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Save the Humans
Save the Humans
Save the Humans
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Save the Humans

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A deliciously sinister tale of one girl's journey back to the top of the food chain.


Two reigning vampire races have conquered humanity and forced them into abject servitude. Living as slaves and pets, humans have little hope of overthrowing their blood-thirsty oppressors. However, one devoted vampire has made it his mission to save them from extinction.


Clutch is the luckiest human alive. She is the pet of the notorious Julien Legrand, the reigning king of the vampires. However, she knows nothing of his tyrannical exploits. All she knows is that she is spoiled rotten—treated like a doll, and pampered like a princess.

However, all good things must come to an end. And in a society ruled by two breeds of vampire, it is likely to be a very bloody end.

Clutch's world erupts into chaos when Jules's yearly soiree in Alaska is interrupted by a coup. Plots to overthrow the monstrous vampire have long been in the works, and now, it looks as if his violent rise to power is about to come crashing down just as fiercely.

In the wake of the upheaval, Clutch is forced into the protective custody of the humans. Her loyalty to Jules leaves her labeled as a traitor to her kind. And, when startling rumors emerge about her origin, she finds herself with just as many enemies among the humans as the vampires.

To save herself, she must get away from the humans, but her only path of escape takes her right through a horde of vampires. A course of action that is just as likely to get her killed.

But death does not come as easily to her as it does most humans. The so-called rumors about her origin are starting to make her question her previously idyllic life with Jules. Could it be that she is something of a monster herself?

Release dateJun 15, 2024
Save the Humans

Felicia Jedlicka

I'm going to put something here eventually. There's a reason I'll never write an autobiography.

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    Save the Humans - Felicia Jedlicka


    The doors to the house flew open and my master, Julien Legrand, stepped into the darkened entryway. He took in a deep breath of the stale air, spreading his arms wide to embrace the view before him. Oh, Clutch. His voice rang with nostalgic zeal. I’ve missed this place something awful. Haven’t you?

    We had only been away from the mansion for ten months, but I knew how much Jules enjoyed his vacation home. Yes, Master, I grunted as I struggled to drag his heavy trunk over the threshold. I adjusted the strap of my duffel bag and gave the bulky luggage another valiant tug. It successfully clambered over the door frame and onto the fine marble floors of the foyer. As pleased as I was with the achievement, the staircase looming ahead of me drained my enthusiasm.

    Sixty-seven days of darkness! Jules clapped his hands together and pressed them to his chest. How fabulous is Alaska?

    Jules, Loel Grady, my master’s partner, scolded him as he scooted past me with his modest-sized luggage. Help the poor girl. She’s only human.

    Jules turned back and looked at me with a peculiar fascination, as if he couldn’t understand what the problem was. He probably didn’t, since his perception of weight was distorted by his extraordinary strength.

    In addition to that fault, he didn’t seem to differentiate temperature very well. Being a pureblood vampire, he wasn’t susceptible to low temperatures like I was. As such, he hadn’t thought to bundle me up for the arctic air. Fortunately, the exertion of carrying our baggage was keeping my teeth from chattering.

    It’s okay, Master Loel, I assured him. I’ve got it. I leaned on my knees to rest a moment before tackling the stairs. My panting exhales came out as fog in the frigid climate. I sniffed to fend off the inevitable runny nose that comes with breathing cold air.

    Oh, poor Clutch. I’ve over-exercised you. Jules rushed back over to me and brushed my hair from my face. The braids he had put my hair in were starting to unravel, leaving me more unkempt than he preferred. Let’s get you hot cocoa. Yes? He smiled, exacerbating the crow’s feet that he desperately tried to keep at bay with an arsenal of collagen creams. He had always been a handsome man: wavy brunet hair, slightly scruffy goatee, and gray-brown eyes. However, the years had started to catch up with him and overwrite his efforts to remain forever young. Nevertheless, I knew he would always be beautiful in my eyes.

    Yes, please, Master, I eagerly agreed to the offer of anything warm and smiled back at him. I couldn’t begrudge him forgetting about my human shortcomings, especially when there were bigger and better things for him to focus on. Every year Jules put on an extravagant two-month party for him and his vampire friends. Without the burden of sunlight to interfere with their festivities, they partied endlessly, day and night.

