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Jean Cassy and the Souls in the Ice: Jean Cassy, #2
Jean Cassy and the Souls in the Ice: Jean Cassy, #2
Jean Cassy and the Souls in the Ice: Jean Cassy, #2
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Jean Cassy and the Souls in the Ice: Jean Cassy, #2

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After a year of magical adventures, bandits, heartbreak, and a newfound sense of hope, Jean Cassy was ready to make a fresh start - but nothing ever goes as planned. When her partner, Popcorn, urgently requests to visit his home tribe, the Silverpikes, beyond the treacherous Spineback Mountains, Jean agrees to join him on his journey. But their travels are cut short when a freak blizzard snows over the pass, trapping them in the mysterious No-Light Zone.

Now, as Jean navigates life in a community she never thought she'd experience, secrets come to light and relationships fizzle or flourish. Amidst the challenges, Jean and Popcorn's relationship reaches a breaking point, leading them to part ways. As Jean grapples with the realization of Popcorn's true nature, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and resilience.

With her friends, newfound family, and the baby she carries all relying on her, Jean must remain strong and hopeful in the face of change. But when fate intervenes and brings Jean and Popcorn back together, they are forced to confront their past and reconcile their differences in order to survive the dangers that lie ahead.

Join Jean Cassy once again as she embarks on a journey filled with twists and turns, where courage, resilience, and the bonds of friendship are put to the ultimate test. Jean Cassy and the Souls in the Ice is a gripping tale of adventure, discovery, and the enduring power of hope in the face of uncertainty.

Release dateNov 1, 2023
Jean Cassy and the Souls in the Ice: Jean Cassy, #2

Ellie Lerum

Ellie currently writes with Red Richard Arts, a two-person team developing games and books in Idaho state. After attending the University of Idaho and meeting the man of her dreams, Ellie and her husband moved back to Southern Idaho where they spend their days wrangling their daughter and chickens while developing plot and narrative.

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    Jean Cassy and the Souls in the Ice - Ellie Lerum

    Jean Cassy and the Souls in the Ice

    Ellie Lerum


    Red Richard Arts

    Copyright © 2023 by Ellie Lerum

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

    To the mothers reading this: you are, and always will be, enough


    Jean Cassy and the Souls in the Ice is written in a way that, for myself at least, forces me to remember and work through the hurts that I've experienced in life. After 4 miscarriages and two babies, both of which I was unable to breastfeed and was blamed for my shortcomings, the topic of motherhood aches.

    Add in a message about a God who loves me and who made me exactly the way He intended, and bitterness is a sure recipe.

    After all; why would a good God make me broken and unable to feed my child? If He made breastfeeding my child the best way to feed my baby, then why am I 'broken'?

    Dearest reader, God is still good in the brokenness. Sin is the reason this world is broken, and the brokenness is the consequence of sin. Even with everything going on, He is still in control and is still working for your salvation. On this note, please know that God loves you regardless of what you have done. He desires to know you and wants so desperately to bring you into His fold. If you have yet to meet Him, I encourage you to shut your eyes and embrace the stillness. He is always listening and will always hear your prayers.

    Jean Cassy and the Souls in the Ice, or Souls as my husband and I call it, is written as a glimpse into the brokenness of motherhood and parenthood alike. There are instances of stillbirth, mentions of miscarriage, and divorce within these pages, and I pray that these topics help you see that you are not alone.

    ~ Ellie


    1.Magic Lessons

    2.Finding the Silverpike

    3.The Blizzard

    4.Returning to the Silverpike



    7.The Hunt

    8.Unexpected Newcomer

    9.The Frost Fang



    12.Newfound Understanding

    13.The Spring Holding

    14.Yensli's Tribe




    18.Unexpected Misery

    19.Second Chances


    21.Accepting the Unknown


    The World of Illeross

    About the Author

    Also By

    Chapter one

    Magic Lessons

    The year had been tumultuous. Jean had left home, met her partner Baba Maze- or Popcorn as his friends called him- and joined Fort Haven as a researcher. Then, in a swirling tide of anxiety and chittering madness, she lost a pregnancy, raised a griffin, got caught up in a slave trade (the Telfarian bandits were her least favorite people on Illeross, now) and then spent several months recovering in Apple Ridge under the care of several Knights of the Long Road and the Doves.

