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Undignified: The Lost Art of Being Hidden
Undignified: The Lost Art of Being Hidden
Undignified: The Lost Art of Being Hidden
Ebook145 pages1 hour

Undignified: The Lost Art of Being Hidden

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About this ebook

Deanna Lorea, author of Unraveled, offers readers more God-inspired guidance in the second spiritual work of The Undoing series, Undignified.


What does it mean to be undignified? To be undignified is to be fully foolish and undone. It is the antithesis of appearing composed, well-learned, and societally correct. When our culture suggests we tidy up before absorbing all God is, Undignified invites the mess, the chaos, and the crazy; it welcomes the dark, the dingy, and the dysfunction.


As Deanna gives readers a front row seat into her intimate moments with the Lord, Undignified provides readers with a peaceful place to truly know God—whose love often seems too good to be true—without the pressure of performance or perfection. In observation and rest, Undignified is where we dare utter the words we’ve never even spoken aloud in a room alone. Here is the place of true transformation. Undignified is for anyone navigating a relationship with the Lord. It’s for the reader who knows there’s more but doesn’t know what more looks like.


Enter these gentle pages to discover a resting ground, and experience the undeniable clarity and peace in understanding everything Father has done simply to be with you. Revel in the daring beaty and innocence of a relationship with God. In this new, uncharted territory, readers will marvel as the scales, protective layers, and years of trauma begin to loosen and fall away.


With all trust in God, there is no room for doubt.
Release dateMay 17, 2024
Undignified: The Lost Art of Being Hidden

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    Undignified - Deanna Lorea


    What does it mean to be undignified?

    Completely Undone.

    Fully foolish before Father. To be foolish in this way is to empty one’s self of all beliefs, all systems, all constructs, all perceived holiness. To be as you are with the One who knows you most. To be undignified with Him means to allow Him to remove what keeps you from staying undignified and to keep the most sacred parts of your innocence, your childhood.

    Here there is nothing to hide,

    . . . nothing to feel shameful about.

    . . . nothing to feel guilty about.

    . . . nothing to make you run.

    . . . no strings attached.

    There’s nothing to cover yourself with.

    In ignorance we frantically piece together fabrics of shame, covering our shameless nakedness. In an attempt to hide, He sees all and still says, Come to Me.

    To be undignified is to be shamelessly naked before the One who created us.

    "I pursue you in your undignified origin, but you try to be dignified with Me. Why?

    Who tells you to do this?

    What makes you feel the need to cover up?

    He says, You come to Me in a business suit and tie, but I’m asking you to join Me and dance through this party called life.

    When David danced shamelessly before the Lord, the people watching didn’t understand. They told him to cover up, be more dignified than he was because of his position. Little did they know, the Lord was dancing shamelessly with him. They just couldn’t see it.

    He expressed joy in becoming undone, in being shamelessly undignified. Father says, There’s no need to be anything here but My child.

    A Language That Breeds Confusion

    Together, you and I have one language, one speech pattern, one voice. We speak together in a way that is unrecognizable to many, and in this place, alignment breeds familiarity. In all things, I am specific. As we spend more time together, you will learn what this language sounds like, what it feels like, and what it looks like. Our language is unique and indestructible. It is unlike any other sound. It is soothing to Me and will be a safe haven for you.

    This language represents being in one accord, in alignment with one matter, and in sync with one business. Together, we are activists for one unique cause. Our speech pattern includes constant giving and receiving of value and worth. It is cyclical in rotation, meaning what I give you receive and what you give I receive; it is a constant exchange of worth. This language is not confusing; rather, it is detailed and patterned to you.

    As we spend more time together, this language will be easily found. You will not spend days confused about what I am saying to you; rather, you will know the sound of our language. Everything I do brings you back to a place where one voice guides, directs, soothes, comforts, hopes, protects, preserves, and sustains you. In this space, there is no place for confusion, and this place is ever-present.

    I want you to understand something. You cannot see the wind, but you see the effects of its presence. This is how that one voice is. It is a forever ongoing song sung by you and Me. The effects of that song will be seen by others.

