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Footprint from God: Deepening the impression one day at a time
Footprint from God: Deepening the impression one day at a time
Footprint from God: Deepening the impression one day at a time
Ebook94 pages1 hour

Footprint from God: Deepening the impression one day at a time

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About this ebook

We are created in God's image and likeness. God created us for Himself and is longing for a deep and intimate relationship. Walking in deep relationship with God gives meaning and purpose to our lives. We often allow the busyness of life to replace our personal walk with Him. Have you ever wondered why? When intimacy with God becomes the best thing in our lives and takes precedence over everything else, we begin to experience the fullness of knowing God. As fullness is reached, we deepen the impression! He laid the path before us. His footprint lies deep in His Word and is already impressed on our souls.

Melanie Krause invites us in Footprint from God to read and reflect. Her hope is that these seventy-three days allow us to deepen the impression one day at a time and experience the relationship that God has called us to through Scripture.
Release dateJun 10, 2024
Footprint from God: Deepening the impression one day at a time

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    Book preview

    Footprint from God - Melanie Krause

    Table of Contents




    1: In the Beginning…

    2: I Am Who I Am

    3: Be Holy

    4: The Lord Bless You and Keep You!

    5: Most Blessed

    6: Proceed

    7: The Lord Raised Up

    8: Where You Die, I Will Die

    9: Heart

    10: Your Glory, O Israel

    11: So the Kingdom Was Established

    12: I Will Not Leave You

    13: Peace

    14: For His Steadfast Love Endures Forever

    15: Rise

    16: Remember Me, O God

    17: Walked in the Ways of Truth

    18: Fear the Lord

    19: O Lord, Make Yourself Known

    20: Peace

    21: Creator

    22: Satan Also Came among Them

    23: The Lord Sustains Me

    24: Wisdom Is Fear

    25: Deeds

    26: Lover

    27: The Lords Goodness

    28: Wisdom

    29: Listen

    30: I Knew You

    31: Hope

    32: The Law

    33: Hand of the Lord

    34: Vessel

    35: Hear

    36: The Day of the Lord Is Near

    37: I Brought You Up

    38: The Lord Is Near

    39: I Called the Lord

    40: Compassion

    41: The Lord Is Good

    42: Keep Silence

    43: The Lord Is Near

    44: Chosen

    45: Return to Me

    46: Sending My Messenger

    47: Angel of the Lord

    48: You Are Mine

    49: I Commend My Spirit

    50: The Word Was Made Flesh

    51: Stand with the Eleven

    52: I Have Shown Myself

    53: Grace to You

    54: We Walk by Faith

    55: Live in the Spirit

    56: Speak the Truth

    57: Jesus Christ Is Lord

    58: Always Thank God

    59: God Chose You

    60: Give Thanks

    61: Be Idle

    62: Come to Me

    63: Grace and Peace

    64: Always Thank God

    65: Sit at My Right Hand

    66: Faith Alone

    67: Called

    68: Grow in Grace

    69: You are Strong

    70: Grace, Mercy, and Peace

    71: Peace to You

    72: Beloved

    73: Amen

    Fruits of the Holy Spirit

    The 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit


    About the Author


    Footprint from God

    Deepening the impression one day at a time

    Melanie Krause

    ISBN 979-8-89309-015-4 (Hardcover)

    ISBN 979-8-89112-684-8 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2024 Melanie Krause

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

    As God intended, these writings are dedicated to my soul friend, Janet. May we all be blessed to have at least one friendship like hers in a lifetime.


    For surely I know the plans I have for you says the Lord.

    —Jeremiah 29:11 NRSV

    I was sitting at my dear friend's bedside as she was transitioning from this life to the next. Her body was frail; she was losing her battle with ALS. This was one of the hardest times of my life. I was losing my soul friend. Our connection was deep! It was spiritual! I was not ready to let her go! As I sat, holding her motionless hand, I just needed comfort. I needed God to pour His love all over me. It was in that moment I heard a distant voice say to me, I need you to write. It caught me by surprise. In those moments, I was looking for love—a love that would get me through the huge loss I was carrying. The voice in my head was so profound. I had heard it before, and I knew exactly who this invitation was from. It was that same voice that had invited me back to my church roots just a few years prior.

    I'm not a writer. I'm a wife, a mother, a small business owner, and an artist—not a writer. I expressed my thoughts, feelings, and emotions artistically. But the words that ran deep through my heart in the weeks to follow were, Remember, He does not call the qualified but He qualifies the called. With some hesitation, I took a journal I received as a birthday gift and started to write. I wrote about my thoughts, feelings, the struggles I witnessed as my dear friend was nearing the end of her life and the anger I carried after she left this life. But you see, even though I did what I was invited to do, it didn't feel quite right. It didn't feel like I was doing what He intended. After weeks of journaling, I set it aside. Looking back, this time was a time of preparation, a time of waiting.

    Wait for the Lord;

    be strong

    and let your heart take courage. (Psalm 27:14 ESV)

    Months later, I was drawn to pick up my pencil. I had always gotten my artistic inspiration from Scripture, and it is just that that my soul needed the most. As I turned the pages, words and key phrases stuck out to me. I put pen to paper,

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