    It was there that Popcorn's heart was replaced and Jean gave most of her lifeblood to him before a pregnancy was discovered. Marin, the Dove who had taken such good care of them, had said that Jean was potentially 2 months pregnant. She had also insisted that this pregnancy could be different from the last one.

    After careful consideration, Jean decided to keep the child. Yet, as she contemplated traveling through the city of Blackrock and into the Spinebacks to visit Popcorn's family in the No Sun zone, she couldn't help but shudder.

    Jean, a young woman with dark curly hair and two short horns atop her head, chewed on her lip in thought. She knew that if she bit hard enough and bled no one would be the wiser. The blood would blend in with her red skin and that would be it. Yet, as she knew that the tankard her companion was bringing her would betray her nervousness, she stopped. Now wasn't the time to worry about whether her unborn child would survive the trek. Whatever happened would happen, and she knew that she would ache as soon as it did.

    The six-foot tall man sat one tankard in front of her, a second in front of a wiry man with spectacles perched on the tip of his nose, and then sat with the third. Worry flooded his green gaze, though it faded as he looked at her and offered a soft smile.

    So, the wiry man started, you have your heart set on traveling north now? Just… Taking off across the mountains without your supplies?

    You can return to Fort Haven for us to collect our things if you're so worried, Park, the taller man replied. All I need is my bow and my shield; I have my cane and I can buy rations and gear. As for you, Jean-

    I have what I need, though I'm afraid the weather might turn, Baba, Jean regarded him and then shook her head. I know you said the snow shouldn't fall this far from winter, but…

    Popcorn placed a hand on her thigh under the table, "It'll be okay, Daito. It'll be in and out; we'll be home before there's snowfall and, even if there is, it won't be horrible."

    He squeezed her thigh and Jean nodded.

    That meant that they'd be able to get back within a month, leaving her two months to prepare for losing the child. As Popcorn began to talk to Park about preparations for while they were gone, Jean took his hand.

    Memories of that horrid night, when they were captured and raped, raced through Jean. Her grip on Popcorn's hand grew tighter as the shadows around them seemed to deepen and grow eyes and fangs.

    Her chittering madness was flaring up.

    Popcorn looked at her, Park, kindly get us some water for tea as well; it slipped my mind while I was up.

    Park left and Jean rested her head against her partner's shoulder, Are you alright?

    Mentions of the Telfarians… It's making the madness… Jean trailed off, I'd like some tea and then I'll be okay.

    She watched the area around them, trying her best to avoid thinking about the encroaching shadows, and instead on the looming trip.

    Never had she gone further than Blackrock. The idea of going past the Spinebacks frightened her as her Ivumi wasn't enough for her to have more than daily pleasantries and she didn't know what to expect. She began to fiddle with her gloves, and nearly pulled them off before she replaced them. She didn't need to expose the scars that had come from a chitter's staff, especially when only Popcorn knew they existed.

    Popcorn's quiet voice interrupted her thoughts, Jean?

    I'm sorry, I was Jean murmured, looking at him. When are we leaving? As soon as Park returns from Fort Haven, should he go?"

    The man nodded, The hope is that he can leave by horse and return within four hours. We can get our supplies and leave before noon tomorrow if that's the case.

    Jean glanced towards Park and then Popcorn, You've yet to explain why we're going. I know you said there were iterin to study, but… Park seems to know more than I do. He was surprised that you want to return to your family after 14 years-

    Jean, don't ask questions.

    Popcorn met Jean's eyes and she held his gaze, I suppose I'd like to get a handful of supplies before tomorrow, then.

