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Accidental Love
Accidental Love
Accidental Love
Ebook256 pages3 hours

Accidental Love

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About this ebook

I accidentally married the cocky professor who hates my guts.

Professor Christopher Cross is not my dream man.
He's quite the opposite.

Experienced, divorced, and cynical, he loves grading me harshly.
He makes my life a living hell.

Nasty and withdrawn, he's not the guy for me.
Especially since unlike him, I'm completely inexperienced.
Yet when our paths cross in Vegas, everything spirals out of control.

He invites me to his bed.
I should say no.
I can't stand him.
And he'll never let me forget this.

But my body aches for him.
Despite knowing better, I allow him to make me a woman.
And soon, I want to be his woman.
The only one he thinks about.

Can a fake marriage ever turn real?

PublisherErica Frost
Release dateJun 26, 2024
Accidental Love

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    Accidental Love - Erica Frost

    Come Stalk Me!

    Click Here to join my VIP Reader’s List and get this FREE story Under His Control (Click the link or enter into your browser.)

    HOW A LATE NIGHT AT work turned my billionaire boss into my lover.

    I was broke and desperate to keep my job. There were so many things I hated about the world, including how dependent I was on my boss; Mr. White. He embodied everything I thought was wrong with the world, including the fact that he hoarded his wealth while only paying me a pittance. He was mean with it too, always making an example of me in the office when I made a mistake.

    But then we changed, from enemies to lovers. I’m stunned by how it happened, how hatred turned to lust, and how easily he made my resistance crumble. Maybe I just wanted to have something for myself for a change, maybe being seduced by my billionaire boss is the only thing I’m going to get out of life, so I’m going to make sure I keep him.


    Iwanted my first time to be special. Not like this. I had waited for this moment because I wanted it to mean something. I could feel a panic attack coming on. My heart was beating too fast. This was wrong, all wrong. How had I gotten myself into this situation? A man like Professor Christopher Cross, who was wrong in almost every way. Older, nastier, someone I didn’t even like. He treated me like an idiot in class and yet somehow, I had gotten married to him? How had this happened? The one time I tried to lighten up, to have some fun with my friends and do a bit of partying. One time. What could go wrong on a weekend away to Las Vegas with the girls? Only everything.

    Accidental Love

    Chapter 1


    As I got out of the pool, water running down my naked body, I noticed a man watching me. He was sitting on one of the hotel pool loungers, in the dark. I had not seen him before. Me and my friends had come down a little earlier, stripping off all our clothes, jumping into the warm water, laughing out loud and acting silly. It wasn’t really me, but I was trying to fit in, as per usual, only this time, it worked. Maybe it was the tequila we drank, or the shots after that, or the cocktails the guys at the casino had bought for us later. The whole night was a bit of blur.

    But it felt good.

    And I liked this version of me.

    Come on, Amy! my friends called out to me.

    I’m coming, I said, but that is not what I did.

    Instead, I looked at the guy who was staring at me.

    I realized it was Professor Cross. I was startled. This was the second time I’d seen him since our arrival in Las Vegas. Soon after our arrival at the hotel, we’d gone for drinks in the bar. Isabella and Tamara, my roommates at college, were checking out the guys. Isabella had pointed him out, saying, He’s hot, right?

    Tamara chuckled suggestively, Silver fox, definitely.

    I tried to find the man they were talking about and with a jolt, saw the person who had belittled me in class all year, the same professor that I had in college for one of my trickiest subjects.

    Guys, no! I said, quickly turning away from him so that he could not see my face.

    That’s Professor Cross. He’s an asshole, trust me.

    Tamara giggled, Are you sure? I think he is cute!

    I tried to see what they could be thinking and maybe, there was something not completely unattractive about him. But I had seen another side of him and that clouded my opinion. I tried to find some other guy they could focus on, a tall waiter with an impressive physique who was just Tamara’s type. I didn’t want to have anything to do with Professor Cross on my one weekend away from college.

    But that was hours and many, many cocktails ago.

    Being alone at the pool with him, suddenly, it was all different.

    He was staring at me in a way that was quite a turn on. Perhaps that was why I didn’t rush for the nearest towel. All year long, he had been criticizing my work, telling me I wasn’t trying hard enough or missing the point, making me feel ignorant and dumb. Like some kid who didn’t belong in his class or trying to do anything serious with my life. The tables were turned now, though. I had the power in this situation, and I liked it. I was not usually like this; it was so unlike me. But what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, right? Isn’t that what people always said? I wanted it to be true and I had enough alcohol coursing through my blood to make me feel like I could do anything I wanted.

    I decided to make Professor Cross sweat a little, like he had made me sweat all year.

    I slowed down my movements, feeling each step out of the pool, careful as I lifted myself out of the water.

