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The Family Morningstar: Book 3: The Family Morningstar, #1
The Family Morningstar: Book 3: The Family Morningstar, #1
The Family Morningstar: Book 3: The Family Morningstar, #1
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The Family Morningstar: Book 3: The Family Morningstar, #1

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Dive into the thrilling world of "Xia Morningstar," where Xia, trapped on a desolate planet with his twin sister and close allies, seeks to unravel the mysteries of their origins. Why was his sister, once a simple healer, spirited away as part of a grander cosmic game involving angels and demons?


As tensions between Heaven and Hell threaten to erupt into conflict again, Xia and his sister find themselves at the center of ancient disputes and potential chaos. Allies emerge in unexpected forms, offering a chance for peace or risking total destruction.


Driven by a personal quest, Xia shifts his focus from old distractions to a new, daring goal—to confront the elusive Creator himself. This isn't just a quest for answers, but a bold move to challenge the very forces that control the universe.


Join Xia in his adventure as he navigates through celestial politics and battles to uncover the truth about his family and himself. This engaging novel promises a journey full of danger, mystery, and the possibility of changing the universe forever. Will Xia find the peace he seeks, or is he unwittingly part of a larger plan? Find out in this captivating read.

Release dateJun 16, 2024
The Family Morningstar: Book 3: The Family Morningstar, #1

Alexander Collas

Alexander Collas is an American author. His two series, Journal of a Deadman and The Family Morningstar have received both adulation and infamy for addressing the myths of God, Lucifer, and Eternity from a different point of view. He examines and brings into question the accepted paradigms handed down over the last two thousand years. His books are graphic, and present the teachings of religion as they are presented and not from the edited dreamy eyed perspective their believers like to tell themselves. Ask yourself, how would an eternal being feel about a creature like the living, who dies before eternity even knows they exist. Why would such powerful beings really care what these temporary beings felt and what would they even need with such sad talking monkeys?

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    The Family Morningstar - Alexander Collas


    Every civilization across the multiverse has handed down through their many eon’s speculations about the hierarchy of both The Host and Hell. In the beginning, before the Great War, The High Council had fourteen members.

    The Father who sat at the head of the table and thirteen Archangels, of which five followed Lucifer while eight remained. The Fallen were Lucifer, Mammon, Asmodeus, Leviathan, Beelzebub. Those who stayed were Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Raziel, Selaphiel, Jerahmeel, and Jegudiel.

    Each Power is known by many names. Some of these names over time were mistaken as separate entities and not attributed to the Archangel they belong too. Due to both sides contempt for the living the Archangels would often make up or use different names when they intermingled with the living. This was done to hide the true scope of the Power the soul was encountering.

    There is a fourteenth Power, a loner, a rebel. He stands apart because he’s never served on The Great Council or held a position in Hell. Amongst the living he’s often mistaken as manifestation of Lucifer, but in fact he’s a separate entity. His given name is Satan, but he has recently been traveling in disguise amongst the Powers of Hell under the name Balthazar. When Satan left The Eternal City, he chose to continue to fall well past where Lucifer placed Hell. He eventually settled in a domain of his own making deep within the Void away from both factions. The Void contains many such pocket territories. Most are beings The Father grew fond of and choose to keep when he raptured their reality. Instead of removing them he gave them a new home and locked them away from the rest of Creation to spend eternity secluded.

    After The Father created the fourteen, he made no more of their stature. Under them, from before the Fall and afterward, were created the Generals (or Cherubim) and next, the Lieutenants (or Dominions). Many other sub-classes exist and if they chose to remain with The Father, they’re known as Angels.

    Lucifer kept the three main classifications, assigning the title General initially to the four brothers who followed him. Any entity which started its existence in The Host but followed Lucifer has the title of Fallen. It is essential to keep in mind that the term Fallen can refer to anyone from Lucifer on down. Royal titles are also embraced in Hell; these are given to the entities who are parented by the original five Archangels with each other or a Fallen of lessor standing. The children of Hell’s Royalties (the five Archangels) are known as Hellspawn because, as the name implies, they were born of Hell. Anything else created or birthed in Hell is commonly known as a Demon. 


    By noon they had the few things they were taking gathered into packs on their back as they walked into the clearing behind the pier. Lucifer, Michael, and David stood off in the distance watching as the six companions joined hands and froze just for an instant, then vanished.

