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JACOB GUNN RESERVED TRUST: The Intrigue of a Young CIA Agent's First Covert Mission
JACOB GUNN RESERVED TRUST: The Intrigue of a Young CIA Agent's First Covert Mission
JACOB GUNN RESERVED TRUST: The Intrigue of a Young CIA Agent's First Covert Mission
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JACOB GUNN RESERVED TRUST: The Intrigue of a Young CIA Agent's First Covert Mission

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Some people described Jacob Gunn as being born with a chip on his shoulder. Throughout most of his childhood and all of his adult activities, Jacob held a disdain for the word “trust.” His life experiences caused him to believe trust was illusive or imaginary. He believes there are no half-truths or comparative truths, and truth is too often based on uneducated faith on words instead of actions.

This story follows his perception and application of trust. His youthful brilliance, defiance, and unfilled need to be respected had driven him to develop strength and skills that the Navy and the CIA would later deem fitting for assignments in Naval Intelligence and as a covert agent.

Jacob excelled in the mental and physical endeavors during his schooling, duties as a Navy officer, and his assigned CIA work. He was headstrong and dedicated to completing his agency’s potentially dangerous assignments. He was thrust into a world of intrigue and suspense. He was given leadership positions for which he had not been completely prepared. He discovered that most everything he saw or heard needed verification or proof before it could be considered real and trustworthy.

“To survive, I must not trust anyone. I’ll believe it when I see it.”

He discovered that the promise of survival from those he thought he should be able to trust was not certain some wanted him to fail. He operated on the principle of “Verify, then Trust,” not the other way around. He began to question if the CIA could be trusted. He used his heightened senses and self-interest to guide him when under pressure and without clear direction. Yet would trust in himself and his self-interest lead him to success or potential destruction?

During the process of gaining experience, he began to learn about some of his strengths and weaknesses and finally began to recognize an intervening force of protection.

Release dateJun 10, 2024
JACOB GUNN RESERVED TRUST: The Intrigue of a Young CIA Agent's First Covert Mission


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    The Intrigue of a Young CIA Agent's First Covert Mission

    William G. Young

    ISBN 979-8-89130-729-2 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89130-730-8 (digital)

    Copyright © 2024 by William G. Young

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    This is a work of fiction; any resemblance to any person alive or deceased is strictly coincidental. Actual personal events inspired several parts of Jacob’s story.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    In memory of Eileen Hegstad, my loving wife and pal.

    Jacob's Arrival

    This Stuff Is Boring

    The Onset of Trust Issues


    The Way Out?

    A Real Realization

    Boot Camp

    Boot Camp Graduation

    Bethesda Naval Warfare College

    Full Steam Ahead

    Settled In

    The Second Year and the Third Year


    Reporting or Duty

    Finally in Port, Yokosuka, Japan

    The Interview

    A Dramatic Change of Duty

    CIA's New Guy

    The Fish Tail Market and Eatery

    Time Is Running Out

    The Plot Thickens

    Eleven, Where Are You?

    Merry, Merry, Quite Contrary

    How to Put the Pieces Together?

    The Third-Floor Dilemma

    One Chance

    The Plot Thickens

    Talon Loses His Grip

    WIIFM: What's in It for Me?


    A Secret Trip

    Fear and Frustration

    All Aboard!

    So Close Yet So Far Away

    Closing In

    Hit, Run, Safe?

    Let's Play Wheel of Fortune

    You're the One

    Agent Gunn Gets the Ball

    Put the Pedal to the Metal


    What If?

    What If?

    The Report Is Finished—For Now

    Jacob and His Mommy

    Where Do the Leads Lead?

    Are We There Yet?

    The Vault Breaketh

    It Sure Is Fun to Watch

    Searcy Gets the Ball

    What Happened Here?

    Who Are These Guys?

    More Questions Than Answers

    Where, Oh Where Could Mariana Be?

    Follow the Money?

    The Note

    Man Overboard!

    Harod's Warehouse (Part 1)

    Harod's Warehouse (Part 2)

    Harod's Warehouse (Part 3)

    Lunch at the Seaside Inn

    Is This a To-Go Order?

    Riding Off into the Sunset?

    About the Author

    In memory of Eileen Hegstad, my loving wife and pal.

