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Evan's Predicament
Evan's Predicament
Evan's Predicament
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Evan's Predicament

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After Evan Hoffmeyer, CEO of the Carson Corporation, receives the second overwhelming shock of his young life, he must move forward as the new CEO and majority shareholder of ListCorp. Cale Liston has other plans for Evan. The rage he holds for Evan reaches a pinnacle after his own father leaves nearly everything to Evan. Cale engages his “friends” within The Order to have Hoffmeyer eliminated, but will they help Cale restore his empire?

The Order discovers Hoffmeyer’s wealth and potential power increased exponentially with his inheritance of ListCorp. The regional recruiter and State Department officer, Jack Welson, rushes to Pittsburgh by order of Vice President Perry Dodson. Dodson covets Evan’s membership in his region of The Order above all else. No is not an option, especially when Dodson discovers the premier councilor of The Order intends to claim Hoffmeyer alone.

President Tate Addison discovers Dodson’s plans for Evan and requests a favor from him and his loyal people—join The Order and destroy it from within. Evan is torn once again. He wrestles with the dangers to his faithful employees and family. Will Evan fight The Order with his newfound wealth or go undercover as President Addison requests? He turns to God once again for answers to his predicament.

Release dateJun 10, 2024
Evan's Predicament

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    Book preview

    Evan's Predicament - H. A. Ayers


    Evan's Predicament

    H. A. Ayers

    ISBN 979-8-89130-475-8 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89130-476-5 (hardcover)

    ISBN 979-8-89130-477-2 (digital)

    Copyright © 2024 by H. A. Ayers

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 48

    Chapter 49

    Chapter 50

    Chapter 51

    Chapter 52

    Chapter 53

    Chapter 54

    Chapter 55

    Chapter 56

    Chapter 57

    Chapter 58

    Chapter 59

    Chapter 60

    Chapter 61

    Chapter 62

    Chapter 63

    Chapter 64

    Chapter 1

    Stan stepped off the elevator onto the top floor of the Carson Corporation. He puzzled at the way Evan Hoffmeyer, CEO of Carson, rashly ended their call earlier. He prayed on his way from the hospital, after visiting Patrick, that no other challenges popped into Mr. Hoffmeyer's life. As head of Carson's security, Stan Cromwell grasped the severity of their situation more acutely than the others. The SD card Skip Pirelli sent to their lead attorney, Kimberly Carson, revealed a far larger conspiracy than they originally perceived.

    Still deep in thought, he reached his destination, the executive conference room. He vowed to find the secret entrance where President Addison and his security detail entered on that first fateful day. Stan and Mr. Hoffmeyer had already discovered one secret entrance to Mr. Hoffmeyer's office a few years earlier by chance. A repairman had been dispatched for a faulty elevator. The man drew Stan's attention to an unknown door within the elevator concealed by the stainless-steel panels covering the walls of the elevator itself. Stan convinced the repairman that all areas leading to the hatch had been closed.

    However, Stan and Mr. Hoffmeyer did a little reconnaissance and found a very interesting thing. The door led to a passage on the first floor. The passage led to a hidden set of stairs right to Mr. Hoffmeyer's office and opened through a secret door covered by paneling. Stan proposed they open the passage and conceal it with the current faux front filing cabinets in case of an emergency, which turned out to be a blessing the evening the president entered their building covertly.

    It burned Stan's biscuits anyone could enter the headquarters without permission—be it the president of the United States of America or not. He was bound and determined to find the new unknown tunnel. It was priority one for him. Stan ensured the safety of every person in the building. He had implemented changes to the original security the Carson Corporation maintained by updating nearly everything. The Carson Corporation now boasted a state-of-the-art security system set aside for governments.

    Mr. Hoffmeyer failed to think like the billionaire he was when it came to his own security. Stan's initial assessment of the company's crippled system astonished the young CEO.

    "These are my initial findings for the headquarters and each warehouse in the States, Mr. Hoffmeyer," Stan reported as he handed him the information in writing.

