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Eye on Orion: Orion Trilogy, #1
Eye on Orion: Orion Trilogy, #1
Eye on Orion: Orion Trilogy, #1
Ebook275 pages4 hours

Eye on Orion: Orion Trilogy, #1

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When seventeen-year-old stargazer Holly Adams meets her captivating new neighbor, Jai, she's instantly drawn to his mysterious allure. Little does she know, Jai and his sister Amira are not from this world—they're exiled royalty from a distant planet nine billion light-years away.

Drawn into a whirlwind of danger and desire, Holly discovers Jai's true mission: to protect Amira from a tyrant hell-bent on seizing her father's throne. As Holly joins their fight, she uncovers a web of deception and betrayal that spans galaxies. Mistaken identities, daring rescues, and a magnetic connection with Jai propel Holly into a universe where the line between friend and foe blurs dangerously.

But when Shander mistakes Holly for the princess herself, the stakes skyrocket. Now, Holly must navigate a treacherous path of deception, abduction attempts, and unexpected alliances, all while grappling with her growing feelings for Jai—a bond that transcends planets and defies the odds.

In a tale of star-crossed love and cosmic conflict, Holly and Jai must fight to protect their newfound love and save an entire world from falling into darkness.

Release dateJun 16, 2024
Eye on Orion: Orion Trilogy, #1

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    Eye on Orion - L.K. Bastian

    Eye on Orion

    Orion Trilogy Book 1

    L.K. Bastian


    Original Copyright 2014 and previously published under Clean Reads Publishing Company

    Eye on Orion Copyright © 2024 by Laura D. Bastian.

    Copyright notice: All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Warning: the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

    Cover Design by Novak Illustrations

    Published by Lange House Press


    When seventeen-year-old stargazer Holly Adams meets her captivating new neighbor, Jai, she's instantly drawn to his mysterious allure. Little does she know, Jai and his sister Amira are not from this world—they're exiled royalty from a distant planet nine billion light-years away.

    Drawn into a whirlwind of danger and desire, Holly discovers Jai's true mission: to protect Amira from a tyrant hell-bent on seizing her father's throne. As Holly joins their fight, she uncovers a web of deception and betrayal that spans galaxies. Mistaken identities, daring rescues, and a magnetic connection with Jai propel Holly into a universe where the line between friend and foe blurs dangerously.

    But when Shander mistakes Holly for the princess herself, the stakes skyrocket. Now, Holly must navigate a treacherous path of deception, abduction attempts, and unexpected alliances, all while grappling with her growing feelings for Jai—a bond that transcends planets and defies the odds.

    In a tale of star-crossed love and cosmic conflict, Holly and Jai must fight to protect their newfound love and save an entire world from falling into darkness.

    Chapter One

    Bright headlights turning the corner interrupted my study of the constellations. Who would be roaming this neighborhood at three in the morning? I sat up and felt the rough shingles brush against my bare calves. I looked over the edge of the roof and watched the car as it passed. It pulled into the driveway at the house my best friend had moved out of last month. Had it sold?

    The car’s headlamps turned off, and a man stepped out from the driver’s side. He looked around then walked over to the streetlight and placed a hand on the metal post. The bulb flickered before going out completely. The light from further down the street was fine. Had he done something to this one? Impossible. It had to be a fluke.

    The passenger door opened, and I realized the car’s interior lights weren’t on. A second man got out. Though I couldn’t see him as clearly as the first, there was enough light to make out a few things. His body appeared big and strong, but something about it gave me the impression of youth. He couldn’t be more than twenty, a thought my seventeen-year-old mind found intriguing. He did a visual sweep of the area and walked toward the two-story house. He pulled keys out and opened the front door, then disappeared inside while the first man moved back to the idling car.

    The lights in the house turned on one by one as if the guy inside were entering each room. Soon the stranger exited the house and strode purposefully toward the car. He slowed as he neared it then looked directly at me. Gooseflesh covered my arms, and I held my breath as if that could keep me hidden. It would be impossible for him to see me in the dark, but I didn’t move a muscle just in case. He motioned for the other man to join him then pointed at my roof. The first guy shook his head, and after a moment the younger man turned to the car.

    He opened the back door and helped a young woman out of the vehicle. He rushed her to the house, and the two disappeared inside. A second woman got out of the car. The two adults grabbed luggage from the trunk and vanished into the house, leaving me once again alone with my stars.


    Mom, did you know someone moved into Celia’s house? I asked.

    Really? I hadn't heard it sold. Mom put a plate in the dishwasher. Grab that cup for me, Holly.

