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Touching the Source: A Remarkable Disclosure
Touching the Source: A Remarkable Disclosure
Touching the Source: A Remarkable Disclosure
Ebook203 pages4 hours

Touching the Source: A Remarkable Disclosure

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About this ebook

Touching the Source is a spiritually captivating and mesmerizing true story. After numerous direct encounters with what humans refer to as a higher power or a god, Eugene Dickerson accepted that his life would never be the same again and vowed to share his experiences with the world. This extraordinary, nonreligious memoir is about an average man who, during the most difficult time in his life, cries out for help to what he believes to be a spiritual authority and receives a series of shocking responses.

This amazing memoir describes in great detail their otherworldly encounters and expresses them with hauntingly beautiful illustrations. This book tells the story from the author's unique perspective and ultimately reveals who we truly are, why we're here, what lies ahead, and provides answers to questions we assumed we never had. The purpose of the book is to inspire readers to have a life-altering, direct spiritual experience with the unseen force residing within them at this moment.

Topics include:

• Out-of-body-experiences
• Understanding the subconscious mind
• Astral travel
• Encounters in the spiritual realms and the deceased
• Lucid dreams
• And so much more!

Chapters include:

• Awakened in the Tomb
• Encountering the Light
• Raising the Sleeping Serpent
• One Eternal Being Disguised as Billions
• Witnessing the End Is Where It Begins
• Nonphysical Orchestrations
• The Rock That Begat Me
• Guiding the Dragon's Mighty Power
• Malo and the Knowledge of Good and Evil
• Portals to the Material Realms of Experience

“This is a next-level spiritual breakthrough! One of the most spiritually powerful books written in years. I found myself contemplating a personal encounter with the Creator of the Universe.”

—Gloria Stone, TV host of The Wonderful World of Astrology

Release dateJun 16, 2024
Touching the Source: A Remarkable Disclosure

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    Book preview

    Touching the Source - Eugene Dickerson


    While my story may seem unbelievable, it is true. You have the option to accept or reject it. I am not more exceptional than anyone else; I am simply an ordinary person who has had extraordinary experiences. Despite my efforts to suppress it, this story within me appears to have taken on a life of its own and demands to be told, leaving me feeling as if I were carrying hot stones that I can no longer hold. Whether this book sells a single copy or millions, I know that I have done what the Spirit intended: to share with humanity my personal experiences with The Source. Throughout this book, I will refer to the same entity by many names—the Spirit, One Infinite Being, Higher Self, among others—but they all refer to what mankind calls God, the Divine Source.

    The mystical experiences occurred shortly after the most painful period of my life, when I was psychologically on the verge of a breakdown. I contemplated death, but the fear of what would happen after death intimidated me, and I was at a loss as to what to do next. Ultimately, I collapsed in my bedroom one day and yelled fiercely, with every ounce of sincerity, God, please help me! Within a matter of weeks, I started experiencing otherworldly encounters that permanently altered my perception of myself, humanity, and the nature of reality. I spent several years secluding myself and diligently documenting my ongoing mystical experiences with the Source.

    While I have contemplated the mysteries of who we are and how we came to be, I have not spent years in any spiritual training, practicing intense meditation, joining different branches of religion, summoning spirits, or performing ceremonies in an effort to gain information from dimensions beyond our physical awareness. I did, however, make an honest and private appeal to someone or something I perceived as a higher authority during a desperate moment in my life. I will recount the remarkable experiences chronologically, beginning at the age of forty-four and spanning approximately three years, from autumn 2014 to winter 2017, while residing in Knoxville, Tennessee.

    I no longer believe in coincidences, and the manner in which the words of this book have reached your ears is not coincidental. Moreover, to the best of my ability, I intend to offer you the most brutally candid testimony possible regarding the profound spiritual experiences that snuck into my life like a thief in the night, clearly revealing far more than we ever considered humans to be. It is my aspiration that by openly sharing my otherworldly experiences with the Source, I may inspire as many individuals as possible to intentionally dwell upon the source of life that exists within them right now. I am confident that the key to living a meaningful life is a spiritual key, one that leads to profound self-discovery and the absolute fulfillment of your heart’s eternal desire.

    While I regard myself as a deeply spiritual individual, I am not an advocate of any particular religion. I do, however, encourage individuals to look within themselves to become aware of and directly connected to their own source of life, which contains the solutions to all we yearn to discover. Each of us possesses a source of life energy that is sensitive to our every desire. Therefore, it is crucial that we look inward to uncover what we truly desire above all else. All of the personal information I reveal and expand upon in this book is based on direct experiences with the Source, as well as spiritual breakthroughs gathered during my adventures throughout the vast spiritual realms.

    Chapter 1

    Awakened in the Tomb

    How did I get into this place?

    I kept telling myself that I wasn’t in the same place I was before going to bed. I was frightened; the surroundings were barely illuminated, and I found myself within a cave that felt more like a sealed vault. When I looked to my left and right, I observed that I had no physical form. In the midst of terror, I was simultaneously conscious of my personal identity and aware that I was also completely invisible. When I understood I wasn’t dreaming, I felt doomed. I had no idea how I could reason without a brain or a physical body. I was horrified because I knew I was imprisoned in a vault with no way out.

    Then, suddenly, it was as if a long-lost memory came rushing back to me. As if I remembered something I’d long since forgotten. I’m in a tomb, I told myself. I’m within my own skull. Despite my shock, there was something about the tomb that reminded me of something I’d encountered before. I understood that this tomb also served as a womb, and I instinctively knew where to push in order to escape. Without physical hands, I pushed on the base of my skull, which gave way, and pulled myself out, much like a newborn infant.