    I thought we were slightly behind in technology around here, but not to this degree, replied Evan, concerned that his slack attitude toward his business's security could have brought harm to his people. Evan continued to scan the report. No, I will not use Carson's monies for a driver and bodyguard for myself. My persona remains unknown to many despite my wealth. As long as this remains true, I plan to drive myself daily to work. Besides, hiring bodyguards will only draw interest, not deter it.

    I understand your stance, Mr. Hoffmeyer, and I respect your wishes. However, I would encourage you to leave the monies I suggested to allocate to those items in the budget yearly. Five, ten years down the line may look much different than it is now—even in the mid-Ohio valley, logically advised Stan.

    Until that time comes, update everything else, and I will continue to drive myself, ordered Evan.

    Having this one leak into the headquarters worried Stan immensely. Just knowing that Vice President Dodson's brute enforcer, Tully, knew of the tunnel's existence put Stan on high alert. Whether Mr. Hoffmeyer liked it or not, now was the time to carry out his initial suggestions. Dodson, Tully, Agent Calloway, and The Order warranted such a drastic step. Stan thanked God for ensuring Patrick only suffered a concussion and a broken heart when it could have been far worse with his encounter with Calloway and Tully. Both agents of The Order, under the vice president's command, invaded their lives. Stan feared they could do it again at any time.

    However, Mr. Hoffmeyer's abrupt end to the cell phone call worried him just as greatly. Cale Liston, son of former ListCorp's CEO, John Liston, posed a serious threat to his people still in Pittsburgh. Mr. Hoffmeyer, Mrs. Kimberly Carson, lead attorney for the Carson Corporation, and Ms. Carol Herbert, vice president of international affairs, remained behind to attend to last-minute business with ListCorp before returning home. Stan hired additional protection for them, but once Mr. Hoffmeyer ended the call earlier, Stan's stomach flipped to the point of nausea. Mrs. Carson and Ms. Herbert failed to return Stan's text he left nearly an hour ago.

    He reached the executive conference room and opened the door, hearing the telltale squeak of the door as it opened. Flipping the light switch on revealed an empty room. He surveyed each square foot, trying to narrow his search. Now, where would the most likely place be for a hidden entrance? he asked himself aloud.

    Stan had already checked the far wall directly opposite the door, but he halted his search when he found the listening devices. Talk to me, old girl. Where are you hiding the passage? As if a light bulb lit above him instantaneously, he ran down the hall, took the back stairs, and grabbed the blueprints of the building off his office desk. Then he scurried back up the stairs once again.

    The first time he attempted to find the unknown entrance, Stan placed the blueprints on the table inside, but this time, he stood outside the room, looking at the structure from the hallway. The blueprints displayed a shallow outside wall, and so he assumed no passage could possibly be contained there. He followed the structure lines and noticed that between the executive conference room and Patrick's alcove was a thick wall. Bingo! he yelled, finding a potential clue. I bet my 401(k) the little sneaky burger lies within this wall.

    Before he could investigate, a call from Carol Herbert disrupted his train of thought. Stan, here, he said, answering the call.

    Mr. Cromwell, we have a new development, and you need to sit down for this one, suggested Carol.

    Chapter 2

    Sequestered in a small panic room off the CEO's office in the ListCorp building, Evan sat stunned, recapping what had just happened. Four security guards sat patiently inside the room, while three others guarded the door outside. He attempted to leave the secured area when one of the men six inches shorter than Evan blocked his movements.

    Sir, I am sorry, but our orders are to secure you here until Mr. Sanchez says otherwise.

    This is ridiculous. I am in no danger. I need to make sure my people are okay, tried Evan.

    Please have a seat until Mr. Sanchez arrives, begged the man, trying to sway the larger man to sit on the comfortable sofa on the other side of the room.

