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Bluetune is a whale born on a cold winter night in the deepest trench of the North Pacific Ocean, and his life begins with a profound challenge from the very first day. This challenge, right from the moment of his birth, deprives him of the opportunity for an ordinary life and compels him to adapt to his unique circumstances. He spends his early years with his mother, who is his sole caretaker. She ingeniously strives to adjust their circumstances as much as possible while imparting life skills and responsibilities to her child. However, in his teenage years, Bluetune’s life is confronted with deep challenges. These challenges, one after another, push him into the abyss of despair and a sense of defeat. Nevertheless, he learns to gather his inner strength and boldly confront these adversities, methodically unraveling their knots. He learns that nothing is without purpose, and no problem is without a solution. Bluetune’s life story serves as a representation of the journey undertaken by all those who transform the challenges of their lives into victories.

Release dateJun 10, 2024

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    Bluetune - Bella Sou



    Bella Sou

    ISBN 979-8-89243-017-3 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89243-018-0 (digital)

    Copyright © 2024 by Bella Sou

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    If you are the best version of yourself, you will be a hero.

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    About the Author

    If you are the best version of yourself, you will be a hero.

    Chapter 1

    Viewed from afar in the cosmos, Earth takes the form of a spherical haven, a vision in blue. This expanse of azure is the watery embrace of our planet, a dance of interconnected oceans and seas that blankets most of Earth's face.

    It's a thought both thrilling and humbling that Earth's distinct cerulean attire might not be a solitary spectacle in the cosmos. Perhaps countless other azure orbs grace the universe, waiting for humanity's discovery. Yet the enchanting chronicle of Bluetune occurs here, amid our home's aqueous domains—a realm of perpetual swirls painted in mesmerizing blue.

    This charming tale commences on a frosty winter night within the heart of the North Pacific Ocean, in a secretive chasm named Challenger Deep. In this unfathomable trench, even the mightiest winter tornadoes fail to disturb its tranquility, allowing only the natural sounds of marine life to resonate.

    And it is here, within this shadowy abyss, on another tranquil night, that a wondrous spectacle transpires. A graceful, patient, and youthful whale concludes her arduous fifteen-month journey of pregnancy. With a heart heavy of solitude and moments of disappointment, she ushers forth new life into the world, a testament to the enduring beauty of nature's cycles.

    Alone, with an uncertain path ahead, she guides herself to this peculiar haven, embracing the moment she's awaited so ardently. A mingling of unfamiliar yet poignant sensations envelop her—the ache of childbirth's exquisite agony. The struggles of her pregnancy journey have already sculpted her strength.

    Isabel's path was strewn with trials during her pregnancy. Peyton, the father of her unborn, vanished one day when illness detained Isabel from the hunt. He left home to gather nourishment but never returned. In her tireless quest, she explored vast expanses, even beneath the cover of night, searching everywhere, even the shoreline, for endless months. Yet her pursuit bore no fruit, no trace, and ultimately, no hope.

    Unyielding, Isabel persisted in her search for months, disregarding assumptions fueled by tales and conjectures. She traversed hundreds of miles, driven by hope to reunite with her mate. Yet he remained a specter, forever elusive, his presence an enigma she could not unravel.

    The fate of Peyton remained uncertain. Fragments of her friends' accounts were her sole guide—rumblings beneath the sea on the day he vanished. Isabel herself had sensed no unusual echoes or disconcerting ripples. Beyond her ailment, everything wore normalcy that day. Reality stayed intact elsewhere; and she remained alone with her afflictions. This was her undeniable reality.

    Finally, a moment arrived when Isabel faced the sober truth, a verity sharper than venom. Simultaneously, she recognized this as a grief she'd faced with before. It was time to embrace the sorrow of Peyton's absence while kindling the anticipation of new life. She decided not to let his absence overshadow the joy of welcoming a life anew—her child deserved celebration. Thus, she returned to her haven in the depths of the North Pacific, awaiting the birth of her cherished offspring.

    As the moment for her baby's birth drew near, Isabel swam just a short distance from home. In the stillness of the night, when most ocean creatures slumbered, she sensed the impending arrival of her baby. Finding a spot not far from her haven, she brought forth her precious offspring. With gentle grace, the little whale entered the boundless ocean, a new life born of the sea.

    Finally, the labor concluded, and the young whale ventured into the world, embarking on its journey. It playfully circled its mother, creating a magical dance in the dark waters.

    After a few moments, the baby whale playfully frolicked around his mother, joyfully exploring on his own and then returning to her side. Isabel paced herself, gliding slowly so her young one could keep pace and become familiar with his watery world. Similar to all the creatures of the world, it appeared that the young whale had an innate understanding of his place in the vast ocean. Instinctively, he sought his mother's breast as hunger struck, nursing for the first time. Isabel, with tender care, allowed him to feed, nurturing the strong bond between mother and child.