    The desert night was quite chilly, but I had drunk enough tequila to numb the cold. I walked towards him, heading for the pile of towels on the lounger next to him. I didn’t bother sucking in my stomach or trying to be sexy. I knew I had a good body, I had always taken care of myself, eating well and being healthy. I exercised, my stomach was flat and taut. There was a slight breeze, and I could feel my nipples harden, my breasts lift. I might be insecure about a lot of things, but my body wasn’t one of those. I straightened my back to give him a proper look. Still think you are better than me, you old bastard, I thought to myself as I came closer.

    I leaned forward a bit, my breasts only inches away from his face.

    Do you mind handing me a towel? I asked in my sweetest voice.

    Professor Cross stared at me as if he hadn’t understood me. I had the feeling my behavior came as a surprise. He wasn’t expecting me to act this way after the way he had been treating me all year. Maybe he thought I would be more submissive, like I was in class. Respectful, maybe. There was nothing reserved about me now and I liked it. I had drunk just enough not to worry about what he thought of me or how my little act was coming across. I had spent all year trying to please him, trying to figure out what he wanted me to do so that I could get better grades. I didn’t think about the fact that I was using my body to make a point. It was payback. Maybe I wanted him to see that there was more to me than he might have thought. He was just a man, an older man, at that, long past his prime, while I still had my whole life ahead of me. Either way, I was enjoying the look on his face.

    It’s really cold, I said, pouting provocatively as I crossed my arms under my breasts, squeezing them out and together for full effect. He reached out to get a towel, his eyes still glued to my breasts.

    Here, he said, his voice breaking as he handed it to me. I took it but it slipped from my grasp. He jumped up to get it.

    Wait, he said, his voice husky. Let me.

    He took the towel and draped it over my back, pulling the front over my shoulders to cover the front of my body. As his hands tugged down on the towel, I felt his thumbs on my breasts, the rough skin of his fingers on my nipples. I felt them react to his touch, contracting. I was incredibly aroused by that; the way he brushed against me, his hands lingering near my skin. I could feel myself wanting to move closer. But I held back, liking my control of the situation. I was still a virgin, after all, and no matter how much I was enjoying our little game, I had no intention of taking this any further. His eyes were dark, and I dropped my gaze as I took the towel from him, my hands briefly meeting his, an electric touch.

    Thank you, I said in a low voice, giving him a hint of a smile as I looked at him sideways, turning away from him. That’s really nice of you, Professor.

    I walked over to get my clothes and he came after me.

    Wait, wait!

    I picked up my clothes, ignoring him. Slipping on my jeans and top, aware that he was watching me getting dressed. I leaned forward to push out my behind and as I did up my jeans, I turned to catch his eye, unashamedly holding his gaze as I pulled up the zip. I had put on my top without my bra and my wet breasts clung to the sheer fabric.

    Still boring you, professor? I kept my voice light as I turned to walk into the hotel, my heart beating fast.

    That had been the last comment he had written on my essay handed in a few weeks ago. I had been livid, confronting him about it after class. But he had simply shrugged off my concern, saying I hadn’t really applied myself to the topic, giving him the same answers as everyone else. He told me I had to work harder at standing out and being unique. He basically accused me of not having what it takes to do well. I never had problems with grades in my other classes, I always managed to do well, but for some reason, I couldn’t seem to impress Professor Cross. Until tonight.

    Amy, wait!

    I ignored him, making my way across the lobby to the elevator.

    I knew he was right behind me, following me. I didn’t want to talk to him anymore. I had made my point and I liked how it had ended. 

    I quickly pressed the elevator button and stepped in when the doors opened.

    Before they could close, however, he managed to get in. 

    He stood next to me, a little too close. I made a face and walked to the end of the elevator crossing my arms and looking pointedly away. 

    Could we talk, Amy? he asked in a deep voice. Let’s go for a drink downstairs, at the bar?

    I have found that talking to you does not really work for me, I said drily. I wanted him to know how it felt, him wanting to talk to me and me, for once, being the one not interested. I loved the role reversal.

    I think, Amy, you may want to hear me out. He had taken a step in my direction and when he looked at me, I could see some of the arrogance and swagger from class. But there was something else there as well. Something dark and powerful. He was really interested in me, maybe for the first time. I had never had an older man paying me this much attention or maybe, I didn’t usually invite it. Of course, I didn’t normally drink this much or go to places like Vegas. Nothing about this whole weekend was like anything I’d ever done before. 

    The doors opened on our floor, and I stepped out, ready to go to our room. But I was a little curious about what he wanted to say to me.

    What is it? I couldn’t help asking, right outside our door.

    He leaned against the wall, grinning at me.

    It’s not what you think, he said, drawing out each word.

    At that moment, the door to our suite opened and Isabella and Tamara came out, dressed to the nines, ready to go partying.

    There you are, Ames! We’re going dancing! Come! They wiggled their hips, dramatically throwing their arms into the air. They didn’t seem to notice I had company. Three guys followed them out of the room, and they all seemed ready to take their partying to the next level.

    I turned to my friends and said,

    You go on, I’ll catch up.