    Imagine a ballroom filled with people. They crowd around in a big circle, anticipating the arrival of the One they’ve all come to see. The doors open, and everyone’s attention turns to the One walking through the door. There’s a sea of people, but the One sees you. He reaches out His hand for you to join Him in His first dance. You’re hesitant, afraid of what people will think. Your mind tells you to stay in your safe space, another body in a sea of people. Yet something pulls you to lift your hand to His. Something speaks to your curiosity.

    He looks on you with love and blazing desire. There is something about Him that is undeniably true, unlike any truth you’ve ever experienced. Your hand touches His, and in a moment, you’re wrapped in His embrace. He leads the dance around the ballroom, and you follow effortlessly. Each step He takes is balanced and specific. His eyes lock into yours. He smiles and you avoid eye contact, focusing on following the pattern of His feet. You slip and miss a step, but He is right there, holding you up in His arms. His gaze is still steady on only you. You see joy in His eyes. There is something He admires about you, and you feel it’s too good to be true.

    Everyone surrounding this dance watches in amazement, some judgmental, maybe out of envy as He sweeps you across the floor. Around and around, the two of you carry on, constantly exchanging value and worth with each swirl. Your trust in His steps and His locked eyes of love intertwine until it feels you’re the only two in the room. You step on His toes, embarrassed, and He laughs, still so overjoyed that you chose to dance with Him.

    People from the crowd begin to squint their eyes, unable to distinguish between the two of you. The speed at which you move turns into one spectacle of unity as the two of you grace the floor. The laugh becomes One. The joy becomes One. The missed step becomes One. The exchange of love becomes One. The desires of both become One. The dance becomes One. Around and around, you begin to look just like Him and He like you. There is no difference from the One who walked into the ballroom doors and the one who was offered the dance. The two become One. This is the language I am talking about. This is the speech that is constantly available to you.

    It is only when you begin to do things on your own, build a name for yourself, try to be your own provider, your own protector, that our language becomes confused. This language is not of one voice, but of many voices. You begin to stop looking at Me and focus on what people from the crowd are doing and saying. Their judgment, mockery, and advice fill your ears, your heart, and your mind. When your eyes leave Mine and focus on theirs, what’s spoken from your mouth is the sound of many voices. Options come and steal our unique language. The grass looks greener, and your eyes begin to wander. You struggle for recognition from a people and a place that does not know you. Our language becomes confused.

    Our dance becomes a dance of comparison.

    When we have One voice, you are sure. When we have One voice, what’s asked is granted. When we have One language, what’s spoken is understood. There is no confusion. What’s hidden is revealed. What was lost is found.

    When you find yourself in confused spaces, even in regard to who I am, remember that we have one language. Align with Me as I align with you, and you will see confusion become but a distant memory. I am always speaking our language. There is never a time when our alignment isn’t established. It was established before you were born. There will be moments when other voices, lifestyles, and options come to move you outside of our language. You will be confused on what to do next, where to go, and who to trust. It’s in these moments that you’ll need to remember that our language is still present. Like the wind, its effects are still present. You simply have to take notice of them and step back into the dance of our language.

    You and I have our own language. It will not sound like someone else’s, because it is specific to the two of us. When each of My children recognizes the unique language I have with them, the song that is sung will shake the earth. People will stop to listen and watch. They will become curious about our language and desire to have their own. Our language is our relationship. Our dance is our song. The movements are your purpose. The steps around the ballroom are My path for you. These components are our language.

    Keep dancing with Me.

    Keep following My lead.

    Keep flowing with Me.

    When you look down to watch where My feet move, you will not fall.

    Our dance will change generations.

    Constantly Surrounding You

    My people need to understand a bold, biblical truth. When I say biblical, this principle has been reiterated time and time again, but more importantly, some of My last words to My disciples were and are of the utmost importance. Just before I left them, I gave them a command to love people. This instruction’s weight is heavier than I had time to explain in those moments before My ascension.

    I want to share some of that weight with you at this moment. Within each person, whether they believe or not, I have deposited a piece of Myself. You must understand, this means, in every person walking the earth and those that walked before, a portion of Myself is hidden within the depths of their mind, experience, and their voice. When I

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