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The Devil Takes Charge
The Devil Takes Charge
The Devil Takes Charge
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The Devil Takes Charge

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There are many evil people in the world, and they are not monsters, beasts, ghosts, or demons. They are often... cultivators.
Evil is not the opposite of good, it comes from fear!
All living beings are afraid of me, so I am evil!
If there is really evil retribution, then I will continue my evil to the end and become the person whose life and death are determined by me...the worst!
Zongheng Xianxia, the evil ghost asked.
My path to becoming an immortal begins with the smoke coming out of my head...
Release dateMay 13, 2024
The Devil Takes Charge

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    The Devil Takes Charge - Ebony Walker

    The Devil Takes Charge

    By Ebony Walker

    Author: Ebony Walker

    Copyright: 2024

    All rights reserved.


    ISBN: 9783989839632

    Verlag GD Publishing Ltd. & Co KG, Berlin

    E-Book Distribution: XinXii


    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 I want to go back to the village

    Chapter 2 Soul-Eating Sect

    Chapter 3 The first level of Qi condensation

    Chapter 4 Du Siyu

    Chapter 5 Kitchen

    Chapter 6 Fishing

    Chapter 7 This fish... is poisonous?

    Chapter 8 Girl’s Heart

    Chapter 9 Changes in Black Wood Forest

    Chapter 10 Spirit Transformation Array

    Chapter 11 Who is sighing

    Chapter 12 Burning Incense and the Second Sea of Qi

    Chapter 13 The only chance of survival

    Chapter 14 Don’t touch there

    Chapter 15 The Formation Breaks

    Chapter 16 Jin Zhongyin

    Chapter 17 Life is impermanent

    Chapter 18 Silencing?

    Chapter 19 Owe

    Chapter 20 Secret Chen Changqing

    Chapter 21 Comprehensive improvement

    Chapter 22 Divination

    Chapter 23 The eldest nephew

    Chapter 24 Refining in the Same Furnace

    Chapter 25 Bone Refining

    Chapter 26 Lu Linger

    Chapter 27 Soul Binding Rope

    Chapter 28 Three Yang Alchemy Body

    Chapter 29 After Misty

    Chapter 30 Competition

    Chapter 31 Dilingyuan

    Chapter 32 Sword Control Sect

    Chapter 33 Sword Rain

    Chapter 34 Kill directly

    Chapter 35 Snow-white Heavenly Palace

    Chapter 36 Immortal Foundation Creation

    Chapter 37 Three ruthless men fight to build the foundation

    Chapter 38 Ice Lotus

    Chapter 39 I’m going to fight for my life

    Chapter 40 The Power of Pill Formation

    Chapter 41 Refining Weapons and Sacrificing Spirits

    Chapter 42 Who is the undercover?

    Chapter 43 Oriental Rain

    Chapter 44 Thousand Desolations and Nine Realms

    Chapter 45 Looking up at the bright moon

    Chapter 46 Leader

    Chapter 47 The ancestor is a spiritual treasure

    Chapter 48 Past Life Sutra

    Chapter 49: Being Deceived by Lingbao

    Chapter 50 Consummation

    Chapter 51 Foundation Mountain

    Chapter 52 Qiao Yanran

    Chapter 53 The World in the Cave

    Chapter 54 Kill Fanji

    Chapter 55 Everyone is here now, right?

    Chapter 56: The mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole follows behind

    Chapter 57: Golden eagles surround you, Kunpeng spreads its wings

    Chapter 58 True and False Xu Qianxing

    Chapter 59 My name is Lin Xiaochi

    Chapter 60: Little Blood-Blooding Magical Power

    Chapter 61 Sword of Nirvana

    Chapter 62 Taoist Foundation Building

    Chapter 63 Lone Ying

    Chapter 64 Is it wrong?

    Chapter 65 Under the Black Robe

    Chapter 66 Lovesickness

    Chapter 67 Prodigy Xu Qianxing

    Chapter 68 Soul Binding Rope, dead!

    Chapter 69 The so-called Taoist struggle

    Chapter 70 Pain

    Chapter 71 Three Sorrows

    Chapter 72 Zhou Shoutai’s Dream of Immortality

    Chapter 73 Silence

    Chapter 74 Tianluo Sword Net Demon-Slaying Array

    Chapter 75 Dao Yi builds the foundation

    Chapter 76 Middle Stage of Foundation Building

    Chapter 77 Furnace

    Chapter 78 I’m not clean anymore

    Chapter 79 Mr. Coffin, don’t be impulsive

    Chapter 80 Zhang Dixin

    Chapter 81 One flower and one leaf, one lifetime and one destruction

    Chapter 82 The gathering of three Xu Qianxing

    Chapter 83 Growing up

    Chapter 84 What am I expecting?

    Chapter 85 Eternal Linger

    Chapter 86 We are not short of money!

    Chapter 87 Fishing for the Remnant Treasure from the Sky

    Chapter 88: Dance only to flowers, not to people

    Chapter 89 It’s hopeless

    Chapter 90 The terrifying thunder body

    Chapter 91 Thunder Demon Spirit

    Chapter 92 Rod and Hook

    Chapter 93: Divine Power Devouring Souls

    Chapter 94 Late stage of foundation building

    Chapter 95 The fate is not over yet

    Chapter 96 The power of a small inch

    Chapter 97 Thunder Qilin

    Chapter 98 Burning Road

    Chapter 99 Wanli Fairy Mountain

    Chapter 100 Stirring up the situation

    Chapter 101 My name is Xu Qianxing, I am a genius

    Chapter 102 Unpredictable

    Chapter 103: Follow me and fight out

    Chapter 104 Thunder Giant

    Chapter 105 Pagoda Breeds Thunder Demon

    Chapter 106: Meet again and fight again

    Chapter 107 Thousand Years of Dao Fighting for Cang Jiuding

    Chapter 108 Conspiracy

    Chapter 109 Outside the Cage

    Chapter 110 The fight for the body

    Chapter 111 The Great Terror

    Chapter 112 No Past Life

    Chapter 113 Evil Spirit

    Chapter 114 The immortal disappears, at the top of Qingshan Mountain

    Chapter 115 Nine Heavens

    Chapter 116 I want to thank you!

    Chapter 117 Turtle shell turns into thunder gallbladder

    Chapter 118 Come on, have a roll

    Chapter 119 I, Gu Xiaoxing, never hold grudges

    Chapter 120 Sad Silly Dragon

    Chapter 121 The Dragon Arrives

    Chapter 122 Ferocious Beast

    Chapter 123 Similarity and Difference

    Chapter 124 Ending

    Chapter 125 Trading at a Loss

    Chapter 126 Above the God Transformation

    Chapter 127 Fairy, spare your life!

