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The Family Morningstar: Book 4: The Family Morningstar, #1
The Family Morningstar: Book 4: The Family Morningstar, #1
The Family Morningstar: Book 4: The Family Morningstar, #1
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The Family Morningstar: Book 4: The Family Morningstar, #1

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Xia Morningstar, the audacious great-grandson of Lucifer, is poised to return to his infernal roots—but is Hell ready to welcome him back? Once deemed the Brat Prince, Xia's return is complicated by the shocking reunion with his twin sister, the sting of betrayal from a close ally, and a thirst for answers and vengeance that cannot be quenched.


As long-held secrets unravel, revealing the twins' true parentage, the precarious peace between The Fallen and The Host shatters, reigniting ancient enmities and the looming specter of an unfinished celestial war. Amidst this chaos, the divine architect of Creation—The Father, also known as God—emerges from the shadows, returning to hold his wayward creations accountable. Viewing his celestial and infernal children as little more than disobedient offspring, and lamenting his other 'failed experiments' with humanity, The Father poses a chilling question to The Powers: "Why should I allow this to go on?"


As the epic saga of The Family Morningstar hurdles towards a breathtaking climax, all eyes turn to Xia. With prophecies of a final reckoning swirling, and the first uncertainty since Creation's dawn, the ultimate fate of existence hangs in the balance.


Crafted by Alexander Collas, the American author renowned for his unique take on the myths of God, Lucifer, and eternity, this series finale promises to challenge perceptions and leave readers questioning the very fabric of their beliefs.

Release dateJun 17, 2024
The Family Morningstar: Book 4: The Family Morningstar, #1

Alexander Collas

Alexander Collas is an American author. His two series, Journal of a Deadman and The Family Morningstar have received both adulation and infamy for addressing the myths of God, Lucifer, and Eternity from a different point of view. He examines and brings into question the accepted paradigms handed down over the last two thousand years. His books are graphic, and present the teachings of religion as they are presented and not from the edited dreamy eyed perspective their believers like to tell themselves. Ask yourself, how would an eternal being feel about a creature like the living, who dies before eternity even knows they exist. Why would such powerful beings really care what these temporary beings felt and what would they even need with such sad talking monkeys?

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    The Family Morningstar - Alexander Collas

    Chapter 41

    Gabriel awoke disoriented. He lay listening, eventually confident the sound was his servants moving around. Carefully he opened a single eye, then quickly slammed it shut as the light slapped him in the face and his head started to pound. Wait… had he been unconscious? He searched his memory. Why was he here like this? Then it flooded back; he’d been fighting the abomination. His mind froze. Father. He attempted to stand only to discover his body was still damaged. He couldn’t have been out for long.

    Pushing slowly to his feet, he rested a hand on the sofa to steady himself. Again he heard movement and turned to find his servants kneeling. Out, he barked, and they rose and ran from the room. With a wave he sealed the door. With care he lifted the hand supporting him; good he was able to stand. Taking a step, he staggered but pushed through it. His mind was racing. His thoughts fought to engulf him again. He needed to steady himself.

    The bar, he just wanted to make it to the bar and a drink.

    He was almost there when out of the corner of his eye he saw his work area. The center case, now empty. He remembered Father had taken his horn, his reason for being.

    His will, as well as his body, gave out and he collapsed. He wasn’t sure what was happening. Was this part of what that abomination had done to him? He hurt so bad, not only his body but his mind and his soul. He coughed. No, it wasn’t a cough, it was a sob. He’d heard them before.

    As the boulders of the recent events, of his Father's betrayal, rained down upon his soul, he felt his heart break and then splinter. He let out a cry so absolute that all of Creation felt his pain as his body began to shake and he buried his head in his hands. He’d never cried before. He wasn’t sure any member of The Host had, but now that one was, all of Creation could feel the anguish.