    Jacob's Arrival

    Jacob's parents met in their eleventh grade accounting class at the Chula Vista, California, High School and married shortly after graduation. Those familiar with them wondered how Andrei and Freja came together as a couple because they were very different in outward appearances, as well as each held unique opinions that differed almost about everything.

    Freja had a slight build, and sometimes, others would judge her as frail. Her gentle eyes projected kindness. Because of her orange-red hair, her Norwegian heritage was often confused with that of an Irish or Scottish lineage.

    Andrei was very strong and sported a slender build with wide shoulders, which were much wider than the rest of his muscular body. He had an extensive Russian heritage. He also had a rather small round head that seemed to be out of place for the width of his upper body. He was most often sullen and quiet. He rarely smiled and was always gruff to just about everyone. One of his friends said that he wanted, at times, to poke him with a stick to see if he would move.

    Andrei gained employment as a brick-and-mortar laborer for a twenty-man construction company. The owner of the company said, I wouldn't need twenty men if I had five of Andrei.

    Andrei and Freja were not sure what to do when the doctor told them a child was on the way. They were somewhat happy when their first son was born. Andrei named the child Tass after his father.

    Thirteen months later, another son arrived. The doctors described his birth as bum first and hung up by his shoulders. He was brought into the world using surgical Cesarean section. Freja chose to name the boy after her father, Jacob.

    Over time, their family grew with the addition of three sisters and another son. Freja was tasked with raising the children and managing the household duties while Andrei did his best to provide for his family.

    Initially, the family lived in a crowded ranch-style house having three bedrooms: one for boys, one for the girls, and the parents were in the third. The one aspect of the home that proved beneficial was that it had two full bathrooms, even though one of them could only be accessed through the parent's bedroom. The parents often displayed their annoyance to anyone who entered their private space.

    Andrei and Freja were always looking for ways to save money to purchase a larger home. Sometimes, this would cause paying other family expenses to be a stretch. Freja wished for a new house with at least five bathrooms and six bedrooms.

    She was the principal family peacemaker and reasoned that having additional bathrooms would be a big help in keeping the peace, because oftentimes, it seemed that everyone needed to use the bathroom at the same time. But she already knew and came to accept—as she had for many other things on her wish list—this wish also wouldn't, or couldn't, be fulfilled. The home they eventually were able to purchase seemed to be a better fit because it had four bedrooms and two and one-half baths.

    Andrei was more of the family enforcer and executioner. Should he stand and make a snorting sound, all of the family members headed for cover and collective silence became the rule. He demanded that when in their home, all family members must speak Russian. This was the source of many parental arguments as Freja struggled with the language. Somehow, Jacob adjusted and excelled at both Russian and English beginning in kindergarten.

    Jacob endured being the butt of many jokes during his formative years. The slurs thrown at him were due to his height being much taller than his parents and most of his fellow students. He believed his freckles and his orange-red hair were a curse because he had to endure taunts from classmates, including Carrot Top and Fire in the Woodshed. He learned to brush off other taunting names such as Incompompey, Odd Duck, and Tall Drink of Water. He wasn't sure if he liked being called a brainiac. Even at his young age, no one dared to call him a nerd.

    This Stuff Is Boring

    Inasmuch as Jacob's brilliance was recognized by his teachers from his earliest school grades, they may have tolerated more of his antics than they should have. They all tried to prod and inspire him to fully apply himself during his classwork. But he said he was bored and said, This stuff is too easy.

    His mathematics instructors were often frustrated as he only entered the answers for the test questions on his class exams. He refused to show his work to demonstrate the steps he used to solve the problems.

    One of Jacob's math teachers accused him of cheating by possibly looking at other students' test sheets. She sent him to a desk in the back of the room, gave him a slightly different math test, and he aced it. But true to form, he didn't show the reasoning steps he used to solve the various math equations. In record time, he had calculated the answers in his head and became combative when he was challenged to explain the solutions: They're the right answers, isn't that want you want?

    His teachers insisted that it was necessary for him to acquire the abilities to demonstrate his reasoning and be able to transport and apply his assessments and applications knowledge, as well as his levels of understanding across other subjects and life problems. Jacob would reply smugly, Whatever that means.

    Some of his teachers branded him as being a cutup, unfocused, a prankster, and many times, a smart-ass. They reasoned it was due to his expressed boredom in his school classes. When the school administrators created more challenging learning plans for him, Jacob excelled and overcame the educational goals in his customized individual education plans and, then, again, would lose interest in his classwork. Several times, his school administrators would recommend he skip a grade. His parents objected for reasons they were unable to clearly articulate.