    Chapter 128 A wisp of flame

    Chapter 129 Immortal looks at ordinary flowers

    Chapter 130: In the palm of your hand, there is an inch of sky in your heart

    Chapter 131 Nightmare

    Chapter 132 It’s Qiu!

    Chapter 133 The more chaotic the heart, the calmer the person becomes

    Chapter 134 Hungry Ghost

    Chapter 135 The village chief’s blessing

    Chapter 1 I want to go back to the village

    A lifetime is like a dream, and the world is at your fingertips. However, there is also a road to eternal life in this world. Although it is endless and elusive and difficult to reach, there are countless sentient beings looking for it!

    Fu Lai Village.

    With the blessing of the village chief, the most beautiful man in the village will be invited to the stage, and he will be awarded... the leading male!

    Fulai Village was bustling with activity, like a festival. The villagers were all gathered around a wooden platform that was not too high, with beaming faces and excited expressions.

    The strange thing is that each of these villagers seems to be unusually strong, regardless of whether they are male or female, old or young.

    If you look at it from a high place, it's really funny. The wooden platform looks like it's surrounded by meat balls.

    Fulai Village, fat is beautiful!

    As the voice fell, an even more exaggerated figure appeared, like a mountain of flesh. The moment his footsteps fell, the entire wooden platform seemed to feel oppressive and vibrated involuntarily.

    There was only a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy in the audience who looked out of place with his surroundings. Although he was fair and fair, he was not fat and his body shape appeared to be normal. But in Fulai Village, this was abnormal!

    What's even more unusual is that there seems to be a black bead embedded in the boy's forehead between his eyebrows. If you look closely, you will find that it is actually a worm!


    The young man's name was Gu Xiaoxing. He was carrying his luggage and looking at the wooden platform like everyone else. Compared to others, the envy in his eyes was stronger.

    Although Gu Xiaoxing is an orphan, he grew up in Fulai Village, ate food from hundreds of families, and was deeply favored by his fellow villagers.

    He felt that he could not live up to the years of cultivation by his fellow villagers, so his dream since he was a child was to become the most beautiful man in the village, climb this wooden platform and become the leading male.

    If I marry a beautiful lady and spend the rest of my life together, I will have no regrets.

    But all of this was shattered because of the little beetle on his forehead.

    Gu Xiaoxing didn't know where this unknown little beetle came from. It somehow got into his forehead, as if it had grown there and become one with him. No matter how hard it was, it couldn't be detached.

    It's even so hard that even a knife can't pierce the shell.

    What’s even weirder is that the bug can actually suck flesh and blood!

    In just half a year, he, who was originally ranked among the most beautiful men in Fulai Village, turned into the skinny look he now dislikes.

    Maybe it won't be long before his whole body will be sucked dry. By then, let alone a dream, he will even be dead!

    With a heavy sigh, Gu Xiaoxing turned around and came to the only ancestral hall in the village and walked in.

    The decoration in the ancestral hall is simple, nothing fancy, a futon, a wooden table, and an incense burner on the table.

    In the furnace, an incense burns silently. It is not small, more than three feet long and two fingers thick. Green smoke curls up, as if it has been burning for a long time.

    Gu Xiaoxing knelt down on the futon and kowtowed while saying, Bless me, my ancestors. Although I, Gu Xiaoxing, am an orphan, I was born in Fulai Village. I don't want to be a ghost in Fulai Village...

    You must bless me and bless Xiaoxing to find the immortal!

    After kowtowing for many times, Gu Xiaoxing finally stood up and prepared to leave after he felt that his sincerity must have moved his ancestors.

    But just as he walked out of the ancestral hall, a low roar came.

    Gu Xiaoxing paused, turned his head stiffly, looked at a fat dog baring his teeth in front of him, and immediately said with a stiff smile: Prosperous wealth...! Calm down... calm down!

    While talking, he suddenly took out a hatchet from his arms.

    Wangcai was hunched over, ready to go. His strong figure was the most beautiful dog in the village. When he saw Gu Xiaoxing, he took out a hatchet and pointed it at him.

    It's even angrier!

    He pounced directly.

    Gu Xiaoxing swung the hatchet in his hand quickly, but when he looked at Wang Cai's body, he felt fear and ran away.

    Don't come over here, I have a hatchet, be careful I'll chop you to death!

    But Wangcai ignored him and chased him all the way out of the village.

    Fortunately, because Wangcai was really too fat, he was not very fast and was gradually thrown out of the distance.

    Gu Xiaoxing himself didn't know how long he ran. Finally, when he could no longer hear the barking of dogs and no longer found Wangcai when he looked back, he sat down on the ground tiredly.

    Fortunately...even though I have become thinner and uglier, I can also run faster!

    Gu Xiaoxing was panting, with an angry look on his face, I feel so vindictive, wasn't it because I accidentally stepped on a dog's tail back then? It's been so long ago...

    If I had slapped him half a year ago, why would I run away?

    He put the hatchet into his arms again.

    After a while, Gu Xiaoxing recovered, stood up, looked at Fulai Village in the distance, and let out the most determined cry in his life.

    I will definitely find the immortal, take out the bug, and I will come back.

    I, Gu Xiaoxing, am the future male leader of Fulai Village...!

    After saying that, for fear that Wangcai would come after him again, he quickly turned around and left, his figure lonely and thin, walking further and further away...

    Fulai Village is located in a basin, surrounded by mountains, isolated from the world.

    When he was in the village, Gu Xiaoxing wanted to know what was behind the mountain. Now he knew that behind the mountain was an even bigger mountain!

    He was not rushing blindly. Many years ago, he accidentally saw a stream of light flying over Fulai Village.

    He could even vaguely see the figure of a human being, and only then did Gu Xiaoxing realize that there really were immortals in this world.

    The direction he was walking was the direction that the immortal was flying away!

    After climbing one mountain after another, it was already a month later. At this time, Gu Xiaoxing was even thinner. He was hiding behind a big tree, holding the hatchet tightly in his hand, and his whole body was trembling. .

    How did a pig grow that big?

    How can the world outside the village be so scary!

    There are demon pigs everywhere. Is Fulai Village staying in a demon pig's nest?

    On a hill in the distance, I saw a huge demon pig crawling there, snoring to sleep. The pig's head alone was three feet high, and even a small star could not compare with the fangs in its mouth.

    However, this is already considered small.

