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The Shekinah Glory: YAHWEH, #13
The Shekinah Glory: YAHWEH, #13
The Shekinah Glory: YAHWEH, #13
Ebook136 pages1 hour

The Shekinah Glory: YAHWEH, #13

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Discover "Shekinah Glory": The Radiant Presence of God

Welcome to a transformative journey through the radiant presence of God—welcome to "Shekinah Glory." Authored with heartfelt passion by Tarsiana Urnice Hauses and Journi Quest, this book invites you into the sacred depths of divine encounter, exploring the profound significance of God's presence throughout history and its relevance in our lives today.

Embark on a Sacred Journey:

In "Shekinah Glory," we embark on a journey that transcends time and space, delving into the multifaceted aspects of God's presence among His people. From the ancient Tabernacle to modern-day worship experiences, each chapter unfolds like a tapestry of spiritual insights, unveiling the beauty and majesty of the Shekinah Glory. Through meticulous biblical exploration and personal narratives, the authors illuminate how God's presence has consistently transformed hearts, healed brokenness, and empowered believers to live with purpose and passion.

Encountering the Divine Presence:

At the heart of "Shekinah Glory" lies the exploration of God's omnipresence and immanence—His eternal presence encompassing all creation, yet intimately dwelling with His beloved. Dive deep into reflections on the holiness of God, understanding how encountering His sacred presence brings renewal, restoration, and a profound sense of awe. Discover how worship becomes a gateway to divine encounter, where prayers ascend as incense and lives are forever changed in His presence.

Themes that Illuminate:

Throughout "Shekinah Glory," themes such as holiness, transformation, and community resonate with clarity and depth. Explore how God's presence purifies hearts, illuminates minds, and empowers believers to impact their communities with compassion and justice. Witness the miraculous and prophetic dimensions of God's glory, as signs and wonders unfold to reveal His sovereign power and eternal purposes.

A Heartfelt Invitation:

This book is more than a theological exploration; it is an invitation to experience the Shekinah Glory in your own life. Whether you are seeking spiritual renewal, guidance in worship, or a deeper understanding of God's character, "Shekinah Glory" offers profound insights and practical wisdom to enrich your faith journey. Embrace the transformative power of God's presence and allow His glory to illuminate every aspect of your life.

Gratitude and Warmth:

To you, our cherished reader, we extend our deepest gratitude for choosing "Shekinah Glory" and joining us on this sacred expedition. Your commitment to exploring God's presence through these pages is a testament to your hunger for spiritual truth and your desire to deepen your relationship with Him. May this book be a source of blessing and inspiration, guiding you closer to the heart of God and empowering you to live boldly in His love and grace.


As you immerse yourself in the pages of "Shekinah Glory," may you encounter God in ways that ignite your faith, renew your spirit, and equip you for every season of life. May the Shekinah Glory illuminate your path and draw you into deeper intimacy with the One who created you, loves you unconditionally, and invites you to dwell in His presence forevermore.

Welcome to a Journey of Divine Encounter. Welcome to "Shekinah Glory."

Release dateJun 17, 2024
The Shekinah Glory: YAHWEH, #13

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    Book preview

    The Shekinah Glory - JourniQuest

    Welcome and Introduction to Shekinah Glory

    Dear Reader,

    Welcome to Shekinah Glory, a journey into the transformative power and profound mystery of God's presence among His people. We, Tarsiana Urnice Hauses and Journi Quest, are deeply honored and grateful that you have chosen to embark on this spiritual exploration with us.

    A Warm Welcome:

    As you open the pages of this book, we invite you into a sacred journey—one that explores the depths of divine presence from ancient times to the present day. The Shekinah Glory, often depicted as the radiant manifestation of God's presence, is not merely a theological concept but a tangible reality that weaves through the tapestry of Scripture and enriches the lives of believers today. It is our heartfelt desire that as you delve into the rich insights and reflections within these chapters, you will encounter God in new and profound ways.

    Introduction to Shekinah Glory:

    In Shekinah Glory, we unravel the layers of God's presence with reverence and awe, guided by biblical narratives, theological reflections, and personal testimonies. Each chapter delves into a unique facet of the Shekinah Glory—its radiance, holiness, transformative power, and more—offering insights that inspire spiritual growth and deepen your understanding of God's character.

    Through our collaborative effort, we have sought to create a resource that not only informs but also invites you into a personal encounter with the living God. Whether you are a seasoned believer or someone exploring faith for the first time, we believe that the Shekinah Glory has something profound to reveal to each heart that seeks Him earnestly.

    A Heartfelt Thank You:

    To you, our dear reader, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Thank you for choosing Shekinah Glory

    and investing your time and heart in this journey with us. Your decision to explore God's presence through these pages is a testament to your hunger for spiritual truth and your desire to deepen your relationship with Him. We pray that this book will be a source of blessing and inspiration, guiding you closer to the heart of God and empowering you to live boldly in His love and grace.


    As you immerse yourself in Shekinah Glory, may you encounter God's presence in ways that ignite your faith, renew your spirit, and equip you for every season of life. May the insights shared within these chapters deepen your worship, strengthen your faith, and inspire you to live as a reflection of God's glory in the world.

    Once again, thank you for joining us on this sacred journey. We trust that the Shekinah Glory will continue to illuminate your path and draw you into deeper intimacy with the One who created you, loves you unconditionally, and invites you to dwell in His presence forevermore.

