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Secrets of Lunar Falls: Lunar Falls, #1
Secrets of Lunar Falls: Lunar Falls, #1
Secrets of Lunar Falls: Lunar Falls, #1
Ebook406 pages6 hours

Secrets of Lunar Falls: Lunar Falls, #1

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When veterinarian, Dr. Carly Tipton, takes a new job in the tiny farming community of Lunar Falls, she expects to build a new life for herself. She expects to meet new people and have new experiences. Maybe she's even expecting a little adventure. But what she's not expecting is to fall head over heels in love – not with the town, and certainly not with its ruggedly sexy sheriff, Gabriel Masters. She's also not expecting all the secrets Lunar Falls is hiding. Secrets that could destroy everything she ever believed was true about her own heritage and the family she left back home.


Gabe isn't ready for Carly when she blows into town. That woman has the power to bring him – a man born and raised to be GrandAlpha – to his knees. And she's human. That simple fact alone makes her dangerous to Gabe's position within the pack. But the fact that he can't seem to stay away from her tells him that this woman is the one. Human or not… she's his mate. Now Gabe has to find a way to make their bonding complete without sparking a civil war among his people.

Release dateJun 17, 2024
Secrets of Lunar Falls: Lunar Falls, #1

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    Book preview

    Secrets of Lunar Falls - Lashell Collins


    The dead body lying on the hiking trail should have served as a reminder that Lunar Falls was indeed part of the real world, however magical and extraordinary it may sometimes seem.

    But the blissful euphoria of falling in love here had clouded even that reality, and now all Carly could do was stare, and try to keep Lobo from going near it.

    She didn’t even scream.

    She had seen dead bodies before.

    Lots of times.

    Granted, none of them were human, but the four-legged variety counted, didn’t it?

    It was strange to her that she wasn’t overcome by fear or even horror at the sight. And what a sight it was.

    The body had been picked over until it was little more than a half-eaten carcass.

    She should be slightly hysterical, shouldn’t she?

    At the very least, she should be nauseated.

    But then, Carly had always been the calm capable sort, quick-thinking and resourceful. Confident and inquisitive. To her, all the world was a mystery. Just one big riddle waiting to be explained, and Lunar Falls had become the biggest mystery of them all.

    And yet there was no denying the fact that she had developed a deep connection to the place. It was inexplicably and irrevocably in her blood.

    They had proven that much, hadn’t they?

    Keeping a tight hold on the two leashes in her hands, she pulled out her cellphone and called Gabe.

    Not surprisingly, he was shocked by her tale and told her to stay put until he got there. It all seemed so surreal, and suddenly she found herself standing alone in the middle of the woods with her dog and a dead mutilated body, and thinking back over the events that had led her here…


    It felt as though she had been driving forever, and the afternoon sun shone bright and hot through the driver’s side window.

    Carly wiped the light sheen of sweat from her brow as she adjusted her sunglasses and cranked up the A/C in the car.

    August in Ohio.

    Taking a glance in her rearview mirror, she smiled at the dog as he sat panting and looking out the window.

    We’re getting close, buddy, I promise, she said, smiling at the way he cocked his head at her as she talked.

    Their drive wasn’t long in the grand scheme of things. Only about four hours. But still, to Carly it might as well have been the next state over, or even across the country.

    It just felt weird, willingly moving so far away from her home and the family she adored. But the job sounded like an amazing adventure to her, and with her naturally inquisitive nature and her love of a good challenge, she simply couldn’t pass it up.

    Still, four hours away from Xenia sounded like another planet to her right now. But as she looked at the cornfield passing by outside her window, she felt strangely comforted.

    Maybe Lunar Falls wouldn’t be so different from what she was used to.

    It was still Ohio, after all.

    She drove slowly into town and headed straight for the realtor’s office, parking directly out front.

    Okay, I just have to run inside and get the key. I’ll be right back, she said, looking in the mirror at the dog as she pushed the gear shift into park. Please try not to tear the car apart, okay?

    Lobo cocked his head at her as he listened to the sound of her voice. A clear sign of intelligence, she thought as she smirked to herself.

    She exited the car and stretched her back a bit before she turned and walked into the building.