    Chapter 42

    It took Patrick a good thirty minutes to reach his office. His driver tried several travel paths, both on land and by air, but all the lanes were packed. People were already starting to panic. He stayed on his vidphone the entire time, coordinating with his staff. Things were getting worse.

    Two sister systems, one near and one at the edge of the empire were both experiencing stellar collapse. The Idkes star had expanded to twice its size, consuming its inner planets. It should’ve taken longer. In the Qdest system, the sun had already sluffed off its outer shell and was collapsing. According to the experts, it had skipped several steps, which he was told was unheard of. Patrick was getting angrier by the second. With his staff wrapped up in chaos, he was finding it impossible to get any answers out of them.

    As bad as the two systems were, they were ending, and the government knew how to deal with that. This wasn’t the first stellar death the Empire had experienced in its over half a million-year existence. What concerned the scientists more were the old and more unstable stars, thousands of them simultaneously experiencing novas, some expanding and exploding, others collapsing and becoming singularities.

    But his concern was the stable worlds. Dozens of systems had awoken to instability, their ruling bodies becoming unstable, making bad decisions, starting wars. There were reports of outbreaks of long-forgotten diseases, and in some cases, new unknown illnesses springing up.

    Any single one of these problems wasn’t extraordinary. What moved this mess into the realm of horrific was they were all happening at the same time.

    His vehicle landed just outside his 245th floor office. As he stepped out, he found all his advisors waiting for him.

    Where are we? Patrick demanded as he rushed in, out of the wind.

    Things keep getting worse, answered Nik.

    I don’t have time today for generalities, details, or stay quiet, Patrick snapped. That goes for all of you. Now tell me something useful.

    Yes Chancellor, added Nik as they entered the office. The glass doors slid shut with a woosh, stifling the sounds of the city.

    No one spoke. Patrick waited for as long as he could control himself until finally he spun around to a sea of blank faces. Am I to assume the silence means you have nothing useful to say? Then he realized they were all listening to their earpieces.

    Sorry, Lordship. I think you need to hear this, said Nik as he reached over and touched a digital button on the desk, sending the broadcast to the speakers.

    The sound filled the uncomfortable corners of the room where his counselors were hiding the bits of news they all knew he needed, but none wanted to deliver.

    Reports are coming in from the outer corners of the empire of a vast gravitational wave moving through the voids of space. Like massive swells from a passing ship, this gravity wave is ripping through systems. So far, two of the Empire's lesser populated systems have been swept away. Yes, listeners, you heard me correctly, this wave is destroying entire worlds. As it crashes into the sun, the star is ripped apart. The remaining gases and debris are then carried along in front of the surge, feeding the ferocity of the ever-growing conflagration as it travels closer to the center of the Empire and the more densely inhabited systems.

    Our scientists haven’t been able to locate the starting point. All they will say is that whatever caused this tsunami in space had to be larger than anything ever witnessed in the Empire’s history.

    Systems within range are sending in probes in hopes of learning if the wave is growing or like its sisters in water, beginning to fade as it moves further from its origin.

    Stay tuned for further information as it comes available.

    Chapter 43

    Lucifer awoke with a start. He like Gabriel couldn’t even remember the last time if ever, he’d been unconscious. Then the enormity of what had just occurred punched him in the chest as he felt his breath, well if he breathed, catch. Quickly alert, he surveyed the situation and found himself back in his Keep. He was on his throne, Michael was passed out in a chair to his left, Caitlin to the right. There were two Morningstar’s missing. Where were Xia and Lamatshu?

    He stood and started around the table where he found one of his two wayward grandchildren. Lamashtu was unconscious as well; he’d expected that. It was her hooves roasting in the flames of his fireplace that gave him pause. With a wave he moved her out. Both hooves had been almost completely consumed. At least now she could start to heal. As bad as things were, he chuckled. Sam never did like her. I guess it’s time for a little retribution.