    I waited for them to leave before looking at Professor Cross, still leaning against the wall. Isabella called out the name of the club they were going to and got into the elevator. I turned back to look at him. A part of me was trying to warn me not to do this, not to spend more time with him. I couldn’t really beat my poolside performance, after all. Who knew where this was going to go next? Somehow, I realized, I really wanted to find out.

    I knew this was a dangerous move and that I was taking a big risk. I had been able to pull it off until now, but I had a feeling that wouldn’t remain the case. Perhaps, I had started something I might not be able to stay on top of. I didn’t have that much experience with sexual attraction, but I knew it could be unpredictable, an energy that could be hard to reign in. It would be better to say goodnight to him, go into the room, take a long shower, and cool down. Maybe have some coffee, watch a little Netflix, and snap out of whatever was going on right now. That was what the real Amy would do, definitely. I was always so responsible, doing the right thing, making good choices. But it had not made for very exciting college years. I was always working while the others were out having fun. I could still join them at the club. I thought about this, fleetingly, and knew that I didn’t want to do that. Maybe, I could have a bit of fun of my own, I thought, giving Professor Cross some more of his own medicine. I liked having him in this position, begging me to talk to him, wanting to go for a drink, hell, wanting me. I knew I couldn’t resist it.

    Looks like I finally have your full attention, Professor Cross, I said, drawing out each word and watching as he drew closer.

    Chapter 2

    Professor Cross

    I didn’t recognize Amy, not right away.

    I was sitting in the bar lounge at a table, enjoying a whiskey and relaxing after the long drive from Santa Clara. I liked Vegas; I always have. Maybe it is the idea of the city as a playground, a place where anything can, and will, happen. If you let it, of course. My sister moved out here when her husband got a job at a local financial services firm and whenever there were family events, I would come down, stay in a hotel, and take a break from the academic program. I rather liked that part, too.

    I did notice the girls at the bar. They were laughing and being loud, the way young girls will. I looked up, because of the noise and saw, rather with dismay, that one of the women was Amy Galatis, a senior taking one of my classes. It immediately put me in a bad mood. I finished my drink and left as soon as I could. I did not want to run into her and be forced into making small talk. She was not my favorite student, and I didn’t want to be reminded of college or work. It was my weekend off and I didn’t want to talk to cocky students or young women demanding I put my life on hold to listen to their pointless complaints. I had to do enough of that during the week. 

    I left the hotel, looked for a place to grab dinner, then watched a movie back in my room. Sometime later, I wandered through the hotel, making my way to the pool area. It had been warm all day but the temperature had dropped. I thought the pool area would be quiet and ordered a drink from the bar, thinking I’d have it out there. I saw the group of people coming out, heard them giggling, stripping off their clothes and jumping naked in the pool, frolicking with wild abandon. I liked being hidden in the shadows. I tried to remember if I had ever skinny-dipped like that and remembered going on spring break years ago. It felt like centuries ago. I had gone with a friend of mine, and we had been wild.  The last few years of my life especially had been about working, trying to sort out my life, fixing a few rather poor decisions. I was not the kind of guy to linger too long on the past. Regret was for old people, and I was not quite there. Yet. 

    So, I watched the naked girls in the pool instead. Even though there were not that many lights on outside, I could see their fit bodies, not an ounce of fat or flab on them. They were splashing each other with water, diving under the water and trying to pull their friends off balance. They were like gorgeous mermaids, and I was enjoying the spectacle of them in the water. There were young men with them, and I could see they were as enchanted by the girls. It was impossible not to be. After a couple of minutes, they called out to each other and left. I was a bit disappointed to see them leave the pool, one sexy girl after another running for the towels.

    The last girl to leave the pool got out closest to me. As she came up the steps, she looked in my direction. The light fell on her face, and I realized with a shock that it was Amy. I had not recognized her in the pool but now it was clear to me that this was the student I disliked so much. She had been stubborn and willful in the worst possible way, arguing with me about every percentage point on her assignments. But all I could see now was her incredible body and the unbelievably sexy way she was looking at me.

    There was nothing of the insecure student about her now. This was a young woman who was confident about her body, comfortable with her sexuality. She had every right to be, her body was incredible. I could not stop staring at her. The transformation from the preoccupied student to this creature of fantasy was unbelievable. I wondered if she had recognized me yet. I expected her to run off as soon as she did, embarrassed and humiliated. A part of me was looking forward to that moment.

    But that is not what happened, at all.

    When she reached me, she looked me full in the face, daring me to acknowledge her. Then she asked me to hand her a towel.

    She knew who I was.

    That much was clear.

    Had I been wrong about her? I could hardly think straight. I had been drinking but I was also very attracted to her. The sultry walk she had done in front of me had completely thrown me. As I handed her the towel, I couldn’t keep my hands off her. I wanted to touch her skin, put my mouth on every part of her body. Her breasts were so tantalizing, I longed to cup them in my hands. But I had

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