    A blonde woman in her mid-forties came out from behind a desk with a friendly smile and open arms.

    Carly! You made it, she exclaimed with a slight southern drawl as she enveloped her in a huge bear hug. I was beginning to worry. I was expecting you sooner.

    Oh, I’m sorry, Carol. The traffic out of Columbus was unbelievable. I hope I haven’t kept you waiting long.

    Oh, no, I’m fine, she answered with a wave of her hand. Just glad it wasn’t car trouble or something more serious. So, are you ready to go to your new home?

    More than ready, Carly answered with a big smile. I’ve got a car full of boxes and one anxious dog.

    Well, let’s not keep the poor pooch waiting then, Carol said as she grabbed her purse.

    Carly followed her back outside where they each climbed into their respective vehicles. Then she followed the woman as they drove through the town.

    Lunar Falls, Ohio - population 3,721.

    Make that 3,722, Carly thought to herself as she drove.

    She couldn’t help but admire the old Victorian-style homes that lined the streets. The historical charm of the place was one of the things that helped to sell her on this move.

    Something about the town had simply called to her from the moment she first saw it. It was beautiful and picturesque. Lunar Falls was one of those hidden gems that was thoroughly modern but tried hard to hide that fact in its backwards first impression. Like it was too cool to bother with wanting to be popular.

    On the outskirts of the town, about eight miles from the downtown area, they turned off onto a dirt road that was lined on both sides by dense overgrowth.

    Everywhere she looked, Carly saw green.

    So lush and beautiful.

    And when the small farmhouse finally came into view she couldn’t help the slow smile that crept over her face.

    She had fallen in love with the place when she came out to interview for the job and have a look around, and as they drove up the long gravel driveway Carly could feel the butterflies flitting around in her belly.

    She was excited! Extremely nervous, and maybe a little scared… but excited.

    Parking her jeep, she got out and immediately opened the back door to let Lobo out. The poor dog had been cooped up in the car without a bathroom break for the last four hours.

    Oh, dear!

    Carly turned to see Carol’s back practically plastered to the side of her Lexus as the large animal sniffed at her slingback pumps.

    Lobo, Carly said disapprovingly, giving her fingers one loud snap. I’m sorry, Carol. He’s not nearly as terrifying as he looks.

    The dog wandered off to stretch his legs and relieve himself.

    The woman gave a nervous laugh. Well, even so. You might want to keep him penned up when he’s outside, lest he wanders off and finds himself at the wrong end of one of your neighbor’s rifles. I know you insist he’s a dog, but he looks like a wolf to me!

    Carly just smiled at the woman as she followed her up the walkway to the front door.

    She had never insisted any such thing.

    Lobo was a wolf-dog hybrid, and Carly had never attempted to pass him off as a husky, or a malamute, or a shepherd mix, or anything else. That would be irresponsible.

    Lobo had been her constant companion from the day he was born. The frazzled owner of a mid-content wolf-dog had surrendered his beautiful animal to the Animal Control Office where Carly volunteered back home.

    She had been in pretty bad shape too — pregnant and malnourished, and extremely distrustful of most people. Carly had worked tirelessly to nurse the creature back to health and find her sanctuary in the home of an experienced wolf-dog owner. But not before the animal had given birth to three healthy pups and two that didn’t make it.

    The three healthy ones needed lots of time and attention though, since their mother wasn’t in the best of condition, and not very interested in caring for them.

    So Carly and the others at the office had put a lot of time into raising the pups, even nursing them by hand. The experienced wolf hybrid owner helped them to find homes for two of the pups among his circle of fellow wolf-dog enthusiasts, and Carly took the third.


    Although I’m sure he’ll be very popular around here what with all the town’s idiosyncrasies, Carol said as she pulled out a key and opened up the door. Welcome home!

    Carly wondered briefly what the woman meant, but she didn’t dwell on it because she couldn’t help the excited rush that swept through her as she stepped through the door with an anxious smile.

    Her nerves were a jumbled mess.

    She glanced around the small Victorian cottage and instantly fell in love all over again.

