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Mated to Beta Twins: I Am The Queen
Mated to Beta Twins: I Am The Queen
Mated to Beta Twins: I Am The Queen
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Mated to Beta Twins: I Am The Queen

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"Sooner or later, you're going to have to face what you feel for us." We were standing close to each other, and I tried as much as I could to ignore the bond between us. "You'll either reject us or accept us as your mate, Princess."You two are bot my mates?!”Lilian's life had been a nightmare under the tyranny of Alpha Jenkins of Nightstalkers Pack, enduring the role of pack slave and relentless harassment from the Alpha's family, all while plagued by amnesia about her past.Rescued by Aldrich and Arsenio, the newly appointed Betas of the Werewolf Kingdom, Lilian's true identity is revealed. And what? ! The twins are actually her mates, BOTH?!Caught in an unexpected romance with the Beta twins, Lilian faces a tumultuous journey of love, war, and duty, with the twins willing to sacrifice everything to protect her. Father? Mother? Royal Family? Am I the Princess? Will she be reunited with her family? Will she make the transition from Princess to Queen? Will she embrace her destiny or resist the pull of the impossible love triangle?

Release dateJun 15, 2024
Mated to Beta Twins: I Am The Queen

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    Book preview

    Mated to Beta Twins - Dawn Sunfire

    CHAPTER 52 The Proposal

    ~Lillian's Pov~

    I went out of the courtroom to meet Heckim and his men, he was seated at the lounge downstairs.

    Mom was beside him, and she was offering him a glass of wine which he refused to accept.

    I folded my hands beneath my breast and ambled towards them when I came down from the stairs.

    What made him come here? What sort of mischief was he up to this time?

    Lillian, you are here, Mom announced when I approached them. She had a small smile on her face. I was glad that when I returned home she was able to get out of bed and share a few words with me.

    She must've come downstairs when she heard Heckim was here.

    Heckim jerked up from the chair he was sitting on. He quickly grabbed the bouquet that he kept neatly at the hand of the chair and stretched it towards me.

    What is the meaning of this?

    Mom came to my side and tugged my arm to accept the flowers, I rolled my eyes and reluctantly took the flowers and tossed them at Mom.

    She held them tightly, grinning from ear to ear. I would have thought he came for her and not me.

    Lillian, ever since I saw you at the base I knew you were the one for me, and then you turned out to be the King's daughter. I couldn't have been mistaken that this was ordained by the Moon Goddess that I came across you... He ran his tongue over his dried lips and smiled, his hand rubbing against his blue pants as if he didn't know what to do with them. I came to express my undulating love for you. I have developed feelings for you all this while. I thought from the day we met at the base that I like you and... He pursed his lips and stared intently at me. He wanted me to see how serious he was with his intentions.

    I scoffed and listened to what he had to say if it was worth coming back to see me after the embarrassment that he faced in the woods.

    I came here to propose to you. He reached out to his pocket as if he finally had something to do with his hands, they were shaking as he dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out a small box from his pocket, he opened it with both hands.

    It was a diamond ring.

    Will you accept my proposal? Lillian. He asked and held my gaze.

    I huffed, and Mom nudged my arm.

    You should accept it Lillian, you're old enough for marriage. I turned when I heard Hermes' voice.

    How long has he been standing by the door? I was listening to what Heckim was blabbering from his mouth to know he was there.

    What made him think I would accept his proposal?

    Did he forget what he did?

    Go on, Lillian. Say yes to the young man. Mom whispered beside me. I can not say yes to him, I whispered back to her.

    Do you need some time to think about it? I can wait in your pack for a few days, and we can...

    There won't be any need for that Heckim. I snapped and dropped my hands at my side.

    You are going to accept his proposal ain't you, Lillian? You should get married and start bearing pups, and you'll be happy at the Nightwolf Pack. They have a strong alliance...

    I snorted at Mom's words.

    What do you mean by marriage? I am not ready for it yet!

    We don't have to hurry if you are not ready... I quelled Heckim with a look and he clamped his mouth shut. He could see that was talking to Mom and shouldn't interrupt our conversations.

    I took Mom's hand and pulled her away from earshot. I don't want Heckim listening to what I have to say.

    I placed my hand on Mom's shoulders. I want to be the next ruler of the Kingdom. Getting married to Heckim would ruin my chances and I would lose my inheritance rights and become his Luna, and that is not what I want...

