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Halfdenes' Saga
Halfdenes' Saga
Halfdenes' Saga
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Halfdenes' Saga

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During a hunt in the woods surrounding his village, Halfdene & his two brothers are attacked by a group of men seeking revenge for an insult. After his brothers are grievously wounded, Halfdene must find a way to Ásgárðr to gather two fruit from the orchard of Iðunn, in order to save their lives. He encounters gods, jötunns, a wargr, & the old dragon Níðhöggr along the way. After accomplishing all of his tasks, Halfdene is sacrificed at the lighting of Baldurs'Balefire.
Release dateMay 19, 2024
Halfdenes' Saga

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    Halfdenes' Saga - Stuart Conway

    1. This book is dedicated to the memory of my father, Raymond George Conway, born 30th of April 1944, died 28th of February 2013. A man whom loved his family and was fearless in all of his adventures.

    My thanks to an old friend; Toe Cutter The Brutal, for encouraging me to write this story.

    Throughout this book, the reader will come upon phrases known as kennings. Basically, a kenning is a fancy way of describing an otherwise plain or simple word or term. Kennings were a highly prized part of a skalds’ stock-in-trade, and kept a story alive and interesting for its’ listeners. Following is a list of some of the kennings used, and the words or terms they refer to.

    Spear: Ash of Terror.

    Melting Ice: unwinds the waters’ ropes.

    Wolf: Heath-Dweller, Viðrirs’ Hound, Óðinns’ Hound, Steed of the Giantess.

    Sword: Blood-Snake, the Hammers’ Legacy, Wound-Fire, Hard Foot of the Hilt.

    Warrior: Mímir of the Spear, Friend to the Wolf, Proud Battle-Smith, Battle-Reckless Man, Tree of Armour, Tree of the Helmets’ Snow-Storm, Tree of the Sword, Tree of the Precious Fire, Sea-Flames’ Tree, Destroyer of the Wolfs’ Grief, Mighty Stock of the Sword-Blade, Wound-Smith.

    Fight Well/Fiercely: Feast the Wound-Swan, Feed the Eagles, Slake the Swords’ Thirst, Hard Under Helmet.

    Battle: Hard Wood-Talk, Swords’ Meeting, Wrath of Óðinn, Freyrs’ Sport, Óðinns’ Storm, Sköguls’ Storm-Wind.

    Armour: Óðinns’ Clothing, Battle-Girding, Hearth-Ringing Helm.

    Weapons/Military Equipment: Heregeatu.

    Ship: Strayer of Ocean, Rævils’ Steed, Stay-Steering Steed, Snow-Shoe of the Ocean, Gestils’ Swan, Sea-Kings’ Raven, Iron-Studded Snake.

    Sea: Lord of Malt, Field of the Swan, Listas’ Neck-Ring, Bench of the Ships’ Roller, Gannets’ Bath, Sister of Kolga, Giant Land of Endil.

    Wind: Breath of Jörðs’ Fierce mate, Hostile monster of the Mast, Chill Wolf of the Willow, Hewer of Oceans’ Even Path, Óðinns’ Breath.

    Chieftain: Giver of Oceans’ Glitter, Foe of the Fire-Red Snake-Ring, Týr of Rings, Tamer of Warriors, Folkrekr.

    Tempt Fate: Ride towards Wyrðs’ Meeting.

    Blood: Battle-Sea, Spear-Sea, Spears’ Torrent, Swords’ Current.

    Raven: Wound-Swan, Hymirs’ Skull-Picker, Heron of Blood.

    Moon: The Millers’ Son, Welkin-Wanderer, Mundilfaris’ Wayward Son, Máni.

    2. Fire: Lifting-Drink of HrÍmnirs’ Daughter, Lokis’ Twisted Braids, Scourge of Forests.

    Over-Awe: To Bear Your Helmet of Terror Over Others.

    Burial Mound: Berth of Stones.

    Pushed by the Wind: Wind-Whetted.

    Music: Glee-Woods’ Gladness.

    Rain: Weather of Rainbows.

    Shield: Adornment of Heitis’ Steed, Swords’ Head-Land, the Bossed-Sky, Ásgárðr of The Rim.

    Engraved: Held Firm by Runes.

    Talk: Unlock your Word-Hoard, Unlock the Fetters of Vés’ Mighty Gift.

    Earth: The breast of Óðinns’ Mate, Ymirs’ carved Flesh, Ymirs’ Shattered bones.

    Water: Jörðs’ Life-Blood.

    Mist: Ymirs’ Blood.

    Heart: Mood-Acorn.

    Goats, Sheep, Deer: Shoot-Stripping Hinds.

    Night-Sky: Bright Moons’ -Hall, Mánis’ Jewelled Field, Nótts’ Jewelled Cloak.

    Mead: Sea of Óðinns’ Breast, Fjörðr of Gods, Kvasirs’ Blood, Óðinns’ Wöð, Suttungrs’ Potent Brew, Heiðrúns’ Milk.

    Drunkenness: To Bear The Cloak of The Heron of Forgetfulness.

    Drown: Seek Rans’ Embrace.

    Fjörðr: The Glaciers’ Field.

    Sun: Søl, Þjóðvitnirs’ Fish.

    Cowardly: As Bold as any Kitten.

    Gold: Glasirs’ Glowing Foliage, Word-Hoard of Þjalzi, the Rivers’ Fire, Oceans’ Glitter, Kinsmens’ Strife, Serpent-Path, Flood-Tide Flame, Glowing Ember of the Arm, Fire-Red Snake-Ring, Precious Fire, Blood-Boltered Hoard, Falling Sun of the Plain of Fullas’ Brow.

