times Jax had cheated death. This latest incident made it three now.

    Sami clenched his fists, nails digging into skin as he tried to steady himself. This whole dying thing needs to stop!

    But try as he might, old memories surged, along with a flicker of power.

    His skin tingled, and blood surged in his veins as it grew stronger, fighting for release. The dragon inside him fought to be free, yet it had nowhere to go. He’d yet to go through his awakening allowing the beast to finally emerge.

    Power surged, and the image he’d been trying to hold at bay popped into his mind. Not of any recent events. No, this was something that happened a long time ago. Something Sami didn’t want to remember.

    His brother was always protecting him. Always, and because of it, he’d suffered. Not all of it was Sami’s fault, but some was.

    Guilt seared his mind. I’m so sorry … he whispered and just like that, his power dissipated.

    But it was brief. An illusion that didn’t last.

    Self-loathing and defeat intruded once again and disgusted, Sami stood up and strapped on his weapons. He summoned just enough power to ensure they were concealed from sight.

    Now that he’d reached his twenty-first year and his awakening approached, his power had become highly unpredictable

    The transition was a deadly time. But if he survived, he’d be able to shift into his beast.

    Like any other dracones he’d dreamed of the time when he’d be able to call upon his dragon. To spread his wings and fly.

    Except not everyone made it through the change.

    Jax barely did, and that was only due to Tierney’s tenacity and love

    Sami should be happy, grateful, and he was. They’d found and rescued Jax, and Tierney’s dad, a man who raised both boys like they were his own. Yet for some reason the darkness continued to seep into every molecule in Sami’s body, slowly taking over.

    He expected the death of his real father to change things, but apparently not.

    If there was any chance that Brimstone’s sister was alive, he had to know. The connection he’d felt to her in his dream-vision had been so intensely real.

    As he grabbed his truck keys, wallet, and cell phone, Tierney’s voice filled his head. Sami, the big bad wolf is going with you. Can you drop him off at Club Purgatori?

    Sami snorted aloud. I guess. I’m leaving now though.

    Great, he’ll be waiting with bird boy.


    Oh, and I know things have been insane, but we need to talk about what to get Thaniel for Christmas, she added.

    Christmas? It was that time already? Yeah, right, sure. When I get back. Sami went over to the window, parted the curtain and looked down at where he’d parked his shiny blue pickup truck. A very large intimidating male wolf shifter was making his way across the yard to where Brimstone waited. Sami felt a smile tug at his lips at Tierney’s term for the phoenix. Bird boy!

    Sami hurried down the stairs into the great room and nearly ran over Genna.

    What you be in such a fiery-blasted hurry for? she asked, helping her friend Caden—another rescue from the mine—across the room.

    Sorry, I’m heading into the city.

    Ohhh. You be lookin’ for the fire cracker girly. Genna grinned.

    Fire cracker girly? Sami didn’t envy Caden who had the bad luck to be healing human-slow. How are you doing?

    I’m okay, thanks. Caden answered, trying to hide his pain.

    Genna’s midnight eyes that were so similar to Jax’s flashed. No, you be obviously not be okay. She helped him over to one of the couches. Stay. I gets you some yummies food pronto. She teleported into the kitchen.

    Sami looked at Caden. That’s gonna take some getting used to.

    You have no idea. Caden said. Hey, I wanted to thank you for letting us stay here.

    No problem. At least Sami hoped it wouldn’t be.

    Caden was the son of their enemy and while they weren’t very keen on him being here, Genna had helped them find Jax. All she asked in return was that they give her and Caden a safe place to stay. Of course, at the time they didn’t know Caden was the Master’s son. Although, it really wouldn’t have made any difference, they’d been desperate to find Jax.

    Sami headed down the hall and hesitated before Zander’s room. Then he eased the door open. Jax sat in a chair beside Zander’s bed, staring at the man who raised both boys, loving and caring for them as a father should.

    Hey. Sami stepped inside, noting Jax still appeared a little rough from his time with the Ilyium. Though his visible scars had miraculously healed. Why didn’t I notice that earlier? But then again, his mind had been on other things.

    You heading out? Jax asked.

    Sami spotted the mark on Jax’s neck. I am. Is that⁠—?

    Jax touched the dragon eye rune on his neck. Proof he’d bonded with Tierney. Yeah.

    Sami was happy for them. Very cool. His happiness slid away as he focused on Zander who lay unmoving in his magical coma.

    I don’t get it, why isn’t he healed yet? Jax said.

    The healer says the Ilyium cast some kind of spell on him.

    Man they are some twisted.

    They do like to make us suffer. Sami replied.

    Someone needs to give them a taste of their own medicine, very slowly and painfully, Jax muttered.

    Agreed. Anyway, I’m outta here.

    I’ll see you when you get home, Jax said pointedly.

    Sami left and went down the hall to Thaniel’s room.

    He paused in the open doorway and glanced over at the large bed, not surprised to see it perfectly made. Thaniel had yet to sleep in it. Sami found Thaniel sitting back to a corner on the floor. It was a spot chosen so that no one could sneak up on him and where he had a view of the door.

