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Alpha's Betted Bride
Alpha's Betted Bride
Alpha's Betted Bride
Ebook300 pages4 hours

Alpha's Betted Bride

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"I’m guessing the meeting wasn't to talk about the food arrangements for when you take over the pack?"
"They’ve arranged for me to marry Gabriella Santos from the Trimoon pack."
"So what, when have you ever backed down from a challenge?"
"How is tying my life to another in marriage, a challenge?"
"The challenge is to make her submit to you."
"We’ll make it more interesting."
"I bet you won't be able to get it done before the end of the year."
"I’ll have her submitting to me by the end of the month,”
"Not just submit. You have to have her wrapped around your finger, hopelessly in love with you by the end of the year."
"Ten grand to whoever wins."

Gabriella is married off to an Alpha by her parents against her will. She is forced to leave her old life behind and move in with the Alpha, who is known for his power and control within the pack. Despite her initial resistance, she eventually comes to accept her new life alongside Alpha Aiden. However, she soon realizes that the Alpha is a cruel and abusive man who uses his position to control her every move. Aiden wanted the title and to receive it , he had to take a wife. As Grabiela is about to enter his life, Aiden decides to make it fun and turn it into a game, with her as the main pond, between him and his friends. When the abuse and lies weigh too heavy she realizes that she has to leave but will he let her go? Or will he tighten his grip and lock the doors?

This is book 2 of the story.

Release dateApr 26, 2023
Alpha's Betted Bride

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    Book preview

    Alpha's Betted Bride - Ms. M

    CHAPTER 43.

    ~Aiden’s POV~

    That’s enough! Everyone around me kept yelling. Three guards were holding back Nick and Noah, or at least so they thought. The guys could've broken free easily had they sensed a real threat. My pack members and the warriors were all trying to interfere, believing that I was actually killing Edmund which I could understand.

    Blood was dripping down his chest from the claw marks. A big flesh wound went from his shoulder down to his elbow and he was limping. His nose was facing the wrong way from being broken…two times. His eye was swollen and I wasn't slowing down.

    I threw a quick glance over at Noah who had gotten too quiet for my liking. He was looking between me and Edmund with a worried frown on his face.

    We were all waiting for her to come to Edmund's rescue. Cassy had opened the window last night when Gabby was asleep. I thought she'd be here by now but I couldn't stop.

    I looked back at Edmund and narrowed my eyes.

    Nick grew silent as well and cast me a warning gaze.

    That’s enough, Aiden. Nick said and raised his head. His eyes darted between me and his brother and I saw the worry starting to grow in them. Good.

    He was pulling his arms and the guards now had to start working for real. They were holding them back. We were strong, all of us and against most werewolves, we would be superior in strength. These guys, however, were Alphas, the blood that ran through their veins also enhanced their strength and agility along with everything else.

    I saw as my warriors struggled to hold them back and Nick’s eyes started glowing. I did wonder how it would be to fight him. I’d have to find out someday.

    ENOUGH! He roared and everyone else stepped back. I smirked and ran towards Edmund. I jumped up, he was halfway down toward the ground and looked up as he saw my fist connecting with his face. He fell down completely.

    Noah was starting to growl as well and my pack members were stepping further and further back.

    Alpha, is the plan to kill him? Bob asked and came up to me. He pushed at my shoulder making me step back and he positioned himself between me and Edmund.

    His brows furrowed and he searched my eyes.

    Is this how you plan on winning her trust back? By killing her brother? I placed my hand on his shoulder and nodded my head. I saw Edmund behind him, spitting out blood.

    You’re in my way. I said and tossed him aside.

    My canines extended. My wolf stepped to the front and I ran towards him.

    I heard a howl coming from behind me and everyone's eyes were looking toward the sound.

    Here we go

    I was about to reach Edmund when she jumped in between, blocking my path. She growled and bared her teeth.

    She was big and she sure as fuck was strong. I could sense it.

    She bit in the air and stepped back, closer to Edmund who was now slumped down on the ground.

    Happy birthday, I said and shifted. I knew she needed to blow off some steam and perhaps this wasn't the best way to go about it but it was the only plan I had.

    Edmund was dragged away from the field and I was standing eye to eye with his sister.

    Her wolf was truly breathtaking. Just as beautiful as her human.

    Her fur was pearl white and glistened under the sun. A sun she hadn't seen for days.

    The smell of raspberries and rainwater slid up my nostrils. It filled my entire body and mind, almost like a spell.


    She slowly turned her head and watched as her brother was dragged to safety.