    Come, let’s get you put together first. He frowned at me. What’s this? He poked my nose. Did you dip your nose in the blush again?

    I giggled. I couldn’t tell if he was teasing me or if he really was oblivious to how cold I was. That’s not blush. My nose is cold.

    Cold? He ducked down to examine my nose more closely. Hmm, so it is. I guess we’d best hurry with that hot cocoa then. Can’t have your nose frostbitten, can we?

    No, Master. I laughed at his antics and reached for the trunk. I struggled with it again, so he reached down to assist me. Even with his gangly arms, he effortlessly lifted the eighty-pound trunk off the floor by one of its handles. I shut the double doors behind us and followed him to the grand staircase where Loel was semi-patiently waiting for him. They ascended the staircase side by side just ahead of me.

    You shouldn’t spoil her so much, Loel said to Jules.

    You told me to help her, Jules defended.

    Not that. Loel shook his head. She’s not a child anymore. You should be treating her like an adult woman.

    Oh, pish posh, Loelly-Wolly. She is adorable and you know it.

    Loel glanced back at me, and his navy blue eyes locked onto mine for a moment before I looked down at my feet. That’s what I’m talking about. Braids were hardly appropriate when she was a teenager, certainly not now as a young woman.

    I am not having this discussion again. Jules paused at the top of the stairs to glare at his partner. I won’t cut her hair, and that is final. He stormed off in the direction of the master bedroom.

    Loel rolled his eyes before following him. I’m not suggesting that you hack it all off, darling.

    I followed behind them both, pretending to be disinterested in the conversation. I didn’t much care about the outcome of the argument, but I was intrigued to know that Loel had any interest in my appearance. Since the day he and Jules had started seeing each other, Loel had shown no interest in interacting with me. Perhaps it had taken the last six months for him to feel comfortable expressing his opinion on issues regarding me.

    I suppose I should bleach it too or is the strawberry blond at least palatable to you? Jules shoved open the double white doors that led to their opulent master bedroom. He flipped on the main light, illuminating the plush white furnishings backdropped by silvery gray walls.

    Strawberry blond? Loel scoffed. Her hair is golden blond.

    Jules dropped the trunk and propped his hands on his hips. It has reddish highlights.

    Loel stopped beside him. Those are copper highlights, that’s not the same thing.

    I resisted the urge to laugh at the moot point. It was all about the lighting. Indoors, I was just blond; not worthy of precious metals or berries. Rather than get involved in the debate, I dropped my bag and headed over to the mammoth king-sized bed. I started my ascent to the Egyptian cotton paradise.

    Down! Loel snapped his fingers at me, and I froze. My master had never been so strict with his furnishings, so I wasn’t sure how to react. I slipped back off the comforter and took a step away from the bed.

    Don’t talk to her that way. She is perfectly welcome to sit on my bed. Jules moved behind me and patted my butt to encourage me back onto the bed. I did as I was bid, but only sat on the very edge rather than ensconce myself in the fabric like I usually did.

    "Our bed, my love," Loel corrected.

    Jules frowned at him. Yes, of course, our bed, but if you claim my bed then you must claim all that my bed comes with. Clutch is very important to me. You know that.

    I do know that.

    Look at her. He waved his hand over me. You’ve made her uncomfortable.

    I only thought she should respect our private space.

    Loel, darling, I won’t pretend that the last six months haven’t been heaven for me, but Clutch has been my pet since she was fourteen years old. She and I are inseparable. If you love me, then you must love her as well.

    Surely you aren’t suggesting that I dote on her in such a ridiculous manner.

    Am I ridiculous now? Jules crossed his arms.

    Loel shook his head and sighed. I’m not used to having a human pet. It will take time for me to grow affection for her as you have.

    Are you telling me that in the last six months you have not found any room in your heart for this dear creature?

    Loel looked at me and I looked at him. As with most of our interactions, I felt instantly uncomfortable. He wasn’t cruel or intentionally trying to frighten me, but he was stern. His robust jaw and slightly round face contradicted Jules’s exquisite features, but he was still handsome. Plus his muscular build and broad shoulders made him look authoritative... and sexy. Though I had spent many years in the company of vampires, I had never considered any of them attractive in a sexual way. Then again, I had never met a darkwater vampire, until Loel.