    Evan complied. He seated himself and dug deep into his suit pocket to find his cell phone. He found Kimberly's number and pressed the phone symbol to make the call. There was no answer, and he was forwarded to voicemail. Kimberly, call me ASAP, and let me know what in the world is going on.

    The look on Cale's face flashed in Evan's mind. Cale turned psychotic with rage, giving Evan no doubt any chance of brokering peace between them would never come to pass. Why would John bequeath his company to me and not his only son? He had to know this would sever any chances for an amicable truce, thought Evan to himself.

    Evan already owned a little over 5 percent of the shares in ListCorp at John's behest. When he loaned Mr. Liston the monies needed to overcome the 2008 stock market crash in Evan's first year as CEO, Mr. Liston insisted he take part of his payment as stocks in ListCorp. John wanted to give him a little over 10 percent, but Evan refused. Evan finally caved and accepted half of the shares John offered, not wanting to insult the older man. As the stocks regained stability and began to climb, Evan's shares earned quite a bit of money.

    A noise in the adjoining office sparked interest from his chaperones. Two left the room to investigate, leaving the others to nervously pace across the room readying themselves for whatever may occur. A voice on the other side of the door notified them all was clear. The door opened with a security guard, leading Jared Sanchez, ListCorp's lead counsel, and Kimberly.

    Evan stood to meet them. What in the world is going on?

    Jared glanced in Kimberly's direction before beginning. Mr. Hoffmeyer, John Liston left you controlling interest in ListCorp, along with a majority of his personal assets.

    Evan grimaced and asked, And what about Cale?

    Understand, Mr. Hoffmeyer. John wrote his will four years ago. Each year, I asked if he wanted to make revisions, but he said no. He gave no reasoning. Last year, he disclosed only this to me. Jared handed him a case holding a disk that looked like a DVD. I have never watched it per his request. He specified only you and you alone were to review it.

    Evan accepted the item and asked again, And what about Cale?

    Kimberly interrupted, saying remorsefully, Evan, he didn't receive anything except one of Mr. Liston's residences. She braced herself for Evan to explode.

    I don't understand. When I spoke with Mr. Liston earlier in the week, he said he was making arrangements for the future of his company, and I would not have to worry about Cale.

    Uh, well, you see. Mr. Liston did make changes with the board on that particular day. He named you interim CEO due to his health. You won't have to worry about Cale. The residence John left him was the one in Sydney, Australia, explained Mr. Sanchez.

    You don't understand, Jared. He will be out for blood now, candidly said Evan.

    The security guards escorted him from the building twenty-five or thirty minutes ago. A restraining order has been issued to him to leave you and ListCorp alone. He cannot enter this building or be within a football field of you, reassured Jared.

    Evan, I know it is not optimal with everything else, but Mr. Liston truly respected your abilities enough to entrust you with his empire, tried Kimberly.

    To what cost, Kimberly? More court appearances like with my uncles for the next ten years? Threats from Cale's unsavory associates to me and my family? My family! Oh no, Amanda and Wanda are shopping unaware of the current situation, exclaimed Evan as he grasped urgently to his cell. No answer.

    I doubt Cale would attempt to harm Mrs. Hoffmeyer, sir, responded Jared, not sure of his own words.

    Yes, he would, Jared, cried Kimberly. And he may already have! Look! She pointed to Evan's phone ringing with Cale's name and number showing.

    Evan Hoffmeyer speaking, answered Evan, trying to maintain calm in his voice.

    Hello, Evan, snidely snarled Cale. "I intend on filling your life with pain. I'll be there in a minute, ladies. That's right, Evan. I decided to catch up with your wife and Wanda Schuster to do a little shopping. Don't even try to call your wife. Her phone sits safely in my pocket. You know you can't touch me, Evan. Senator Russell will make sure of that for me. She and The Order will help me get my company back. For now, you will feel the shock and suffering I felt when I found out you inherited ListCorp today."

    If you lay a finger on her, I swear, Cale, you will regret it, threatened Evan, gripping his free hand into a tight fist in anger. His entire body shook from uncontrollable rage.