    Sami thought Thaniel was adjusting to his new home and it saddened him to learn the truth. He only hoped that with time, the terrified were-leopard would come to understand he was safe here.

    Fear shone in Thaniel’s eyes as he stared at Sami through long pale-blond hair.

    Hey, are you okay? Sami asked.

    They found Thaniel during their search for Tierney’s father and a missing Okami wolf. Thaniel was being held captive by the Spokane were-wolf pack.

    Thaniel didn’t answer and Sami wished he could do more to ease the guy. They tried to tell him that this was his home for good if he wanted it. But Thaniel had no reason to trust them. I’m heading into the city now and was wondering if I could ask a favor of you.

    Suspicion shone in Thaniel’s eyes.

    Sami’s heart twisted. In my room I have monitors set up showing various angles of the property. Would you mind checking them once in a while? You don’t have to do anything.

    Thaniel’s eyes grew wide. You want me to watch them?

    I don’t expect you to sit and watch them, just take a peek once in a while, let the others know if you spot anything suspicious.

    I can do that.

    Sami wanted to smile and cry at the same time that something so simple could make Thaniel happy. Well, not happy but happier than he was. I’m serious, you don’t have to stay up there. With the Okami wolves keeping an eye on things we’re pretty protected.

    Thaniel climbed fluidly to his feet. In just seven days, he’d already put on some weight and muscled up. It was amazing what having food to eat will do, and his improving health was nice to see.

    Sami went out to his truck, hoping the monitors wouldn’t intimidate Thaniel. They had introduced him to the different game consoles and showed him how to work the TV, but the only thing that seemed to interest Thaniel was books. Though unsure if he could even read, Sami offered him some fantasy and sci-fi ones. Thaniel had been thrilled and said his friend who had protected him out on the streets, had taught him to read.

    As Sami climbed into his truck, Brimstone and Soroyan joined him. The burly wolf shifter waited while Brimstone moved to the middle, then he took the passenger seat.

    That’s a sweet place you guys have here, tons of room, Brimstone said as they started down the driveway.

    Ah, yeah. We like it. Sami glanced in the rear-view mirror at the massive log building that used to be a resort before they moved in fourteen years ago.

    Once on the blacktop, Brimstone turned his grey eyes on Soroyan, the enforcer for the Okami wolves. "So, you smell like a wolf, but not like a were. What are you?"

    Sami almost choked. He didn’t think the big bad wolf would answer.

    Soroyan surprised him. "I am Okami wolf, not a were."

    Okami. Never heard of em. Brimstone shrugged. But really, what’s the difference?

    There’s a big difference, Sami said.

    How so?

    "Okami is the wolf. We are magic born. Not pathetic puny humans."

    That’s funny, Brimstone said.

    What’s funny? Soroyan asked, a dark frown between his brows.

    Well, you obviously got something against humans, yet you look pretty human to me.

    Dark deadly power snaked through the truck.

    Whoa, dude! Really, you want to go there? Brimstone asked.

    The Okami are not human, Sami said, hoping to diffuse the situation before Cujo de-feathered little bird.

    So what, this is an illusion sitting beside me growling? Brimstone asked.

    Sami chuckled. "No. Look, weres are humans that have been bitten, right?"

    Yeah, so?

    "Well, after they’re bitten, they can shift into wolf form but have no control during a full moon. The Okami on the other hand are wolves that can take on human form. They haven’t been bitten, but instead are born that way. And just like you shift into a phoenix, their shift is also instantaneous," Sami explained.

    And we are not controlled by the moon, Soroyan added gruffly, though his anger had disappeared.

    Good to know, cause I kinda like my handsome head right where it is. Brimstone looked at Sami. "But what about you? What are you?"

    Maybe I’m just a simple human.

    Brimstone barked out a laugh. Yeah, so not.

    After spending years keeping their secret safe, Sami wasn’t about to reveal the truth, or at least not all of it. We’re immortals.

    Cool, I can actually see that highlander vibe going on, Brimstone said, a smirk curving his lips. You just need a kilt. Maybe some bagpipes.

    I don’t play any instruments.

    No, but I saw that wicked sword above the fireplace, Brimstone said.

    It belongs to Zander, Tierney’s dad, Sami replied.

    Well, bummer. You’d probably look pretty hot wielding it.

    Sami glanced at Brimstone. Was the guy coming on to him?

    Brimstone smirked. Nah, I don’t swing that way.

    Good to know. Sami focused back on the road. Oh, and I have my own sword. A couple in fact.

    Atta boy, Brimstone smacked him in the arm, then threw Sami for a loop with his next question. Why were you so upset when you thought my sister was dead? I mean, other than the obvious of seeing someone thrown into a fire.

    Sami’s blood surged with anxiety. It’s complicated.

    Soroyan snorted but the big guy didn’t take his dark gaze from the passing scenery.

    I am definitely missing something here, Brimstone

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