    The house itself may have been relatively small, but the rooms seemed large to her. Certainly large enough to host a small dinner party for a few friends.

    Assuming of course that she ever made any new friends here.

    Nerves rippled through her belly again at the thought of being a stranger in a strange land, but that’s exactly what she was right now.

    On a completely self-indulgent whim she had made the snap decision to move over 200 miles away from home, away from everyone who cared about her, and take a job in a tiny little town where she knew no one!

    Not a single soul.

    Is everything all right? the realtor asked, taking in Carly’s grimace. It’s exactly as it was the last time you saw it!

    Oh, yes, of course, Carly said, pulling herself out of it. No, it is every bit as lovely as it was before.

    And she meant it as she looked around at the place.

    The front door opened up into a cozy living room with a wood-burning fireplace. There was a small overstuffed sofa, white with a tiny pink rose pattern on the fabric, and two equally comfy-looking chairs done up in a soft green and white check pattern.

    All of the tables, shelves and hutches were painted white wood and distressed to look aged. The entire home was furnished in a sort of eclectic mix of ultra-feminine shabby chic meets country French, and Carly loved it.

    Well, as you well know, the place comes fully furnished, Carol said walking through the house. "I had a cleaning crew come through two days ago in order to get it all ready for you, and I supervised while they dusted, swept and scrubbed.

    They beat the cushions and the rugs, washed and rehung the drapes, you name it! About the only thing I didn’t do was stock the fridge for you, and that’s only because I didn’t know your preferences. But… I did come out here this morning to deliver that beautiful basket over there!

    The woman smiled as Carly turned toward the kitchen and spotted a large basket sitting on the island, and she moved toward it.

    The basket was huge, white wicker, and stuffed with a myriad of treasures.

    There was a small box of assorted candies from the chocolatier downtown, a jar of gourmet champagne jelly from another specialty store, a container of milk and honey bubble bath and a bottle of rose scented body lotion, both from the local novelty shop, and a bag of gourmet roast from the coffee shop she’d seen on her way into town.

    The longer Carly looked, the more treats she spotted, like a bottle of red wine from a place called Moon Madness Vineyards, a small bunch of Dum Dum suckers attached to a list of the area’s doctors’ offices, a few pamphlets advertising the local entertainment and exercise attractions, like the movie theater, the mall in neighboring Clemmons, the stores in the historic downtown area she had driven through on her way here, and the YMCA fitness center.

    There was also a pamphlet about the local Sheriff’s Department and the Fire Department, along with information on the different neighborhood watch sectors, all nestled in with a small assortment of fresh fruit and vegetables.

    It's just a little something I put together to make you feel welcome, Carol said, sounding very proud of herself. All the pamphlets tell you something informative about the town’s amenities. The wine is from a small local vineyard on the other side of town. The apples, pears and peaches are from the McGuire Orchard up the road — they’re your neighbors. And the rest of the produce is from the Freemen Farmer’s Market on Prairie Lane, and you’ll find info on each of those establishments in the basket.

    Carol, this is incredible, Carly said, looking at the woman in amazement. There’s even a little bag of dog treats in here. You hate my dog.

    I don’t hate your dog, she replied. And I was going to attach that bag of treats to a list of the local veterinarians, but then I figured what would be the point? she joked, and Carly laughed.

    Well, this was all very thoughtful. Thank you so much!

    It was my pleasure. And here is your new house key, she said, handing it over. You have my number, so if you need anything or if I can answer any questions for you, please don’t hesitate to ask.

    Oh, there is one thing, Carly spoke up as they headed back outside to the cars. I’d like to go around back and have a look at the new pen. Make sure it’s what we need.

    Oh, of course. I gave them your exact specifications, so it should be just exactly as you wanted, she replied as they walked around the side of the house.

    The farmhouse sat on four acres of land that was peppered with a cluster of trees and lots of colorful hydrangea bushes and fragrant shrubs, like lilacs, jasmine and mock orange. There were even a few rose bushes in bloom.

    The screened-in porch at the back of the house was framed by a pair of purple butterfly bushes, and both were presently full of the tiny winged creatures.