    Tsk, tsk, Evan. God would not be pleased with you right now. Now, would He? How does it go? Love thine enemy and bless them? It has been a while since I have been in Sunday school, but would God allow you to threaten me? I think not. You see, Evan, your religion makes you weak. In no way, can you exact revenge on anyone, least of all me. Coming, ladies. Well, gotta run, Evan. Ta-ta, taunted Cale as he ended the call.

    Call Stan and track Amanda's phone. Now! bellowed Evan while glaring at Jared Sanchez. You should have warned me about Mr. Liston's will. I could have sent Amanda home on the jet with Stan. Now she is in danger!

    I apologize. Mr. Liston and I never thought Cale would go so far, begged Jared in disbelief at Cale's actions. His pained expression turned to Kimberly, who already called Carol with an update.

    Carol already called Stan thirty minutes ago about the will, and he jumped on the jet. She was going to call him back and have Stan track Amanda's phone. What now? she asked Evan, disregarding Jared.

    Wanda! I will text Wanda's cell, alerting her to the danger, he blurted as the idea came into his head.

    He found Wanda's contact number and began texting furiously. He pressed send and waited for a return message. Nothing after a few minutes. Each passing second felt like an eternity, not knowing if his sweet Amanda was safe.

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    Please keep Amanda and Wanda safe from harm. Please intervene in Cale's heart to help him realize the insanity in harming these women who are innocent of any fault. Thank You for Your many blessings in life. In Jesus's name, I pray. Amen.

    His silent prayer ended with everyone in the room watching him intently. I thought the Good Lord might help us, explained Evan. The employees of ListCorp stood flabbergasted that this powerful man stopped momentarily for his prayer.

    A call interrupted the awkward moment. Stan's number flashed on Evan's screen. Talk to me, Stan.

    I tapped into the security feature to find her sitting outside in a café not far from the antiques shop Ms. Herbert said she was supposed to be going. The signal has been stationary for about five minutes now. I am on the jet about fifteen minutes out from Pittsburgh, reported Stan. He provided the street address, and Evan relayed the information of Mr. Sanchez.

    I'll have our security head there now, replied Jared.

    Not without me, they aren't, firmly stated Evan.

    Not a good idea, Mr. Hoffmeyer, said Jared, worried harm could come to his newly ordained CEO.

    Listen to him, Mr. Hoffmeyer. I have a call into my buddy to see if the private security I hired is still with her, affirmed Stan.

    Evan. Listen to them. Let the men and women trained for this do their jobs, advised Kimberly with pleading in her eyes.

    Fine, but I want updates ASAP, hesitantly ordered Evan. He needed to know she was safe. Amanda was his other half, and his torn soul urged him to find her himself. Stan, keep tracking her, and I will give you to ListCorp's security so you can keep them abreast of her movements.

    Will do, Mr. Hoffmeyer, replied Stan.

    Evan handed his phone to Jared Sanchez so he could get Stan's number for his security people.

    A text notification displayed from Mrs. Schuster, Mr. Hoffmeyer, Jared stated with panic in his eyes.

    Evan grabbed his phone back. Urgently, he tapped the message to read it:

    Nice try, Evan. But I took her phone too. Do you really think I am that dense? My father always underestimated me, but you should never do so.

    Move your men, now, Sanchez, commanded Evan. This message afforded no delays. Sanchez moved to make it happen.

    Kimberly stayed beside Evan. Carol found her way to the office. Mr. Hoffmeyer? Mrs. Carson?

    In here, Carol, yelled Kimberly.

    Carol followed Kimberly's voice and entered the panic room. Clever, she said of the positioning of the hidden room as she took in her surroundings. Did Mr. Cromwell reach you, sir?

    Yes, thank you, Carol. He located her cell phone's position, and Jared has ListCorp's security people headed there now.

    Thank heavens, she replied, somewhat relieved.

