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BACK FROM THE DARK: 4 Tales of the Paranormal
BACK FROM THE DARK: 4 Tales of the Paranormal
BACK FROM THE DARK: 4 Tales of the Paranormal
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BACK FROM THE DARK: 4 Tales of the Paranormal

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The deepest secrets are held in the dark. What happens when they are discovered? In The Check-In, a woman searches for the truth behind the haunting of a hotel room, only to discover a shocking paranormal gift. The heart wants what it wants, but in Desire's Deception, a love-sick woman's envy of her best friend's relationship becomes an obsession and a battle with the supernatural. Can't Let Go finds a woman confronted by her unfaithful dead husband, forcing her to make good on a promise. The legend of a mysterious man and his blood-thirsty quest for revenge is awakened in Under A Full Curse. Only one woman with an otherworldly connection has the power to quell his rage.

Release dateJun 15, 2024
BACK FROM THE DARK: 4 Tales of the Paranormal

Kimberley Goodman

Kimberley Goodman has had a passion for writing from a young age and has a special interest in the paranormal. In addition to writing, Kimberley enjoys reading, drawing and encouraging others to pursue their dreams. She currently resides in Dallas, Texas.


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    Book preview

    BACK FROM THE DARK - Kimberley Goodman

    Chapter 1

    Y ou’re crazy. I cannot believe you’re actually gonna do this, Ebony Cooper said watching her best friend roll a large suitcase into the living room.

    I told you I would. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. Now’s my chance.

    Alayna Sharp had never been a risk-taker, but when it came to the paranormal, her desire for truth silenced her fear. From a teenager, she had this overwhelming interest in ‘the other side’. She didn’t shy away from any opportunity to learn more. There came a time when books and documentaries just weren’t enough. She wanted to see, feel, and explore it herself. For a long time, she kept her pursuits a secret until her parents found the books she kept hidden in her closet.

    Being devout Christians, they trashed every book and lectured her on the dangers of getting too involved with things like that. But, despite their objections, Alayna continued reading and researching. One day, she heard a story about an alleged haunting at a hotel about twenty miles from the townhouse she shared with Ebony. Alayna read that though many people frequented the hotel for an experience, nobody saw or felt the presence of anything. But, Alayna was convinced that her experience would be different. Though she had never stepped into the hotel before, she felt compelled to go. Nothing and no one was going to stop her.

    According to all the stories she read, room 404 was where the tragedy took place. Back in the 1980’s, a young man named, Joshua Miles, had just married his college sweetheart. Her name was Yolanda Murphy and she was said to be a beautiful lady. So much so that Joshua often felt like her looks and charm overshadowed him.

    He was jealous and controlling, but still, Yolanda loved him and wanted their marriage to work. However, only three months into it, the fragile relationship started to crumble. Joshua became paranoid and frequently accused Yolanda of anything from  not supporting him to infidelity. This resulted in almost daily quarrels.  Despite this, in a desperate attempt to keep the marriage, Yolanda suggested they go away for a romantic weekend. Joshua agreed.

    Shortly after arriving, a small disagreement about where to go for dinner became a violent argument. The shouting turned physical with Yolanda grabbing a lamp and throwing it at Joshua. He ducked and the lamp hit the wall, shattering into pieces. Through sobs, Yolanda continued to yell at Joshua, even cursing the very day she met him. Joshua picked up the shattered lamp and placed it back on the table. He then walked slowly back toward Yolanda who was still sobbing and screaming.

    I was never good enough for you, he said calmly. You just used me. You used me for money, for security, and whatever else you could get.

    That is not true! Yolanda yelled. I love you!

    No, you don’t. I’m going to make sure you never use anybody else, Joshua said coldly.

    What do you mean?! Yolanda shouted, but Joshua grabbed her arm firmly.

    With his other hand, he slashed her shoulder with a piece of glass from the lamp. Yolanda screamed in pain and terror filled her eyes. Joshua continued to slash Yolanda on her arm, chest, and wherever else the glass landed. The slices then became stabs, with each strike more ferocious than the last. Joshua plunged the glass into Yolanda’s flesh with such force, it ripped into his hand. By the time Yolanda’s screams stopped, she and Joshua were covered in each other’s blood.

    As Yolanda lay dying, Joshua retrieved a small loaded handgun from his suitcase. He stood right over Yolanda’s body, put the barrel in his mouth, and pulled the trigger.

    Chapter 2

    Alayna was both intrigued and sickened by the nightmare story, despite this, she knew her curiosity could not be satisfied until she went to the hotel and stayed in room 404. Upon arriving at the ten-story red brick building, Alayna dismissed the nervousness she felt. She also ignored Ebony’s text messages to not go through with it. Once inside, Alayna was greeted by a mature White man with warm green eyes and a friendly smile. But once she requested the room, his countenance became very serious and exhausted.

    Ms. Sharp, I’m going to ask you like I ask every guest that requests room 404. Are you sure you want to do this?

    Yes sir. It’s just a room. I’ll only be here for tonight, Alayna said simply.

    So, you don’t know what happened there? He asked.

    Mr. Lee? A petite Black lady called from around the corner.

    It’s long been time for your break, she said standing next to him at the front desk.

    Sorry, I forgot, he said seeming to break out of his serious trance.

    Alayna watched him walk swiftly away before he turned and looked at her briefly.  Without another word, he exited the front desk area.

    I’ll get your key cards, the lady said softly. She wrote 404 on the back of the cardholder and handed it back to Alayna.

    He seemed a little spooked when I told him what room I wanted, Alayna said with a smile.

    It’s because he doesn’t know, she said.

    Doesn’t know what? Alayna asked with a furrowed brow.

    Suddenly, a loud thud made them both jump.

    I need to see what that was. Let us know if you need anything. My name is Yolanda, by the way.

    Alayna froze briefly upon hearing that name and stared. For a moment, time seemed to stand still.

    I get that all the time. Don’t worry about it, she said before smiling and leaving the desk.

    Once inside the hotel room, Alayna settled in and started to reflect on why she was there. The energy felt calm and there wasn’t a trace of anything negative. With the contemporary furnishings, and bright airiness of the room, it was hard to believe such a gruesome tragedy happened there.

    After an hour or so, Alayna went to get some late lunch. She figured nobody would want to deliver anything given where she was. When she returned to the property, it was 4:30. She felt a twinge of nervousness like before, but again, she ignored it. As she stepped into the elevator, her anxiety began to show itself. Her palms started to sweat and when she reached the fourth floor, her steps felt heavy. It was as if something was trying to stop her. Alayna was determined to keep going.

    When she reached the door, her whole body felt hot. Opening the door and walking inside was completely different from when she first arrived. Though the room looked the same, it felt oppressive. The energy had shifted to something negative and Alayna felt sweat forming on her chest.

    She put her food bag down and took a sip of the ice water she ordered. Though cold, it didn’t do much to lower her internal temperature. Alayna took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She walked over to the full-length mirror to see the

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