    Along the way, Gu Xiaoxing encountered no less than dozens of giant beasts. Without exception, they were all monster pigs. The smallest ones were two feet tall. Each one made him tremble.

    This made him think of prosperity.

    Compared to these monster pigs, Wangcai is simply a little bitch!

    Fortunately, these monster pigs are extremely lethargic and will not wake up easily.

    In addition, he also encountered man-eating trees that imitated body movements to attract people, but in fact they were trying to prey on people.

    Fortunately, the creatures here are all giant monster pigs. The tree seemed to be malnourished due to lack of food, so Gu Xiaoxing split its branches open with two hatchets and escaped.

    He also encountered a kind of water that could flow on its own but had very little courage. At that time, both Gu Xiaoxing and the water flow were frightened and ran away from each other.

    It’s as if everyone has become a spirit!

    He even encountered a small mountain. The mountain was constantly rising and falling, as if it was breathing and chewing.

    As a wind with a fishy smell spurted out from the mountain like a hiccup, Gu Xiaoxing was so frightened that he fled quickly.

    Along the way, Gu Xiaoxing encountered all kinds of bizarre things. He thought it was a miracle that he could get here, but he had to keep going.

    He has been afraid of death since he was a child. Because he is so afraid of death, he must find the gods!

    This also inspired the ruthlessness in his bones. Sometimes if you want to survive, you have to be ruthless!

    Gritting his teeth, he sneaked around the wild boar, not daring to make the slightest sound, and continued forward.

    Another three days passed, and Gu Xiaoxing lost weight visibly to the naked eye, almost becoming skin and bones.

    But the strange thing is that he has never seen any demon pig in the past three days!

    Could it be that I've walked out of the pig's nest?

    Thinking of this, Gu Xiaoxing was a little excited. He felt that he was getting closer and closer to the place where the gods were.

    Those pigs must be raised by gods. After all, we in Fulai Village also raise pigs, so gods also need to eat meat!

    It's definitely more delicious than the pigs in our Fulai Village!

    Gu Xiaoxing suddenly thought that he had not eaten meat for a long time, and he couldn't help but get greedy.

    The dry food he carried had long been exhausted, and he ate a lot of wild vegetables and mushrooms that he had eaten in the village along the way to keep him going until now. He was so vegetarian that he felt like vomiting!

    When Gu Xiaoxing climbed a peak again and wanted to see the scene behind the mountain, the whole mountain suddenly shook. When he turned around, he was completely frightened.

    I saw a huge python spiraling towards me. I don't know how long it was. In an instant, it wrapped around the entire mountain peak, leaving only the top of the mountain.

    The giant python raised its head, spit out the letter, and stared at Gu Xiaoxing with cold eyes.

    Gu Xiaoxing was so frightened that he fell to the ground, but he moved quickly and immediately took out the hatchet, closed his eyes and waved it desperately.

    Brother Snake, don't eat me! Don't eat me! I'm too thin to fit between my teeth...



    Can talk?

    Gu Xiaoxing was stunned for a moment, then carefully opened his eyes, and immediately saw two cold vertical pupils that were larger than others. He was even more frightened in his heart, and his whole body seemed to be frozen, unable to move.

    It's been a long time since I've eaten a human. I remember it was quite beautiful... Hmm? Soul-eating insects?

    The giant python's eyes visibly condensed, and he uttered human words and said angrily: Boy, do you dare to harm me?

    Gu Xiaoxing could not move or speak. He was completely confused, but he could hear the words clearly.

    It turns out that the bug that caused you to become like this is called a soul-eating bug?

    But then I thought, is this still important?

    He's going to die soon!

    He didn't even think about why the big snake was harming him, only the endless fear in his heart.

    You humans are really vicious. You know you are going to die, but you still want to be a support...

    I want this snake to swallow you up so that I can be sucked dry by the soul-eating insects and buried with you!

    The giant python looked coldly at Gu Xiaoxing, as if he had really seen through his heart.

    Hmph, but do you think that with this snake's wisdom, I can't do anything against a mere soul-eating insect?

    I can just wait for the soul-eating insects to suck you dry, wait until you are all dead, and then eat your corpse, right? Hahaha...!

    The giant python looked up to the sky and laughed, as if impressed by its own wisdom. It smiled and suddenly opened its eyes wide with fear, and suddenly turned the snake's head away.

    The intimidating force also dissipated. Gu Xiaoxing regained his strength and stared blankly at the giant python going away, somewhat unbelievable.

    Just leave like that?

    However, at this moment, the sky suddenly darkened, Gu Xiaoxing raised his head subconsciously, his pupils suddenly shrank violently, and his whole body was extremely frightened.

    He saw something, he saw a roc rushing towards him at an indescribable speed.

    In an instant... the sky and the sun were covered!

    The terrifying hurricane suddenly came, and Gu Xiaoxing was blown directly off the ground. While he was still in the air, he saw the roc appearing in the distant sky between its wings.

    And in Dapeng's claws, it was the giant python from before. At this moment, it was like a small insect.

    Hurricanes come and go quickly.

    Gu Xiaoxing hit a boulder and fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

    Although there is no trace of Dapeng at this moment, the fear in Gu Xiaoxing's eyes has not dissipated.

    It's too scary! The outside world is too scary! I want to go back to the village, I want to go back to the village!

    I thought the demon pig's nest was scary enough, but I didn't expect the outside world to be even scarier.

    Wangcai, I miss you...

    Now I know that you are so docile!

    Picking up the hatchet, Gu Xiaoxing looked around cautiously, fearing that another scary creature would appear.

    He was really scared. Whether it was the giant python or the roc before, even a breath could kill him.

    Holding back his injured body, Gu Xiaoxing stood up with difficulty. This was the first time in his life that he was injured so seriously, and he grinned in pain.

    But suddenly, he felt a warmth on his forehead, as if a warm current was gushing out from between his eyebrows and flowing throughout his body. doesn't hurt anymore!

    He was suddenly startled and reached out to touch his forehead. The little bug was still growing between his eyebrows.

    Gu Xiaoxing knew for the first time that it actually had healing properties.

    However, the next moment, I felt my heart pounding, and a strange suction force suddenly came from the center of my eyebrows, sucking Gu Xiaoxing's life force!

    Visibly to the naked eye... he lost weight again.

    It seems that no matter how much energy is used to heal the body, it must be forcibly sucked back from the body.

    This...this is simply a vampire!

    Gu Xiaoxing was furious.

    Seeing that his body was almost only a skeleton, the fear in Gu Xiaoxing's eyes was beyond anything before. He felt hard in his heart, gritted his teeth and made what he thought was an unusually firm voice.