    Darkwater vampires were not the slender, cold-blooded night-seekers that Jules was. They shared more similarities with humans than pureblood vampires. They were warm-blooded, tolerated sunlight, and able to digest solid food. They were stronger and faster than humans, but not nearly as strong or fast as the night vampires. They were reputed to have certain psychic powers that made them an unspoken threat to the reigning pureblood race. However, from what I had observed of Loel, the tales were grossly exaggerated.

    Other than that, the only anomaly in the species was their gills. Because they evolved from naiads, darkwaters were required to spend several hours of the day underwater. Most combined it with their sleep cycle.

    Loel took his gaze from me back to Jules. She is a fine companion, but truthfully, I’m a little jealous.

    Jealous? Jules chuckled. You can’t be serious. What are you jealous of?

    You and her. You spend so much time together. I feel like a third wheel.

    "And whose fault is that? She has welcomed you into our family. She calls you master, doesn’t she? I nodded in agreement when Jules looked at me. It was true. I felt it was a respectful choice, and no one had ever corrected me. Jules smiled and pushed a few of my stray hairs back behind my ear. The fraying braids must be driving him nuts. I think it is high time that you two got a little closer. Clutch, go give Master Loel a kiss."

    My heart jumped into my throat, and my jaw dropped open. I stared at Jules, silently begging him not to make me do anything so demonstrative.

    Oh, she’s so shy. Jules chuckled. Go on. Loel, call her to you. Let her know you will accept her affection.

    Come here, Clutch. Loel patted his leg.

    Oh, please, you are criticizing me for treating her like a child when you are treating her like a subhuman.

    Loel shook his head. The things I do for you, Jules.

    You do this for me, maybe I’ll do something for you. Jules winked at him.

    Loel smiled and nodded. He looked at me as I slid off the bed. I froze under his gaze. He raised his hand and beckoned me over. Come to me, girl. I forced myself to move to him. I paused when I reached his side. He was nearly a head taller than me and I couldn’t reach him to give him the requested kiss. What’s wrong? he asked and I frowned. Where’s my kiss? He smirked down at me, and I realized he was making a game of it, intentionally standing tall, out of my lips’ reach.

    Loel, she’s too short.

    Now hush, Jules. Clutch has been told to give me a kiss, and I intend to receive one. Let’s see how she plans to deliver it.

    I smiled and stood on my tippy toes, but I could only reach his neck. I looked around for a stool and found a chair by the vanity.

    Nope. He shook his head. That’s cheating.

    Well, now you’re just tormenting the poor girl. She can hardly help being short. She’s short even for a human. I’m going to unpack while you two figure this out. Jules moved to his trunk and started unloading the very carefully packed wardrobe of fine suits.

    I shifted, stepping on Loel’s toes. Ouch, he said and looked down at his feet. I guess that’s legal.

    I smiled and grabbed his shoulders to steady myself. I fell off his feet a couple of times before I got my balance. I was up high enough to reach the underside of his chin, but he lifted away before I could land a kiss.

    You’re cheating now, I said.

    He looked down at me. Everyone cheats, girl. You will either have to cheat too or be stronger than the person you are playing against.

    I jumped up and down, using his shoulders as leverage. I planted a head-butting kiss on his cheek and laughed. I did it again, just to prove I could. Or I could just be faster. I jumped up a third time, and he caught me, bracing me against him with one strong arm. My amusement subsided slightly as I realized I was snared and face to face with him.

    Not fast enough, he whispered and glanced behind me. When he looked back, he pressed his lips against mine. The not-so-innocent kiss sent a shiver down my body—an experience that was altogether new to me.

    He released my lips and set me down on the floor. He touched my hair, caressing the long braids. Can we at least layer it, my love? It’s just too weighed down. She needs more volume.

    Jules mumbled that he would think about it as he took his beauty arsenal into the bathroom. Loel, seemingly ignorant of the impact his lips had on me, started to unpack his belongings. I headed out of the room on wobbling legs to do the same.