    The taller man gave her yet another nod before he looked at Park, Why don't you head out today, then? Jean and I can stay in town and we will meet you here by noon to gather our belongings.

    I suppose I can do that, Park mused. He glanced at Jean, who smiled at him, and then nodded, I'll see you for lunch tomorrow, then.

    He finished his lunch, chugged down his tankard, and then hurried from the tavern.

    Jean watched before Popcorn fixed his gaze on her, Do we want to get supplies together, or split up?

    For a moment, the curseborn was quiet, Alone would be the best option for now, please. I have a couple of things I'd like to get, and I'd like to see my family before I leave.

    We'll have a room here, so go ahead and come back whenever you're ready.

    Jean watched Popcorn finish eating before he excused himself and left. Jean, meanwhile, remained in her seat to relax and watch people go by. Now that she was alone, people didn't hesitate to give her dirty looks, but she didn't feel as threatened as usual. It was only when she had the acute feeling of someone watching her from behind that Jean looked around only to see that she was alone.

    She took her time as she wandered the cobbled streets of Blackrock, pausing at the Grand Temple of HaMelech. It'd be heretical to seek out Clarice- the woman who had helped her deliver a stillborn child that spring- but going to the Solari temple seemed wrong. Quietly, she entered the temple and approached a young man, Excuse me?

    He glanced at her and stiffened, pretending not to notice her, as Jean sighed, I'd like to speak to Clarice, please.

    She's busy, he responded, they all are.

    Then I can wait.

    The young man seemed at a loss, looking around before he flagged another man down. They whispered together for a moment before the first returned to his duty and the other went deeper into the temple. It didn't take long for him to return with Clarice, a rotund woman with a gentle face. She beamed upon seeing Jean, holding her hands out, Jean, it's so good to see you! What are you doing, hm?

    Jean took Clarice's hands and stood, following the healer, I needed to see about getting some herbs.

    What sort of herbs are you needing? Clarice said, looking at Jean before she paused, Wait… I recognize that look. Are you…?

    For a moment, Jean was silent. She finally mumbled, No one else knows outside of a Dove in Apple Ridge, and I'd like it to stay that way. I'm not expecting this child to last any longer than Rowan did. Clarice's smile made Jean look away, I want some herbs to help go into labor, for when I miscarry.

    I don't feel comfortable giving you something like that, Jean, Clarice said . You aren't trained to know exactly when a miscarriage is happening; sometimes it's a false alarm -

    Clarice, please.

    The healer shifted and then sighed, Fine, but on one condition; you must promise me that you will not use them unless, without a shadow of a doubt, you must. Will you promise me this?

    I… Promise, Jean murmured.

    Clarice stared at her for several moments, nodded, and turned away, Sit down, wait for me here.

    She went out of sight as Jean sunk into a chair and waited. A handful of people walked past her, gave her strange looks, murmured to one another, and hurried past. Jean, in return, sunk further into her chair.

    When Clarice returned with a small pouch of herbs, she hesitated, We're praying for you and this pregnancy, Jean; HaMelech knows, and His will is perfect-

    Was it so perfect when I lost my firstborn, Clarice? Jean interrupted with a frown. Was HaMelech's will so perfect that it forced a woman, on her own, to deliver a stillborn son? She turned away from Clarice and tucked the pouch into her hip pocket, Don't offer me empty words like this... not when you know how 'HaMelech's will' is weaker than Solaris'.


    The curseborn didn't wait to hear what Clarice had to say and, instead, hurried to the streets of Blackrock. She felt disgusting after being in there, especially as Clarice said those things…

    Jean caught sight of the brilliant temple in the distance that shone gold and amber over the city, a beacon for Solari travelers and worshipers. While she didn't want to, she had to go. After all, she didn't want another stillborn child. Perhaps showing her faithfulness after speaking to Clarice would prevent that.