    Well, not really, started Kimberly. Cale intercepted Evan's text to Mrs. Schuster, warning them they may be in harm. I pray it did not push him to impulsively do something worse in haste.

    Blood rushed from Evan's face, leaving a pasty gray-white complexion. Worse? was all he could say.

    Oh, I am sorry, Evan, but there is the possibility, reasoned Kimberly.

    Evan's head dropped in despair. Kimberly's assessment of Cale's potential for cruelty and brutality sang true. All of the money in the world failed to match his love for Amanda, and Cale knows it. Evan remembered one meeting two years prior with John Liston and Cale in attendance.

    Very good, expressed Mr. Liston to Evan after a discussion of their next venture together. I think our proposal provides a fair acquisition price.

    Evan's phone buzzed, interrupting Mr. Liston's train of thought. Evan unconsciously smiled after reviewing the number calling. He pressed ignore to continue their business, but his joyful smile remained.

    That must have been Amanda, knowingly said Mr. Liston.

    Why, yes, it was. How did you guess? asked Evan in surprise.

    Are you kidding, Hoffmeyer? sarcastically asked Cale, interrupting. You look like a lovesick schoolgirl the way you are smiling right now.

    Evan kept silent, but not his father. Cale, if you ever love someone, besides yourself, someday, perhaps, you will feel the same joy Evan expresses this very moment.

    Cale sneered at his father and retorted, You mean to feel like a target, Father. Evan's obvious love toward his wife makes him weak.

    No, Cale. Not weak. Strengthened daily, replied Evan.

    Maybe Cale told the truth. Did the loved ones in his life make him a target and weak? No, thought Evan. They do strengthen me. Don't let Cale get into your head, Evan.

    What do we do now? asked Carol. Mr. Sanchez and ListCorp's security left us without an inkling of an idea what is expected of us next.

    Well, actually, Jared handed me a CD from Mr. Liston, explaining everything to me. We could watch it until we hear from the others, offered Evan.

    Didn't Jared say for you and you alone? reminded Kimberly.

    Come on. When do I ever do anything without either of you in my business life? asked Evan.

    This is true, Mr. Hoffmeyer. You do involve Mrs. Carson and myself more than any other CEO would, relented Carol. Almost to a fault, I might add. She chuckled at the last statement. She appreciated the way Mr. Hoffmeyer requested their input on everything from company parties to helping inform the president of the United States that he was in danger. Many CEOs implement edicts to be followed, never corroborated upon.

    Okay, Evan. Please don't tell Jared. It might tweak his nose out of joint if he found out Carol and I watched the video and he didn't, warned Kimberly.

    Evan scanned the room. He found no place to play the video. His own laptop remained at the hotel. Drat. I left my laptop in my room. I don't have access to passwords for any of the ListCorp computers yet.

    Well, maybe since all of the guards are otherwise detained, I can return to the hotel and retrieve the laptop from your room, Mr. Hoffmeyer, suggested Carol.

    Good idea. It is only about five minutes away, exclaimed Kimberly, anxious to hear why in the world Mr. Liston would leave ListCorp to Evan.

    Evan walked into the main office. He found the land phone and picked up the receiver. The buttons conveniently displayed the names of various locations in the building. Before he could press the front desk button, Janet, Mr. Liston's executive assistant, entered the office.

    May I help you with anything, Mr. Hoffmeyer? she asked suspiciously.

    Uh, yes. I needed to contact somebody to bring one of the cars around for Ms. Herbert. I need her to access my personal laptop located in my hotel room so I can watch Mr. Liston's CD he left for me, explained Evan.

    That shouldn't be a problem, but it might be easier if you used the computer here in Mr. Liston's, I mean, your office, sadly replied Janet.

    Evan placed a hand on her shoulder, saying, This will always be Mr. Liston's office in my mind as well.

    The executive assistant smiled bravely and appreciatively up at Evan. Then she quickly accessed the computer on the main desk in the office for him.

