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Judicial Tales: My Wife's Sentence
Judicial Tales: My Wife's Sentence
Judicial Tales: My Wife's Sentence
Ebook29 pages26 minutes

Judicial Tales: My Wife's Sentence

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John Dagenham's wife, Lucy, is accused of speeding, and is up before the dreaded Judge Igor McQueen for sentencing.
To John's horror, his wife is handed the terrible choice of spending three months in the local prison or of accepting an afternoon in the judge's correctional chamber, where she will receive judicial corporal punishment for her crime.
Lucy chooses the latter.
Later that day, when the sentence has been carried out, John collects his wife from the correctional centre and the couple return home. To his complete surprise, Lucy presents him with a flash drive containing a video of every aspect of her punishment.
As the pair sit down to watch, emotions and temperatures understandably rise.


Author's Note: This story contains themes of an adult nature, including bondage, MF/f spanking, and erotic discipline.
If these topics offend, then please pass this title by. If not, then purchase here, jump aboard the roller coaster, and enjoy!

PublisherMarian Wilder
Release dateSep 13, 2021
Judicial Tales: My Wife's Sentence

Marian Wilder

Marian Wilder welcomes you to her world of erotic 'Damsel In Distress' novels and stories.Her subject material sometimes wanders towards the darker side of erotica, but if you enjoy a generous helping of bondage and erotic discipline with your fiction, then this is the place to be.Please check back often for new releases and updates.FACEBOOK here: here: @SpankingTalesGOODREADS here: welcomes comments regarding her stories and novels (ONLY) at

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    Judicial Tales - Marian Wilder

    ~ Judicial Tales ~

    ~ My Wife’s Sentence ~

    Copyright 2021 Marian Wilder

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition License Notes:

    No part of this e-book may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of the author, except for brief quotations used for promotional purposes or in reviews.

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    This is a work of fiction.

    Names, characters, incidents, and places are fictitious. Any resemblances to persons or businesses are entirely coincidental.

    Adult Topics: Please use discretion.

    This e-book is intended for mature readers only (18+) as it contains themes of a sexual nature.

    Find more Marian Wilder stories here:

    There was something really dubious about Judge Igor McQueen. Apart from his rather odd name and extremely old fashioned appearance, the fact that very few ordinary citizens had any idea where he had shown up from, or how he managed to retain his position on the bench, was quite a mystery. Yes, he had his circle of adoring cronies—a group of fawning legal wannabes who supported him and saw his approach to justice as revolutionary—but one would seriously have to question the validity of his sentencing.

    It was the unusual practice of offering sentencing choices to a guilty defendant that really made him stand out from the rest. For example, an offender might be handed the choice of spending a week in the local prison, or of accepting an assignment to clean the public toilets to a particular standard. Sometimes, one could choose to either pay a hefty fine, or work a fortnight without pay for a local charity.

    However, the most questionable of all was when he sometimes offered the choice between ridiculously long custodial sentences and judicial corporal punishment in a purposely designed extension at the rear of the courthouse. No one could fail to notice that this option was usually offered when the defendant before him happened to be young,

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