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Break Every Chain -: A Guide To Self-Deliverance From Financial Curses
Break Every Chain -: A Guide To Self-Deliverance From Financial Curses
Break Every Chain -: A Guide To Self-Deliverance From Financial Curses
Ebook51 pages31 minutes

Break Every Chain -: A Guide To Self-Deliverance From Financial Curses

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"Break Every Chain: A Guide To Self-Deliverance From Financial Curses" Offers A Comprehensive Roadmap To Financial Freedom. Authored By A Seasoned Spiritual Leader, This Guide Provides Actionable Steps To Break Free From Financial Curses And Embrace Abundance. Drawing From Timeless Wisdom And Personal Insights, Readers Are Equipped To Overcome Obstacles, Transform Their Mindset, And Embark On A Journey Towards Lasting Prosperity And Fulfilment.
Release dateMay 20, 2024
Break Every Chain -: A Guide To Self-Deliverance From Financial Curses

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    Book preview

    Break Every Chain - - Dr Val Ukachi


    In the vast landscape of human experience, few realms are as intricate and complex as our financial lives. Every decision, every circumstance, and every choice we make weaves a thread into the fabric of our financial destiny. For many, these threads may lead to a cycle of poverty, debt, and financial instability that seems unbreakable. Yet, amidst the challenges and struggles, there is hope – hope for liberation, hope for abundance, and hope for a brighter financial future.

    Welcome to Financial Curses: Breaking the Cycle of Poverty, Debt, and Financial Instability. In this transformative journey, we delve into the heart of financial bondage and explore the pathway to self-deliverance from the curse of poverty. I wrote this book not as merely a roadmap to financial freedom; but as a beacon of light in the darkest corners of financial despair. The curse of poverty is not merely a material affliction; it is a spiritual stronghold that binds hearts and minds, stifling dreams and suffocating potential. Yet, through the power of self-deliverance, we can break free from its grip and step into a new reality of abundance and prosperity.

    At its core, this book is about understanding the unseen forces that shape our financial destinies. It is about unravelling the mysteries of financial bondage and discovering the keys to financial freedom with the help of the Holy Spirit through self-deliverance. Whereby we reclaim our birthright as children of the Most High God and step into the abundant life that He has promised us. Each chapter of this book is meticulously crafted to provide you with the knowledge, insights, and tools you need to break free from the chains of financial limitations and step into the fullness of God's provision for your life. From the roots of financial curses to the principles of stewardship and abundance, we leave no stone unturned in our quest for financial liberation.

    But this journey is not for the faint of heart. It requires courage, determination, and unwavering faith to confront the curse of poverty head-on and reclaim our birthright as heirs to God's abundant provision. It is a call to action, a challenge to rise above the limitations of our circumstances and embrace the fullness of God's promises for our lives.

    Together, let us embark on this journey of self-discovery and self-deliverance, casting off the chains of poverty and stepping into the abundant life that God has ordained for us. May this book serve as a guiding light on your path to financial freedom, empowering you to break free from the curse of poverty and walk boldly into the future that God has

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