    If you need anything else, Mr. Hoffmeyer. I would be honored to help in any way. Perhaps any refreshments for you and the others? she proposed.

    That would be lovely. Thank you, accepted Evan.

    The dutiful woman left the office, scurrying down the hall to find food and drink.

    Evan turned to Kimberly and Carol. Well, I guess we will not need my laptop after all.

    Evan's phone rang. Evan Hoffmeyer speaking.

    Your attempt to send my father's goons failed, Evan. Their oafish movements gave them away easily. So now, I am done playing. Remember, Evan, you brought this on yourself, declared Cale angrily.

    Evan! Evan! Help me! The call ended with his wife's screams.

    Evan panicked and turned toward the other two in the room.

    Oh my goodness, Evan! What do we do? frantically asked Kimberly.

    Carol, call Stan now and apprise him of the call from Cale. Kimberly, call Jared. I am calling the authorities, ordered Evan.

    Chapter 3

    Cale ended the call and focused his attention on the two women tied to each other with zip ties. Somehow, Amanda inched the gag placed around her mouth enough to yell out. He reached across the seat and retied it more tightly, disabling her ability to speak once again.

    Wanda attempted to kick him as he busied himself with Amanda's muzzle. Her aim was not as true as she wanted, but it did reach his knee. He spewed obscenities from the pain, and Wanda smiled victoriously.

    You witch! He slapped her across the face. I will deal with you like I should have years ago, he shrieked uncontrollably. Wanda's eyes exhibited fear as he continued. Before I indulge myself, I intend on concentrating on ruining Evan Hoffmeyer. And you, my dear—he held Amanda's chin upward—are the key. Your dear loving husband will fall apart without you. Just like a house of cards, I take his foundation, and the rest will tumble.

    Amanda said something inaudible, but the intent was understood. You are quite spirited as well as beautiful. No wonder Evan kept you so long. Even older, you have a certain joie de vivre about you, he lustfully said.

    Wanda regained her own spunk and kicked him again, trying to draw his attention away from Amanda. This time, her aim was true, and he bent over in excruciating pain. Both women tried to synchronize their movements, scooching toward the door of the limo to exit. Wanda reached, stretching her fingers, to pull the latch on the door. Amanda shifted her weight in Wanda's direction to aid in Wanda's endeavor. It worked.

    Wanda kicked the door open with the leg she injured Cale, and sunshine flooded the backseat. Amanda found her legs and scurried behind Wanda. Both women's momentum landed them on the sidewalk.

    Amanda, dazed for a second, screamed, Help! Help us! Her screams were still muffled from the gag placed on her mouth. She scraped the side of her face on the sidewalk, trying to pull down the cloth. Finally, she inched it to her chin and yelled again.

    Cale charged through the opening, trying to grab Amanda again, but a good Samaritan rushed toward the woman with a cell phone in hand and called the police. Cale froze at the sight of the man. He quickly closed the door of the limo and yelled for the driver to go. Not satisfied at the slowness, he bellowed more convincingly, and the driver sped out of sight just as the sirens of the police could be heard.

    The man attending the women with their gags asked, Are you ladies, okay? Would you like to use my phone to call someone?

    Amanda regained feeling in her wrists after the man used a pocket knife to cut away the zip ties and replied, Thank you so much for helping us, and yes, may I please use your phone to call my husband?

    The sympathetic man handed her the cell as the police pulled to the curb. Another vehicle stopped behind, and Stan jumped out before it stopped completely. Mrs. Hoffmeyer! Mrs. Hoffmeyer! It's me, Stan Cromwell. Are you okay, Mrs. Hoffmeyer?

    Before she dialed her phone, Stan helped her to her feet, and she grabbed him and hug him, crying. I am now, Stan. I am now.

    I have Mr. Hoffmeyer on the phone now, Stan said with a tear in his eye, handing her the phone.

