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The Condemned Man’s Mystery Bride
The Condemned Man’s Mystery Bride
The Condemned Man’s Mystery Bride
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The Condemned Man’s Mystery Bride

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President Jose Moro assumes office after assassinating his predecessor. He uses his new position to go after an old enemy--an American named Samuel Dalton. Sam is arrested and sentenced to death by Moro who wishes to confiscate his money and property. Moments before facing a firing squad, he is informed of a proposition by a mysterious young lady. She wishes to marry him before he is shot.
The idea intrigues Sam and on a whim he agrees to the marriage. When the wedding ceremony takes place it offers an unexpected chance for him to escape. A nation-wide search begins after he attempts to assassinate the dictator.
Sam knows he can't stay in San Juan and disguises himself, and sneaks aboard an American steamship headed down the coast of South America.
During the voyage he discovers that the mysterious woman he has married is on board with her sister.

Release dateJun 16, 2024
The Condemned Man’s Mystery Bride

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    Book preview

    The Condemned Man’s Mystery Bride - Sterling Paxton

    Table of Contents

    The Condemned Man’s Mystery Bride










    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17

    CHAPTER 18

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    The Condemned Man’s Mystery Bride


    Sterling Paxton

    Published by

    Sterling Paxton

    The Condemned Man’s Mystery Bride

    Copyright © 2024 Sterling Paxton

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    San Juan, January 1923

    Prison guard, Diego Sanchez slammed his baton hard against the metal bars, while yelling, Get up you worthless Gringo.  His Excellency the President has decided to allow you a visitor.  Mr. Bruder is here to see you, before you die.

    Samuel Dalton was lying down on an uncomfortable wooden bed, with his hands placed under his head because they hadn’t furnished him with a pillow.  The condemned prisoner wasn’t paying too much attention to the sneering, Spanish guards' arrogant order, until the name he mentioned suddenly grabbed his attention.  Sam then glanced towards the guard, just to see if it was another one of his cruel jokes.  A second later, he caught sight of his visitor.

    Hey, there Bruder.  What kind of con game are you playing this time?

    There’s no con game, Mr. Dalton, Mr. Bruder insisted, I’m afraid I can’t do anything about your current situation, but there is a lady that you might be able to help, before you met your rather hasty, and unfortunate demise.

    "Hold on there a second.  Did I hear you right?  You said a lady—what lady?"

    I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to that.

    You don’t know the answer?  Well, that’s a hell of a deal.  But, tell me anyways, Jackal, what do you think a man on death row could do for this mysterious lady of yours?

    This woman has expressed a rather strange interest in marring you, replied Bruder.

    Sam jumped up, and began heading towards the cell bars in a threatening manner.  This caused Bruder to quickly step back, while the brutish guard, Sanchez was nervously fingering the butt of his large, black revolver. 

    "You know, Bruder I didn’t take you for such a fool.  Why don’t you just get the hell out of here, and leave me alone?  Don’t you have even the least shred of human decency?  You and that weasel Jose Moro have done your best to kill me, as it is.  When I’m executed, the government is going to take all of my property, and don’t think, I don't know that you two snakes are behind this.  You only want to murder me so that you can steal my property.  Why don’t you just get the hell out of here, and let me in peace for the last few minutes of my life.

    Oh well, at least I tried, sighed the chubby financier, "There not much I can do if you stubbornly refuse to listen to my offer, but at least, let me tell you this.  The lady arrived in Cartagena last night.  She is a stranger to this area, and while eating breakfast this morning she heard of your unfortunate situation.  The lady asked if you were married, and when they told her you weren’t, she came to see me.  She begged me to use my influence with the President. 

    She said that if you were going to be executed, then it shouldn’t matter to you whether you were married or not, but that it would help her a great deal.  I told her that, well—"

    Bruder paused to clear his throat.  Sam smiled at the absurdity of the man’s story, but he was beginning to take an interest in the strange conversation.

    Well, what did you tell her? he interrupted.