    He had only one school friend he believed he could trust: his pal, Rick. Rick was the son of the city's police chief, but similar to Jacob, he was also branded to be a prankster and a smart-ass. He and Jacob were frequently together in the principal's office.

    Rick's father arranged for the young boys to walk to his office after a Saturday movie so he could give them a ride home. The chief asked that they wait for him and gave them an opportunity to wait inside the station's padded cell. The two young men bounced off the walls and later described their adventure as a lot of fun. But when they tried to leave the cell, the door was locked and their fun turned to fear.

    Nearly two hours later and believing they had been forgotten, Rick's dad returned. The clanking of the lock gave them hope they wouldn't be spending the rest of the lives in a small windowless cell. Rick's father told them, This is the place you could go if you don't do what is right.

    They made some serious promises they would be better behaved at school and in their homes.

    That teachable moment and impression lasted for less than two weeks.

    The Onset of Trust Issues

    In the sixth grade, Jacob wanted to make a bold move and pull off a prank of big proportions: he snuck into the classroom during recess and placed a tack on his teacher's chair.

    Yep, Ms. Bowman deserves this went through Jacob's thoughts. He had asked his best pal, Rick, to assist in the prank as his lookout.

    After the recess period and while his fellow students were entering the room, Ms. Bowman stood in front of the class. When the class members were seated and all was quiet, she stepped behind her desk and, with a sitting motion, appeared to be descending onto her chair.

    Jacob was prepared for Ms. Bowman's surprise and her reaction he hoped would follow.

    Oh man, this is gonna be hilarious.

    Ms. Bowman did not complete her descent into the chair. She slowly stood straight up, and without even glancing at her chair, she stared directly at Jacob and beckoned him forward.

    Jacob, please retrieve your tack from my chair.

    Jacob was stunned and glanced at Rick who was having a good laugh. All of the other students then began to point and laugh. He knew that they all had been let in on his plan. He realized that he couldn't trust even his best friend.

    I'll deal with Rick after school.

    Jacob came into the back door of his home covered in dirt and showing signs of a nosebleed and several scratches on his arms. Andrei was furious.

    In an unusual departure from speaking in his native language, Andrei yelled in English at Jacob, You know you don't fight. No fighting…no fighting…I will not tell you again…no fighting!

    But, Dad, I was sticking up for myself!

    I do not care reason why. You get respect from not fighting, you will not get my respect!

    Andrei had his powerful hand onto Jacob's arms and shook him.

    Stop, I was called a coward.

    "You are a coward to fight. A bigger man finds other ways to solve problems. Stand up, yes, but no fight! No dinner for you, go sweep the basement stairs clean and then go to your room. I do not want to hear your excuses. Trust me, you gain respect by not fighting!"

    Jacob was shaking, not all from fear of his father, but was shaking trying to control his wanting to punch him. His father had used the words trust and respect at the same time. He had neither trust nor respect for Andrei.

    Trust, what a joke! Jacob grabbed the broom from the corner and started sweeping the stairs. I can't trust even my own father to understand me.

    Jacob was harshly taunted and teased the next day. After school, five of his fellow students chased him for almost a quarter mile to his home to get him to fight. Fearing his father, he chose to run rather than fight. That caused even more scorn shown toward him. He was pushed, hit in the head, and taunted to fight.

    When Freja heard yelling close to her kitchen-side window, she pushed its flimsy curtains out of her way and was shocked to see a pile of young boys on her lawn. She grabbed a broom as she hurried out the back door and yelled at the trespassers to go away. The young men scurried like rats from what they called a dogpile—she found her son in a fetal position. Freja was at first concerned and, with a kind voice, asked him if he were hurt.

    When he replied, No, I'm okay, Freja began hitting him with the broom handle.

    You are not to fight. No…you were told not to fight. I will tell your father when he gets home!

    Mom, I wasn't fighting, I ran instead of hitting back. I was trying to get away.

    Jacob was convinced his mother and father shared the same lack of trust toward him.

    I can't win if I fight or if I don't fight. From now on, I'll choose to fight. So much for trust and respect from my mom or dad.

    When Andrei returned home from his work, Freja did not inform him about what had happened. Jacob was glad about that, but wondered, Will my mom use this as a form of control later?