    I tugged my little duffel bag behind me into the hall, daydreaming about my first kiss. I wasn’t sure it was right to be feeling as I did about my new master, but I couldn’t help it. I was suddenly awakened by new ideas and fantasies, all of which involved Loel not being a darkwater vampire, not being involved with Jules, and not being gay. The list was so long, it was making my fantasies even more implausible than they usually were.

    What are you so mopey about? Jules appeared beside me in the hallway without warning. It happened so often, that I didn’t even jump anymore. I just assumed he was always there. I looked away from him, fearing that he might be able to read the betrayal on my face.

    As we crossed over the balcony walkway, I could see the staff had arrived right on time. The all-human workforce would have the house aired out and warmed up in no time. The electricity was still off, but even when they switched it back on, the lights would remain dim. Jules liked it to be perpetually six o’clock in his homes.

    How many people are coming this year? I asked, taking the attention off myself.

    Oh, a lot. This is going to be your coming out party. The pièce de résistance to my campaign to save the humans. I have invited over thirty vampires and their pets.

    Thirty? I winced, thinking about all those people roaming the mansion. All those strangers with sharp fangs.

    Most of them won’t show. There are still quite a few high-ranking vampires that are reluctant to see things my way. Jules’s face darkened as if he were imagining the specific naysayers that were opposing him. Then, all at once, he was back to normal. But it’s appropriate to invite them.

    Will I have to meet all the other pets?

    You will be presented to the room. Then they will be presented to you one at a time.

    What happens if none of them like me? I asked.

    Then I will eat them. Jules clattered his teeth.

    I laughed. You will not.

    For shaming my perfect little girl, I would most certainly do just that. I stopped and dropped the grip on my bag. I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed him tightly. He chuckled under his breath and stroked my head. There’s the Clutch I know.

    I love you, Master Jules.

    I know you do, and I love you to bits and bits and bits—but you’re going to wrinkle my suit.

    I moved away to free his cloth from the abuse. He drew his hand down my neck before letting it fall back to his side. I picked up my bag and turned to the room that had been designated mine since our first trip to Alaska together.

    I pushed open the door, revealing plush gold furnishings against a purple backdrop. Aside from the benefit of a private bathroom, my room also had a fireplace. I dropped my bag and immediately headed over to it to get it started.

    Always cold, Jules observed as he flopped onto my queen bed to stare up at the tiny gold stars painted on the ceiling. We had spent many nights together staring up at that ceiling. Jules would tell me the latest party gossip. Who was dating whom? Who was trying to kill whom?

    I wondered whether Loel’s presence would change that. As jealous as Loel was of my connection with Jules, I was just as jealous of theirs. I wasn’t used to sharing my master. I wasn’t used to sharing anything.

    However do you stand it—shivering in the cold, sweating in the heat?

    I don’t have a choice, Master. I lit a long match on the underside of the brick mantel and prodded it into the hearth. The gas ignited with a poof. The room brightened with the addition of the orange flickers and I instantly felt warmer. Just like I don’t have a choice about eating, sleeping, and excreting.

    Oh, don’t speak of that. I can’t even imagine what a nuisance it is to eat three times a day, let alone pee as often as you do.

    I’m sure I’m not the first human to claim a tiny bladder. I crawled onto the bed with him and knelt beside him. His eyes were closed as if he intended to take a nap. I knew from experience that he was listening. It took concentration for him to hear things in the distance. Something must have gotten his attention downstairs that he didn’t like. The staff had probably broken something. Since he wasn’t leaping out of the bed to complain, it must not have been very valuable. Master? I whispered.


    You will remember this year that I have to sleep?

    You sleep too much.

    I sleep just the right amount. Humans need 7-9 hours of sleep a night.

    That is ridiculous. That’s a third of a day.

    Yes, but I can’t just go into a coma for an hour or two like you do. He didn’t respond. I shoved his shoulder. Master, are you listening?

    He opened his eyes. Yes, Clutch, I will try to remember that you need sleep.

    No, not try. Do. I leaned down and pressed my face into his, nose to nose. Humans must sleep, I drawled in a zombified tone.

    He chuckled and puckered his lips to touch mine. It was familiar, and nothing like the kiss I had received from Loel. I reciprocated the affection and lay down on the bed. I scooted up close to him and he welcomed me into the crook of his arm, holding me close.

