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Vivien's short horror stories
Vivien's short horror stories
Vivien's short horror stories
Ebook59 pages50 minutes

Vivien's short horror stories

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A bit of a departure from reality, accompanied by some horror/thriller stories. A light short story series. It mainly contains elements of horror and thriller, sometimes with a comedic twist.

Release dateJun 15, 2024
Vivien's short horror stories

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    Vivien's short horror stories - Vivien Jusztin


    I just stood in front of the mirror. I looked at the tiniest flaws in my naked body. What would happen to me? I asked myself. What will happen now? If he catches me?

    I grabbed a towel and walked out of the bathroom straight onto the balcony. I looked down at the city and thought I saw him on the other side. My heart was pounding. He's here and he's found me. I clutched the railing and hoping he hadn't seen me, I ran inside and got dressed. How many could there be? Oh, why do I have to take part in all this nonsense?!

    I grabbed my keys, hoping that the back door would be open and I wouldn't have to leave through the main entrance. I ran down 2 floors, relieved when the door opened. I looked around, but no one was there. I was looking for my phone in my pocket.

    ’I have to call Robbie! Shit!’

    I heard a noise behind me. I started running, looking for Robbie's number in the phone book. My car was parked two blocks away, just in case. I drove about a mile before I spotted Robbie at one of the exits. What was left of him, anyway. I jumped out of the car and helped him up. Part of his face was covered in blood. The skin was hanging in shreds from his right calf, and his stomach was held together only by the sturdy binding of his T-shirt. It was a horrifying sight.

    I put him in the back seat.

    ’Robbie, what happened? I was gonna call you, I think I'm being followed.’ I said.

    ’I... I... I'm sorry. This is all my fault!’

    ’Robbie, not this time!’

    Robbie fell asleep and I just stared ahead as I drove. It was eleven at night. There were no more cars on the road. I pulled over at the rest stop, using the restroom. When I got back Robbie was not in the car. I clutched him to my heart and nervously scanned every inch of the car and then the surroundings. There was no sign of Robbie. I screamed, I stomped around, but they took him away. I fell to the ground, and while I cried my heart out, my fists were pounding a small patch of gravel road. Then, when no more sound came from my throat, I looked at my bloody hands. In the meantime, a pleasant feeling came over me.

    I stood up, tapped every bone in my body and went in search of Robbie. The woods were dark, bleak and damp. I treaded cautiously forward, heedless of the thick crackling of tree branches in the background. I just wanted to find Robbie and get him to the hospital as soon as possible. I could see shadows slipping through the trees.

    In the distance I saw a shack. Light filtered through the windows. With quick steps I ran towards the cabin, hoping to find Robbie inside. I froze for a moment, a strong smell hitting my nose. I could smell rotting flesh. I switched on the flash on my phone and headed for where I suspected the stench was coming from.

    I smelled it more and more strongly. I held my nose with one hand, but it seeped in through that too. I stood at the base of a tree and held my hair and vomited. My body couldn't stand the smell anymore. I straightened up and walked on with my phone in my hand. Even the buzzing of the flies was foreboding. I approached. A few meters ahead of me I saw a foot. Oh my God! Robbie! I thought to myself. He's running headlong. But it wasn't Robbie.

    The three rotting corpses were our friends, killed by the same people who followed me. Their bodies lay mangled on top of each other. There was blood everywhere, and body parts. I found myself stepping on toes. I jumped. My breathing became labored, my forehead sweating. Then I saw perhaps the most horrifying sight of my life. The throat of one of the corpses was slashed open, maggots crawling out of

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