    Head: Hooded Land, Chariot of Understanding.

    Thought: Fair-Wind of the Moon-Wolf.

    Son/Kinsman: Ashtree of My Race.

    Freyr: Belis’ Bright Slayer, The Boars’ Companion.

    3. Corpse: Fodder of Huginn, House of Bone.

    Body ( alive and healthy ): House of Flesh.

    Dawn: Dellingrs’ Light, The Sun Thrust Her Right Hand Over Ásgárðrs’ Rim.

    Óðinn: The Goths’ Companion, Lord of the Spear, The Wolfs’ Adversary, Prince of chariots, Vilirs’ Brother, Rampant of the gods, Gautatýr, Ruler of Victory, Gungnirs’ Lord, Jörðs’ Fierce Mate.

    NÍðhöggr: The Dread Biter, Lord of NÍðafjöll.

    Boar: Sæhrímnirs’ Mighty Kin, Freyrs’ Companion.

    Horse: Sleipnirs’ Mighty Kin, Grey-Backed Steed.

    Men: Glory Goths, a son of Askr and Embla ( Ash and Elm ).

    Door: Jaws of the Hall.

    Hall: Weather-Girding, Shield of the Wolf.

    A guide to the pronunciation of some Old Norse consonants and vowels:

    Þ, þ like th in Thin.

    Ɖ, ð like th in The.

    J, j like y in Yes.

    Æ, æ like German ä.

    Ö, ö, Ø, ø like er spoken with rounded lips.

    The acute accent over a vowel indicates length.

    Halfdenes’ Saga

    By Stuart Ian Conway.

    The silhouette of the great hall loomed darkly upon the Breast of Óðinns’ Mate, appearing as naught but a shadow against the pale blue-white of Nótts’ Jewelled Cloak. From the wide gables at either end, smoke arose to mingle with Ymirs’ Blood; the chill mist steaming from the icy waters of the fjörðr close by. From within the mighty hall came the noise of feasting, and the haunting sound of the Glee-Woods’ Gladness accompanying the chanted verse of a skalds’ mighty song.

    The Jaws of the Hall opened to admit a figure from without, amidst a swirl of icy wind. Closing the door, he strode to the hearth where lokis’ Twisted Braids entwined about the wood. A þír brought him a horn of Óðinns’ Wöð, which he gladly took, draining it in a single draught; the warm rush of wöð from the mead rising to his head. Walking over to the benches, he seated himself whilst two þræls served him from a brazen cauldron; the thick stew of boars’ flesh swimming in a steaming broth.

    4. Halfdene tore a hunk of grain-filled bread from a round loaf, wolfing down the bread and stew whilst he held his horn for a þÍr to fill; the mead glistening a pale green-gold within the fire-light of the hall. All about were seated the men of his fathers’ war-band; the himþægi loyal to his father through oath or gift. His brothers, Sigurð and Gunnar, were drinking with the men as they listened to the skald unlock his Mighty Word-Hoard, bearing his Helmet of Terror over all as he held the mens’ attention.

    The Scourge of Forests leaped within the hearth, hungrily devouring the wood whilst the shadows loomed dark upon the panelled walls of the Mighty Weather-Girding. The skalds’ deep voice thundered round the hall breathing life into gods and heroes, as the men cheered-on the Breather of Bragis’ Breath. His braids and forked beard floated about him, and his eyes flashed like the fires of Muspellzheimr in the light from the hearth.

    Eventually, the skald reached the end of his tale and stood before Thorgisl. The Hammer of the Danes unentwined from his arm The Rivers’ Fire, a ring fully of eight ounces of gold, giving the ring to his lady to hand to the skald. He gladly received the Glowing Ember of the Arm, entwining the ring about his own arm as he then sang a song praising the Jarls’ generocity. The skald then seated himself at the benches to eat his fill, as two þræls served him with food succulent and hot, and a pretty þír once again filled his horn with the Fjörðr of Gods.

    Finnvið awoke, having fallen asleep at the benches fettered with the feathered cloak of The Heron of Forgetfulness. A þír filled his horn, the Sea of Óðinns’ Breast glistening a pale green-gold within the fire-light of the hall. Then he turned to halfdene.’’ By Thors’ beard, what kept you so long?’’ Halfdene washed down his food with a swallow of mead as he unlocked the Fetters of Vés’ Mighty Gift; "I had to piss. This mead drops through me as swift as a wargr drops straight to Niflhel.’’ He carried on eating.

    Finnvið stared at the Proud Battle-Smith, draining his horn in a single, long draught, and gave a baleful glare as he unlocked his Mighty Word-Hoard; "you have the piss-bag of a child, Halfdene. You should have stayed on the tit and left Suttungrs’ Potent Brew to men who know how to handle its’ heady flavour.’’ Langifótr seated nearby, overheard what was said, and cautioned Finnvið as he unlocked the Fetters of Vés’ Mighty Gift;’’ you do not want to get him riled, Finnvið, or he will tear you apart. Well, there you go, I told you,’’ as Halfdene drained his horn then cracked it over Finnviðs’ skull, sending him falling over backwards off the bench.

    Finnvið leaped to his feet in a rage of rising wöð, swaying unsteadily as he unsheathed a knife. Halfdene had stood as Finnvið fell, and was ready for him. As Finnvið cut at him, the Mighty Wound-Smith blocked and then hit him again; Finnvið cracked the Frame of his Chariot of Understanding upon

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