    Will any darkwater vampires be attending? I asked, plucking at the buttons on his linen shirt. Jules intercepted my hand and held it. His long bony fingers easily overlapped mine, cupping my hand in a cool embrace against his chest.

    I invited some, but I doubt they will show. They dislike the cold. Only Loel is brave enough to travel this far north, and I’m positive he only did it because he can’t live without me for even one night. Can you blame him?

    I giggled at his joke, though I was certain his ego didn’t consider it a joke. Master?


    If I find a suitor, will they stay with me, like Loel stays with you? I mean at night, to sleep?

    Jules took in a deep breath. There are so few humans left, Clutch. If it weren’t for vampires such as myself and my open-minded guests, there would only be inbreeds and mutants left to populate the world. I’m sorry to say, but I doubt that whoever owns your mate would be willing to part with them. I know I certainly am not willing to part with you.

    I turned, propping my chin on his chest to look at him. Master?

    Yes, my inquisitive one.

    Why don’t you feed on me?

    Pardon me? He sat up, pushing me upright with him. What on Earth makes you ask me such a thing?

    When Loel first joined us, he asked you if you fed on me. You said no, and then you threatened that if he ever fed on me, you would—

    Don’t repeat what I said. That was a vulgarity your ears shouldn’t have heard, let alone for your lips to speak.

    You were angry that he asked, though. I assume that means some vampires still feed on humans.

    Some do. I don’t approve of that behavior in my house, though. Unfortunately, some feel that it is their right to treat their humans as livestock. I can hardly change the world, but, rest assured, while there is still breath in my body, no one will ever mar your skin for the sake of thirst.

    What does it feel like?

    Jules narrowed his eyes and shook his head at me. What do you think these feel like? He opened his mouth and descended his translucent fangs. I peeked in, catching a rare glimpse of his infamous weapons. In all the years that I had been his pet, he had never once bared them in my presence.

    Jules! Loel snapped from the open doorway. We both looked over at his concerned expression. What are you doing? His shock turned to confusion.

    Do you know what our little Clutch just asked me? Jules posed the question in a tattletale tone.


    She asked me what it feels like to be fed from, Jules said.

    Loel looked at me and I instantly blushed. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with the question, but I knew I didn’t want him to know I had asked it.

    Hmm. Loel moved closer to us. Perhaps we should show her.

    No! I scooted back on the bed.

    Oh, stop, she doesn’t get your macabre sense of humor yet. Jules patted my leg.

    What humor? Loel chomped his teeth at me and I scooted closer to Jules. I sensed that he was joking, but I couldn’t hold my smile. I’m still surprised that you’ve never tried her.

    I am not a deviant. I don’t bathe and dress my food before I eat it.

    Some humans enjoy offering themselves.

    That’s a lie. Jules was up in an instant, going chest to chest with him. The humans that offer themselves are not doing it for pleasure. They do it because they are being forced to by drugs or beatings. It is survival that forces a human to give of themselves.

    Easy, my love. Loel rubbed his arms. You know I believe in the cause just as you do. I haven’t drunk from a human in years. Loel kissed him, just a peck on the lips. I’m glad that you don’t drink from Clutch. The point I was making is that she is about to be introduced to less virtuous vampires very soon. She should be aware that your morals are not common among vampires. She should be aware of the reality that takes place beyond the comfort of your guardianship.

    Yes, that’s true. Jules looked back at me. Since you are attending the gatherings this year, the focus will be drawn to you. They will be looking at you. Admiring you.

    Don’t be surprised if someone offers us a bribe to have a taste of you, Loel said.

    I frowned and looked at my master for verification.

    You’re scaring her, Jules murmured to him.

    She needs to be scared.

    "Not that scared," Jules said between clenched teeth.

    Loel took a step closer to me. We will accept no such bribes and release you to no one. Neither Jules nor I will allow anyone to feed on you. I know that you already trust you master with your life, but I assure you, I take just as much responsibility with your care as he does. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you, Clutch.

    Jules looked at Loel with awe in his eyes—no doubt pleased with his lover’s protective instincts for his most prized possession. Since I hardly knew him, I was surprised that he would take on the duty so willingly. It may have had more to do with impressing Jules than anything else, but I believed he was being honest. If the time came to save me, he would.