    Amanda handed the kind man who helped them his phone and thanked him again for his bravery. She turned to Stan and grabbed the phone with shaking hands and tears streaming down her face, saying, Evan? Are you there, Evan?

    Evan had been waiting on the phone for about five minutes after Stan called, saying he landed minutes ago, and a buddy in the police department met him at the airfield with sirens blaring. On the scanner, they heard the police receive a 911 call from a man who reported that two women were being abducted by a man in a limousine. Amanda? Oh, my sweet Amanda! Are you okay? Did Cale hurt you? Evan's voice cracked with pain and sadness that he could not be there by her side.

    What is going on, Evan? We didn't even see him coming. Our security didn't protect us. What is going on? She repeated, sobbing and still shaken to her core from the event.

    Oh, my darling. I am so sorry. We can talk more freely when Stan gets you back to me. I love you, my sweet, Evan said, with tears coming down his face in rage and fear. Is Wanda with you?

    Uh, yes. She was amazing, Evan. We only got away because of her quick thinking. But she is just as shaken as I am, relayed Amanda, calming slightly but still crying. Evan, an ambulance is here, and they want us to go with them.

    Give the phone to Stan for a second, ordered Evan.

    Amanda passed the phone to Stan. Stan here, sir, he said after accepting the phone gently from Amanda.

    Stan, you stay with them all the way to the hospital. Is Jared with you?

    Yes, he is attending to Mrs. Schuster and helping the police get a statement from both women, he replied.

    Ask the ambulance what hospital they intend to take them to, and then let me know. You can tell Jared, whether he likes it or not, Kimberly, Carol, and I are headed to the hospital, Evan ordered sternly.

    Yes, sir. A young man played hero to the ladies and came to their aid as soon as he heard Amanda yell for help. You never see that anymore. Do you want me to offer a reward?

    Absolutely! In fact, I would like to shake his hand personally, so get all of his information for me, Evan said. A good Samaritan sent by God Himself. Praise the Good Lord for His many blessings.

    Amen to that, Mr. Hoffmeyer. I will get back with you when I find out what hospital they will be going.

    Thank you, Stan, offered Evan.

    No need, sir. I will always be here for you and your family when needed.

    The call ended, and Stan turned to busy himself with the ladies. Stan sent a text to Evan to notify him they intended to take them to Steele General Hospital, where everything in Pittsburgh began.

    Evan read the text message. He turned to his two other trusted employees, saying, We are headed to Steele General Hospital, but first, I need a moment to thank God.

    Evan silently prayed with a thankful heart. Anxiety and hate left his body instantly. He looked up to see Carol and Kimberly doing the same. Evan's mind said another prayer, thanking the Lord for all of the wonderful people surrounding him. Their strength and like-minded faith edified Evan.

    Kimberly, call the front desk and secure us a ride to the hospital, ordered Evan.

    Will do, boss man, she replied and headed to the nearest phone.

    Mr. Hoffmeyer, don't forget the CD Mr. Liston left for you, Carol said as she handed him the item before he exited through the door. I fear Cale may still have allies within the walls of ListCorp. Not many, but maybe a few.

    True, Carol. Thank you. Although I don't see when I will have a chance to view it for myself any time soon.

    Okay, a car will be out front in about five minutes. We should leave now, Kimberly informed.

    The three weary souls left the CEO's office and began walking down the hallway toward the elevators. Before entering, a ping alerted Evan of another text message. He looked at the screen showing Amanda's name. He opened the message and read:

    They may have gotten out of my grasp for now, but I assure you, when you least expect it, your lovely wife or anyone you hold dear will feel my wrath. My new friends in The Order will ensure I exact my revenge. And I will be there to see you weep and fall apart!

    Kimberly read over his arm, disrespecting Evan's privacy. Oh my goodness, Evan. We have to treat this threat as valid.

    Evan looked down at his fearful attorney and said as the elevator doors opened, No one threatens my loved ones. No one!