    No! I can't go back, I...I want to find a god!

    Why seek immortality?

    The ethereal sound suddenly came, as if it was in the sky and in my ears.


    Hello everyone, I am a grasshopper who likes Xianxia very much! !

    But since I am writing about Xianxia, before I start, I will first talk about my understanding of Xianxia.

    I wonder what everyone thinks of a fairy?

    Is it the endless imagination in the world of cultivation? Or is it the difficult and adventurous journey of pursuing immortality? Or is it the kind of endless wandering with nothing to wait for?

    I think they all have it!

    But in my heart, Xianxia is a kind of tragedy and a kind of beauty. It makes people want to stop talking, but they say that the cold weather is such an autumn!

    I have always felt that the definition of beauty is sadness without despair, and this kind of sad and beautiful artistic conception is the fairy in my heart!

    I believe you can tell from the title The Evil Dead that this is not a cheerful book, but I want to present it to you in a cheerful way. At least the front part is cheerful!

    As for the back, well, it’s a bit miserable...

    Gu Xiaoxing was very playful in the early stage, and his personality was a bit similar to that of a certain senior, but definitely different!

    Finally, I put a lot of thought into this book and put a lot of my own ideas into it. It is different from the traditional form of simply killing monsters and upgrading. It is very interesting and has a complete story line that runs through the whole book.

    A very touching story line from seeking life to seeking death!

    Not only the protagonist, but many characters in the book also have different obsessions and dreams.

    Just like the little grasshopper, he has sacrificed a lot for his dream of being a fairy.

    Because, I really really really like Xianxia! ! !


    So, I hope you like it, support it, and enjoy it, thank you!

    Chapter 2 Soul-Eating Sect

    Gu Xiaoxing immediately held a hatchet in both hands and got into a stance with a fierce look on his face. He looked around nervously, but found no one.

    Who! Who is talking!

    Raise your head.

    The ethereal voice came again, and Gu Xiaoxing suddenly raised his head, only to see a man standing in the air with his hands behind his back. His white clothes were fluttering, and he had an immortal air.

    It seems to confirm the saying that there is a god three feet above your head.


    With a clang, the hatchet fell from his hand. Gu Xiaoxing was indescribably excited and immediately knelt down.

    Please God save me!

    I, Master Bai of the Soul-Eating Sect. Master Bai was attracted by Dapeng. He didn't want to meet such a little guy, so he was very interested. Can you tell me how to save you?

    Gu Xiaoxing raised his head and saw the immortal slowly landing on the ground. He became more and more excited. With such a flying spell, he must be an immortal!

    So with a pious look on his face, he quickly kowtowed and knelt down again.

    The little one's name is Gu Xiaoxing...

    More than half a year ago, a bug burrowed into my forehead. The bug was so weird and tight that it couldn't be removed, but it also sucked flesh and blood...

    I am seeing... I am about to be sucked dry by this insect. I am afraid of death!

    So I searched for the immortal from Fulai Village. After all the hardships, I finally met the immortal. I asked the immortal to save me and take out this insect!

    Half a year? Bai Zhenren's eyes narrowed slightly.

    The insect between your eyebrows is called the soul-eating insect. It doesn't take three months to enter the body and it can suck all the flesh and blood from the human body. How did you survive for more than half a year?

    Gu Xiaoxing raised his head again, a hint of arrogance appeared inexplicably between his eyebrows, but he suddenly thought that the other person was a god, so he spoke humbly.

    The little one was once the most handsome man in Fulai Village. In the past...hehe! Little fat, little fat...!

    Master Bai glanced at Gu Xiaoxing.

    Fulai Village, he naturally knew, was an isolated mountain village located in the Menghuai Mountains. Its folk customs were weird and fatness was regarded as beauty.

    Once the soul-eating worm enters the body, it lives with the host and cannot be taken out. If you take it out forcibly, you and the soul-eating worm will only die together.

    Gu Xiaoxing was stunned, and kowtowed again quickly, almost crying, and said anxiously: I beg the immortal to find a way to save me. You are an immortal with great supernatural powers. You must have a way to save me!

    I don't want to die! I still have dreams. I haven't become the most beautiful man in Fulai Village yet. I haven't married a beautiful lady yet. I still...


    Master Bai waved his hand impatiently, Misfortune depends on blessings. It is not a bad thing if soul-eating insects enter the body. It can be regarded as qualified for cultivation.

    If you are willing, I will introduce you to the Soul-Eating Sect and become my disciple of the Soul-Eating Sect.

    Gu Xiaoxing raised his head and asked weakly: If you practice, you can survive. Can you gain weight?

    A simple question, even if Master Bai was asked about his conduct, he was stunned for a moment, with a hint of disgust in his eyes.

    You can live!

    Then, he waved his hand. In an instant, Gu Xiaoxing felt like he was flying and his soul was chasing him. His vision was blurred, and a shrill scream rang out in the sky.

    My hatchet...!

    It wasn't until he gradually stabilized and adapted after a long time that Gu Xiaoxing realized that he was already high in the sky, standing behind Bai Zhenren and moving rapidly.

    It's too fast! Immortal, it's too fast!

    Gu Xiaoxing wailed all the way, trying to reach out to grab Bai Zhenren's gown but couldn't reach it. The fear in his heart was endless, for fear that he would fall unsteadily and be smashed to pieces.

    Just over an hour passed, and it was hard for Gu Xiaoxing to imagine how far the distance had been.

    Gradually, a peak emerged. That peak was higher and bigger than any other peak he had ever seen, and a palace was faintly visible on the top of the mountain.

    Next to the peak, there was a short peak, and the surrounding scenery passed by quickly. Not long after, Gu Xiaoxing and his wife appeared under the short peak.

    Follow me. Master Bai said calmly.

    Gu Xiaoxing followed closely behind Master Bai with trembling legs, but kept secretly swearing in her heart that after entering the sect, she would never step out of the sect!

    The outside world is so scary!

    Along the way, he saw all kinds of strange and terrifying monsters.

    A giant ape as big as a mountain...

    There is a deformed creature with two different heads but the same size as a mountain...

    There is also an old turtle lying in the ice lake, and its size is even more ridiculous...

    What's more, he encountered a giant eagle with thunder and lightning flashing all over his body and suddenly attacked him. The ferocious aura made Gu Xiaoxing's scalp numb, and then he was killed by Bai Zhenren's sword.

    But what he found most terrifying was the roc that covered the sky and the sun.

