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Arudha System of Prediction
Arudha System of Prediction
Arudha System of Prediction
Ebook163 pages1 hour

Arudha System of Prediction

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The Arudha pada system is a peculiar one in which degrees of planets, Vargas of Signs, mathematical calculations etc.are not considered. Only the natal chart is enough. The predictions promised by lagna Arudha, Bhava Arudha and Graha Arudha take place during the currency of periods of those planets in their dasas.

Release dateJun 13, 2024
Arudha System of Prediction

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    Arudha System of Prediction - C.S. Patel

    Chapter I


    Maharshi Jaimini has extensively. dealt with the — Arudha Pada system of astrology. Though sage Parasara has originally sown the seeds in B.P.H.S. (chapters 29 and 30), later on Jaimini delved deep and located many pearls out of his wisdom and intuition. Thus the system has become to be known by the name of Jaimini astrology rather than Parasara.

    One thing can be said without the fear of contradiction that after Parasara Hora down to Jataka Tatwa, none of the authors of standard texts had touched this subject of Arudha system except the following authors:

    (1) Hora-Sara-Chap. IV (Verses 23-24-25-261); Chap. XXVII (Verses 22-23-24-25);

    (2) Prasna Marg Chap. VIII and XVI (few verses);

    Both these authors have considered Arudha Lagna ie. the sign rising at the time of query. They have used Arudha for Prasna only.

    (3) Uttarakalamrita- Chap. IV verses 34 to 40. The author has treated the subject of Arudha Pada and Upapada-in the real sense of the terms, in an elementary way i.e. only in 7 verses.

    From B.P.HS. Vol. I.

    कथयाम्यथ भावानां खेटानां च पदं द्विज! ।

    तद्विशेषफलं ज्ञातुं यथोकतं प्राङ्महर्षिभिः ॥

    O Brahmin, I shall now tell you about the Padas (or Arudhas) for Bhavas and Planets as well as, laid down by earlier great sages.

    लग्नाद्‌ यावतिथे राशौ तिष्ठेल्लग्नेश्वरः क्रमात्‌ ।

    ततस्तावतिथे राशौ लग्नस्य पदमुच्यते ॥ 2 ॥

    The Pada of the ascendant will correspond to the sign arrived at by counting as many signs from the ascendant lord as he is ahead from the ascendant.

    सर्वेषामपि भावानां जेयमेवं पदं द्विज!।

    तनुभावपदं तत्र बुधा मुख्यपदं विदुः ॥ 3 ॥

    Similarly Padas for other houses be known through their lords. The word Pada denotes exclusively the Pada for the ascendant (or Lagna Pada).

    Notes: The word Arudha ('आरूढ') is defined (V.S. Apte’s dictionary) as mounted, ascended or seated on. It means a driver in charge of the vehicle Arudha. This system is the same as भावात्‌ भावम्‌ —meaning: The lord of a bhava will correspond to the sign (भावम्‌) arrived at by counting so many signs from the house lord as he is away from the house. In Jaimini for Lagna, it is known as the Lagna Arudha Pada Similarly the Arudha Padas for the remaining eleven houses be found out as enunciated in this chapter Arudha Lagna is not confined to Jaimini system of astrology alone, but it is extensively used even in Parasari system.

    Prof.: K.V.. Abhyankar writes in his book. The Upadesa Sutra of Jaimini-1951 page 51 as under:-

    Jaimini has paid a special attention to the aspect of planets-especially to the way in which they aspect their own sign. Apparently, there was a peculiar belief that the reflection was as good as the original, the reflecting medium being furnished by a planet as in the case of the Pada or the Upapada, or by a sign, as in the case of Bahya Rasi." The old astrologers at the time of Jaimini believed that along with the sign he ruled, a planet aspected, with the same attention, another sign which had the same angle of incidence as the sign ruled by him had with the sign in which he was placed. In other words, a sign had its reflection in its ruler planet (mirror), and the sign corresponding to the reflection was as powerful as the original one. The sign, agreeing with or corresponding to the reflection was called pada or ‘foot’ by Jaimini and his colleague astrologers. The Pada of the Ascendant or Lagna pada is taken by Jaimini as the basis, in determining the monetary prospects of an individual. The seventh and the twelfth houses from the Pada give special results by means of planets present therein. The remaining houses give results just in the way in which houses from the sign occupied by the Significatory Planet

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