    So you're going to fight for the throne? Hermes chipped in. I didn't know he followed Mom and I.

    If I wasn't ready to fight for it, I wouldn't have gone to the assessment, I argued.

    Getting married to Heckim is a better option. You'll get the support of their pack, you must know that he came from a strong pack. Hermes insisted, Mom agreed with him, nodding her head.

    She took my hands and squeezed them. You should accept his proposal, Lillian, it's for the best. Her fingers went to my cheekbone and she cradled it softly.

    I pulled my hands away from Mom's grip if I got married to Heckim. I would lose everything that I have been working for including my father's throne.

    I made a promise to Father that I would be a better ruler, and he has entrusted me with his pack duties. I will not get married to Heckim.

    Mom looked shocked at my refusal. She blinked her eyes at me, bewildered that I had chosen not to heed her words.

    I will not give up on what I have worked so hard for. I will get married only when it's right and it will not be Heckim.

    Without another word, I went to confront Heckim.

    Lillian! Mom called but I ignored her.

    Heckim adjusted himself when he saw me and stood erect. He was holding the small box and his eyes were staring at me with large hopes.

    I will not accept your proposal.

    Why? Did I do something wrong? There's no way you won't like me.

    I laughed at how silly he was, he must've thought so low of me, that I would accept him because he was the son of an Alpha.

    I do not like you, Heckim. I don't want to see you come back here to my palace with your proposal because I will reject it.

    I will be a better husband for you. He offered, I rolled my eyes at his lame words.

    It won't make me change my mind, Heckim. I still won't accept your proposal.

    But I like you, Lillian.

    Is he dumb or what?

    You should leave or I will ask the guards to lead you out.


    I said leave.

    He grumbled under his breath, and with a defeated sigh, he returned to his pack with the envoy that he brought along with him.

    CHAPTER 53 Jealousy and Advice

    ~Lillian's Pov~

    I was leaving the lounge when I came across Arsenio and Aldrich, they looked surprised, and were staring at me and the bouquet that I had tossed into the trash.

    They must have been surprised by Heckim's proposal to me.

    No one knows that we were mates, I haven't even told Mom about it, that the Betas were my fated mate.

    Did you see all that? I asked and rubbed the nape of my neck.

    They nodded, and our voices were a bit loud for them not to hear what we said.

    Aldrich hummed. I was surprised by Heckim's proposal. I didn't think he would come here to do that.

    I was surprised as well, we were both surprised. Arsenio sputtered a bit and pointed a finger at his brother and then at him. We were just surprised.

    That's why they stood there and couldn't move.

    I didn't accept his marriage proposal, I said just to soothe whatever they might be feeling.

    You should have accepted it, Aldrich said through gritted teeth. I was taken aback by his words. They wanted me to accept his proposal, which mate would watch their fated mate getting married to another?

    Having the support of the Nightwolf Pack is very advantageous Lillian, and it will give you strength as a leader. You can make Heckim King if you want, and you'll be the Queen... Arsenio advised, my hand clenched into a fist.

    It seemed like he wasn't done speaking yet so I waited for him to complete his words. As the Beta of the Pack, that's the right thing to do and you should have done it and taken advantage of the situation.

    I scoffed. Is that what you've to say? I flared up. You want me to gain strength through marriage with Heckim and be his wife. Then what about you? I stepped closer to them, anger surging through me.

    What about us Princess? The tone of Aldrich's voice held nothing in them as if he was speaking to superior. We are just Betas and we have given you our advice on what we have seen in the matter and that it would have been...

    Enough! I snapped at him.

    Will you be happy watching your mate get married to someone else?

    If that's what she wants and, we, can not object, Arsenio replied, and it got even more frustrating with them.

    They won't object.

    Not as Beta but as my mate, I demanded to know. They avoided my gaze and looked elsewhere trying not to meet my eyes.

    We would be honored if you consider us as mates but as the heir of the pack you should be able to know what will be good for you and the pack.

    I pushed my hair backward aggressively with both hands.

    It seems they see their responsibility as Beta higher than the mate bond, and they would willingly give me away for whatever reason that deemed fit for them.

    Did they find me so vulnerable that they wanted me to seek strength for the Nightwolf pack?

    I thought you cared about me, but I was wrong, you don't care! If you do, you won't utter the nonsense you said! I raised my voice at them.