    Chapter 4

    The news regarding the three senators has been leaked to the press through our informant, Mr. President. It should only be a short time before all of the networks will be covering their deaths, whispered Agent Jackson.

    President Addison nodded in acknowledgment. Only his trusted Secret Service agents and himself knew the truth. Senators Brown, Russell, and Whitbocker remained in a secure bunker underground in Guam until they could testify against Vice President Dodson and The Order at a later date. Their testimonies would be instrumental in stopping the evil organization's grip on the United States it currently held.

    With the intel received from the CEO of the Carson Corporation, Evan Hoffmeyer, and his shadow operative, Chameleon, the president learned that The Order's reach globally encompassed world governments and the ultrawealthy, including the three senators, the vice president, and numerous others within the framework of the US government. An unsettling truth was thrust into the president's lap on top of the current dangers threatening every being on the planet.

    Hoffmeyer's information opened his eyes to the potential harm intended for Addison personally led by his own vice president, Perry Dodson. The president realized careful planning must take place going forward. Up to this point, everything had been reactionary. Thank heavens, the Good Lord intervened on several occasions. Hopefully, now he, his trusted security detail, Chameleon, and his civilian asset, Lavie Cohen, could move forward to turn the tide on Dodson and The Order.

    However, the president knew he needed Evan Hoffmeyer on board. The man held the key to the survival of millions. Addison breathed a sigh of relief only hours earlier to find out Hoffmeyer and his man escaped the clutches of the unknown band of assailants pursuing them after their clandestine meeting at the church building. Rodriguez confirmed through back channels that Hoffmeyer had been taken by someone in the FBI but was released a few hours earlier. However, she could not confirm who orchestrated the grab or why.

    Addison understood he needed to meet with Hoffmeyer again. This time, to enlist his full cooperation. Their last meeting made the president cringe at his own actions. The man provided much-needed intel, and Addison coyly, if not overtly, failed to explain anything to Hoffmeyer.

    The president did have to chuckle at how Evan called his bluff and left when he felt Addison was toying with him. Tate Addison blamed only himself for not securing Hoffmeyer. Jackson assured him he did the right thing, but Addison knew otherwise. He needed Hoffmeyer on board ASAP. Agent Jackson did not understand the full scale of Hoffmeyer's importance.

    Addison was jarred from his train of thought by the sounds of crying and lamenting. Several of his aides rushed to a screen in the main seating area of the plane. The rest of the passengers, including him and his Secret Service agents, huddled in the small area, watching the news. Photos of the three senators graced the screen with a caption below stating: Senators Presumed Dead.

    The news anchor continued to state that unconfirmed reports from the capitol building said the senators' airplane exploded and sank somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. The men and women on Air Force One turned to the president for answers.

    Addison carefully inspected the crowd and finally said, Please come to the conference room.

    The president knew listening devices remained in the room, so he wanted to make sure whoever monitored them heard his every word. People filed into the small room, eagerly waiting for President Addison to address them.

    Ladies and gentlemen, the reports on the news are accurate. We were awaiting confirmation from the salvage mission currently taking place fifty-five klicks from the base in Guam. Once verification exists, I plan to address the nation regarding the explosion.

    His own sad, morose face cued others to express their sadness as well. He fooled his closest advisors and aides with the act. He feared he would not be successful, but clearly, he was. He continued, Moreover, I ask no information be given to the media at this time from anyone in this room, at least until the investigation has been completed. Their long-distinguished service demands we thoroughly investigate the cause of the explosion. I intend on calling Vice President Dodson to notify their next of kin. Whoever leaked their deaths to the media will deal with me—personally.

    The others around the room nodded their heads in agreement. Sir, a call from Vice President Dodson for you, said Conrad, the aide caught snooping around the president the day earlier.

    Patch him through to my phone here in the office. The rest of you are dismissed, ordered the president. Agent Jackson raised a knowing eyebrow in Addison's direction before he left the office. After the last person left the makeshift office, he placed the phone to

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