    I told her all I could do is ask, and that the final decision, of course, was completely up to you.

    I don’t understand what she would gain by marring me.  I’m sure that you and Moro will make sure that she doesn’t get her hands on my property and money after I’m dead.  Do you think she wants my name? asked Sam.

    Maybe, I don’t really know her intentions.

    Sam Dalton took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as he mulled the matter over in his mind, I’ve always taken a lot of pride in my name, and I don’t want it tarnished after my death.  I would have to be assured that wouldn’t happen, if I were to agree.

    Bruder took out his handkerchief and dabbed the sweat caused by the warm, moist atmosphere in the humid cell, "I really don’t know why she would want to marry you.  All I know is, she offered to pay me for trying to arrange the matter—and a bonus if I am successful."

    Ah ha! sneered Sam, angrily, I figured that a scumbag like you would find a way to make a profit from it in some way,

    And why shouldn’t I.  I’m taking a big risk by involving myself in this matter.  The lady is an American like you and—

    She’s an American?  What does she look like? interrupted Sam, with growing interest.

    She is very attractive, but a little too pasty faced for my liking.

    Thoughts of romance suddenly took wing in that dirty South American prison, and Sam became filled with a desire to perform one last act of chivalry on behalf of some poor desperate girl.  The whole incredible situation brought a smile to his face. 

    Okay Bruder, you can rest easy.  I’ll consider it, replied Sam, But, I have a feeling that if you are dealing the cards, there's likely a joker in there some place.  I can’t figure out what your scheme is right now, but I probably will before I die.

    We’ve never been friends and never will be, Mr. Dalton, but I assure you that I have given you the honest facts this time, promised Bruder.

    Okay, so when would this wedding happen?

    It would take place almost immediately.

    My God! Is she here now?

    Yes, she’s waiting outside.  We also have a priest and a notary standing by just in case you agreed, explained Bruder.

    Sam stepped to his left in an attempt to look through the rusty, half open steel door across the dimly lite hallway.  The adjoining, whitewashed hallway was empty, and he felt a twinge of disappointment.  The guard watched him closely while continuing to finger his pistol butt.  His orders were clear, if the prisoner tried to escape, or caused any problems, he was to shoot first, and ask questions later.

    You can’t see her from here, said Bruder, She’s in the visitor’s area.  The guards are waiting down at the end of the hallway."

    Then, it’s going to be a military wedding.

    In a manner of speaking, replied Bruder, with a soft smile. 

    Sam understood exactly what Bruder meant.  The waiting guards were going to attend his wedding, and then go outside to be his firing squad

    How much longer do I have? asked Sam.

    Bruder glanced at his watch, "It's five fifteen now.  So, there’s about forty five minutes left.

    "Okay, if I do this, how about an extension of the six o’clock deadline so that my new wife and I can have a little conjugal visit before I go to meet my maker.

    I’m not sure the young lady would agree to that, laughed Bruder, "Anyway, President Moro would never allow the execution to be delayed—not even for one minute."

    Isn't he aware of the wedding ceremony? asked Sam.

    Yes, of course he is, but he doesn't care in the least, responded Bruder.

    "Then the evil skunk doesn’t have a heart and he must really be afraid of me.  It goes against Spanish character to be such an inflexible asshole.  Did you ever hear the opera ‘Maritana’ or attend a play called ‘Don Cesar de Bazan’?"

    Quit wasting my time with such foolishness, replied the impatient man, while using his handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his damp forehead.

    Bruder hated the insipid environment in the hot, dimly lit prison.  The stale humid air brought horrible thoughts of dysentery, typhoid, and other foul diseases that were common in this part of the world.  Sam could see the man was ill at ease, and in a hurry to finish his task.

    Time was quickly running out for the American.  But, he maintained an outward appearance of calm; although, inside he was a boiling cauldron of conflicted emotions.

    What do you mean quite wasting my time?  It’s my forty-five minutes, and I'll use it anyway I like.  Okay, here are my terms.