    Once I’d escaped my skull, I immediately became aware that I was in my bedroom. I recognized the objects that were in the room when I fell asleep. Despite the absence of a physical body, I turned around and noticed my physical body lying on the bed to the left of my conscious awareness. I had separated myself from myself and was looking at . . . myself. My mind was blown to smithereens. I struggled to maintain my composure.

    Regardless of the fact that my physical body was pale and lifeless, revelations from the spiritual realm began to pour into my conscious awareness regarding what I was experiencing. I was mindful that these instantaneous realizations were being provided by higher levels of consciousness.

    I observed my body. It was vibrating at an excessively rapid rate. The sound was incredible and rumbled, reminding me of a jack hammer splitting concrete on a New York City sidewalk. My body was vibrating at such a fast rate, I realized that was why it appeared to be still. I could see into my body on a quantum level, and it was a reality within a world unto itself. I also realized that the body I assumed to be my identity was actually a mask or costume I was only wearing, and that my invisible consciousness was the animating force that moved it.

    I wondered if I was dead and feared that if I didn’t get back inside that body, I’d surely die. I felt an intuitive urge to imagine myself back in the costume I had previously been wearing. Although I was invisible and yet consciously aware, I could feel my spiritual eyes close, and I imagined myself back in the physical body I’d been wearing, lying on the bed before me. It appeared to work; I suddenly felt movement, as if my consciousness was morphing forward, and then abruptly sensed I was firmly constrained, as if a wall had collapsed around me.

    I could not see. But I was aware that I’d returned to the body from which I had been separated moments ago. I began to visualize my fingers wriggling, followed by my toes. I continued in this manner for what felt like an eternity. I felt as if I were in a straitjacket attempting to escape. I became aware of my breath. Slowly, I inhaled and exhaled. I was so stunned that all I could do was hold still. I sensed my way to my eyelids, and gradually, I opened them. As I peered around the room, I lay in my bed for what seemed like hours, weeping in utter shock at what had just happened.

    I had no idea how long this event lasted because I had lost all perception of time. I was motionless on my bed, and the silence was almost excruciating. As I lay still, attempting to recover my faculties amid the experience’s trauma, I began to receive additional revelations from a far higher source, one that mankind commonly refers to as God, and I was certain it was genuine and pure. It felt as if I was receiving information rather than thinking about it. The Source conveyed to me that I was not, in essence, my corporeal body. The body is a garment that we wear while portraying a unique personality, similar to an actor when he or she enters the stage. Moreover, my inherent identity—and all conscious beings’ true nature—is indestructible, everlasting conscious awareness.

    We are continuously assuming physical bodies in order to accomplish the numerous roles that have been assigned to us. You’ll play cop and robber, judge and judged, wealthy man and beggar, male and female, black and white, and so forth. You will explore them all, but none is more critical than the others in terms of conscious expansion. Expansion is accomplished by believing that the character you are playing is who you really are, and you will play every character to the hilt until the appointed time when the Spirit reveals who you truly are. It will occur when you are alone and when you least expect it, and you will also understand that it is not something that can be proven in the physical world. You will undoubtedly know that the experience was intended just for you and that it is genuine, and no amount of convincing will ever persuade you otherwise.

    More than ever, I was convinced that being reborn actually involves more than being submerged in water with the assistance of a local pastor, being sprinkled with holy water, confessing your sins to a stranger, or accepting something external to me to save myself. I recognized that what all the Great Masters were attempting to convey was that being born again is experiencing something mystical from above. Being born again is discovering who you deeply are, and who you deeply are is not your physical body, but eternal consciousness. You were never truly born; it only seems as though you were, and you will not cease to exist; you are a transcendent being who is passing through numerous states of consciousness.

    From that moment on, the fear of death was erased from my belief system, which was delightfully liberating. My senses were now extremely heightened, and I was certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I would continue to exist. I intuitively knew this because the Spirit revealed it to me firsthand through a personal experience, not because someone else told me. Revelations continued to come to me while I was still lying in bed in a state of heightened awareness. It didn’t feel like I expected it to. It felt as if I had simply received information or a series of pure thoughts. I was aware that this experience had been divinely appointed, and I was also aware that others had encountered similar experiences but may have chosen not to share them. I had the sudden realization that my previous habitual thoughts over time had accelerated and intensified my first of many mystical experiences.

    I am endlessly intrigued by the nature of God’s existence. I was a member of the church in the small town where I was raised. I started attending this church as a child and became involved in a variety of events. I especially enjoyed Sunday school and Jesus’ teachings. At the age of seven, I remember attending tent revivals and speaking in what the church referred to as tongues. I remember it vividly to this day, but I couldn’t tell you what I was saying—just that my mouth was being moved by something I couldn’t control. I was a devout member of the church, and the members loved me.

    When I became too old to attend Sunday school, I was required to stay upstairs with the adults and listen to the sermons, and my outlook on the church shifted dramatically. The preacher shouted aggressively about a vengeful God, fire and brimstone, and eternal damnation, frightening me. Even at that young age, I felt as though I had a relationship with God, and everything about these sermons struck me as unnatural. I began to lose interest in church and realized that something about it no longer felt good, so I began attending less and less until I eventually stopped.

    I persisted in my quest for the truth about the All-Powerful, contemplating it for years and years. I’d recently undergone a period of turmoil in my life and was uncertain about what to do next. I was alone, on the brink of a mental breakdown. One

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