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Mated to Beta Twins: I Am The Princess
Mated to Beta Twins: I Am The Princess
Mated to Beta Twins: I Am The Princess
Ebook217 pages3 hours

Mated to Beta Twins: I Am The Princess

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"Sooner or later, you're going to have to face what you feel for us." We were standing close to each other, and I tried as much as I could to ignore the bond between us. "You'll either reject us or accept us as your mate, Princess."You two are bot my mates?!”Lilian's life had been a nightmare under the tyranny of Alpha Jenkins of Nightstalkers Pack, enduring the role of pack slave and relentless harassment from the Alpha's family, all while plagued by amnesia about her past.Rescued by Aldrich and Arsenio, the newly appointed Betas of the Werewolf Kingdom, Lilian's true identity is revealed. And what? ! The twins are actually her mates, BOTH?!Caught in an unexpected romance with the Beta twins, Lilian faces a tumultuous journey of love, war, and duty, with the twins willing to sacrifice everything to protect her. Father? Mother? Royal Family? Am I the Princess? Will she be reunited with her family? Will she make the transition from Princess to Queen? Will she embrace her destiny or resist the pull of the impossible love triangle?

Release dateJun 15, 2024
Mated to Beta Twins: I Am The Princess

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    Book preview

    Mated to Beta Twins - Dawn Sunfire

    CHAPTER 01 Lillian's Despair

    ~Lillian's Pov~


    It was getting colder outside, my head was burning, and my throat felt sore. I couldn't hardly move an inch from the bed, I had the worn-out blanket over my body and stared weakly at the broken window in my room that's like a walk-in closet.

    The banging on the door came in, the moment I tried to shut my eyes for just a while.

    I groaned and swallowed hard.

    Lillian! It's morning! Can you tell me what you're doing there and why I haven't gotten my morning coffee?

    Slowly, I lifted myself from the bed, and the wooden door creaked open.

    You heard me calling didn't you?The strident voice asked and scrunched her nose in disgust. She was standing tall in the blue flora dress, with her slender figure, and a small face.

    Luna, I want to take a leave from work this morning. I don't think—

    Her brown eyes stared dagger at me, and she didn't let me complete my words before she pulled me up from the bed with a hand on my dress, and pushed me to the ground.

    What? You lowlife!

    I clamped my mouth shut and swallowed fearfully.

    Luna Sarah...

    Don't ever call my name with that filthy mouth of yours!

    I'm unwell..."I mumbled weakly.

    Whose gonna do all the work? And make breakfast? Get to work now! Nick will be leaving for school, and the Alpha will be back soon!She scolded, glaring at me.

    I can't...

    She chuckled and folded her arms.

    "You're sly, Lillian. You're just pretending to be sick so you can get sympathy from the Alpha.

    You're nothing good, but worthless.She marched towards me, held the hem of my dress, and pushed me outside the room. Is this your tactic to let my husband look at you?"Her grip tightened on my dress, she slammed my back on the wall.

    The pain shot through my shoulders, and I sunk my teeth on my lower lip.

    You're shameless!She spat.

    To the kitchen!

    Please, Luna Sarah, I...I tried to plead but she won't listen to me. She pushed me towards the kitchen.

    I want my coffee, and breakfast served in ten minutes!She hissed and strutted out of the kitchen, I adjusted the hem of my dress from falling off my shoulders and sniffed.

    I don't know how long I'm gonna survive in the Nightstalkers Pack if I don't find my mate. It has been my wish to find my mate and my family when I turn eighteen.

    My body shivered as I turned on the gas.

    I have been misunderstood by Sarah, nothing I do seems to please it. She has already decided to hate me despite all my efforts, I have been bearing her wrath since childhood.

    I was seven when I came to Nightstalker's Pack, and I had no memories of my past.

    I have stopped trying to explain to her that her husband, the Alpha of our Pack, Nightstalker, Alpha Jenkins Johnson was forcing himself on me. She chose to believe that I was seducing him, and not him trying to get through my panties.

    I ran my tongue over my dried lips, and started working in the kitchen. I made Sarah's coffee and went to her bedroom to serve her, and came back downstairs to the kitchen area to prepare breakfast.

    After an hour, I was done preparing breakfast and decided to take my apron and rest for a while.

    I exhaled and placed my elbow on the cabinet. I froze when I felt a hand wrapped around me from behind. I didn't hear the door of the kitchen open, or his feet on the ground.

    I struggled to get his hands off me but his grip only tightened around my waist, as he pulled me closer to his lower body.

    Don't do anything...His hoarse voice whispered beside my ears. You don't want me to report you to my mom, do you?I could feel his breath on my neck, and my hands dropped to the side.

    I closed my eyes, and just let him press his groin behind me.