    Terms?  What do you mean terms? sneered Bruder, There are no terms.  You either do it, or you don’t.  The whole matter is completely up to you.

    Ha ha, laughed Sam, "That’s the old weasel I remember.  I listened to you, now you can listen to me for a second.  At one o’clock this morning, those government goons of yours dragged me out of my bed, while I was nearly naked.  The didn’t even give me a chance to get dressed.  The point is this; I refuse to get married in my underwear. 

    If you want me to stand in front of the altar and tie the knot, then I insist on a decent set of clothes, and enough money in my pocket to buy a round of drinks for the guards who are about to shoot me.  I don’t think that’s not much to ask under the circumstances.  You’ve heard my terms, now it’s up to you 

    I would ask for a shave too, but I doubt the young lady will be in a kissing mood anyway.  My God, this whole situation sounds so bizarre.  I can’t make any sense out of it.  Why would a woman want to marry a man who is going to be executed a few minutes after tying the knot?  I suppose it one of those unsolvable mysteries of the female mind.  There are some people who would understand I suppose, but I’m not one of them.  Well, anyway it’s her business not mine.

    Well, Bruder, you better get a move on, continued Sam, I’m not talking just to hear the sound of my own voice, and the young lady is probably anxious to find out what my decision is going to be.

    Sam had turned his back as he spoke to the foul enemy that had helped put him on death row.  He had assumed an attitude of total indifference to the unusual proposal that had been submitted to him.

    It disgusted him to look on the fat, ugly face of the man, and instead he directed his attention out the long narrow slit in the cell wall that acted as a window.  There was a beam of light coming through the narrow opening and it illuminated the other wall of his cell.

    Sam had been found guilty and sentenced to death in less than two hours after being arrested.  The evidence was non-existent and the trial had been nothing less than a farce.  He was the victim of a travesty of justice.  The new President of San Juan had assumed office at midnight, when the former President had been removed from office, by an assassin’s bullet.  He immediately sought to seek revenge against Sam for having interfered with his previous attempt to undermine the government and take control.

    Sam's death sentence would cause a diplomatic crisis between the United States and San Juan, but the new President wasn't too worried by that.  The American Embassy would file a protest and send naval vessels to Cartagena—the capital and largest sea port of the nation.  But, by then it would be too late—Sam would be dead.

    The young American was only twenty-six years old.  Before this day, he expected to live a long life and have a very bright future.  His only crime was supporting the former president before his untimely assassination.  Ricardo Mendoza had been one of the few honest, God-fearing men, in the tiny South American country.  If not for the Monroe Doctrine, the nation would have ceased to exist long ago.

    Sam was well aware that there was no power on earth that could save him now.  Even if there were, there wasn’t enough room in that small country for both him and Moro.  The problem was that Moro was now President and held dictatorial power over the entire nation.  This would remain the situation until the next despot climbed over his dead body to claim the Presidency for himself.

    Bruder was just an evil toad who knew how to play the game of political intrigue.  His abilities seldom failed to produce satisfactory results for him and his allies.  He had arranged the financial backing for Moro.  Now Bruder would serve as his jackal during his stay in office.

    Sam had found it rather odd that an experienced backstabber like Bruder had admitted to having prior knowledge of his death sentence before it happened.  While sitting in his cell later he realized why.  His arrest, trial, conviction, and death sentence were all prearranged, and they were kept secret from everyone.

    It was only after someone secretly contacted the American Embassy, that his situation became known to them.  The American Ambassador had demanded that the execution be postponed until he had communicated with his bosses back in Washington.  President Moro had ignored the demand, and ordered the death sentence be carried out as scheduled.  With all the secrecy surrounding his case, Sam wondered how the woman could have found out about him.

    I was wondering how the girl learn—, started Sam as he turned and realized that Bruder had disappeared out of the room.

    Señor Bruder will be back soon, explained Diego Sanchez.

    Sam smiled; the financier had gone to get him some clothes.  It seemed the mysterious marriage was going to take place after all.  The fat man seemed anxious to get him married before the firing squad used him for target practice.  The tall American couldn’t help but wonder why? 