    After his many previous family experiences, as well as now being punished for being on the bottom of a dogpile on his home's neatly mowed grass and the failure of his prank on Ms. Bowman, he set a very high trust standard before he would say or use the word friend.

    Mutual trust became a critical need in his association with others. During his attempts to discover a sense of closeness or to develop any form of friendships, he became very analytical of family and classmates' actions and words. For reasons he often could not rationalize to himself, he chose to stand alone.

    Jacob convinced himself that he wouldn't find any real friends. He applied the words of the Chinese philosopher, Obameso Sunkanmi, Don't fear the enemy that attacks you, but the fake friend that hugs you.

    He became skilled at hiding his disappointment.


    A few days before Jacob was to begin his junior high school year, Andrei took the family on a family fishing trip at a local park that had a river flowing through it. Fishing was an activity Jacob really liked because he usually caught the most or the biggest fish. Andrei grumbled about that, but didn't seem to hold a grudge, as he did in many other situations.

    Andrei stepped out of the river to hand a small fish he had taken from the hook to his youngest daughter. He put his hand on his chest, slipped, fell down the muddy bank, hit his head on a log, and landed in the river.

    Jacob was fishing a short distance downriver from his father. It was frightening and surreal when he saw a body floating toward him. Without thinking, he dropped his pole and waded into the flowing water. At the same time, a fellow fisherman jumped into the river and helped him pull Andrei to the bank.

    When the EMTs arrived, Andrei was pronounced deceased. One of the first responders recounted the daughter's description of the events and mentioned that he believed Andrei likely had a heart attack. But at that time, no one was sure if he could have died from drowning or from the blow to his head.

    The medical examiner said he did, in fact, suffer heart failure: thirty-nine years and eleven months in age, nearly forty, six kids at home seventeen and younger. Jacob was sixteen years old.

    Jacob was very passive and appeared to be detached from the events that had unfolded before him. He later described that as his father was dying on the riverbank, someone stole his father's fishing pole and creel. This event reinforced Jacob's long-held opinion that trust was nowhere to be found, especially not around him.

    The family was heartbroken, but Jacob not so much—he was somewhat relieved. Every day after his father had died, he wanted to be away from his mother and his whiny siblings. He mainly stayed by himself. During the prior four-plus years, he had avoided friction with Andrei but was always waiting for Freja to rat him out about the fight on the lawn. Now, so far, so good.

    His year-older brother, Tass, tried to take over the role of man of the house. Jacob had had enough of Tass's temper and directives to his siblings when he tried to assume Andrei's family role. Freja expected her family to respect the new arrangement of giving Tass a more authoritarian place within the family dynamics. But Jacob ignored her and tossed his pseudo-dad brother down the basement stairs. Freja threatened to have Jacob arrested.

    Jacob was unsure about his life's direction, but he knew he wanted out of his home. Sure, he knew he will be missed by his mother mostly because he did many chores because his lazy siblings couldn't find the time to help her. Although still resentful, Jacob proved to Freja he could help and take a large role in the family's well-being. But he wouldn't accept Tass giving him assignments or chore duties. He ignored Tass, and Tass stayed away from him.

    Jacob also figured he owed her for not telling his father about the fight. He knew that because of his father's temper, Andrei most likely would cause him injury. It was also probable Andrei would have tossed him out of the home. He learned later that Freja also suspected the same reaction from Andrei's temper. He reconciled that she was protecting him, which was most likely the reason for keeping their secret. His hardened attitude toward his mother became softened.

    Jacob kept a simmering animosity toward Andrei because he bought Tass a car when he was sixteen, but Andrei told Jacob he had to wait until he graduated from high school for any help to purchase a car for him. Andrei said that because of his attitude toward learning, that Jacob would likely never graduate. Andrei did not sign any of Jacob's report cards and didn't seem to care about the superb subject matter grades he had earned because Citizenship and Participation grades were usually less than satisfactory.

    Because of your attitude, maybe getting you a car if you graduate will give you a reason to pay more attention to your future.

    Jacob worked several part-time jobs to save enough money to purchase a beat-up car. He spent many hours repairing its many appearance issues. He then struggled to find a way to receive his drivers' learner's permit. He fervently studied and passed all of the needed written tests. But he needed a licensed driver to be in the vehicle while he was

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