    It took a half hour to walk to the temple. Around it, were people wore amber jewelry and Solari guards and inquisitors. Jean approached , held onto her necklace with one hand, and placed her forehead on one of the ambers, Forgive me for my moment of weakness. I was scared, and… And… She trailed off, sucked in a breath, and whispered, I will do better next time. I swear, I will be more faithful to you and your pantheon, and you will not need to punish me again. I will be better than I have, and I won't fall victim to their tactics…

    She realized she was crying as she begged, and she wiped her eyes before someone jostled her from her spot. Jean didn't argue, instead taking it as a sign that Solaris didn't want to speak with her. Jean wandered the streets of Blackrock, looking at various shops, before she started to the tavern. No more than 3 feet past an alley, however, did she stop and look behind her as she felt watched again.

    Sure enough, parting the streets as he walked towards her, was a figure in black robes and a skull-shaped mask.

    Jean straightened up as she realized it was Ankou, the ascended servant of the noble Mhoryga, I didn't think you'd find me so soon; have you been following me?

    She would have supposed that he'd laugh if not for what she'd seen of him before, No. Mhoryga discovered you were still in town and wanted me to fetch you for tea.

    Well, let's get going then; it's a long walk to-

    We won't be walking, Miss Cassy, as she doesn't wish to waste time in waiting, Ankou replied. She permitted me to walk through the shadows with you to arrive quicker. Come. He held an arm out to her and Jean, after a moment, took it.

    His scent swirled around her, nearly nauseating, as she stepped beside him. She knew Park could smell her, but he never compared her to the smell of death and decay that seemed to waft from the ascended.

    Jean dared to look up at Ankou, You... Aren't going to harm me, are you?

    Are you afraid I'm going to eat your soul as I'm ascended, Miss Cassy?

    If she knew any better, Jean would have assumed that Ankou was amused. She shook her head slightly and stepped into a dim alley behind the man. Ankou released her arm and gave a stretch, I suggest you hold tightly to me. If you let go as we shadow walk, I will not be able to find you and you will not be able to escape the darkness.

    Hold on…?

    Ankou sighed and held his hand out, prompting Jean to take it. As soon as he had pulled her close, his arms wrapped firmly around her as she clung to his robes, Ankou stepped backward into the shadows and they were enveloped in a blanket of black.

    Jean was uncertain of if her eyes were open or closed as she stared around them. The only semblance of familiarity was the smell of Ankou surrounding her and his robes in her hands. They moved through the inky darkness, before a brilliant display of colors and brightness blinded Jean. Ankou continued to hold her as she got her bearings.

    After several moments, Jean pulled away and looked around. They were no longer on the street but instead in Mhoryga's private quarters in the Telfarian district. Ankou nodded at Jean before he disappeared into the shadows and two servants, nobles with pristine masks, took his place.

    Jean was swept to a private changing room. There, she was helped from her typical pants and tunics and into a more formal gown. She tugged at the collar as they pulled her hair from its bun and into a low ponytail, powdered her face, and then returned her to the front room.

    There, Jean watched Mhoryga's strange creatures as she waited.

    It didn't take long before the familiar, cool voice of Mhoryga filled the air, Miss Cassy, it's good to see you again.

    Standing at a wide archway was Mhoryga. She was wearing yet another purple and gold dress, though this time her red hair curled around her shoulders. It was a stark difference from when Jean had seen her working, as she seemed to be more relaxed and friendlier now.

    Jean smiled at the noble ashura before she was led into the sitting room where, like before, tea had been set up. This time, it was more of a light dinner spread alongside the tea as oysters, small plates of fish, and little sandwiches dotted the table.

    Mhoryga sunk into her seat with a sigh, regarding Jean from behind her mask, It's been a little while, Miss Cassy. How have you been?

    Well enough, thank you; I've been out of town up until recently.

    Yes, so I heard… You had gone near Apple Ridge, wasn't it? The ashura lifted a plate with an oyster. A servant brought a napkin to cover her face as she ate the raw mussel, I hope those nasty Telfarians left you be.