    Where would Bruder find him suitable clothes for a marriage this early in the morning?  Sam wished that he didn’t have to die in a few minutes; this strange situation was getting more interesting with every passing minute.

    Sam knew his situation was desperate and time was quickly running out, but he was determined to make one final effort.  He called the guard over.

    How would you like to make twenty-five thousand American dollars?

    Diego shook his head sadly, I would like that very much, Señor , but the money would do me no good if I were dead, and that’s exactly what the President promised, if I let you escape.  There are a dozen men guarding the exit, and they have orders to shoot you at the first sign you are trying to escape.  I could not help you, even if I wanted to.

    How are the preparations for the wedding going?

    Everything will be finished very soon, replied the guard.

    Sam knew it would be useless to offer another even higher bribe.  The guard was not going to trade his life for any amount of money.  He went back and set down on the edge of his bed.  The condemned man studied the beam of light coming through the slit in the wall.  He realized that at its current slow speed he would be dead before it reached a small crack in the lower part of his cell wall. 

    Sam returned his thoughts to the proposed marriage.  He was debating whether he should really go through with the nuptials.  It seemed somewhat humorous that the man, the ladies of San Juan thought was a confirmed bachelor was getting hitched minutes before his death.

    What kind of woman was his unknown mystery bride?  Why on earth would she want to marry him?  If they were bringing in a priest and a notary, then they must want to make sure that the marriage was legal.  But, didn’t a marriage have to be consummated before it was really legal?  Anyways, what did it matter, he wouldn’t be around to protect that his little wife wasn’t performing her wifely duties.

    And what about that fat toad Bruder, why was he so interested that this marriage taking place?  Why would the intended bride pay money to marry a man with less than an hour to live?

    His emotions were conflicted.  One moment he was curious, and then the next moment he was filled with suspicions.  Then he would feel sympathetic, but there was always the intense eagerness to learn more about the strange situation.

    "What if she was wearing the traditional white veil to cover her face?  If she was, then he resolved to try and get one good look at her face before dying.  A man getting married should be entitled to see the face of his bride.  He decided to insist on this no matter what.

    Sam’s thoughts were interrupted by the guard coming to announce that Señor Bruder had returned.  A moment later the fat man came in panting, and struggling for air.  In his arms was a blue military uniform trimmed with golden braid.  He dropped a pair of black, patent-leather boots on the hard cement floor.  Then a shiny metal helmet dropped out of the clothing and rolled across the floor to the cell bars.

    What kind of bullshit is this? asked Sam.

    If its bullshit, then it’s all you’re doing Mr. Dalton, angrily snapped Bruder, Where was I supposed to get a decent set of clothes at this time of day for you?  I think this will fit.  I had to borrow it from the President’s aide, Captain Enrico Lopez.

    Sam had met the Captain before and didn’t especially care for him.  He was too much of a dandy. 

    You expect me to get married in the uniform of the biggest poof in South America, laughed Sam, But, I warn you I’m not going to remove it before I get shot, unless you hold me down and take it off me.  I’m afraid this thing is going to be quiet a mess, when the Captain gets it back.

    We’re wasting time, snapped Bruder impatiently, Here, put this on.

    Samuel Dalton cut a sharp figure in the military uniform of the President’s aide.  However, the boots were tight but he decided to put up with the inconvenience.  After all he didn’t have to do too much walking.  The prison chapel was not very far from their current location.

    Bruder had told that the wedding would take place at that location.  A little further down from there was the enclosed courtyard where he would be shot.  His execution was less than thirty minutes away.

    After he finished dressing, the guard called out and several other guards came to escort Dalton to his wedding.  He walked side by side with Bruder down the long white corridor.  Sam could almost imagine that he was going to a fancy dress ball, although he wouldn’t have been able to do much dancing in the tight boots.

    The fat financier didn’t utter a word as they made the walk.  He seemed very uneasy.  Someone watching the procession would have

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