    The whole place was idyllic, like stepping into an enchanted garden, and Carly was suddenly flooded with the strangest sense of peace, as though she somehow knew that she was going to be happy here, despite her anxiety.

    They crossed the lawn with Lobo following after them to the large, eight-foot, heavy duty chain-link pen that had been constructed about thirty yards from the back of the house.

    It was long, rectangular in shape, and wide, with enough space for the dog to run around in and not feel truly confined. The fully enclosed structure sported wide returns at the top to discourage climbing, and a roof made out of the same heavy duty chain-link material.

    The roof was further covered by an all-weather fabric material to keep the area shielded from the sun. Inside the pen there was a large flat-topped wooden dog house at one end so he would have some place to get out of the weather if he wanted.

    Carly opened up the gate and stepped inside and Lobo followed her in. He sniffed all around the space and the dog house as she looked up at the roof and inspected how it was attached to the walls of the pen. She walked the entire perimeter of it, making sure there were no weak spots.

    Crouching down, she traced the bottom of the chain link with her hand. Then, giving no thought to her fingernails, she dug her hand into the heavy clay soil and shoveled out a small heap, smiling to herself when she confirmed that the chain-link had been buried six inches into the ground and continued in toward her.

    This fencing extends at least three feet in? she asked looking up at the realtor.

    Yes, ma’am, she answered with confidence. I watched them lay it myself.

    Carly nodded with a satisfactory smile as she filled in the hole she’d made, packing the soil down tight.

    There was no way Lobo was going to be climbing or digging his way out of the enclosure.

    It’s perfect, she said as she stood up and looked it over, clapping her hands together to knock the dirt off. wolf-dogs were notorious escape artists, and Carly wasn’t taking any chances with her beloved companion.

    Pet ownership was a big deal as far as she was concerned, and something that should never be taken lightly. But there was an added measure of responsibility that came with owning a wolf-dog hybrid, largely because most people were both equally fascinated by and terrified of them. And she readily admitted that they could be challenging.

    Certainly not the pet for everyone.

    Although very loving and loyal animals, they did still retain many of the personality traits and characteristics of their wild parent. And the higher the wolf content, the truer that was.

    With a dam who was fifty percent wolf and fifty percent dog, and a sire who was a pure gray wolf, Lobo was a high content F1 wolf-dog. And as such, he could be extremely fearful of people, men in particular, just like his wild parentage.

    Well, if it’s to your liking, I will get out of your hair and let you start settling in, Carol said. But remember, call me if you need anything.

    Carly walked with her back to the front yard, and she waved as the woman drove away. Then she looked down at the dog at her side.

    Shall we get started? she asked cheerfully, and the animal cocked his head at her.

    She got to work then, pulling boxes out of her over-packed jeep and carrying them in one at a time.

    They had all been carefully labelled and she took the time to make sure that she was placing each box in the room where the things needed to be, knowing that it would make her unpacking that much easier when she finally got around to it.

    With armloads of stuff, she made several trips from the car into the house and back again, and she would catch glimpses of Lobo checking out the new yard as she worked.

    She still couldn’t believe she’d actually gone through with this, but here she was, unloading her car and carrying in boxes of her things into her new place.

    Where she lived all alone.

    Away from her concerned mother and her doting father.

    No younger sister to confide in or be annoyed by.

    As she set a box filled with toiletries down in the middle of the bathroom, Carly felt the slow wave of homesickness wash over her.

    What had she been thinking?

    What was she doing here in this strange little town all by herself?

    Why had she come?

    What was she looking for?

    She rolled her eyes at herself as those thoughts slithered through her mind.

    What she’d been thinking was that men suck.

    Or rather, her life sucked now that Kyle had actually moved on and started dating someone else.

    Who was she kidding, her life sucked before Kyle started dating again.

    He wasn’t the only reason for her move though, even though seeing him every day at work had made things beyond awkward.

    But it was high time she left her father’s practice and took steps to build a career on her own merits. And she knew that it wasn’t going to be easy, but she also knew that she had to try. She couldn’t spend her life sheltered in her dad’s five-doctor small animal practice forever.

    Not that she hadn’t enjoyed her time there. She’d loved every single minute of it.

    But now she needed more.

