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Break Every Chain:: A Guide To Self-Deliverance from Generational Curses
Break Every Chain:: A Guide To Self-Deliverance from Generational Curses
Break Every Chain:: A Guide To Self-Deliverance from Generational Curses
Ebook66 pages39 minutes

Break Every Chain:: A Guide To Self-Deliverance from Generational Curses

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"Break Every Chain: A Guide To Self-Deliverance From Generational Curses" Unveils The Keys To Breaking Free From The Cycle Of Generational Curses. This Empowering Guide Offers Practical Strategies And Spiritual Insights To Overcome Ancestral Patterns And Negative Influences. With A Blend Of Biblical Wisdom And Personal Anecdotes, Readers Are Empowered To Reclaim Their Destiny, Break Every Chain, And Step Into A Future Of Freedom And Purpose.
Release dateMay 20, 2024
Break Every Chain:: A Guide To Self-Deliverance from Generational Curses

Read more from Dr Val Ukachi

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    Book preview

    Break Every Chain: - Dr Val Ukachi


    In the fabric of human existence, the threads of our lineage weave a complex narrative, influencing our lives in ways both seen and unseen. Within the tapestry of our family history lie the echoes of triumphs and tragedies, victories and defeats. Yet, intertwined amidst the tales of glory and adversity, there often lurks a silent specter the legacy of generational curses.

    Welcome to Generational Curses: Addressing patterns of dysfunction and suffering passed down through family lines.

    In this profound exploration, we embark on a journey of discovery into the depths of familial bondage and liberation. Here, we confront the shadows of our past, unravelling the intricate web of generational patterns that have shaped our present reality. Drawing upon the timeless wisdom of the Holy Bible, we delve into the sacred scriptures to glean insights into the nature of generational curses and their profound impact on our lives. For it is written in Exodus 34:7, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation. Thus, we come to understand that the sins of our forefathers have repercussions that echo through the corridors of time, shaping the destinies of successive generations.

    But fear not, for amid darkness, there shines a beacon of hope. For as it is declared in Galatians 3:13, Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us. Through the redemptive power of Jesus Christ, we find the key to breaking free from the shackles of generational bondage and emancipating ourselves from the chains of inherited suffering.

    In the pages that follow, we shall embark on a transformative odyssey, unveiling the hidden truths that lie buried within the annals of our family history. Together, we shall confront the demons of the past, and forge a path towards healing, restoration, and divine destiny.

    May this journey be a catalyst for profound transformation in your life, igniting the flames of revival and liberation within your soul.

    As we embark on this sacred quest, may the words contained herein serve as a guiding light, illuminating the path to freedom and fulfilment. With faith as our compass and the Word of God as our sword, let us venture forth into the realm of generational curses, armed with courage, conviction, and unwavering resolve. For it is written in Isaiah 61:1, The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.

    Let us begin the journey towards ‘Self-Deliverance from Generational Curses’!

    Chapter 1

    Unveiling Generational Curses

    In the life of every human being on earth, there exist threads woven from generations past, threads that often shape our present and influence our future. These threads, known as generational curses, are like invisible chains that bind us to patterns of dysfunction and suffering inherited from our ancestors. To break free from these chains, we must first understand their origins and how they continue to manifest in our lives. Several Scriptures provide profound insights into the nature of generational curses and their impact on families. In Exodus 20:5, it is

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