    Jules brushed my hair while I sat in front of the fireplace in the lounge. He sighed and trimmed the last bit of my original length off. The long strands fell to the wood floor beneath my stool. He combed his fingers through my remaining layered mop of hair.

    My love, you look like you are going to weep for the sake of dead skin cells, Loel chided him from behind his newspaper. He was sitting in an armchair as far from the fire as possible. Despite his warm-blooded body, he preferred the cool, almost chilled air. As I understood it, there were different degrees of warm-blooded darkwaters. Loel must have been more to the cool side, only maintaining a minimal body heat for proper function.

    Oh, you hush. Jules put down his scissors and started to clean up the mess beneath me.

    Well, don’t you like it? Loel asked, collapsing his newspaper on his lap.

    Yes, of course I like it. She would look good in any hair. She would look fine bald, for that matter.

    I frowned and looked between them. I didn’t have much of an opinion about the length of my hair, but I did have to draw the line somewhere.

    I hope we don’t need to go that far. Loel gave me a wide-eyed look that made me smile. What is it then? Why are you so sullen?

    She looks grown up, Jules moaned and tossed my hair in the fireplace. A regrettable choice to my nose, but he didn’t seem to mind the smell of burnt hair.

    Loel chuckled as he put down his paper and moved to Jules. That was the point, my love. He rested his hands on Jules’s shoulders, massaging them gently. She isn’t trying to attract a playmate tomorrow night. She is trying to attract a mate.

    I don’t like it, Jules grumbled.

    Loel laughed again and pulled his partner to face him. You are just being stubborn. You know that breeding is an important part of keeping the human race alive. This was always part of your plan.

    I know, but...

    What? She is well beyond her initial puberty. In fact, I think she might even be looking forward to meeting someone of her own kind. They both looked at me for a response.

    I smiled and shrugged. It would be nice to meet someone. It wasn’t as if I had never interacted with other humans, but they were usually staff and always much older than me.

    It’s not the meeting I’m concerned about, Jules murmured under his breath, even though he was right next to me.

    Don’t worry, my love, Loel whispered and leaned in close to his ear. I’m sure she’s looking forward to that part too. Loel looked at me while he kissed his lover’s cheek.

    Stop. Jules waved him off. Save your doting for after someone’s bedtime. I have far too much to do before tomorrow night anyway. I’ll barely have time for stasis tonight. Jules headed to the solid oak pocket doors that had been closed to retain the fire’s heat. Just as he reached them, he snapped his fingers and turned around. Oh, she should be bathed tonight. Would you mind?

    Bathed? Loel blanched. Jules—

    It would help me out so much, Jules pleaded.

    Can’t you do it tomorrow night before the party?

    And deal with flyaways all night long? I don’t think so.

    Oh, all right, Loel grumbled.

    Don’t worry, darling, she doesn’t bite. He chortled at his joke as he left the room. Loel looked back at me.

    The things I do for that man.

    I smirked at the joke, especially since I was thinking the same thing.

    It wasn’t until we reached the confines of my small bathroom that I realized how uncomfortable I was with my new master bathing me. Jules was always the one to care for me. He had been bathing me, dressing me, and doing my hair since the very first day he got me.

    Loel sat on the edge of my tub and tested the water before pushing the plug down. You like it warm, I assume? he asked, massaging the water into his hands.

    Yes, I said.

    He stood up, and I raised my chin to allow him access to the buttons that started at my neck. He looked me over, barely containing an eye roll. His demeanor eventually shifted to amusement. He really does do everything for you, doesn’t he? It would be adorable if it weren’t so pathetic.

    I dropped my chin and pouted. The accusation was harsh, and I could barely keep myself from crying. I had never been the victim of a negative remark in all my life. Even when Jules scolded me, he did it so playfully that it was hardly more than entertainment.

    It was true that I hadn’t dressed or undressed myself in many years, but it certainly wasn’t because I was incapable of it. Jules had just trained me to be his perfect little doll. Until Loel came along, there had never been any shame in that.

    I started to unbutton my top. The tiniest buttons ever to exist, however, had

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