    She needed to build a life of her own.

    It was time.

    And what 27-year-old adult female still lived at home with her parents and her kid sister anyway?

    Carly took a deep breath, feeling calmed somehow by the thoughts of the veterinary clinic she had grown up in.

    Her wayward thoughts made her remember that she’d promised her mother she’d call home the minute she got to Lunar Falls.

    She turned and headed back out to her car as she reached to her back pocket and pulled out her cellphone. But before she could dial the number she heard what she knew to be a warning bark from Lobo.

    It was followed by a low rumbling growl.

    Carly looked up to see what had spooked him.

    He stood in the middle of the yard staring out toward the front gate, and when Carly followed his line of sight she let out a surprised gasp.


    The man at her gate stared at them as though he had been as startled by their presence as they were by his.

    He was dressed simply in a pair of khaki pants and a polo shirt, and his sandy brown hair appeared to have been combed only by his fingers.

    He said not a word, and Carly began to feel uneasy as she wondered who this creepy man was, and what he was doing standing at her gate.

    Um, hello, she said, taking a nervous step toward him as she ran a hand through her long dark hair. Can I help you?

    I was just going to ask you the same thing actually, he said as his eyes darted from her to Lobo and back again. Do you know there’s a wolf in your yard?

    Carly realized then that the stranger wasn’t so much creepy as he was terrified, and she smiled.

    Actually, he’s only seventy-five percent wolf. And yes… I’m well aware. Lobo, come, she said, calling the animal to her.

    He came without hesitation, circling behind her and peeking at their visitor with a cautious, untrusting air.

    Carly noticed that the stranger eyed Lobo just as closely.

    I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name, sir, she said.

    Oh, yes, of course, he said, dragging his eyes from the dog and back to her. I’m Steven Birch.

    Oh, my God, Carly said, suddenly feeling mortified. Dr. Birch! Come in, please. I’m so sorry.

    She moved to unlock the latch on the gate and awkwardly extended her hand to her new boss.

    It’s so nice to finally meet you, she exclaimed as he stepped gingerly into the yard, still glancing at Lobo.

    And you. It’s nice to finally put a face with the name, he said, smiling at her. I want you to know that my dad was extremely impressed with you when you came out to interview for the position. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there.

    Oh, he’s such a sweet man, Carly said. I enjoyed meeting him.

    Well, he was quite taken with you, Steven said. He even joked that he might not retire after all, and we’d just turn it into a three-doctor practice so he could work with you. I think he might have a little bit of a crush! And now I understand why, he said with an awkward smile.

    Carly laughed at the compliment, suddenly feeling self-conscious. Her new boss was cute, in a cool geeky professor sort of way. But workplace romances were something she never intended to do again.

    So how did you know I was here already? she asked, needing to change the subject.

    Carol Shaw called me when she left your place, he explained. I’d asked her to give me a heads up when you arrived. I just wanted to come out and welcome you. Plus, I figured you might not have anyone to help carry in your things, so… I’m here to offer my services, he smiled.

    That’s very kind of you, Carly said.

    May I? he asked, taking a step toward the back of her Jeep.


    He reached in and hefted a large box out and then began the trek to the house, and Carly grabbed a box herself and followed after him.

    So what’s the other twenty-five percent? he asked as they made their way past Lobo. With his hands full, he hadn’t been able to gesture toward the animal, but Carly knew exactly what he was referring to.

    Malamute, she answered.

    I’m sure he’ll be a big hit with the teenagers around here with all the werewolf lore, he mumbled, and Carly frowned, wondering what he was talking about. Did you breed him yourself?

    Oh, no, I didn’t. His mother was a pregnant rescue back home. He’s one of three pups that made it, she said.

    Well, he’s a beautiful animal, but…

    He let his sentence dangle, and Carly got the feeling he was debating with himself.

    She moved past him into the kitchen and set her box down on the linoleum floor, motioning for him to do the same.

    It’s okay, you can finish your thought, she said looking him in the eye. I know there are a lot of mixed feelings about wolf hybrids out there, so go ahead.