    As for the wild boars we had seen in the past month, even the largest ones were no longer ranked!

    It was learned from Bai Zhenren’s mouth that those wild boars were named Menghuai and were monster beasts.

    Monsters can also practice and possess spiritual wisdom, but most of them are cruel in nature. There are countless monsters in this small wasteland.

    Gu Xiaoxing kept Bai Zhenren's words in mind and vowed again.

    Absolutely, you can’t go out!

    Not far away, a stone tablet appeared in front of them, with three words engraved on it - Shiling Peak.

    There is a young man next to the stone tablet, dressed in gray clothes and with a plain appearance, sitting cross-legged and drowsy.

    He seemed to hear footsteps. He frowned and opened his eyes to see that it was Zhenren Bai. He perked up and quickly stepped forward to salute respectfully.

    I've seen a real person!

    Master Bai nodded lightly and said: Assign this person, um... seeing that he didn't let go of the dropped hatchet before, let's arrange a job for him to chop wood.

    After saying that, without waiting for the young man to answer, Bai Zhenren turned into a stream of light and left.

    Yes, congratulations!

    The young man bowed in the direction where Bai Zhenren left, and then looked at Gu Xiaoxing.

    Gu Xiaoxing was very excited at this moment, because he saw that there were also parasitic soul-eating insects on the young man's forehead!

    But the other party didn't feel thin or weak at all. Instead, he exuded a strange sense of extraordinary strength.

    This shows that what Master Qingming said is true. You can survive through spiritual practice, and you can still be saved!

    I am Cui Yan, the deacon of Shiling Peak. Just call me Senior Brother Cui.

    The young man nodded and looked at Gu Xiaoxing with some thought. In all these years as a deacon, this was the first time that he saw the sect's great elder personally lead someone into Shiling Peak.

    It stands to reason that he should take care of him no matter what, but the errand arranged by Master Bai made him undecided.

    Little Gu Xiaoxing, I have met Senior Brother Cui!

    Gu Xiaoxing had a sincere look on his face. He was already fair and handsome, and coupled with his fragile appearance at the moment, he also had that innocent gaze.

    He resembles a young man who has not experienced much in life but has suffered a lot. It is easy for people to take off their guard and sympathize with him from the bottom of his heart.

    Cui Yan's eyes softened a bit as expected, and he said: It turns out to be Junior Brother Gu. The parasitism of the soul-devouring insects is unpleasant. He must have suffered a lot these days!

    I think back when I was first parasitized by the soul-eating worm, I lost more than twenty kilograms in a month. Although it was not as serious as yours, I was still worried all day long and suffered a lot.

    Fortunately, the guide from the sect came and introduced me to the sect. Otherwise, senior brother, I might have become a bone in the mountains!

    When Gu Xiaoxing heard this, his eyes immediately became hot, as if he had met a close friend.

    What Senior Brother Cui said is true!

    Since I was parasitized by the soul-eating worm, even if I eat and drink like crazy, I still can't change the outcome of losing weight.

    Three hundred pounds! I lost a full three hundred pounds!

    My heart aches so much...!

    Three hundred pounds?

    Cui Yan didn't react for a moment. Looking at the now skinny Gu Xiaoxing, he became curious about what would happen if he piled three hundred kilograms of meat on top.

    Gu Xiaoxing was very excited, perhaps because he heard an experience so similar to his own, his emotions resonated.

    His eyes rolled around, and there was an understood grievance in his eyes.

    Fortunately! Just when I was about to be sucked dry by the Soul-Eating Insects, luckily Uncle Bai appeared! Then he took me back to the Soul-Eating Sect!

    Uncle Bai? Zhenren Bai? Cui Yan asked in surprise.

    Gu Xiaoxing suddenly looked like he had said something wrong. He hesitated for a moment, and when he saw no one around, he leaned closer and whispered: My father and Uncle Bai were old friends. They are as close as brothers, and they love each other like brothers...

    It's a pity that the small wasteland is dangerous. Only Uncle Bai with such vast magical powers can come and go freely. I will visit my father once every few years.

    Unfortunately, my father passed away the year before last. If Uncle Bai hadn't missed my old friend, found me who was parasitized by the soul-eating insect, and introduced me to the sect...

    For me, Uncle Bai is my reborn parent!

    But Senior Brother Cui, you just need to know this. Uncle Bai has warned you not to reveal anything about this!

    If Gu Xiaoxing admitted it outright, Cui Yan didn't believe it very much. Seeing how cautious he was, even though he had doubts, he believed it a little.

    Although I have never heard that Master Bai has any old friends, Elder Bai is one person below the Soul Devouring Sect and more than ten thousand people. His status is too high. Many things about him are rumors, and little is known about their authenticity.

    Moreover, Gu Xiaoxing was indeed brought by Master Bai. In this case, Master Bai should also pay attention to this place.

    Cui Yan didn't believe that anyone dared to lie under Zhenren Bai's nose.

    However, Gu Xiaoxing felt extremely guilty at this moment. He grew up eating the food of hundreds of families, so he naturally knew how to observe words and emotions, and also knew how to take advantage of the situation.

    When you first come to the Soul-Eating Sect, what can you do if you don’t find a supporter? Even though he had just entered the sect, he could tell that Master Bai was obviously a great figure in the sect.

    You have been flying away for so long, so you probably can't hear me anymore! Since you are such a big shot, you won't care about such a trivial matter with me, right? Gu Xiaoxing was not sure.

    On the main peak of the Soul-Eating Sect, Master Bai's mouth twitched, and he had the urge to turn around and go back to send Gu Xiaoxing back to the mountain. However, if you dislike it, you still dislike it. Bai Zhenren's status is there and he won't really explain anything. It's just a childish trick.

    In the world of cultivation, those who don't have any tricks are destined to live a short life.

    Chapter 3 The first level of Qi condensation

    Along the way, there are empty valleys, secluded orchids, exotic grasses and flowers, occasional pavilions, jade tiles and blue bricks, as well as fairy mist. It is quiet and peaceful. Compared with Fulai Village, this place is like a fairyland.

    Cui Yan led Gu Xiaoxing along the way and explained many things along the way, which made Gu Xiaoxing have a deeper and deeper understanding of the sect, cultivation, and soul-eating insects.

    Cui Yan finally believed what Gu Xiaoxing said, thinking that this was Elder Bai's unfortunate nephew, so he spoke cordially, told everything he knew, and took Gu Xiaoxing to the general store to get some things.

    Among them, in addition to some daily necessities, it also includes a storage bag, five spiritual stones, and a practice book.