    Then the weight of the thought caused him to stumble as he rushed back to the stability of his chair. Father was back. No, not just back, Father had intervened. Wait. Father had been here all along, under their very noses. Hiding as Xia’s minion, visible in plain sight, said Lucifer out loud right before he bellowed for a servant.

    Rushing into the room, the little soul started to kneel. No bowing. Get me a glass…no a bottle of wine. NOW, he boomed. The shock of his insistence blew the soul apart. NEXT…

    As the second one rushed in, he said in a gentler tone, A bottle of wine and a goblet. On second thought, forget the cup. Have any other unexpected guests arrived? he asked on the off chance.

    Yes, my Lord, your Great Grandson landed a few moments ago in his room.


    Yes, My Lord, from what we can piece together, pardon the pun my Lord, he appeared and dropped into his bed, destroying it in the process.

    Did he awaken? asked Lucifer. But before the boy could answer, he added, Strike that. If Xia were awake, we would all know. I am going to his room, get the bottle and find me there or join your predecessor.

    Lucifer worked his way through the family quarters. He rarely visited this part of the Keep. By the time he reached Lamashtu's newly reconstructed room he’d regained control of his thoughts. Father was back, and he’d deal with the challenges that presented as they came. As he reached the end of the hall, he paused at Xia’s door. He couldn’t remember, well he could, but it had been so long since he’d stood before this door. When Xia was young, he’d come to praise or, more often, to punish or coach him. Xia had always been high spirited but he truly loved that boy. I wonder if our relationship will survive what is to come. He surprised himself when he knocked. This was his Keep, his Plane, his domain, and yet he knocked. If you only knew young one.

    Opening the door, he couldn’t stifle his laughter. Xia was still unconscious atop the remains of his massive bed. Lucifer looked up. Yes, I know you could have set him down gently, Father. The question is, did you remove the roof so you could drop further, or did you just slam him into his bed? I see some aspects of your time here have rubbed off. Little bit evil now, aren’t we?

    Lucifer fell against the wall as his knees went weak. Father… escaped his lips in a gasp of sorrow as The Dark Lord collapsed to the floor. His gasp becoming a wail. The wave of anguish exploded from the Keep, traveling across the Planes ripping constructs, souls, and Demons apart. Leaving the Planes in chaos, the First born’s torment freed itself from the confines of Hell and began its journey across the emptiness of the void racing toward the nine creations.

    Silence fell upon Morningstar Keep as Lucifer’s calm slowly returned. He sat in the doorway hoping his mind had finally embraced all the revelations. He doubted it. The Father had never left. In his house, he’d been here all these years. Strangely, Lucifer remembered the story back at the pier. He’d seen that minion’s history; it had been there, unmistakable. How had Father hidden himself, even when examined? Michael had also investigated that little mind to find the rest of Sam’s tale. Hmmm…

    He felt something, not sure what. He looked around, and found a set of eyes focused on him.

    Xia was awake.

    Chapter 44

    Raphael didn’t bother with a gentle landing as he sat down on the balcony outside Gabriel’s apartment. Though he was angry, his arrival was still harder than he’d intended, causing the entire building to quake under his mood. He cast his eyes back across the city, and then down to the streets below. What was his Brother up to, and how many souls had he dispatched with his latest tantrum?

    As he turned toward the door, he heard a sound. It took a second to recognize; he knew the sound, he’d just never heard it here, this was a sound the living made. Crying. Stepping into Gabriel’s apartment, his fury still crackling around him, he at first saw nothing. He listened and followed the unwelcome noise to its owner. There, on the other side of the couch, on the floor, sat Gabriel crumpled in a heap, lost in grief. A Power consumed by grief? What has happened, Brother?

    At first, Gabriel gave no response. Raphael waited. Kneeling, he tried comforting his Brother, until without looking up, Gabriel answered, Father has returned.

    Then why the tears?