    I handed her the cup, trying to cover a huge yawn. I saw some people go in there last night.

    Maybe we should take them a plate of cookies to welcome them to the neighborhood. Mom pulled ingredients out of the cupboard and set them on the counter. We’ll make some after work.

    I shook my head. Mom, we can’t do that.

    Mom looked at me as if I was crazy. Of course we can. We do that to all the new neighbors.

    But these people are… I couldn’t help thinking of the light going out or the way the one guy had seemed to look right at me. Different.

    I’m sure they are just like anyone else. Mom went about her normal morning ritual, and I knew it would be useless to argue about the cookies.

    Can I drive today? I asked, trying to change the subject.

    Mom hesitated.

    Come on, I pleaded. I only hit one trash can, and it didn't even dent the car. I paid to get the paint touched up too. I'll be careful. That scratch had prevented me from having a new telescope already.

    Mom’s sigh spoke volumes.

    I grinned and grabbed the keys from the hook on my way out the door. Mom slid into the passenger side and put her seatbelt on with exaggerated care. I clicked mine into place and backed out smoothly. Mom let out the breath she’d been holding. I checked my mirror and stomped on the brake, jamming the gear into park. The younger guy from last night guided a moving van from an upscale furniture store into the driveway of Celia’s old house.

    Daylight certainly was good to him. His blond hair and broad shoulders were just begging to be stared at. I glanced at Mom then shifted the car into drive. I peeked at the rearview mirror as I pulled forward. The expression on his face as he stared at my house didn’t look promising.

    True to her word, Mom made chocolate chip cookies after we got home from the family-owned plant nursery. I wrapped the plate in cheap cellophane and attached a strip of tape across the bottom to hold it together. I ran upstairs to clean up a bit before Mom made me go meet the hot neighbor. I re-did my ponytail, capturing the strands that had escaped. I double-checked to make sure I didn't have any smears of dirt or potting soil on my face. A clean shirt and touched-up lip gloss completed my makeover before I went downstairs to wait for Mom.

    You can take these over on your own if you want, she said. I'll stay and finish the last two batches.

    I hesitated. Having a chance to see that guy without Mom was tempting. She'd probably tell me afterward what I could have done or said to be more friendly, or smoother, or more polite, or whatever. Yet, going alone meant I had to do all the talking, and what if they recognized me? I decided to wait for Mom. If he thought we were crazy for bringing cookies, a simple smile and a shrug would let him know I did it to humor her. Besides, with Mom there to do the talking, I could watch and see if anything else weird happened.

    We stepped out into the warm June evening and made our way across the street. Holly!

    I cringed inside when Curtis hollered at me. He stood up and waved the polishing cloth he’d been rubbing his restored Mustang with. Since Mom was with me, I couldn’t just pretend I hadn’t heard him. I waved back and continued on down the street.

    Why don’t you and Curtis hang out like you used to? Mom asked.

    I shrugged. We don’t like the same kinds of things. Plus, his hands roam way too much when he’s close by.

    Mom frowned and shook her head. That’s too bad. You two were such good friends before.

    The moving van was gone, and the house had an occupied feel to it again. Funny what a curtain could do to a home. The yard had a few dead spots of grass and weeds in the flower bed. Good thing Dad wasn't with us, or he'd give them his business card.

    Mom slowed down and let me walk up the stairs first. She could have done the welcome-to-the-neighborhood spiel by herself but kept forcing me to practice interacting with people. Apparently since my best friend had moved across the country last month, and I no longer hung out with Curtis, she thought I needed to get out more.

    I ignored the doorbell and used the brass knocker they had added. It felt strange to be knocking. Celia and I had felt at home in either house. A slight movement of the curtain caught my eye. A shadow crossed the half-moon window above the knocker. My nerves rose and I took a deep breath to calm them. I looked up to meet deep blue eyes peering out the window.

    The door opened and I was shocked to find the hot guy frowning at me. Close up, he was amazing. The combination of his gorgeous face and the expression on it stole my planned speech. He looked me over with unveiled annoyance, and my irritation rose. He didn’t even know me, and already I felt like summer break was over and I was back at school surrounded by all the cool kids.

    What do you want? His deep voice had an accent I couldn’t place.

    I, uh, I'm Holly Adams. This is my mom, Susan. We live down the street a little way, and my mom—I mean—we thought it would be fun to welcome you to the neighborhood. I stopped and cleared my throat.

    I still held the plate of cookies. He looked down when I thrust them at him. Here. These are for you. He reached to take them and when our fingers touched, the same shiver I felt last night as I watched them hit me. I pulled my hands back and shoved them into my pockets.