    Storage bags and practice skills are naturally assigned by the sect, but Cui Yan takes care of the five spiritual stones. You know, ordinary disciples only have one when they first enter the sect.

    Junior Brother Gu, ahead is your residence. I have already explained what needs to be explained. Although I don't know why Master Bai named you here, I think it is to train you, so I don't dare to say more.

    Thank you, Senior Brother Cui!

    Gu Xiaoxing sincerely thanked him. He saw the strangeness in Cui Yan's eyes, but he thought it was no big deal. What kind of terrifying creatures had he not seen along the way?

    How come this is also inside the Soul-Eating Sect, so it can be haunted?

    Keep the door closed after dark, don't go out, remember! Cui Yan finally reminded him, and then left.

    Huh? Gu Xiaoxing blinked, feeling guilty.

    Ahead is a small lumberyard. Apart from a few houses and scattered logs, there are only a few large axes standing on wooden piles. It looks a bit desolate and particularly quiet.

    But the strange thing is that there is a yellow talisman paper stuck on the door of every house, which makes people feel panicked.

    Senior Brother Du! Are you there? Gu Xiaoxing shouted tentatively.

    According to Cui Yan, there is a senior brother named Du here, but Gu Xiaoxing's call did not receive a response, and the surroundings were quiet.

    It's not really haunted, is it? It's a little too quiet!

    This made Gu Xiaoxing feel even more guilty, and he immediately emboldened himself, No way, how can it be haunted in broad daylight!

    Gu Xiaoxing quickly chose a house, slipped in, closed the door tightly, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

    After tidying up for a while, Gu Xiaoxing sat down and took out an elixir. He held it in his hand and looked at it. Then he took it orally. The elixir melted in his mouth and seemed to turn into a warmth flowing through the stomach. Hungry The feeling disappeared immediately, and my body became warm.

    Is a small ball really so magical?

    Gu Xiaoxing was a little surprised. Naturally, he got this Bigu Pill from the sundries.

    Then he took out another book, not the exercise book, but a book called Miscellaneous Talks on Cultivation, which told what cultivation was and some basic knowledge about cultivation.

    Gu Xiaoxing did not dare to be careless. This was a life-saving matter, not a child's play. He read it carefully, analyzed every word, and studied it carefully, gradually gaining a deeper understanding of spiritual practice.

    An hour passed...

    Gu Xiaoxing sometimes frowned in thought, sometimes exclaimed, and sometimes looked at himself, as if he was confirming the information about the body recorded in the book.

    It turns out that there are three Dantians in the human body...

    Gu Xiaoxing touched her lower abdomen and said, This is the Lower Dantian. This is the foundation of cultivation. Qi condenses into a sea, which is also called the sea of qi.

    After a moment, Gu Xiaoxing touched the center of his eyebrows again and frowned slightly, This is the Upper Dantian, where the gods are hidden. It is also called the Niwan Palace, but it is now occupied by soul-eating insects.

    Another hour passed, and Gu Xiaoxing finally finished reading Miscellaneous Talks on Cultivation. He did not start practicing immediately. Instead, he picked up the book called Yingling Jue and started reading. Finally, he closed his eyes and meditated for a long time. , after taking a long breath, I had some enlightenment.

    I have no wisdom root, and I am not the material for cultivation. I cannot condense the sea of qi. I can be parasitized by the soul-eating worm and become one with it. Therefore... the soul-eating worm has become a special 'sea of qi'. Therefore, Also known as the Spirit Devourer!

    The practice of the spirit-eating body is different from the orthodox practice. It takes the spirit-eating insect as the core and uses spirit stones to induce it so that it no longer absorbs human flesh and blood, but instead absorbs spiritual energy. Then it uses the spirit-controlling art to run and control it, and turn the spiritual power into its own. Use it to achieve the purpose of practice!

    After sorting out all this, Gu Xiaoxing looked at the spirit stone, his eyes sparkling with expectation. He came to the Spirit Devouring Sect just for this moment.

    No longer hesitating, he picked up a spiritual stone and put it between his eyebrows. He felt the soul-devouring insect suddenly tremble. Then, the spiritual stone gradually melted and was sucked in by the soul-devouring insect, turning into spiritual energy that filled it. , the whole forehead felt warm.

    Gu Xiaoxing immediately took a posture according to the records in the Soul Controlling Art. He did not know how to draw Qi, but as he took on various postures and pinches in the Spirit Controlling Art, the spiritual energy absorbed by the soul-devouring worms It naturally flows from the center of the eyebrows into the body and travels through the meridians.

    Gradually, Gu Xiaoxing began to sweat on his forehead, and his whole body became hot. Wherever the spiritual energy traveled, it felt as if boiling water had passed through it, and it was very hot. But he knew he could not stop, so he gritted his teeth and continued to guide.

    When the spiritual energy travels from the meridians of the body for a week, it returns to the body of the soul-eating insect between the eyebrows, and finally turns into spiritual power that can be used by itself.

    This is just the beginning. He must turn all the spiritual energy contained in the entire spiritual stone into spiritual power before he can successfully draw the energy.

    As time went by, Gu Xiaoxing felt that the spiritual energy traveling through the meridians gradually became less hot. It seemed that the meridians were nourished and tempered by the spiritual energy, and instead felt warm, which even made him like it. This feeling.

    Two hours later, when the last trace of spiritual energy returned to the center of his eyebrows, Gu Xiaoxing opened his eyes and felt refreshed and very comfortable. The previous feeling of weakness and weakness disappeared, although he was not so strong that he could not use up all his energy. However, I can clearly feel that everything in my body is changing for the better.

    This immediately made Gu Xiaoxing excited. He was convinced that he... was saved!

    Now, he has succeeded in attracting energy and can sense the ethereal spiritual energy in the world. Even if he does not rely on spiritual stones, he can continue to practice, but after all, it is not as fast as relying on spiritual stones to practice. He quickly took another spiritual stone and pointed it at the center of his eyebrows. Print it.

    It was already dark now, until there was a glimmer of light in the sky again, Gu Xiaoxing finally refined and absorbed all the last spirit stone. When he opened his eyes, there was a flash of light in his eyes, and his whole body was full of strength and he felt light. Incomparably, it seems that I was stuck in the mire before, but now I have broken out of the mire and truly stood between heaven and earth.

    At this moment, Gu Xiaoxing was walking on the road to escape from the mortal world, reaching what the spiritual world calls... the first level of Qi Condensation!

    However, just as he was still marveling at his own changes, the door opened with a bang.

