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Ebook82 pages18 minutes


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Engr Dr Naila Hina 

The title "Harmonious" for the book by Dr. Naila Hina conveys a sense of balance, unity, and coherence - all of which are essential themes in a futuristic lifestyle where technology, nature, and humanity coexist in synergy.


Through "Harmonious", Dr. Hina offers a vision of a future where people live in harmony with themselves, each other, and the planet. The book is a roadmap to achieving this balance, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking a more harmonious existence in the future.


The title "Harmonious" reflects the book's core message: that harmony is the key to a brighter, more sustainable future. By embracing harmony, humanity can create a world where technology, nature, and human connections thrive together.


Smart money management skills and Asset management,Six Sigma, AI clones and much more... 

Release dateJun 15, 2024

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    Book preview

    Harmonious - Naila Hina

    *Poem 1*

    Millions of stars in the midnight sky

    Twinkling diamonds, as the world goes by

    A canopy of light, for dreamers to lie

    And wish upon a star, with a heart full of sigh



    *Poem 2*


    Millions of moments, in a single day

    Opportunities knocking, in a world in disarray

    A chance to start anew, with each passing ray

    Of sunshine and hope, to light the way


    *Poem 3*

    Millions of hearts, beating as one

    A rhythm of love, that's never undone

    A symphony of souls, in perfect harmony

    A world united, in sweet melody


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