    No, I couldn’t let her go back. Gabby was walking around me so I stepped to the side and blocked her. If she went back inside, she would never leave. And I’ve been so scared every day about what she might do. I had to keep her outside.

    She growled at me but I stepped closer. Gabby’s wolf bit in the air but I could see it in her eyes. She was acknowledging me as her mate but Gabby was fighting her on it. Understandably so.

    I jumped at her and nibbled on her back before backing away. She jumped around and stared at me.

    I could see the two fighting for control in her mind and before I knew it she took off and ran toward the woods.

    Jumping over the rocks and running between the trees, she looked like she was enjoying herself but I knew it was her wolf and not her. Gabby just wanted to head back to the room but her wolf wanted to live.

    We ran beside each other. We fought and played, allowing her wolf to be completely free in hopes that it would bring Gabby even the slightest bit of happiness.

    There was a big hill behind the woods and we ran there. Up the hill and tumbled around.

    She stopped and her eyes gazed up at the sun.

    Suddenly Gabby was standing there, naked at the top of the hill. She sat down and pulled her legs up to her chest.

    We walked around and laid down next to her, making sure that our fur was covering her body and keeping her warm.

    She snuggled in and I saw past the tug of her lips because in her eyes was nothing but emptiness.

    I don’t know how to live anymore, She whispered, looking out over the hilltop.

    Not alone, that’s number one- Cassy came out from behind the woods and slowly strutted over to us. She wrapped a blanket that she was holding in her hands, around Gabby’s body and sat down next to her.

    -You’re lost and we are all here to help guide you back, however long it may take. When everything seems dark, we’ll be your light and your eyes. She placed her hand on Gabby’s shoulder and Gabby leaned her head against it.

    This was a start. It was a really good start.

    The celebration had already started back at the pack house. We snuck Gabby up to her room so that she could get dressed. When I went up to check on her, she was sitting on the edge of her bed.

    The drapes were drawn still and the room was dark. Gabby hadn't turned the lights on.

    It’s just easier to lie in that bed. She said and looked back.

    I nodded my head and put my hands in my pockets. All of my choices and mistakes were playing in front of me when I saw her.

    Yeah, but when has anything good ever been easy? I asked her.

    She drew in a deep breath and stood up. She was wearing a long-sleeved dress. The memory of when she showed me her scars came back to mind and I closed my eyes.

    How could I have been so stupid? How could I have fucked this up?

    Not just this but everything, for so long, and now I paid the consequences.

    She cupped her hands in her front and gazed into my eyes.

    I’m not ready to forgive you, I don't know when I will ever be or if I ever will. I'm gonna go down there and smile and talk and hug but I need you to know that I'm not happy. The feeling is lost on me.

    I stepped closer to her and made sure she was looking into my eyes.

    You don't have to smile. You don't have to speak to anyone. You don't have to hug a single person. You will do precisely what you feel is right to do. As long as it doesn't include staying in here. And whether or not you forgive me… I adverted my eyes and looked down at the floor. Shame washed over me.

    … I will spend the rest of my life proving to you how sorry I am for what I have done. If in the end, as I take my final breath you still cannot forgive me, I will accept that. There will be no pressure, no stress and I will never ask you for anything. Having you here, knowing you are safe, is already more than I had the right to ask for, she lifted her head. Something flashed in her eyes and was gone just as fast. This would be a process and it would take as long as needed. Because this time, I was gonna do it the right way.

    CHAPTER 44.

    ~Aiden’s POV~

    I made sure to keep my distance from Gabby.

    She was reacquainting herself with people and I could tell from her entire demeanor that she would rather be anywhere else right now.

    Hi, Luna, She stiffened and her head shot up.

    It was one of the girls that had been with Gabby and me at the fair a few months ago.

    Hi, she said and nodded her head. Her brows hunched together and she looked past the girl.

    My head turned and I searched for Cassy who was standing by the wall, her eyes were on Gabby. She too was watching from a distance and so were Gabby’s brothers.

    None of us wanted her to feel watched or suffocated but still be close enough in case she'd need us.

    Honey, why don't you go play, The girl's mother came up and her daughter ran to her friends. She looked at Gabby and grabbed her hand.

    I heard about what Aiden and the others had done. And I don't know what else happened while you were away but just know, you’re home now and nobody will let anything else happen to you. She said and gazed into Gabby’s eyes.

    She bowed her head and walked away.

    Gabby was looking around the room frantically and I put down my glass.

    Hi, Gabby!

    Luna! A bunch of people started coming towards her. Gabriella stepped back and shook her head slowly.

    She looked toward the door.

    I’m sorry, I just... I need some air, She went for the door and left the house. I followed after her.