    Before he could get an answer, the revelation struck him. Father was back. Raphael quickly stood and rushed to the bar to pour them a drink. When he returned his Brother was sitting with his back against the couch. Ignoring the discarded goblet from earlier Gabriel accepted the new one as he said in a voice as vacant at the void, He came to the aid of the abomination.


    No, Xia.


    Lifting the goblet to his lips, hands shaking, Gabriel tried to take a drink, but most ended up running down his chest. He shook his head, eyes still downcast. I do not know. He has been serving the Hellspawn all this time.

    WHAT? barked Raphael, spilling his drink. Not bothering to return to the bar, he materialized the carafe on the floor beside him and he refilled his goblet.

    Remember the little minion who followed the Morningstar around? That was Father.

    We must call the council; they need to know he has returned, said Raphael more out of habit as tiny tremors caused his head to shudder several times as if slapped. It was the incomprehensible trying to fight its way into his understanding.

    Returned? He has returned, Gabriel spit. No! He has shown his alliance by siding with the most foul.


    No, Lucifer, keep up, barked Gabriel, in his characteristic impatience. Raphael watched as his Brother's head dropped into his hands as he again became lost to anguish.

    Raphael could feel the waves of pain pouring off his friend. Again, like a punch to the chest, Raphael whispered to himself, Father has returned and has been helping the Morningstar all this time. Right under our noses. All this time. Raphael finished his wine and stood. Where is Michael?

    With his children, I would assume, answered Gabriel weakly.

    His children?

    Yes, Xia and Caitlin. He is their father.

    Raphael fell back against a table causing several statues to tumble to the floor and shatter. What!

    He told me himself.

    Why? Raphael found himself breathless, overwhelmed.

    Raphael, you have asked the same question several times. ’Why,’ I have no answers for you.

    The rest of the Council must be told or warned, I do not know, said Raphael as he marched toward the balcony and took wing.

    With sadness written across his face, Gabriel raised his glass to his departed friend. Yes, we must prepare. This time we will not spare them. This time…Father… Gabriel was unable to finish his sentence. The heart of The Most High’s beloved youngest son was in pieces, and there in the shattered remains lay a glowing ember of fury for the Father he’d always worshiped.

    Chapter 45

    Their eyes remained locked on each other. Neither moved nor offered concession. Both had questions, for themselves, for the other, for The Father. Lucifer watched, wondering what was going through his Great Grandson’s mind. He sat quietly as Xia’s face morphed from confusion to questioning, on through surprise, shock, and then anger. His body burst into flames. Lucifer didn’t move; he sat leaning against the door jam. He’d had his moment; he could sense Gabriel and Raphael having theirs, now it was Xia’s turn. When his Great Grandson’s face and demeanor reached the end of its exploration, the flames sputtered, lost intensity then faded as the Hellspawn’s eyes fell with his head.

    Did you know? Xia asked.


    How is that possible?

    Of that I have no idea. But then Father is all-powerful and can manifest any reality with a thought. Trust me, my dear boy, we did not know he was capable of this. Both the power and the betrayal.

    I trusted him, screamed Xia.

    Lucifer felt the wave of fury race past and down the hall. Turning his head, he watched it strip the skin and muscles from two servants as it devoured them and pulverized the furnishings. Once it had passed all that remained in the hall were little piles of dust, the remains of the several inches of marble, his anger had scoured from the walls. This hall is not having a good eternity, he said to himself as he turned back to his great-grandson. I know, and I know it will not help, but if my existence has taught me anything it is that Father is often trusted because we must and not because he is deserving.

    Looking up Xia met his Great Grandfather’s eyes. What do we do now?

    I do not know. Gabriel now knows the truth. Father has, at the very least, involved himself. Does this mean he will return to his throne? That is yet to be seen. At this point, all I can say with any certainty is that all of Creation is about to be drawn into a new war.

    Is that a bad thing? asked Xia as he leaned forward, wrapping his arms around his knees. Lucifer hid a smirk; it so reminded him of when his great-grandson was a child. Is it not time for this whole mess to end?

