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The Cell Next Door
The Cell Next Door
The Cell Next Door
Ebook44 pages29 minutes

The Cell Next Door

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The author of this book served his time in prison, celled up side by side with Chris. The two grew close and were co authors at one point until recent complications. This book is basically a 7 month interview of Chris, a year after his conviction. The writer brings this famous true crime story from an angle never before told, which is first hand knowledge, directly from the source.

PublisherDylan Tallman
Release dateJun 15, 2024
The Cell Next Door

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Reviews for The Cell Next Door

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I was sceptical at first but after reading it i believe it to be 100% true.

    The reason why i believe it to be true is that the way Dylan is describing him and their conversations thats exactly the guy who we saw in the interviews.

    “The sweet, calm, soothing voice guy” who looked innocent despite his body language and everything going on thats what i saw on his interviews.

    It has been a long time since i have read a book this realistic and by that i mean the way Dylan is putting his feelings into words with absolutely no filter whatsoever. It felt like reading a text message from a close friend.
    The book itself is written very understandably and i love how dylan is giving us his backstory. It makes everything make sense.

    Can’t wait for part two im really looking forward to reading it!!!

    I recommend reading this book if you like true crime stories and different personality aspects of killers. It definitely raises allot of question marks in your head.

    hopefully these new information will somehow bring justice to those beautiful angels up in heaven. And lots of prayers to the victims/angels family and loved ones may god give them peace and closure.

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The Cell Next Door - Dylan Tallman

Table of Contents

The Cell Next Door









Dylan Tallman


Other books by the author

Mind of a PhD, Heart of a Dope Dealer

New Plan 20 Day Devotional

Poetic Knowledge


Author’s note

I sat 7 months in the cell next door to Chris. It is common knowledge that he has never interviewed since his arrest. It dawned on me while writing this book that I was actually interviewing him for 7 months straight. This is what consecrates my book from any other. I had to rack my brain for knowledge that was 4 years old when I sat with him. This is basically a documentary, a series for readers that appreciate true crime.

This is quality first hand information that stands apart from a quantity of third hand information released by other writers and outlets.

Proverbs 25.9

Debate your case with your neighbor, and do not disclose the secret to another.


Proverbs 23.23

Buy the truth, and do not sell it, also wisdom and instruction and understanding.

Blessings on top of blessings! Where were my blessings? I went from society to Dodge Correctional Institution in a matter of a month. They didn’t even want to put me in general population yet due to my past and who I was. So, they kept me in TLU (Temporary Lockup) until they could figure out what to do with me. Keep in mind, I was in two mental institutions prior to coming to Dodge. County jail couldn’t handle me, so I was transferred to Winnebago Mental Health. While there, I ended up in a fight with multiple staff, so I was strapped to a board, carried and driven to Mendota Mental Health. I couldn’t handle being incarcerated again after 10 years in prison. I was ready to kill anyone and myself because I could not cope with the reality that I was going to be incarcerated again for a period of time. The reality of imprisonment was trying to sink in, however I was not ready to accept my fate. I had been a fighter my whole life and I was trying to fight the inevitable.

I knew I was not out long enough this time to establish any real ties to the community. Two months free and

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