    I stood there on the stairs and looked around for where she could be but I didn't see any sign of her.

    Where is she? Edmund asked me. He was completely healed now except for a little bruising around his eye.

    I don’t know,

    I sniffed her out and followed her around the house. She was sitting in the back where I and Edmund had fought earlier.

    She was sitting on a bench and just staring into the abyss.

    Hey, there, I said. She turned her head and looked down at the ground.

    She drew in a deep breath before looking out over the forest line.

    I sat down on the bench next to her.

    Alpha! Bob came running out of the house and toward us. I was about to stand when I felt a shoulder on my hand pushing me down.

    We’ll take care of it. Nick said and he and his brothers walked back. Cassy nodded her head and walked after them.

    Why can't I feel anything, Aiden? She asked me.

    I looked down at her hand and decided to give it a try.

    I gently stroked my fingers over the back of her hand.

    Do you feel this? I asked softly and moved my fingers over her knuckles and up her arm.

    Or this? Her eyes were falling on my movements.

    The hairs on her arms stood.

    Or this… I stroked up her arm and gently across the side of her neck.

    This is feeling. This electric pulse you feel running through your body. Your skin heating up under my touch. This is you feeling. It may not be the feelings you are used to because this one is brand new to both of us. But nevertheless, it is a feeling, your senses telling you that you are alive. After everything that you have been put through and endured, you, Gabriella Santos, are alive, she looked up at me, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

    I’m scared, she whispered.

    I’m scared he’ll come back, I looked into her eyes and saw the fear that swam in there. It was so deep and it broke my heart in ways I didn't know were possible. But I wouldn't lie to her, I would never lie to her.

    He will, I said and gently cupped her cheek. Her bottom lip started trembling.

    And when does, I will kill him and all of his followers and the only thing you will ever have to see in your dreams is his head being severed from his body. Unable to ever touch you again, my anger was stirring up but I controlled it. I didn't want her to fear me as well.

    Maybe one day I'll dream of something better, she said quietly and turned her head and looked toward the forest. I knew what she was fearing. She was seeing my brother walking out of the woods with the people who helped torture her. But the day they would come here would be their last.

    You’re back, Cassy said quietly as she smiled at Gabby. She nodded her head.

    I’m trying, She whispered and Cassy grabbed her hand.

    That’s all you’ll ever have to do. And one day, it’ll feel natural. Until then, and every day after, I'll be right by your side. She said and gently wrapped her arms around Gabby. I saw the hesitation in her movements. In both of them. It wasn't organic like it had used to be but soon.

    The day continued and Gabby was present through all of it. She talked to people and even cracked a smile here and there. Whether or not it was genuine I had no idea but at least she was there and not in her bed.

    This whole day had given me some hope and calmed my wolf.

    Now, all we had to do, was give it time and take baby steps. Who knew what the next day would bring?

    ~Gabby’s POV~

    I woke up and contemplated staying in bed but this time I didn't want to. My body wanted to get up even though my brain did not.

    One step after the other I took it slow and made it out of the room for the second day in a row. Yesterday felt like a blur. There was a smile on my face that I forced to stay up. I was thinking that maybe if I faked it long enough eventually it would stick and feel natural.

    Good morning, I said a little confused as I walked into the dining room. There was only one person present.

    Where was everyone else?

    Hello, sweetheart. Please, have a seat, Marie said and smiled lovingly.

    Where is everyone? I asked and looked around.

    I asked to have breakfast with you alone. She narrowed her eyes, lifted her brows, and tilted her head down.

    You can relax your face now, sweetie, the smile fell and my head hung low.

    We sat in silence for a few minutes. The food was served in front of me and she bowed her head to the Omega who walked out and the doors were closed.

    You were dealt a bad hand from the day you were born. You were neglected, beaten, controlled, and given away. Only to be betrayed, heartbroken, abused, and tortured- my eyes were widening and my breathing picked up speed. Why was she saying all the things that I already knew? Why was she vocalizing my nightmares?

    -I’ve known people, Gabriella, who have been dealt the same hand that you have. Most times even less. None of them are here today. Some left the pack or other packs and lived as rogues until the day they were killed. Some took their own lives and others continued living as a shell, watching everyone they loved bend over backward to save them from demons they couldn't see. But none of them, not a single one, stood back up after they had fallen.

    What is your point? I bit out.

    She tilted her head to the side and searched my face.

    You’ve gone through more than anyone I've known and you’re still here. You might feel broken and beat, lifeless even, but you’re here. You got up and you got out of the room. But I don't want you to ever fake your smile because if you do, it might never turn real. It is better for you to frown, cry, or just stare than to fake a smile. Seeing your smile should be a gift.