    He stared at the cookies then at me, confusion evident on his face. I glanced back at my mom for help. She smiled, but it looked a little forced. Maybe she'd think twice before making me bring cookies to any new neighbors again. Guess this visit wasn’t a total bust.

    Turning back to him, I waited awkwardly, trying to think of something to say. If we waited long enough, Mom might say something. He glanced behind him then stepped into the center of the doorway, blocking my view of a girl gliding toward us.

    Who is it, Jai? the girl asked. Her accent was thicker than his. He didn't say anything, just stood his ground. She was almost as tall as he was, so it was easy for her to peek around him. Her hair was a little darker than mine, and her green eyes were brighter. I’d need a team of personal stylists to look that good.

    Oh, how nice. Some neighbors have brought treats. She smiled. I am Amira, and you have met my brother, Jai. She patted him on the shoulder and pushed him gently out of the way. He moved over without a fight but didn't seem happy about her being there.

    He was her brother. That kind of surprised me yet made me smile inside. Hopefully he wouldn't always be such a jerk. I took in his muscular body, thinking he was definitely fit. He probably played some kind of sport. If so, he wouldn’t want anything to do with me and my nerdiness.

    I'm Holly, I said again. And this is my mom, Susan. We live in the house over there with the big maple tree in the front yard. I pointed it out. Jai frowned even deeper. I could see his eyes flit from the house to me and then up to the roof.

    Amira glanced from me to Jai. She turned to me. Were you out late last night, by any chance?

    Mom looked at me. Were you up on the roof again?

    Mars looked the best between two and four this morning. I felt defensive for some reason, but also a little embarrassed that I had to explain my odd hobby to these new neighbors.

    Astronomy! Jai blurted. That single word sent a slight shiver through me. You like the stars?

    Yeah. I shrugged. There’s nothing wrong with that.

    Of course not. He nodded. I am just surprised someone like you would find them interesting.

    Someone like me? What’s that supposed to mean?

    Amira placed her hand on Jai’s shoulder and called behind her into the house. Mother, Father, come meet some of our new neighbors, Amira said, her words clipped and short. They brought us something. She lifted the plate of cookies, and I could see the tape had come undone.

    The other two from last night came to the door much quicker than my parents would have. She introduced us to her mother, Delilah, and her stepfather, Marshal. Jai and Amira didn’t look anything like Delilah. They must have gotten their height and features from their other father. I looked at Marshal and couldn’t help looking back at the streetlight. I heard a sharp intake of breath and turned to see Jai and Amira staring at me.

    Amira peeled the plastic off the cookies and took a bite. These are delicious. Thank you for your kindness. She passed one to everyone, including us. After the first round she tried to offer the partly full plate back to me.

    I glanced at Mom and was relieved when she stepped forward. Do you need any help moving in?

    Delilah and Marshal looked at her for a moment with furrowed brows. No. Thank you, but we have finished unpacking.

    Mom talked to the adults while I watched Jai and Amira. We didn't say anything, but Amira continued to smile wide while Jai's frown deepened. He looked over at her—sometimes with eyebrows raised, sometimes with them furrowed. She rolled her eyes slightly, and he shook his head, causing her smile to be replaced with a frown. She narrowed her eyes at him. He chewed on his bottom lip as he looked at her, then he glanced over at me. For some reason that brought him back to a frown, and Amira forced a smile again.

    It was kind of you to bring over this welcome gift. We are relieved to have moved into a friendly area. I hope to see you again soon, Holly, Amira said.

    She extended her hand to me, and I took it in a gentle grip. She stepped to the side and motioned Jai forward. I thought it strange how she seemed to be in charge.

    Jai offered me his hand. A wristband with a black, circular stone embedded in the weave of the leather braid caught my eye.

    It is nice to meet you. Jai raised his chin, looking down on me.

    I placed my hand in his, feeling a mild tingle while we touched. Did he feel it too? He didn’t seem bothered at all. I must be imagining it. He gripped my hand as if testing my strength. I squeezed his hand back in response, daring him to think of me as weak.

    His eyes widened. I didn't blink. He smiled a crooked smile that did a funny thing to my heart's rhythm. A scar in the upper right side of his lip accentuated his otherwise perfect mouth. As intriguing as his smile was, it didn’t reach his watchful eyes. They were an interesting shade of blue; darker around the inside near the pupil and lightening as the iris extended out, somehow making his eyes seem bigger than normal.

    Nice to meet you too, I said when he let go of my hand.