    Sam opened his eyes and looked around. They stood on what might have once been a plaza in a great city, but now the buildings, some clearly once hundreds of stories high, were broken and tumbled like a forest after a storm. Around them as far as the eye could see were countless corpses, not a one was anything more than bones. The sky was yellow and full of dust, the color of rust. Above them, the group could see what was left of the planet’s moon, now broken into chunks, as it briefly peaked from behind the clouds.

    What happened here? asked Kyler, coughing as he looked around. Did your mother do this?

    No, they did it to themselves, answered Xia.

    Chapter 1

    Are we in the right place? Did you take me to Hell? Because this looks like Hell, demanded Caitlin.

    No, not really. This isn’t The Dark Lord’s domain, but it appears to be about as well maintained, corrected Sam with his nose scrunched in disapproval. Silently, like some bizarre dance, everyone but Xia walked in small circles, each appraising the ruined world through a variety of different eyes. Caitlin and Kyler through eyes of concern, Sam with sadness, and Tewaz defensively.

    Xia stood there detached, for his eyes carried no concern one way or the other. I can see how mother would find this place appealing.

    It looks destroyed and I feel no life here? asked Kyler, receiving no answer.

    What had been called a disagreement between people became a war between countries, which then escalated into the use of weapons of fire and hate. All that remained was death and only memories of a civilization who had struggled to adulthood in the shadow of an inhospitable star. Those who still called this place home wished they didn’t. Now the worst and the best Creation had to offer was standing amongst this disheveled countenance, promising that what little hope remained in this forgotten place had just run out.

    Caitlin studied the dead city. Its buildings of glass and metal, though strange to her eyes, still carried the familiar tinge of what looked like elven architecture. They said this was an advanced civilization but now it appeared to be little more than the ragged building blocks of a demented child’s playset. The pavements, buildings, and bones, yes lots of bones, were all covered in pale grey dust deep enough to suggest the horrors visited upon this world were not recent. The only life she could see were a few small sick scraggly plants struggling to find a stray ray of sunlight through the brownish rust-colored clouds that hung heavy overhead.

    As the group appraised their new home, Sam noticed Xia had found a boulder and sat down, uninterested and uncharacteristically quiet. The gentle minion watched his Master as he watched his sister in both an annoyed and interested fascination. Sam knew Xia’s mind was still processing the implications of the recent revelations. He’d found his sister, but she wasn’t what he’d hoped. He’d found his father, again not pleased.

    Caitlin, sensing eyes on her, turned to find The Hellspawn she now grudgingly called brother watching her. Their eyes locked and she lifted an eyebrow. In his low gruff voice, which startled even those who knew him, he volunteered, This is common for the living. They seem to have little more respect for themselves and their worlds than we have for them. They are unwanted orphans of an absent father, no longer loved by any of those… he paused, …any of us who must endure their company for eternity.

    Are you going to be this upbeat the entire trip? asked Caitlin. Maybe start with the basics. What happened here? Did you say they did this to themselves?

    You have never been off your world, have you? asked Xia. Such a shielded life. Oh, the sights I will show you.

    Really? Xia stop being an ass, said Sam while calmly rubbing his eyes.

    Until today, I didn’t even know there were other worlds.

    Well, there are, and many of them are littered with The Father’s cord wood. Sam, should I shatter her illusions, or would you like too? asked Xia.

    Sam, you explain. If I must endure any more from goat boy over there, I very well may need to kick his ass again, commented Caitlin, struggling to remain calm.

    Ok…Ok…kids, before we do any more growling or start history lessons maybe we should first determine how long we’re going to be stuck on this little field trip? urged Thorn.

    Caitlin, Xia, and Sam all thought for a second and then shrugged. It is based upon how long it takes to find the great bitch, answered Xia.

    Fine. Sam, you work with Caitlin. Xia, you do whatever it is you do when you’re not being… well, you. Let’s all try to play nice while we look for ‘the great bitch’ as her loving son likes to call her. If we all make it out of this in our current state of repair, maybe Mother Thorn will let you have dessert, added Thorn in a tone he usually reserved for drunks and children.

    You brought dessert? Sam exclaimed as his eyes perked up.