    Chapter 4 Du Siyu

    Outside the door, stood a young man with a feminine and handsome appearance and a slender figure. His long black hair was tied behind his back, which added to his heroic spirit. However, the simple corset could not restrain his still slightly bulging chest.

    Gu Xiaoxing could tell at a glance that this was a woman disguised as a man, and there was no soul-eating insect parasitizing between her eyebrows.


    Both sides looked at each other.

    It wasn't until the woman dressed in men's clothing noticed that the other party glanced at her chest, she immediately frowned slightly, and there was a hint of coldness in her peach blossom eyes, and said: Are you the new disciple of Chaiyuan?

    Although the other party had a bad attitude, Gu Xiaoxing didn't dare to have any temper when he first arrived, so he nodded and said with a smile: Little Gu Xiaoxing.

    Seeing that the other party glanced at her chest and showed a sly smile, the woman dressed as a man did not want to see him, and said coldly: My surname is Du, you can call me Senior Brother Du from now on. Now that you have entered Chaiyuan, Just abide by the rules of Chaiyuan, put cultivation first and don’t play any tricks.

    As he spoke, Senior Brother Du waved his hand, and a pamphlet flew out and landed in front of Gu Xiaoxing. On the cover of the pamphlet, the words Chai Yuan Rules were actually written.

    Gu Xiaoxing was speechless for a moment. The Soul Devouring Sect had its own rules. He already knew and memorized most of them. Why was there still a Chai Rule when entering Chai Yuan?

    It's just you and me in Chai Yuan. Unless there's something important, don't bother me! After saying that, without waiting for Gu Xiaoxing's reply, Senior Brother Du turned around and left.

    Gu Xiaoxing smiled and went out to see him off, only to find that Senior Brother Du lived in a house next door to him.

    When Gu Xiaoxing returned to his house and closed the door tightly, he immediately put on a serious face and said angrily: What's the air like? Didn't I just look at her twice? She looked like I wanted to molest her. She looks so skinny, this is the first time I've seen her look so ugly, who cares?

    Gu Xiaoxing's aesthetics is deeply influenced by Fulai Village, and the concept of fatness as beauty is engraved in his bones. As far as the world is concerned, although this Senior Brother Du is dressed in men's clothing, it is not difficult to see that whether it is figure or appearance, he is It was extremely beautiful, but to Gu Xiaoxing, being as slim as she was was already a new height of ugliness.

    As for appearance, Gu Xiaoxing has always dismissed it as just a cloud and not within his aesthetic judgment.

    Of course, Gu Xiaoxing only dared to despise him in private, but suddenly, an endless chill hit him, and the whole house seemed to turn into an ice cave, and a bone-chilling sound rang in his ears.

    Can you say that again!

    Although there was only sound, the image of Senior Brother Du gnashing his teeth still appeared in Gu Xiaoxing's mind, and his heart suddenly felt cold along with his body.

    Can you hear it even at such a low level?

    Gu Xiaoxing said in his heart, since the other party heard it truly, no matter what the sophistry was, it was useless, and he was already prepared to be beaten.

    But unexpectedly, instead of getting angry, Senior Brother Du said softly, Have you condensed your Qi?

    Can you see this?

    Senior Brother Du has a keen eye! Gu Xiaoxing looked very respectful.

    In the building next door, Senior Brother Du's eyes were filled with uncertainty. He wanted to find out this brat who was talking nonsense and give him a good beating. However, the fact that he could reach the Qi Condensation Level within one day of joining the sect showed that the rumor was not true. Fake, maybe he really has some relationship with Zhenren Bai, the great elder of the sect, so he couldn't help but hesitate.

    Seeing that the other party had lost his voice, Gu Xiaoxing did not dare to make any move. He just felt like he was in an ice cellar. It was not until a while later that he heard a cold snort.

    The task of chopping firewood will be doubled this month. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will chop you like firewood.

    As soon as the words fell, all the chill disappeared instantly.

    Gu Xiaoxing felt his whole body loosen up and almost fell to the ground. He didn't even think that he could escape. He quickly packed up everything and ran out of the door as if he was running away. He chose a new building closest to Senior Brother Du. I moved into a house far away, facing each other at both ends of the Chaiyuan.

    After putting down her luggage, Gu Xiaoxing breathed a sigh of relief. Her thoughts were so far away that she probably couldn't hear them.

    Then, his eyes fell on the booklet of Chaiyuan Rules. Afraid of angering the other party again, he picked it up and read it. Then, he became angry.

    What kind of rules are these? This... this is clearly unreasonable!

    Even if you are not allowed to go out at night, you are not allowed to use the bathhouse in Chaiyuan? If you want to take a bath, you have to find a way outside Chaiyuan?

    And... you can't even use the latrine? Do you want me to go down the mountain and find a place to solve it on my own? Gu Xiaoxing was filled with rage.

    The most disgusting thing is... you are not allowed to make any strange noises, not even farts?!

    Is there any heavenly law? Is there any royal law?

    It's too much to bully someone. This is not the way to raise a dog, right?

    Gu Xiaoxing was so angry that he even scolded him. After looking at the many clauses in the booklet and the last one named Du Siyu, he realized that this was the name of the other party.

    What are the rules of Chai Yuan? These are clearly her rules, Du Siyu's!

    Gu Xiaoxing wanted to rush out and argue with the other party, but his reason told him that doing so would not change anything except getting a beating.

    Finally...he endured it!

    After that, Gu Xiaoxing refined the storage bag according to the method in the book. Just when he thought it was magical, Du Siyu's voice came again.

    The sect sent you to Chaiyuan not to let you sit back and think about your mistakes. Go and chop wood!

    Why are you shouting so loudly?

    Gu Xiaoxing's head hurt from the explosion. He rubbed his ears and went out in frustration.

    Quite dissatisfied, he walked to the center of the lumberyard. Gu Xiaoxing looked at the logs laid out not far away. These logs were about two feet long, dark and neatly stacked. He picked them up without thinking. Start working.

    With his strength, the log was not picked up. Instead, Gu Xiaoxing's body sank, and then his heart sank as well.

    After breaking through to the first level of Qi Condensation, even though he was still skinny, his strength was real. He could easily lift a thousand kilograms of objects, but he was unable to pick up this piece of wood in his haste.

    He tried again, and it wasn't until Gu Xiaoxing gritted his teeth and exerted all his strength that his face turned red that he could pick up the log. He estimated that this short log must weigh several thousand kilograms.

    Putting the log down with a bang, Gu Xiaoxing pulled out the ax again and gave the log a hard chop. It looked powerful and heavy, but the ax blade did not even penetrate half a fingernail deep into the wood.