    I rubbed my palm with my fingers from my other hand. The tingle faded away, but my mind lingered on it. I watched him closely while Mom wrapped up her conversation with his parents. They retreated into the house with Jai closing the door. A glance back showed his head visible through the half-moon window.

    Well, that was odd. Mom glanced back at the house as we walked home. But at least the girl is your age. You two could be friends.

    Mom, just because Celia moved doesn’t mean I need to replace her. I’m fine on my own.

    But don’t you think you might have fun doing something with kids your age?

    I do stuff. I preferred to be with someone who didn’t judge me. Celia had tolerated my obsession with the stars. Curtis told me I was nuts, but still wouldn’t leave me alone. At school most people thought I was a snob for choosing homework over hanging out or parties, but if I was going to get into a good college, I needed to maintain my 4.0.

    Sweetie, you spend most of your time looking at the stars. Mom perked up momentarily. Jai sounded interested in them. Maybe you two could have something to talk about.

    I nodded to appease her but doubted Jai would ever talk to me on purpose.

    Chapter Two

    I wandered into the front room, too confused to stay still. I knelt on the couch, moved the curtains to the side, and peeked out the window. I knew their house wasn’t visible from inside, but I still tried. Nope, nothing but the stupid maple tree. Now if I was up on the roof again, I could see everything about his house. But that would be odd. I went out with the pretense of checking the mail. Mom had already gotten it after work, but I hoped to catch a glimpse of them again.

    The reward of my pretense was an empty mailbox and an empty street with no sign of my new neighbors. I sighed, mentally berating myself for being so nosy.

    The memory of his face, his height, his body, and the tingle when we touched was pleasant, but I didn’t need him as a distraction. If I was smart, I’d just ignore him. I took a slow breath and looked toward their house again then tilted my head toward the sky.

    The coolness as night approached was always my favorite time of day. A lonely jetliner headed south in the otherwise empty sky. With no clouds, it would be another good night to bring my telescope out and set it up. Who cared what he thought.

    Stargazing was peaceful to me. Just imagining the smallness and insignificance of a human in all of creation gave me a strange sense of importance. Like I was still an amazing creature in a universe full of unexplored wonders. I loved to speculate where other populated worlds might be found out there among the heavens. I couldn't explain it to anyone, but the stars empowered me. Maybe being outside tonight would help me clear my head.

    Plus, it might provide me with another glimpse of him. Not with my telescope, of course, just casually looking toward his house as I enjoyed the clear night sky. I shook my head and walked back inside, disappointed in myself for my obsession.


    By adjusting the legs of the telescope just right, I could set it up on the roof pretty easily. The slope wasn’t too steep, yet I could lie back comfortably and see more of the sky than down on the lawn. It had taken some fancy talk to convince my parents this was safe if I moved slowly, but they finally agreed to let me stargaze from here. After setting the telescope up, I looked down to see Jai and Amira approaching the house with him in the lead. Jai stopped at the sidewalk and looked up at me. His eyes stared into mine like he wanted to know what I was thinking. Amira looked up as well when she saw where his gaze was. She touched his arm and stepped lightly around him.

    Hello, Holly, her voice chimed. Are your parents home?

    No. They just went out.

    I felt like I must invite you to dinner on Wednesday. She paused and glanced at Jai out of the corner of her eye. Amira held up a fancy envelope. I couldn’t help thinking back to the paper plate and the plastic wrap held together with tape.

    Gimme a second. I’ll be right down. I slipped through my bedroom window and rushed down the stairs. By the time I reached the door they were on the front porch. Amira handed me the envelope.

    Thank you, I mumbled. I'm sure my parents would love to come. I stood there trying to think of something else to say, watching the two of them looking at each other. The only sounds were the cars driving the street our block branched off from. I turned the envelope over in my hand. Amira cleared her throat. Jai shook his head just barely.

    I watched as Jai and Amira both looked up at my telescope. Eventually Jai asked, Is that yours? Do you use it often?

    Yeah, I bring it out a couple times a week. Great, I just admitted I have absolutely no social life. I turned the envelope over.

    Amira smiled at me then almost glared at Jai. Jai looked like he was trying to ignore her.

    Do you want to check out the stars tonight with me? I asked, wondering if that’s why they were still hanging around.

    Amira grinned. I am sure Jai would love to. Amira spoke as if giving him an order.

    Jai frowned. Let me walk Amira back home. I will be back in a moment.

    They only lived two houses down on the opposite side of the street, but Jai kept close to her as they returned home. They gestured with their hands

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