    I was staring down at my plate with my hands resting on my lap.

    I don’t know how to move on, I said and felt the crease on my forehead as I furrowed my brows.

    Who says you have to move on? I looked up at Marie with a quizzical expression.


    All you have to do is not give up and eventually, in time, breathing gets easier. Living gets a little more fun and memories will be replaced. You will notice how the happy moments replace the bad ones and all that has happened will still be bad, yes, but you will feel your lust for life returning. Moving on doesn't mean forgetting, it means you don't let those things define you. It means you take back your power over your life.

    CHAPTER 45.

    ~Gabby’s POV~

    Do you feel like doing anything special today? Cassy asked me as I walked outside the house.

    I was thinking about shifting and going for a run, Her eyes lit up and I knew she wanted to come along but I wanted to go alone.

    What’s her name? She asked me.

    Whose name? I asked her.

    Your wolf, what's her name?

    That’s when I remembered that I hadn't even asked my wolf what her name was.

    What is your name?


    Her name is Lela,

    The run, do you want to go alone? She asked and looked a little unsure of herself. I parted my lips, about to say yes.

    ’Bring her along’

    I don’t want anyone to tag along

    ’It’ll be fun’

    For who?

    ’Have you ever seen her wolf?’

    I hadn’t. I had never seen Cassy’s wolf.

    Uhm, you can come, I said and she smiled. Relief washed over her body and her shoulders relaxed.

    Ready? Cassy asked me and I nodded my head. We shifted and took off running.

    It had been a week since my birthday and I had been spending a lot of my time alone. A few of the days hours I was with Cassy, my brothers, and Aiden but then I stepped away.

    I was running behind Cassy but I had to stop. Her wolf was beautiful. Brown with three black paws and the fourth was brown.

    Her fur was matt but it shone under the sun and I couldn't take my eyes off her.

    I started running and caught up to her. She was fast and we were racing as we ran there and jumped over everything in our way. The dirt was kicked up from the ground and suddenly Cassy was gone. I continued running and looked around when I felt someone running into my side and I was tossed to the ground.

    My wolf growled but playfully and got back up. She jumped at Cassy’s wolf and they started playing around. Rolling on the ground and biting each other.

    She jumped up and wagged her tail before lowering her head. Her eyes suddenly shifted and she took on a predatory stand.

    I looked at her and stood up, pushing my chest out and Lela started sniffing around.

    Something was wrong.

    Cassy’s wolf tossed her head toward the pack house and we took off running back.

    What is happening?

    ’Someone just crossed the border’


    I was starting to panic and Lela was running as fast as she could but making sure that Cassy was keeping up.

    We ran up to the pack house and halted to a stop. A loud howl echoed over the whole territory and a wolf came running towards us from the house. He pushed off from the ground and jumped over us, landing in front of me.

    He growled and watched as someone stepped out from behind the trees and over the forestline.

    It was a man. He was smiling as he stepped out on a limping leg. His hair tussled and his clothes were torn. He looked to have rolled around in the dirt.

    He’s coming, the man said and laughed.

    He’s on his way and he’s coming for you, he laughed even louder. A menacing look in his eyes and his hands were shaking.

    He picked out a knife and the wolf in front of me stepped forth.

    The man raised the knife and I gasped in horror.

    He's coming, and he's not alone, He whispered. 

    He slit his throat in front of everyone.

    Even as he fell to his knees, dying, his smile never faltered.

    Only when he fell limp to the ground and his heart stopped beating did everyone take their eyes off him. The wolf in front of me, Aiden's wolf, turned around and looked behind me. Lela turned her head and my brothers were standing behind us, having heard everything. As had Marie and Aidens father.

    We all were in Aiden’s office looking uncomfortably at each other.

    Aiden came barging in and slammed the door behind him. Bob followed inside and took a stand next to Aiden behind the desk.

    What is going on? Marie asked. I saw her husband giving Aiden a knowing look. The two shared a silent message. Marie’s eyes started glowing and she narrowed them at her son.

    What is going on? She growled. Aiden ran a hand through his hair. He sighed and hung his head. His father stepped up and walked over to the desk, leaning back against it, and nodded his head to his son.

    "So, me and dad have been looking for Asher and his men ever since Gabby came home. We found nothing and were beating our heads trying to find some sort of a trail that we could follow. And then, two days ago something came up. We had called around to different packs to see if they knew anything. One of them did. He said that a pack had formed, not too big but it was filled with the most dangerous ones. Those who were shunned from

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