    Um...guys, we might have a problem, interrupted Kyler in an urgent voice. They turned to find Caitlin’s young companion standing with Tewaz on a tall mound of rubble, pointing off in the distance. As they rushed up the small mountain of destroyed buildings they saw Kyler began to shift and Tewaz assume an attack stance. When they were able to see past the debris, they discovered a mob of sickly-looking creatures lumbering toward them with makeshift weapons.

    I thought you said this world was dead? asked Thorn.

    Clearly not, muttered Xia.

    Before anyone could act, Sam slipped in beside them giving his Master a hard stare. Could we please think of a way to diffuse this situation with as little violence as possible?

    As the mob raised their weapons and began to race toward them Xia watched calmly as his body became like liquid and began to shift into its natural form. Wings sprouted from his back as he grew to over twenty feet tall. His ears lengthened and pointed, his lower legs lost all shape only to reform a second later with massive hooves, each big enough to crush a man’s skull. His companions watched as his great wings, as wide as he was tall, took on a black hue with ugly red veins lacing through them. His canon bones were now covered in a thick black hair like that growing from his head. A double set of horns curled up, the first set running along the top of his skull ending in sharp points while the larger set were like rams’ horns circling around to each side of his face again ending in razor-sharp points. His head was bald except for a long ponytail which hung halfway down his back. His skin was black with striations of green, rippled with muscles, tattoos and piercings. His face, the last part to solidify, was strikingly handsome with slanted eyes that danced with flames. The final but most notable feature was the small, slowly rotating, golden pentagram between his eyebrows which marked him as a member of the House Morningstar. Xia was not just any Demon; he was one of Hell’s royals, a Hellspawn, and the Great Grandson of The Dark Lord, Lucifer Morningstar himself.

    When the transformation was complete, the Hellspawn rose from the rock and let out a thundering roar as his body became covered in deep blue flames. Terror traveled through the mob as they froze, staring at the creature now suspended in the air above them. As his wings flapped lazily, Xia looked down at his long-time companion and said flatly, They stopped.

    How many did you kill from shock? growled Sam.

    I am not responsible for the condition of their health.

    It didn’t take long for the fear to pass, for these souls had witnessed the destruction of their world and grown bored of the atrocities this life could rain down upon them. In mass, they again surged forward, their crazed look of hunger overpowering any dread which they might have briefly held.

    That didn’t work. What’s your next bright idea? asked Caitlin as she swung her hands in a massive arch, manifesting a glowing barrier to block the surging mob’s advance. The creatures slammed against the wall, clawing and assaulting the invisible barrier. Oh, brother?

    You’re asking me? Fine, we do it my way, answered Xia as Sam closed his eyes knowing what was to come. He heard the Demon land and then stamp his hoof. A millisecond later, a quake shook the world, knocking all but Caitlin, Xia and himself to the ground. He opened his eyes in time to see a wave of dust race off in every direction, Xia at its epicenter. It ignored the barrier and passed through the attackers like they were nothing, dissolving their bodies leaving only bones and dust as their weapons clattered to the ground. Sam knew it wasn’t over and watched as the shockwave struck the buildings surrounding the clearing, causing the weaker structures to collapse. The destruction could be heard as the wave traveled further from its originator.

    Chapter 2

    Marcus was out of breath by the time he emerged from the ruined subway station with his small tribe of survivors. Each day, they became less human and more like a sad army of ants scurrying over the rubble, hiding from predators in search of food. The problem was the predators were the other survivors. There weren’t many groups left here in Ocatica, the former capital city, but there were enough and almost all of them outnumbered Marcus’ small band.

    GAWD DAMN, WHAT FRESH HELL IS THIS? screeched Ikira, forgetting the danger they were in. As Marcus rushed over, he tripped on something and heard it shatter. Looking down, he already knew what it was, another skull. Of the millions of people who’d once lived in the city, only several thousand remained; all the rest were slowly being ground to gravel beneath their feet. Their own group, right after the war, had numbered in the hundreds. Now they were little more than a couple of dozen. So many gone, some to disease, radioactivity, attacks, but most just to themselves. It seemed like each day he’d awaken to another anguished cry from someone who’d lost a loved one to their own hand.

    What? asked Marcus in a hushed tone as he pushed Ikira down behind the rubble of the old bank building.

    Ikira wouldn’t calm herself, finally, as had happened often before, he had to order her restrained. This was becoming too common. As he tried to see what had started this new crisis, he ignored the sounds of several other members as they began weeping. There was no way they’d last much longer; hope was dying faster than they were.