    As the night's umbrella gave way to the first greetings of morning light, the ocean's surface began to shimmer with the touch of the sun. Isabel and her newborn whale blinked open their eyes to welcome the first sunrise of the young one's life. Despite the weariness from childbirth, Isabel recognized the importance of nurturing herself before tending to her offspring. To care for her little one, she needed to rejuvenate her spirit. With this intent, she swam a brief distance away, then returned several times, each time feeling more invigorated.

    In time, she cast a tender gaze upon her offspring, a soft smile gracing her lips as she observed his attempts to comprehend his surroundings. Good morning, my dear. I am your mother, she whispered with boundless affection, words born from the deepest love in the world.

    The young whale's astonishment seemed to pause momentarily, suspended in his gaze as he absorbed the unfamiliar world around him. His eyes then sought his mother's, and with a shared understanding, he drew closer, their gazes locking. Slowly, wonder softened into a smile—a smile that painted warmth across his mother's heart. Bursting with youthful energy, he started to twist and leap, creating a jubilant display.

    Around his mother he twirled, a streak of motion, before venturing a little farther. Pausing, he turned back to share a glance with his guiding star, then resumed his joyful ballet of leaps and bounds, eager to explore every secret crevice of this new realm. It was all so fresh, so novel—each sight an unexplored marvel.

    With curiosity as his guide, he approached a group of coral, their intricate forms an underwater picture that enthralled his senses. He studied them in wonder, drawn to their beauty like a secret held by the sea. His presence disrupted the slumber of fish nestled in the coral's embrace; they darted away, surprised by the vivacity of the young whale. Even a stern-faced crab poked out from its coral home, eyeing the exuberant newcomer, but retreated with caution upon spotting Isabel, the watchful guardian.

    Isabel drew near, amused by her son's exuberance and the aquatic residents' reactions. My son, take it easy. Quiet down a little. Others are still sleeping! Come, swim with me. We need to head back home, our cozy and comfortable abode, my dear, she advised her exceptional offspring, her laughter mingling with the gentle current as they embarked side by side, heading toward their tranquil home in the ocean's embrace.


    Not far at all. After an exhilarating and seemingly endless journey, the mother and son whales arrived at their haven. Their abode lay nestled behind a grand coral hill, a beautiful sanctuary as if it was waiting for them. Pointing gracefully, Isabel introduced the dwelling, saying, That is our destination. We have arrived, my son. Welcome to our home.

    Home? the young whale pondered, his curiosity piqued. "What does home mean? Lost in contemplation, he continued, Hold on, who's asking this? Is it me? But who am I? He paused again, his young mind navigating these intriguing thoughts. Never mind. What is mind, anyway? Ahh."

    Hello, Isabel, congratulations on your little one's arrival! What delightful news, Donald, an elderly whale, greeted her from a short distance, offering his well wishes before heading out for a hunt. Isabel turned to acknowledge him, gratitude shining in her eyes, and replied, Thank you, Donald.

    Returning her attention to her offspring, she gently invited, Come, my dear, let me guide you. Together, they entered their home.

    Their dwelling embraced a relatively spacious enclave, surrounded by coral hills on three sides and the gentle contours of the ocean floor. On one side, a mass of purple coral with myriad pores formed an exquisite illusion of a window, allowing them to view into the world beyond—a breathtaking sight of the ocean's depths.

    On the opposite wall, an array of three photo frames, a clock, a mirror, and a wall calendar had adorned the space. Below these items, a saxophone rested in quiet elegance, adding a musical theme to their beautiful home.

    Smiling softly, Isabel inquired, Isn't it lovely, my little boy? The young whale began to glide in circles around the area, cautious at first but soon gaining drive in his excitement. He spun and spun for minutes, delighting in the new environment.

    What an amazing place! he pondered. Amid his pondering, he asked, "Who's thinking these thoughts? Is it me? Me? But who is me? He paused momentarily, trying to find the answers yet unsuccessfully. He restarted his circling. Never mind. What is mind? Ahh…"

    "Just twirling around, perhaps. Boy? Am I a boy? What's a boy?" he wondered, suddenly halting and swimming to a corner, his gaze fixed on his mother. Isabel's warm smile met his gaze, and he responded with an innocent smile of his own. He then approached the wall, where photographs hung, coming to a stop in front of the first one. His mother followed, standing slightly behind him.

    The first image portrayed a robust and handsome whale holding a saxophone with a dignified stance. Isabel paused for a moment, then spoke gently, That's your father, Peyton, my dear. Taking a measured breath, she continued, I'll explain later why he isn't here with us anymore.

    Moving to the second frame, the young whale paused before it. The picture depicted a large female whale cradling a smaller whale, now adorned with the same necklace that graced Isabel's neck. Undescribed enthusiasm filled Isabel's voice as she shared, The beautiful whale is my mother, and the little one is me. My mother resides in the South Pacific. Someday, I'll take you to meet your grandmother.

    A moment's pause followed, as he pondered, "So is me the same as her?" But before diving further into that riddle, his gaze was drawn to something else—the jewel worn by the large female whale in the photograph, mirroring the necklace his mother wore. Isabel noticed his curiosity, recognizing his clever mind.

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