    With heartfelt appreciation and warmest regards,

    Tarsiana Urnice Hauses and Journi Quest

    Divine Radiance: The Brilliant Light of God's Presence The concept of Divine Radiance speaks to the brilliant light that emanates from God's presence, illuminating both the physical and spiritual realms. This radiance is a profound manifestation of God's essence, revealing His glory, holiness, and majesty. The exploration of divine radiance provides believers with a deeper understanding of God's nature and a richer experience of His presence.

    Biblical Foundation of Divine Radiance

    The Bible contains numerous references to the radiance of God's presence. One of the most striking is the encounter of Moses on Mount Sinai. In Exodus 34:29-30, after Moses speaks with God, his face shines with a divine light: When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord. When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, his face was radiant, and they were afraid to come near him. This radiance is a physical manifestation of Moses' encounter with God's glory.

    In the New Testament, the Transfiguration of Jesus provides another vivid example. In Matthew 17:2, it is written: There He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. This event highlights the divine nature of Christ and the glory that emanates from Him. The disciples' reaction underscores the awe and reverence inspired by witnessing such divine radiance.

    Theological Implications

    The radiance of God's presence carries several profound theological implications: 1.Divine Glory: Radiance is a visible manifestation of God's glory. This glory is intrinsic to God's nature and reveals His holiness, majesty, and power. It signifies the weight and importance of God's presence.

    2.God's Immanence and Transcendence: Radiance reflects both God's immanence, His presence within the world, and His transcendence, His existence beyond the physical realm. It serves as a bridge between the seen and the unseen, the known and the mysterious.

    3.Revelation: The light that emanates from God's presence is often associated with revelation. It illuminates truth and dispels darkness, guiding believers in understanding God's will and purpose.

    Experiencing Divine Radiance

    Believers can experience the radiance of God's presence in various ways, both spiritually and tangibly:

    1.Prayer and Worship: Engaging in heartfelt prayer and worship often brings believers into a closer encounter with God's radiant presence. The act of worship can create an atmosphere where God's glory is felt and seen.

    2.Scripture Meditation: Meditating on passages that describe God's radiance can open one's spiritual eyes to the light of God's presence. Reflecting on these scriptures invites the Holy Spirit to reveal the glory of God more deeply.

    3.Spiritual Visions and Encounters: Throughout history, many saints and mystics have reported visions of divine light and glory. These spiritual experiences often serve to draw individuals closer to God and provide profound insights into His nature.

    4.Nature: The beauty and majesty of creation often reflect God's radiant glory. From the brilliance of a sunrise to the serene light of the moon, nature serves as a canvas displaying the radiance of the Creator.

    Practical Implications

    Understanding and experiencing the radiance of God's presence has several practical implications for daily living:

    1.Transformation: Just as Moses' face was transformed by God's radiance, believers are transformed by experiencing God's glory. This transformation leads to greater holiness and alignment with God's will. In 2 Corinthians 3:18, Paul writes, And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

    2.Guidance and Clarity: The light of God's presence provides guidance and clarity in life's decisions.

    It illuminates the path that God has set before us, helping us navigate through challenges and uncertainties. Psalm 119:105 states, Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

    3.Healing and Restoration: The radiance of God's glory brings healing and restoration. Just as light dispels darkness, God's radiant presence can bring physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

    Malachi 4:2 promises, But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays.

    4.Witness and Testimony: Experiencing God's radiance empowers believers to be witnesses of His glory. It provides a testimony of God's power and presence, inspiring others to seek and encounter God. In Matthew 5:16, Jesus encourages, Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

    5.Hope and Encouragement: The light of God's presence is a source of hope and encouragement.

    In times of despair and difficulty, the radiance of God's glory reminds believers of His sovereignty and goodness. John 1:5 reassures us, The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.


    The divine radiance of God's presence is a profound aspect of the Shekinah Glory, embodying the brilliant light that emanates from the divine. This radiance reveals God's glory, provides guidance, brings healing, and transforms lives. By understanding and seeking to experience this divine radiance, believers are invited into a deeper relationship with God, characterized by His illuminating presence. As we open our hearts to the light of God's glory, we are called to reflect this radiance in our own lives, becoming beacons of His love, truth, and power in a world often shrouded in darkness.

    The journey into the radiance of God's presence is a journey into the very heart of the divine, where we are forever changed by the light of His glory.

    Holiness: The Sacred and Pure Nature of God's Glory The concept of Holiness within the context of the Shekinah Glory delves into the sacred and pure nature of God's presence. Holiness is a fundamental attribute of God, signifying His absolute purity, separateness, and moral perfection. This exploration aims to uncover how God's holiness is manifested in His glory, influencing both the created world and the lives of believers.

    Biblical Foundation of Holiness

    The Bible is replete with references to the holiness of God, illustrating His unique and pure nature. In Isaiah 6:1-3, the prophet Isaiah has a vision of the Lord sitting on a throne, and he describes the seraphim calling out: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory. This vision underscores the threefold repetition of holy, emphasizing the absolute and transcendent holiness of God.

    Similarly, in Revelation 4:8, the heavenly creatures declare, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come. This declaration of God’s holiness is a central theme in both the Old and New Testaments, highlighting the eternal and

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