    Ssh.He whispered.

    My fingers curled into my palm and said nothing. Nick was a year older than me, though he hadn't found his mate yet, and he didn't seem to be bothered about it.

    He spun me around when he noticed I didn't react or push him away from me.

    His brown eyes scanned my face for answers.

    His eyes darkened at my indifference, he placed his hands at the side of my shoulders. What's wrong with you?He snarled. I stared at his dark hair, down to his narrow face, he was about six feet two slightly taller than his father.

    What do you mean?I asked flatly.

    He scoffed and let go of my shoulders. He turned his back to me and ran a finger through his hair.

    Why are you acting like I do not affect you?!He flared up, I flinched at the sound of his voice.

    He looked over his shoulders and glared at me. Have you become a slut now?

    I shook my head, couldn't he see that I was sick, his touch irritated me.

    Can't you talk! Answer me when I'm talking to you!He shouted and swept off the breakfast I had made off the island in the kitchen to the floor.

    Nick!My voice came out faintly. My legs wobbled as I tried to move toward him.

    He kept on scattering everything in the kitchen, even the coffee I had made for the Alpha because he likes having his coffee with his breakfast.

    I forced my way to him, and pushed him off, screaming. Stop!

    He screeched to the side of the door and regained his balance quickly.

    Did you just push me?He pokes a finger on his chest.

    I blinked my eyes at him and fiddled with my dress. I spent more than an hour preparing breakfast and cleaning the kitchen because I was sick, but he came and destroyed everything I was preparing for hours.

    He smirked and stood erect with his hands planted on his hips. I didn't expect that from you. Lillian.

    I took a step back when he approached me, I couldn't move further when my back hit the wall.

    He stood in front of me and lifted my chin with a finger. I could tell he was angry with the dangerous look in his eyes. That was unusual.He commented with a soft chuckle. He lowered his head to my face, and I swallowed the lump in my throat. It excites me.He smirked and let go of my chin, he picked up his bag, I didn't know he dropped them earlier and flung them over his shoulders.

    Tell mom, I have gone to school.He winked and sauntered out of the kitchen.

    I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding and crouched to the ground, I buried my face in my palm and cried.

    Nick's was just an imitation of his father, Alpha Jenkins. It was worse with his father that I wasn't regarded in the pack house anymore, he would force me down his bed and tear off my clothes.

    A cold shiver ran through my spine as I recalled all that he had done and the way he touched me with his calloused hand.

    I was never once treated as a She-wolf or a member of his pack. I was just a slave who was made to serve the Alpha's household.

    I wiped my eyes with the hem of my dress and decided to face the debris that was everywhere in the kitchen.

    I would be eighteen tomorrow, and I would be able to have my wolf and leave the pack the night after my transformation.

    I was too tired to make another breakfast, I cleaned the kitchen and decided to go back to my room and rest.

    I came out of the kitchen and ambled to the hallway, and I bumped into Alpha Jenkins coming back from his meeting in the Packhouse.

    I froze.

    My body was suddenly engulfed with fear.

    CHAPTER 02 The Wrath And The Punishment

    ~Lillian's Pov~

    Where are you coming from?Alpha Jenkins asked as he stopped walking. I folded my hands in front of me and tilted my head downward.

    The sound of his footsteps frightened me when he took two steps forward, his dark hair looked shorter, he must've gone for a haircut, his blue eyes dilated mysteriously, he was in a tailored suit and was slightly built and was probably around his late forties.

    T-the kitchen.I sputtered. I couldn't make a coherent statement when he was close to me, my body reacted on its own, shivering in fear of what he might do to me.

    I could feel his eyes roaming around my body. And you have not been meeting with the guards? Nobody has touched you, has they?

    I lifted my gaze slowly, what does he mean by that? He stretched out his hand to touch me, and I stepped back. That seems to infuriate him.

    Come closer bitch!He ordered.

    Alpha,I mumbled and dragged my feet closer to him.

    Closer you fool!He drawled.

    I stood before him, and he pulled me closer with his hand on the back of my head, You're just a toy, my favorite plaything.His eyes fell on my boobs. I clenched my fist on my dress and kept my gaze down.

    You're a slave know that, you're not important and a slave belongs to their master, just like you belong to me.His hand left my head, I held my breath as he touched me.

    You're an omega and my servant, remember that, and when you turn eighteen you will become my mistress, and that might evaluate your status from being a slave in the pack to mistress.His hand moved down to my boobs and he licked his lips.

    Fuck.He muttered.

    I was disgusted and terrified but there was nothing I could do, I was just a powerless servant and could be subjected to anything.

    His eyes darkened with lust, and it made me realize that he might eventually take away my virginity once I turned eighteen. I couldn't let him do that or take my virginity which I have kept for my mate.