    To which mess might you be referring to? asked Lucifer with a chuckle.

    This animosity between The Host and Hell.

    You want us to find peace? asked Lucifer, not bothering to hide his surprise. He was too spent.

    No, Grandfather, I want them gone. I want The Host brought low and the remains of their cursed city left as an example. I want them blotted from Creation.

    There is my boy.

    Where is Caitlin?

    Downstairs, with your father and mother, answered Lucifer, himself struck by the strangeness of his comment. You might find this interesting. When Father sent us back, he put Michael, Caitlin, and myself in chairs. He left your mother sprawled on the floor with her feet roasting in the fireplace.

    Xia let out a weak laugh. That is so like Sam. His voice cracked again as he slammed a fist down on the bed. It has been so long since I have been in this room. Not much has changed, Xia said as he stood and looked around. Well, the bed was in one piece then.

    Would it surprise you to know your mother forbid it?

    Xia offered a hand to Lucifer, helping him stand. Yes, it would.

    Well, it should; it was me, not her.

    I can see that, you have always been a softy, answered Xia with a smirk as he leaned forward and hugged his Great Grandfather for the first time. Xia froze in surprise as Lucifer went rigid in shock. When they finally released, Xia stepped back. Damn that Sam, he growled again as he headed down the hall.

    Where are you going? asked Lucifer.

    To my lab. I need to get my head together.

    Will you be safe from your memories?

    Turning back, Xia gave his Great Grandfather a sad smile. Is that not all Hell is, a collection of failed memories?

    Leaning back against the door Lucifer chewed his bottom lip as Xia vanished down the stair. Yes, my dear boy, it is starting to feel that way.

    With a snap, Lucifer summoned Beelzebub. Things are about to get complicated. I will explain later. I need you to mobilize everyone and everything. Send two guards to watch Xia’s labs. Do not approach or let him know you are there; just keep an eye on the entrances. If he leaves, I want to know immediately. As for the rest, we are locking down my domain.

    What has happened, Brother? asked Beelzebub as Lucifer walked away.

    Father has returned, answered Lucifer as he headed down the stairs to the lower floors. He was not ready to reveal anything else.

    Chapter 46

    Something about Hell has shifted? said Michael with concern as Lucifer entered the common room.

    I ordered it locked down.

    That would explain it. How is Xia?

    He raged a bit and then went to his labs, answered Lucifer.

    That did not answer my question.

    He is defeated, hurt, and angry. Speaking of which, how are your legs? asked Lucifer, looking over to Lamashtu.

    What the Hell happened?

    Actually, Hell was not involved. When Father sent us back, it seems he dropped you in such a way where your legs ended up in the hearth over there.

    The hearth? The hearth that continually spouts fire from the furnaces which power all of Creation? Those furnaces? she growled.

    Those would be the ones.

    That little fucker.

    I would be careful with what you say. Remember he is back.

    Dear Daddy has returned after betraying everyone; Xia, the both of you, his beloved Host. My My My this is going to be fun to watch, purred Lamashtu.

    Excuse me, this might sound a bit dense, but where am I and is Sam The Father? asked Caitlin rubbing her eyes. She’d just awoken.

    I have good news and bad news on that front. First, yes, it appears Father was Sam. And no, neither of us knew. As for where you are, my dear, welcome to Hell, said Lucifer with a flourish.

    Caitlin’s eyes shifted left and then right as she looked around. Which is the good news?

    I guess that depends on who you ask.

    Maybe we should ask Sam, snarked Lamashtu.

    See, there is the catch; you do not ask Father, he tells you, explained Michael.

    What are we going to do? Surely with all the power in this room, we are not just hunkering down and waiting to see what the old maniac is going to do next, added Lamashtu in a sarcastic tone.

    And you wonder why he dropped you in the fire, said Michael.

