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Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent Fasting
Ebook61 pages37 minutes

Intermittent Fasting

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To Fast or Not to Fast: A Gripping Tale of Rivalry, Romance and an Unexpected Revelation


To Lena Thompson, intermittent fasting is nothing but a scam, and as a dedicated nutritionist, she prides herself on her meticulous approach to health and wellness. After losing her mother to the fake fad of intermittent fasting, Lena becomes fiercely determined to protect others from the same fate. But when a know-it-all personal trainer comes up to her booth to challenge her beliefs, she is thrust into a battle to prove that intermittent fasting is just another dangerous trend that offers false hope.

An intermittent fasting face-off wasn't what Ethan had envisioned when he approached Lena for advice. But what choice did he have after she brushed off the clear benefits of intermittent fasting without a second thought? As a top-tier personal trainer, Ethan needs to show that intermittent fasting can really boost the health and performance of his clients. Yet, deep down, Ethan has doubts about the possible risks involved. As these two highly accomplished health professionals seek to prove the other wrong, what starts out as a professional rivalry and not-so-friendly competition gradually blossoms into an undeniable attraction. But the stakes couldn't be higher because a loss on either side could ruin their professional reputation and credibility, not to mention their budding relationship.

What awaits Lena and Ethan at the other side of the finish line? Will their relationship survive the strain, or will their professional differences tear them apart?

Release dateJun 16, 2024
Intermittent Fasting

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    Book preview

    Intermittent Fasting - CLYDE ST CLOUD

    Intermittent Fasting

    Longevity and Diets

    Clyde St Cloud

    © Copyright 2024 - All rights reserved.

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    This book is copyright protected. It is only for personal use. You cannot amend, distribute, sell, use, quote or paraphrase any part, or the content within this book, without the consent of the author or publisher.

    Disclaimer Notice:

    Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All effort has been executed to present accurate, up to date, reliable, complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaged in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. The content within this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any techniques outlined in this book.

    By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, that are incurred as a result of the use of the information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: A Fresh Start

    Lena’s POV

    Ethan’s POV

    Chapter 2: Professional Tensions

    Lena’s POV

    Ethan’s POV

    Chapter 3: Unexpected Alliances

    Ethan’s POV

    Lena’s POV

    Chapter 4: Personal Lives Unveiled

    Lena’s POV

    Ethan’s POV

    Chapter 5: The Turning Point

    Lena’s POV

    Ethan’s POV

    Chapter 6: Redemption and Re-evaluation

    Ethan’s POV

    Lena’s POV

    Chapter 7: Community and Connection

    Lena’s POV

    Ethan’s POV

    Chapter 8: Ethical Dilemmas

    Ethan’s POV

    Lena’s POV

    Chapter 9: Triumph and Recognition

    Lena’s POV

    Ethan’s POV

    Chapter 10: New Beginnings

    Ethan’s POV

    Lena’s POV


    Ethan’s POV

    Chapter 1: A Fresh Start

    Lena’s POV

    I use my hands to rub some warmth back into my arms. It is always so cold in these damn clinic rooms. I still find it hard to comprehend that Mom is gone. I close my eyes as I think about what Mom looked like before she got sick.

    My mom was a beautiful woman. I feel a stray tear roll down my cheek. I miss her a lot. I turn away from the window and walk toward the box on Mom’s bed—well, the bed that used to be hers.

    For the last three months, Mom had been doing well. She had more energy than ever before and even wanted to start working out with me to help her body become stronger. When I asked her where this new outlook on life came from, she told me about the diet she was on. It’s called intermittent fasting; it is just a fancy way to say you only eat during a set time window every day.

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