    I have to escape the Nightstalkers Pack soon before my birthday. That might be the only way I would be saved.

    What about Luna, Alpha?I questioned timidly.

    I endured his touches until I heard the sound of heels clicking on the stairs, and chattering, and then it stopped.

    I remember I overheard Sarah talking to her friends on the phone, and inviting them for a tea party at the mansion.

    Alpha Jenkins didn't take his hand off my body, and I couldn't dare to look at Luna. Not when she was behind me with her friends.

    He wasn't aware that she was behind us yet.

    Why should you care about that old woman with no appeal?

    My mouth opened and closed promptly.

    Once you become my mistress, I won't care about her.

    Luna Sarah cleared her throat. Alpha, you're home.

    Alpha Jenkins turned, taking his hand away. He hummed and didn't make any attempt to justify what happened and left for his bedroom.

    She was infuriated by his attitude but chose not to show it.

    I remained standing, too scared to face Luna or what she might do to me. Her friends must've witnessed Alpha Jenkins actions towards me and heard everything he said about his wife. about we have the tea party some other time. There's something I need to take care of, I will walk you back to the door.She chuckled awkwardly and sent them away.

    I decided to run to my room before she came but her voice stopped me.


    Come back here this instance!She thundered furiously. I rubbed my sweaty hands together, and came downstairs, where she was pacing in the living room while biting her nails.

    Come here, you witch!She shouted and grabbed me by the hair. This is your plan, isn't it? To take my place as Luna?She lashed at me and started to hit me with everything she came across.

    She picked up a vase and hauled it on my body.

    Matthew!She yelled.

    Matthew was one of the trusted zeta guards in the mansion, and Luna Sarah aide.

    You've refused to say what you've done.

    I haven't done anything, Luna.I whimpered.

    She grabbed a fistful of my hair and slapped me across the face. This is all your fault!

    Luna, you called me.Matthew bowed when he came in. Bring the poison.

    P-poison?I stuttered, and held onto her feet, she kicked my stomach several times. Get away from me!

    It's just a portion which you need to drink.She eyed me suspiciously, and when Matthew brought it, she ordered him to hold me down while she forced it down my throat.

    It's gonna mask your scent, and you won't be able to attract my husband anymore!She pressed the side of my cheeks with her fingers, and my mouth opened and she poured it into my mouth.

    She made sure I swallowed it before she let go of my cheeks.

    The next time I see you close to the Alpha, I will make sure I kill you and leave no traces!She snarled and took the stairs. Matthew let go of my arms, shook his head at me, and walked out.

    I wiped the side of my mouth and staggered to my feet, making my way to my room.

    I sat down on the ground with my legs drawn up to my chest, and my hands around it. I stared at the window, as the tears rolled down my cheeks.

    I felt pains all over my body, I thought I would be able to hear them but not anymore.

    I lowered my head, and a necklace ranged out of my shirt and lay between my breasts.

    I caressed it with my finger, and it brought some sort of comfort to me, I had it since I was seven, but didn't know where I got it from.

    Happy Birthday Lillian, though it's just a few hours left,I whispered with my fingers still on the necklace. I clutched it to my chest and broke down again.

    I didn't know when I fell asleep on the ground, the creaking sound of the door startled me, and I squinted my eyes to see the door opening and someone coming into the room.

    CHAPTER 03 The Search For The Lost Princess

    ~Aldrich's Pov~

    It was drizzling, the clouds were dark and thunder was rumbling across the sky. I stood in front of the tomb, my hands folded respectfully in front of me, and my head lowered, showing the last respect to the man that had been laid six down.

    My jaw clenched, and I didn't mind getting drenched by the rain.

    I looked up when I felt a cover over my head, and tilted my head to the side, my twin, Arsenio stood beside me with a black umbrella.

    You'll get yourself all wet.He muttered and exhaled, he cast a swift glance at the tomb.

    Dad was murdered, and those assholes didn't think he was, and they covered his death with an accident. Dad wasn't suicidal. He was murdered by someone in our pack.I grounded my teeth.

    Look around Arsenio, none of them showed up at his funeral.

    I knew the council of elders wasn't gonna show up in the first place but standing out here would make you sick, and Dad won't want that.

    I pursed my lips and averted my gaze from him, my eyes fell on his black shoes, they were getting wet.

    Dad was loyal to the king, he was his beta. Aldrich, you're not as furious as I am seeing how he was treated on his deathbed, and even at his funeral, he never got the respect he deserved.

    Someone walked up to us with an umbrella, we felt his presence and spun around almost immediately.

    Alpha King.We greeted him with a bow.

    He wore a black outfit and a tie.

    "I didn't come here as Alpha King. I came here to pay my last respects to a friend, a brother and a trusted

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