    Fine, you three do what you want; I’m going to talk to my brother. Where is he and how do I find him?

    Caitlin didn’t see anyone do anything but still, a servant appeared out of nowhere. Yes, Master, you summoned?

    Take Caitlin here down to Xia’s Lab, ordered Lucifer. When he saw the look of terror wash across the servant’s face, he added, Do not worry, just show her the door, and then you are free to run. I would even encourage it.

    Yes, Master. I can do that, Master, said the servant as he let out a breath of relief. This way, Madam, Mistress, My Lady… He paused as his eyes searched for help.

    Caitlin will do. Lead the way, corrected Caitlin as she followed the servant from the room.

    The first thing she does is look for her brother, said Michael when Caitlin was out of earshot.

    Indeed, answered Lucifer.

    Chapter 47

    The servant led Caitlin from the main hall and through the Keep. As they walked, her curiosity wanted to take in the trappings of The Dark Lord’s home but she was having trouble focusing. Her mind kept getting distracted; something wasn’t right. She could feel her nerves on edge as her subconscious struggled to identify the intruder battering at her resolve, but it was allusive. Whatever it was, it was deeply disturbing, like fingernails digging at her composure. Then in a rush, she realized and collapsed against the slime-covered walls. It was the sounds. The screaming. The cries of pain. The very smells and tastes of this place. There was suffering all around her.

    She closed her eyes hoping concentration would help her shut it out, but it permeated the very stones, the air, everything about this place.

    Taking a deep breath, she looked to find the servant standing quietly. He’d stopped, not saying a word, just waiting.

    She motioned with her chin and they started again, down they went. She had to watch her step, the stairs were slick. Water, she said mostly to herself.

    No, My Lady, suffering, the boy answered.

    Suffering? In liquid form?

    Yes, My Lady.

    Wait, I think I recall reading or hearing about this at some point. Isn’t it painful to any who touches it?

    Painful is such a small word, Ma’am.

    It hurts?

    Both mentally and physically, Ma’am, yes, it does.

    Why can’t I feel it?

    You are a Morningstar, no suffering touches you.

    Oh, if that were true. Do you feel it?

    Yes, My Lady.

    What’s it like?

    Imagine all the agony, mental pains, and anguish you have ever felt, all of it. The heartbreak of death, the loss of a spouse, a child, a dear friend, anything which causes your soul to bleed. Compress that now into its purest form and mix it together into one experience. Then add that single soul’s sufferings to the other billions and then experience it all, in every moment, over and over, for eternity. And that is what I feel right now walking on this weakened and diluted condensation flowing down the Master’s steps. He stopped and tried to smile. We are here. May I go?

    Caitlin looked up and found they were at the door. Yes, run along, she said. Before he could escape, she placed a hand on his shoulder and sent out the smallest bit of mercy, stripping from him the suffering and the memories.

    She watched as the young slave went still, his eyes wide as tears started to stream down his face. Oh, My lady, thank you, he said as he dropped to his knees and began kissing her feet.

    Please stop, there is no need for that. I cannot say how long that will last, but consider it a gift for helping me understand a little better what my Brother’s realm is like.

    Smiling broadly, the boy replied, It doesn’t matter how long it lasts, My Lady. Even the briefest respite from the suffering is more than I ever dreamed of at this point. I’m forever in your debt.

    Surely you have happy memories from when you were living.

    No, My Lady, over time, what does not fade naturally is stripped away to ensure our suffering is absolute.

    As the boy turned to leave, she asked, Do you ever grow used to it?

    What, my lady? he stopped and asked.

    The suffering.

    No, they see to that as well.

    She nodded as the boy rushed away. Turning her attention back to the door, she opened it. It swung easily. She didn’t know what to expect, but this, she was sure, wasn’t it. It was literally a lab, tables, racks, shelves, niches in the stone crammed to overflowing with all manner of things. It was large, dark, and dripping with what she now knew was suffering.

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