    Jean stopped, suddenly aware of her teacup trembling in her hands at the mention, … Mostly.

    I'm sorry for whatever they did. Their beliefs are backward, thinking that rape and plunder bring them glory in the afterlife, Mhoryga said softly. I hope that it is a congratulations than a condolence on your pregnancy.

    Jean stopped drinking her tea once more and then lowered it, How could you tell that I was expecting?

    I'm a pure-blood noble ashura, Miss Cassy; just as you can smell Ankou and he can smell us, I can smell the child. The ashura stared at her for a moment, It's an ability that, over the centuries, has been lost. I'm amazed that nobles can even determine ashn from ascended these days. Anyway, does its father know that you're pregnant? Mhoryga leaned against her chaise, "I would assume that you'd have told him by now, though it is a mutt sullying the line. It is Mr. Maze's after all, is it not?

    Jean shifted, It is… but he doesn't know, and I'm not planning on mentioning it just yet.

    I see. Then you're planning on keeping this child rather than sacrificing it in Ashuran. It's a pity if that's the case; your magical prowess would have gained a rather impressive boon. The noble tutted her tongue and lifted a petite sandwich, I suppose you'll only be able to do what you can naturally, then.

    Each word, laced with a deadly undertone, made Jean's blood turn cold in turn. Finally, the young woman murmured, I suppose so… Oh well…. What sort of magic do you think I'd be capable of at this point, then? No use focusing on the 'could haves'.

    She wasn't sure if that was the right decision as Mhoryga stopped and leaned in. Jean could just see mismatched eyes behind her mask as the noble replied, Are you interested in learning?

    Jean nodded and Mhoryga sat back, Very well. The first thing you need to know about magic, child, is that many diviners pull their abilities from deities. The Kingsmen have their little rituals, and those who follow the Blood Queen draw from her. Still others who worship the Black Dragon believe that he gives them power. Her fingers trembled as she sipped at her tea, "Though potent, it is nothing compared to the magic that an individual can harbor on their own.

    There are a rare few such as myself that are born with magic flowing through their veins. Many are curseborn, which is one of the reasons that your kind is so shunned by those delusional enough to follow a religion. Natural born power is a threat to their narratives. They don’t like to admit it, but those with natural born talent can harbor much more power than any of their leach casters can ever manage. Mhoryga locked eyes with Jean, You, for example, likely deal with headaches when magic is near, don't you? She didn't wait for a response before she continued, That is the magic within you that is struggling to bubble to the surface. Have you ever wondered what would happen if, in that moment, you allowed the feeling a way to escape? There are rumors of powerful curseborn throughout Illeross: perhaps it is the reason that Solari worshipers fear them. Do me a favor, She waved her hand and the ashn servant from before hurried forward with a short rod carved from crystal, kindly take this, one hand on each end, and close your eyes. Relax.

    Jean did as the woman asked and Mhoryga hummed, Just as I thought. You've two strong affinities.

    Is that good?

    More than good, my dear, the noble sipped her tea, as many only have one at most. You see, the more affinities you have the more versatile you become. This said, one of your affinities has been loosely tethered to shadow magic while the other is unbound. If you are interested, I can show you how to hone illusion magic… given the fact that you seemed very interested in how to change your face last we met.

    The curseborn nodded and Mhoryga snapped her fingers. In an instant, a silver plate with a cover was placed before them, On this dish is a ripe red cherry. I want you to visualize it and say 'ess i sa ti ekam.

    As soon as Jean spoke, Mhoryga lifted the cover to reveal a half-ripened cherry. As soon as Jean saw it, it rapidly turned green and inedible.

    Did I do something wrong? Jean questioned.

    On the contrary, Jean. Mhoryga chuckled and shook her head, Illusion magic is based on subjective truth; the more you envision what you want, the stronger the spell. For example, this cherry is very much unable to be eaten, but when I showed it to you it was nearly ripe. That was entirely your doing. Now, watch. Ees I sa ti ekam!