    Gu Xiaoxing's eyes widened, as if he didn't believe in evil, and he kept falling axe after axe. He swung the ax for nearly a hundred times until he was out of breath and his hands were so sore, but he could only make a tenth of a split on the log. A gap of about one. this going to hit the monkey year, horse month, etc.? Gu Xiaoxing complained endlessly.

    Chaiyuan's firewood chopping is based on specifications, which require two feet long and one palm wide. Taking this log as a log, it means splitting it into ten sections, and each section is divided into four pieces.

    And one log can be used to hold two baskets after it is chopped. He Gu Xiaoxing... wants to chop ten logs.

    This is simply impossible to accomplish!


    Du Siyu's voice appeared again, but he was nowhere to be seen, but the voice exploded in Gu Xiaoxing's ears like rolling thunder. He was extremely impatient, Now that you have become a monk, you can't move your cultivation?

    Gu Xiaoxing's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he didn't bother to complain about the other party's voice being too loud. He immediately started to run the Spirit Control Technique, and spiritual power poured into the meridians of his body from the center of his eyebrows. He felt that his whole person suddenly became lighter and his strength increased greatly. Finally, The spiritual power poured into the ax along the arm, and the ax head suddenly lit up slightly with fluorescence, revealing a sharp edge.

    Only then did I realize that this was not a mortal axe!

    Chapter 5 Kitchen

    Gu Xiaoxing raised the ax high with both hands again, then brought it down hard, and the ax blade immediately penetrated the wood three-thirds of the way.


    Gu Xiaoxing was overjoyed and swung the ax one after another. Under the operation of his cultivation, the ax bloomed with gleaming light and sawdust flew. Originally, a hundred axes could only chop a log with a gap. Now, after a dozen axes fell, the sound was heard. break.

    However, Gu Xiaoxing can also feel that using the method of cultivating one's cultivation to chop firewood is more effective with half the effort, but the cultivation level is also consumed very quickly, but there is no other way. It is better than being unable to chop, so he continues to chop with all his strength.

    After a long time, Gu Xiaoxing's internal cultivation was exhausted. With a clang sound, he fell to the ground along with the axe. He had no strength left in his body and lay on the ground panting. He was so tired that he didn't even want to move his fingers.

    But suddenly, his eyes opened suddenly, and he felt a suction force coming from the center of his eyebrows. That familiar feeling made him scared and angry. It was the feeling of the soul-devouring worm between his eyebrows trying to suck his flesh and blood.

    In just a moment, he understood that he and the Soul-Eating Insect were fellow cultivators. His spiritual power was exhausted by him, and the Soul-Eating Insect was empty, so it naturally needed to feed on his flesh and blood to fill the gap.

    How dare you...! It's so hard to grow so much meat, I won't allow you to suck it!

    Gu Xiaoxing was angry, and he didn't know where he squeezed out the strength. He sat up in shock just like the man who was dying of illness. Without any hesitation, he started to use the Spirit Control Technique, desperately absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to restore his own cultivation, so as to suppress the spirit-eating. The act of insects sucking flesh and blood.

    As traces of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth poured into the body, it turned into a little bit of spiritual power and was absorbed by the soul-devouring insect. As expected, the soul-devouring insect no longer continued to suck flesh and blood, and seemed to still feel that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was more fragrant.

    Half an hour later, Gu Xiaoxing's cultivation was finally fully restored, and his whole body was full of strength. He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He finally saved the little flesh he had gained with great effort!

    This gave Gu Xiaoxing some relief from his depressed mood, and he raised his ax again. Amidst Gu Xiaoxing's continuous chopping sounds, and as he exhausted and recovered his cultivation again and again, the sun gradually faded away.

    Gu Xiaoxing glanced at the sixteen frames of firewood beside him, and his expression turned bitter. He tried his best, but he only split eight logs and failed to complete the task.

    At this time, Du Siyu came over and snorted coldly: You can't even chop a piece of firewood. As a punishment, you are not allowed to eat today. Send these firewood to the inner kitchen immediately.

    Gu Xiaoxing immediately widened his eyes and was about to have an attack, but when he saw Senior Brother Du's slightly narrowed eyes, his heart skipped a beat and he secretly thought that the other party was waiting for him to say something rude so that he could take the opportunity to deal with him!

    What a poisonous heart!

    What? Du Siyu raised her eyebrows, If you have any ideas, feel free to tell them.

    Don't dare! Don't dare! Gu Xiaoxing forced out a smile, cupped his hands and said, It all depends on your senior brother's instructions. I will send these firewood up right now!

    After saying that, Gu Xiaoxing hurriedly put all the sixteen frames of firewood into the storage bag and headed towards the top of Shiling Peak as if running away.

    Looking at Gu Xiaoxing's leaving figure, Du Siyu frowned slightly and snorted: It's quite naughty. This person was brought into the sect by Master Bai and sent to Chaiyuan. I can't force him to expel him. It seems that he can't be expelled. We have to let him suffer some hardships before retreating..."

    Gu Xiaoxing walked all the way towards the top of the mountain, occasionally seeing pavilions and pavilions filled with spiritual energy. There is also a medicinal garden with yaicao and beautiful flowers that I have never seen before. I also saw a pond with green lotuses swaying in it. You could tell at a glance that it was not an ordinary thing!

    In the pond, the fish are swimming happily and blowing bubbles...

    Gu Xiaoxing's eyes widened and he swallowed. He wanted to catch two and roast them. Unfortunately, there were sect disciples guarding the Ling Pond. In the end, he could only grit his teeth and endure it. He was determined not to look at those fish. them.

    On the top of Shiling Peak, there is a large courtyard with three large characters engraved on the gate of the courtyard - Inner Kitchen!

    The inner kitchen, as the name suggests, is the place where the inner disciples cook meals.

    Gu Xiaoxing came here and followed another senior brother into the courtyard. When the senior brother learned that Gu Xiaoxing was a new disciple in Chai Yuan, his face suddenly looked strange, especially when he saw that the other senior took out a full sixteen frames in a row. When he was putting firewood on the fire, his eyes showed even more sympathy.

    Even the fat chefs who were busy around him stopped when they saw this scene and showed sympathy.

    But at this moment, Gu Xiaoxing paid no attention to the eyes around him. He was already stunned, and tears of disappointment flowed out of the corner of his mouth. The delicacies of mountains and seas, the food and delicacies, were nothing more than that!

    Especially when he saw the large pieces of meat on the plate, the brilliance

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