    Why won’t this stop? Please, please make it stop. Ikira begged, her hands tearing at the few spotty clumps of hair she still had left.

    Keep her quiet, she’ll attract attention… As he topped the rise, he saw what had set her off. Just as he was about to turn back, two more, then another, now there was five. They just appeared out of thin air.

    What is it? asked one of the men restraining Ikira.

    Five strangers.


    Yes, they just materialized from nothing.

    How is that possible? Who are they?

    Marcus didn’t answer, he just watched.

    He heard a whimper and knew another friend had stepped closer to the edge. Why? First our homes are destroyed and now there are monsters. What have we done?

    Ikira let out shriek. Marcus heard no humanity, just a terrified animal. Leaning in one of the men holding her, in tears himself, tried to reason with her. Ikira, think of the children, now hush.

    Shit, added someone else as she pointed across the clearing.

    Following Stac’s finger, he saw Harades’ group hiding across the way. They were watching the strangers as well. It looked like all of them. There was at least two hundred. As usual Harades’ group had weapons; unlike many of the other survivors, these guys were hostile to everyone, taking what they wanted even if it was a life. On the upside, the strangers didn’t stand a chance. Let’s see what happens. Everyone keep quiet. Be prepared to retreat if things go south.

    In rapt anticipation they watched. The visitors didn’t seem overly concerned about where they were. They walked around in circles, studying the city but still nothing, no distress. Then the cry rang out as Harades’ group emerged into the clearing. Time stopped as one of the strangers pointed, it looked like a cat man, then the others reacted. As the mob raced forward, the one stranger became distorted, his body stretched and began to fill out like he was made of liquid. His skin turned dark as hooves and horns sprouted from his body. The transformation didn’t take long but when it finished where there had once been a human, there was now a monster. His massive wings took him aloft as his body burst into flames. He hung there for an eternity, or maybe only a second; time had blurred as well. Harades’ group slid to a stop, falling over each other, as the monster let out a roar so loud it shattered reality.

    Everyone froze. Ikira went silent as well and stopped struggling. The moment passed almost as quickly as it had begun as Harades raised his weapon and again the battle was on. This time a female rushed forward throwing up her hands as a massive glowing wall filled the area. The mob crashed upon it like waves against a cliff. Marcus heard her yell something back. He couldn’t understand the words but there was urgency. The monster casually lowered himself back onto the rocks and pulled his wings in. Harades and his group were still struggling to get past the force field when the great beast made his next move. This time he lifted a single hoof and slammed it down with a thunderous crack. The whole world shook.

    In the next split second, the concussion of the hoof striking stone found not only the attacking mob but the smaller group. Out of reflex, his mind working faster than his realization, Marcus threw up his hands as the wave reached them. He watched in unconscious understanding as it traveled up the length of his arm, turning all it touched to dust. No one suffered, it happened too fast. In only a millisecond they’d all been consumed, flashing out of existence in a massive puff of released energy as their bodies filled the skies with grey clouds of dust. But he was still there, he could see his friends. He saw Ikira scream but this time there was no sound. Then Marcus realized they were…he was…nothing but a silent shadow, floating in what remained of their corporal forms.

    Chapter 3

    Xia, it’s over, stop the wave! said Sam. With a nod the destruction ended. The city groaned back into silence as a few more buildings, determined to lay their burden down, joined the memories of this lost world.

    You killed them! demanded Caitlin.

    Yes, answered Xia matter-of-factly.

    All of them?

    Do you see anymore?

    I don’t think he killed them. I don’t think they were alive. None of them were having trouble breathing, observed Sam.

    What does breathing have to do with anything? asked Thorn.

    You are traveling with Xia and Caitlin; therefore, a limited amount of immunity is extended to you. The air here is toxic, extremely toxic... Sam paused, then turned to Caitlin. Also, for all of you, a lesson moving forwards. When dealing with Xia, you need to learn how to ask your questions. An example… Xia, did you just kill this group, or did you wipe out all life on this planet? he asked as he turned to his Master with a patient look.

    Caitlin’s eyes went wide as Xia looked up. There are roughly four million remaining souls on this world. Do you want me to send them all to their Judgement? He asked as he raised a hoof.

    Caitlin dove to the ground grabbing her brother’s foot as everyone yelled in unison. No!

    "Maybe your time would be better spent looking for a place to camp. It seems most of you need a

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