    Well, I just think… and please don’t take this the wrong way, but… I just think that all the breed mixing is getting out of hand, that’s all, Steven said. I mean, all the doodle mixes and the designer mutts. People are charging hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars for the dogs that used to be given away for free back in the day, and they’re tainting all of the purebred bloodlines. Meanwhile, reputable breeders of genuine, recognized breeds are paying the price in more ways than one. Eventually there won’t be any separate breeds at all. And I, for one, believe that the whole wolf-dog hybrid thing is just the same problem on a larger, and much more dangerous scale.

    Carly nodded, not really sure how to respond.

    On one level, she didn’t disagree with what he was saying. But at the same time, Lobo was her baby. Her only companion on this crazy adventure, and she may not have bred him herself, but she had raised him from a pup and he was special to her.

    I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, Steven said.

    No, no, please don’t apologize for having an opinion, she said smiling at him. I happen to agree with you about the whole designer mutt topic. But the problem there is that none of those dogs asked to be bred in the first place, but they were. And they can’t help what they are, and they don’t care if we have issues with it. They just want to be loved, and they deserve to be.

    He smiled at her. Spoken like a true bleeding heart veterinarian.

    I’m going to take that as a compliment, she smiled.

    That’s exactly how it was intended, he said, and she giggled at him.

    They chatted amiably about the practice she was joining as they continued to empty out her car, and Carly decided that she liked her new boss a lot. He was nice and funny and she could tell that she would have no problem working with him.

    When they had all the boxes inside, Dr. Birch offered to stay and help her unpack, but Carly declined, saying that she had taken up enough of his time.

    Well, I guess I’ll get going then, he said, smiling at her.

    Thank you so much for being part of the welcome wagon. It was so kind of you!

    Oh, it was my pleasure, he said as he gazed at her a little too long. Uh, well, I’m… I’m going to go now.

    Okay, she smiled.

    She walked him to the door then and they said their goodbyes. And Carly was suddenly more anxious than ever to start her new job and her new life in Lunar Falls.

    When he was gone, she made that phone call to her mother, telling her all about the cute little farmhouse and the welcome basket that Carol had left for her, promising to send pictures of both.

    And she told her about meeting her new boss and how nice it was for him to help her carry in boxes.

    She worked while they talked, starting with the kitchen as she unpacked the new set of dishes, cups and flatware that she’d purchased. She filled the small pantry with the non-perishables she’d brought with her — canned goods, soup and crackers, and ramen noodles. It would have to do until she could get to the grocery store and the farmer’s market.

    As she worked to put her kitchen together her stomach began to growl and she glanced at her watch, surprised to discover that she’d been at it since arriving in Lunar Falls nearly six hours before.

    Where had the time gone?

    She called Lobo to her and went about the process of feeding him. Then she pulled out a small pot from her new set of cookware and gave it a quick wash before using it to make a bowl of ramen.

    When it was finished, Carly decided that so was she. She’d made the mistake of sitting down and now the exhaustion had overtaken her.

    She carried her dinner into the living room and sat down in one of the comfy overstuffed chairs, looking around with a small sense of pride as she ate.

    When she’d finished her food she decided to call it a day.

    She locked up the house and then made her way to the bedroom. She spent a few moments stripping the bed of the sheets that were on it and replacing them with the new ones she’d brought with her.

    Then she pulled the milk and honey bubble bath and the rose scented lotion from the welcome basket Carol had left her and drew herself an indulgent, relaxing bath. And when she finally climbed into the bed and turned off the light, she slept like a baby in her new house.


    The next morning Carly woke early, and she and Lobo spent some time walking the full perimeter of their new property, getting to know it better.

    The place was so pretty she almost couldn’t stand it.

    The entire four acres was enclosed by a standard, wood and wire farm fence, and the previous owner had obviously been an avid gardener.

    There were imaginative plantings of flowers and shrubs everywhere, and they brought an abundance of color and cheer to the place. And at several points in the yard there were little benches or Adirondack chairs where you could sit and enjoy the garden.

    As they walked, Carly noticed a large tree stump near the back of the property. It was cut low to the ground, and it had to have been at least four feet in diameter, maybe a little more.

    There was a hole in the center of it, as

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