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Late Nights on Broadway
Late Nights on Broadway
Late Nights on Broadway
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Late Nights on Broadway

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In a city plagued by corruption and violence, Black Broadway rises to power as the most powerful black mob family, but their rise to the top is not without challenges. Other mob families in the city are fighting for control over the lucrative extortion rink and Black Broadway's determination to fight for liberation and justice for their community puts a target on their backs.
The family navigates dangerous waters of the criminal underworld while also working to empower their community, led by lieutenants Earl "Shake" Bounce and Kendle "Kenny" Black. As tensions escalate between the different mob families, Black Broadway must also deal with internal struggles within their community and allies. As Black Broadway fights to maintain their power and influence, they must also navigate the dangerous alliances and rivalries within the criminal underworld.

Release dateJun 9, 2024
Late Nights on Broadway

Ernest Christopher-Jared Sandefer

Ernest Writer is an author who loves to create worlds with thought provoking comedies and dramas. He blogs as FKA ES WRITER covering real world events such as politics, personal development and society at large. Outside of writing, Ernest spends his leisure time playing video games, working out and cooking.

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    Late Nights on Broadway - Ernest Christopher-Jared Sandefer

    Late Nights on broadway.


    Ernest Writer

    Copyright © 2024 by Ernest C.J Sandefer.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    For more information, or to book for an event, contact :


    Book design by FKA ES Writer

    Cover design by FKA ES Writer

    First Edition : November 2020




    Chapter 1...............................F is for Family, Friend, or Foe?

    Chapter 2.............................Just Business.

    Chapter 3.............................Stand Up.

    Chapter 4..............................Cold Dish.

    Chapter 5..............................Your Move, Asshole!

    Chapter6..............................Early Mornings on Broadway.

    Chapter 7.............................12 Nights of Christmas on



    To the American Freedman.


    Capo Franky Televivi made his way to South Broadway, known to locals as Black Broadway. Franky sought the help of the black mob to gather intel on the Pochino family, allies of the Televivi Crime Family. The Televivi and Pochino families had previously agreed to share control of the city's businesses equally. However, Franky, son of Francis Televivi Sr., head of the Televivi Sicilian Mob Family, suspected that Ray Pochino had betrayed the pact between the two Italian mob leaders.


    F is for Family, Friend, or Foe?

    The once Jamaican-owned nightclub on the northern side of Broadway now served as a front for the Pochino Family. Raymond Ray Pochino, leader of the Pochino Crime Family,  strong-armed the club's owner into signing over the property rights. To maintain appearances, Ray kept the original owner and staff in place to run the club.

    Francis Televivi learned of Ray's unauthorized business maneuvers and arranged a sit-down dinner with him and his wife, Madam Rosaria. The night before, Francis sent his son, Franky Televivi, to meet with the Black Broadway mob. You better be right about this son. Or else there will be hell to pay. The Televivi’s tell no lies, you hear? Francis’ Televivi’s last words to Franky the night before the meeting. Franky knew he wasn’t lying but was still frightened by his father’s tone. Yes father Franky said.

    The next night, the two families met at Bart's, a restaurant known for being neutral ground where Italian mob families dined in. For hours, they shared hearty laughs, reminiscing on stories from their youth. Eventually, they ran out of tales, and a brief silence fell over the restaurant. Then, Ray broke the quiet.

    I gotta say Frank, it’s always good catching up with you and getting a free meal for the night without having to put my poor Rose over a hot stove. But I have a feeling sharing old stories and making sure I ate tonight wasn’t the reason for this, uh, dinner arrangement."

    Oh Ray. Always straight to the point. Always cutthroat.

    Yeah, just ask Sunny Borello how cutthroat I am. Ray said before he and Francis shared another loud laugh.

    Okay, Okay. I admire that about you Raymond. You know what else I admire about you? Televivi said.

    What’s that? Pochino asked.

    You’re a dreamer. A doer. You got ambition, kid and that can be a good thing, Francis said.

    Well, thank you. You invite me and my wife over so you could suck my dick or something? You getting lonely over there in that nice quiet house of yours?

    Francis chuckled at Ray’s jokes but was not amused. Ray continued with the banter.

    God Rest Ursula’s soul but I don’t think she’d be happy seeing you with my dick in your mouth and I don’t swing that way. My beautiful Rosario is enough for me.

    Oh, Ray. Quite the comedian you are. No, my Ursula wouldn’t like that at all... I called you and your lovely wife here to discuss business.

    Alright, so let’s talk business.

    Well Ray, as I said before, you’re a dreamer and a doer and might I add comedian, but what I must discuss is no laughing matter. In fact, it is very disturbing matter seeing as we made a deal, Ray. Once I gave you the opening to take down Borello, we made a deal to not make any moves on territory unless we sat down and talked about it first.

    Okay. That we did. What are you talking bout, Frank?

    I’ve received word that you took over that Jamaican club up north. What’s it called, the uh, the ghetto club or something? 

    The Stand Up. You think cause I know the name of that place that means I own it? I know the name of this fine establishment we’re in now, does that mean I own it? For Christ's sake it’s called Bart’s not Ray’s. Jesus Frank, I know your son little Franky’s name, I know your wife’s name, I know your name, does that mean I own all of you?

    Tension filled the room. Francis, angered by Ray's comments, responded with his usual method—thirty seconds of intense, silent eye contact.

    Alright, friend. If you say you don’t own the place, then I should believe you, right?

    Right, you should, but who told you that I owned the place? Was it them smooth talking jigs from the southside? They think cause they call themselves Black Broadway it’s okay for them to lie? They think they own this city? Frank, I told you a long time ago that we shoulda made another move on them boys after their leader got nabbed. How about it, Francis? Just you and me. Let’s go on and take them down before they get too rich and uppity again.


    Just you and me, pal. We aint gotta pay any of our men to do the job for us. They're out here spreading dirt on my name. Just say yes and we’ll wipe those rubber lip bastards out! What do ya say, Frank?

    There’s that cutthroat attitude I was talking about. If you’d just shut up for a moment, you’d get your questions answered. No, I don’t want to go after the negroes right now and no, I did not hear this rumor from them either. Sorry if that bursts your bubble, Ray, but the niggers aren’t to blame for this one, this time.

    Well, was it that weak son of a bitch who actually owns the club who told you that?


    Well then who told you, Franky?

    I’d tell you Ray, but we both know you’re a hot head. I don’t want you killing undeserving people over rumors. Listen, Ray, I will deal with it. You have my word and I have yours, right?

    Francis stood and extended his hand. Ray glanced at Madam Rosario before rising to firmly shake Francis' hand. Good seeing you, Ray. Madam."

    Francis said to Rosario before he, his son, and the Televivi henchmen left the restaurant. Ray sat at the table, staring at his empty porcelain plate. Rosario leaned in closer to

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