    Before their eyes, the previously unripened cherry grew large and a vibrant red. Mhoryga gestured for Jean to lift it. As soon as Jean did, the cherry shrunk and returned to green under her fingers, One of the weaknesses of illusion is that it takes more convincing the more senses you attempt to fool. Visualizations are the easiest, followed by sound, smell and taste, before touch requires the utmost focus. She gestured over the cherry in Jean's and it became brilliantly red again before the spell faded, It's your turn, Jean.

    It took an hour for Jean to manage getting the cherry to look ripe, and that was the furthest she was able. For a moment, Jean thought she could smell the faintest trace of cherry in the air before it faded and she was stuck staring at the tiny green ball once more.

    Eventually, Mhoryga murmured, That will be it. I don't wish for your concentration to fade any further. Now, remember that there is no truth, simply subjective perception… But do remember that you can conjure a banquet and starve while feeling full, create the hottest fire and still freeze, and cloth yourself with the finest silk and still be naked. Use this magic wisely, and practice as to not allow it to fade. Now, where was it you said that you were traveling to?

    I… Believe Baba said we were going to visit the 'Silverpike' tribe? Jean offered. She glanced at the clock to see the time before her blood ran cold. She hadn't realized that the shadows had grown darker after she practiced her magic. Each dark depth holding fangs and red eyes within them as they threatened to manifest into chitters: though it was cool, Jean drank the remainder of her tea to soothe herself.

    Hm, Mhoryga hummed lightly, watching Jean, Hopefully your trip goes well, then. Kindly continue to practice, though, and I can continue to give you lessons once you return home.

    Jean opened her mouth when Ankou interrupted her, Miss Cassy, your companion is looking for you.

    The curseborn began to gather her things, finished her tea, and then smiled at Mhoryga, Thank you for the magic lessons. I did enjoy it while I was here.

    Of course, dear… Travel safely and I'll see you when you return, Mhoryga purred.

    Once again, Jean was told to keep the dress before she took Ankou's hand. The ascended stepped backward into the shadows once more before Jean found herself in an alley near the tavern. She could see that Popcorn was looking around for her, his brow furrowed, and then she looked at Ankou.

    He released her as soon as he looked down at her and stepped back. Rather than disappearing into the darkness, he paused, Stay safe during your travels, Miss Cassy. I know my mistress would like to see you again; something that would be difficult to do should you be dead.

    Jean blinked at him before she offered a small smile, Thank you, Ankou.

    Before she could say another word, the ascended ashura was gone.

    Jean stepped out from the alleyway to approach Popcorn as his eyes locked onto her. In a moment, he had her by the hand and was checking her over, Are you alright?

    I'm fine, Baba. I was with a friend, is all.

    Who? Your family is on the other side of town, Popcorn said, frowning.

    The curseborn shrugged at him. It took a moment before he gave up on his pestering and allowed her to lead them into the tavern. They ate quietly and retired to their room- shared, as they'd taken to doing- where Jean lay staring at the ceiling. Popcorn snored quietly beside her as she thought about what she had been told that day.

    By the time she fell asleep, she could just see weak sunlight coming through the windows.

    Popcorn shook her awake after what felt like moments of rest, Park will be here soon, wake up.

    He helped her down the stairs, got her tea to drink, and then sat beside her. Jean didn't feel like talking until Park arrived with the bow, shield, and other items they asked for, Park, is Auger doing okay? Will he be alright while we're gone?

    He's fine; he'll be happily fat and content when you return, Park answered.

    Jean shifted a bit, I hope so… I can't help but be nervous knowing that he'll be entering his first mating season…

    Great horned griffins are well adapted, and ours is just fine for what he could be. You raised him well, and Park said that he was patrolling around the fort, remember? It'll be okay, Popcorn reassured her.


    Chapter two

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