    We do care. Arsenio's tone remained the same as if he was speaking and didn't want to argue with me.

    We are just doing our duty as Beta, Aldrich interjected.

    Did I ask you to, I never asked you for any advice or cared about your duty as Beta! All I wanted was for them to act as my mate for once, they were siding with my mother and Hermes who wanted me to get married.

    I thought they were going to take sides with me and oppose the marriage as I did, but they accepted it and wanted me to get married to Heckim.

    If you want me out of your sight, you should have said so, and that you didn't want to see me again. I would leave instead of telling me to get married to Heckim. Do you even know that I could lose my right as the heir if we get married? I stabbed my finger on their chest. They didn't move an inch or act as if something touched them.

    You don't care, do you? You wanted me to leave the pack and get married to him and form an alliance with his pack. Even till now, you're choosing your duty over me. I dropped my hand from their chest. I just wondered if I am truly your mate because you disgust me. I spat out and shoved them aside.

    Arsenio grasped my waist and pulled me back to them, I placed my hand on his chest pushed me away, and yanked my hand away from his grip.

    What right do you have to touch me? I glared at him, he sighed and didn't reach out to touch me again. Lillian, you should understand...

    Understand what? I scoffed.

    That we are looking out for you, that's what he means, and we are saying that it's not a bad idea that you accept his proposal. You will need it. Aldrich spoke, I twirled to face Aldrich. His looks remained plain, he was trying to hide his emotions, whatever he was feeling was being bolted in and he wasn't going to show it in his face.

    Because I look weak? I asked.

    Aldrich shook his head. You'll need it if you want to go against the Council of Elders. You need to have a lot of support, Lillian. That's what we meant.

    And to get the support I should marry her son? I chuckled bitterly.

    I can't believe this was coming from them. The last person I expected to say this from was them.

    Not Arsenio or Aldrich, how many times will they put their duty as Beta over me? This time I wanted them to take my side, and that I did the right thing for sending Heckim away but I never got that from them.

    It just happened that way. He exhaled resignedly.

    I stared between him and Arsenio. Don't come after me, I warned and pushed them away from my path.

    CHAPTER 54 Defiance

    ~Lillian's Pov~

    I found Mom standing at the stairs, her eyes were on my face and she looked a bit sad.

    Is something wrong? I asked and went to her. She shook her head. I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation. I happened to hear what transpired between you and the Beta.

    You heard everything?

    She nodded and touched my face. I hope you find happiness, Lillian because that's what matters most. Her soft hand caressed my cheekbone.

    I smiled at her and nodded. I don't want her to worry about me. I will be fine, mother.

    Come, we should have lunch together. It's been a while since we did that.

    I agreed with her, I needed this space away from the twins, and I didn't want to think about them, staying with my mother and having our random talks. It would distract me from thinking about them.

    We sat at the long table in the dining area, and Mom glanced around before she said. I am getting better, right Lillian? She grinned.

    I nodded. She did get better than the last time I saw her, it broke my heart to see how bad her condition has worsened.

    I want you to always be this way, I don't want to find you in your sick bed or that you collapsed anymore. I reached out for her hand over the table and sighed. She placed her hand over mine.

    I can take care of myself. She mouthed.

    You're not doing a job in that. I joked, and Mom laughed. I will try harder.

    Just don't make me see you in that position again, I was scared Mother, I thought I might lose you too and I didn't get to tell you a message that was sent for you.

    She furrowed her brows at me and withdrew her hand from mine. Your father? She asked.


    What message is that? She looked a bit eager to know what the message was about. How did you meet your father? Have you forgotten that he's dead?

    I shook my head. I saw him at the Wolf Shrine. It was there that everyone got to know about my identity as the princess and the King's daughter. That's where I see father, I saw his face...

    He looked real when he appeared to me, and I didn't know if Mom would find it absurd what I was saying.

    What did he say at the Shrine?

    He said he loves you. Mother, and he felt sorry that he wasn't able to protect you before he passed. He doesn't want you to end up like him. He wants you to be happy. I told her all that he said in the Shrine about her, Mom simply stared at her fingernails. She didn't lift her gaze as if it was the first time she had seen the fingernails on her finger.

    I didn't give it much thought as to why she wasn't saying anything about it.

    She looked at me after a while. Am happy, Lillian. She said without a smile.

    I smiled at her,

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